Archive for June, 2006
June 6th, 2006 at 04:51 am
Sorry so long but I am simply nervous:
I hope I am doing the right thing, as you all know my car is drivable but pretty soon it won't be. I will have to finance a car but my credit is sooo bad just reviewed my scores
Transuion: 610(dropped by 5 points due to inquiry)
Equifax: 595
Experian: 543
So since I was putting money away for a new car (I just opened this account) and only had $72.98 I decided to transfer to the challenge giving me a total of $823.46
Now I owe HSBC $797.61 and will pay this out of the challenge money leaving me with $26.30. My goal is to try and pay off as much as possible so that my score will boost and I will not need a co-signer for a vehicle, But I will have $812.61 in my EF (My brother still owes me $265.00) and I will get paid next week from the part-time job in which I plan on adding to the challenge about $230.00
Now I am left with the following
CC1: $2048.15
CC2: $944.45
CC3: $125.84
And this is what I owe on my moms accounts
CC1: $406.90
CC2: $216.96 ( I maybe a $100.00 off on this, actually more)
But this is my plan and please pray that my car hold out at least 4 more months
My score is low due to two charge offs and high balances and not slow pay
Oh boy you live an d learn
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June 6th, 2006 at 01:48 am
Well I returned the fan and got my $10.64 back. so literally I spent zero today. I did very well as far as dining out, I did not eat out in the last 3 days; a first for me. I also got a free shirt at J.C.Penney's by using a $10.00 coupon so I am adding $10.00 to the challenge and $1.00 for not spending any money today, a total of $11.00 so my new total for the challenge is $750.48
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Dining Out
June 5th, 2006 at 10:42 pm
Well I spent $10.64 today, .65 cents wne to taxes. The sole purpose of spending money was the air was off on Friday at the office and now it is back on, but I am taking thi sfan back and getting a refund...every one says I am cheap, but I simply do not have $.10 to waste
Posted in
June 5th, 2006 at 06:10 pm
Well I got a coupon from J.C. Penney's fro $10.00 when you spend $10.00 I found a shirt for the summer for $9.99 and used my coupon, so I got the shirt for free. I didn't have to pay tax...boy was that nice
Posted in
June 4th, 2006 at 04:01 pm
FYI: ING just upped the interest rate from 4.15% to 4.25%. I also have an HSBC account, which I believe is now at 4.50% but I have not utilized that account, I just think ING is more user friendly
Posted in
June 4th, 2006 at 03:52 pm
Went to the grocery store needed to pick up some things that I missed on Friday, so I spent a total of $23.63
The breakdown:
Groceries $11.36
Cleaning Supplies $4.49
Personal Care $3.99
Magazine/News paper $2.70
Sales tax $1.09
So rounded up the change and added a total of $1.44 to my challenge, my new total is now $739.48
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June 4th, 2006 at 04:51 am
Well today was a good day, did some cleaning, reading and then went into the part-time job...I did not spend one single coing on dining out. Not on breakfast, lunch or dinner...I am soooo happy. So because I did not spend any money not even on snacks I add $1.00 to the challenge bringing my total to $738.04
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Dining Out
June 3rd, 2006 at 02:21 am
Well I was hoping today would have been a no spend day, but needed to get a card and a ribbon for the boss' gift...I forgot yesterday but I only spent $4.56, $.28 on slaes tax and $4.28 for the card and ribbon. But I did meet one goal I did not buy any snacks nor did I eat out today
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June 3rd, 2006 at 02:06 am
In regards to my last post. You sent me a website to check the names of CA, well I had the incorrect name of the company and decided to double the site again and guess what, the company is on the list. So I will try and contact the company in which I owe the funds to in order to clear this debt
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June 3rd, 2006 at 01:51 am
I must say I am blessed and sometimes I do forget. Got my first paycheck today from the part-time job...$228.94 and was able to give $20.00 for Tithes because I am thankful. I was not looking for a part-time job and my sister gave my name to her boss at her part-time job (same place) and I was hired. Then a week later I was told I need a new car; so guess what the money I make here will be used towards car payments once I get a car, so yes I am blessed. Then I transferred $8.31 to the challenge giving me a new total of $737.04 placed $150.00 in the EF leaving me with $50.00 for myself. Boy, am I thankful
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
June 2nd, 2006 at 11:11 pm
Well here at the office the A/C has been off just before lunch (noon) and it's still off, now it's 6:10pm. We are here until 7pm (go figure, and of course the boss is gone). Unfortunately the roof is being repaired from two hurricane seasons ago and the company does not work on the weekend, which makes no sense. You woul think the weekend would be better since no one is in the building, but nope they chose to work on the roof on one of our busiest days. But here is the kicker the roofers left at 3 and the air is not on and guess where I am, FL 
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June 2nd, 2006 at 10:17 pm
Just my luck one of my co-workers asked what classes I was taking in the fall well I was unsure but remebered the cours ID number and guess what he has the book (both) one was about 140.00 and the other about $80.00. He said he'll bring me the book on Monday and once I get I will add the money that I would have paid to my challenge... I am so happy now all I have to pay for are my classes
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June 2nd, 2006 at 01:51 pm
I went to Baies R Us and picked up a gift for the boss' baby shower, you can wrap your gift for free..saved me a few dollars.
Posted in
June 2nd, 2006 at 03:58 am
Went to the library today and paid $.80 on a late book 
I always check way too many books at one time and cant read them by the due date; therefore, ending up with late fees. This time I decided only to check out two at a time but unfortunately I could not find a thing, figures. I like African-American fiction which is hard to come by at my local library...people for some reason steals them (the librarian told me this). The librarian who keeps the new books at the front desk for me did not have anything new. So I ended up at Wal-Mart cheapest place around, which offers these books in paper back unlike the book store down the street which only has hard backs starting at $20.00. To make a long story short I spent 9.68 on 2 books but will not match this amount at 100% because I will donate them to the library, therefore I will add $4.85 to the challenge.
New total$728.73
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June 2nd, 2006 at 03:40 am
Well due to my new challenge I am not going to eat out for the monththerefore I went to Walmart my favorite place...any way bought some groceries and snack etc also needed a baby gift for the boss' baby shower, Boy is he going to be upset he is not happy about this baby:
Dining out $3.09
Cleaning Supplies: $7.36
Personal care products:4.69
Groceries:$ 35.14
Leisure (books): $9.68
The library didn't have nay new books that I was interested in
Gift: $19.99
$Sales Tax: $3.50
Grand total: $83.45
Now there should be no spending what so ever this weekend
Posted in
June 1st, 2006 at 11:45 pm
Just check the balance on this account for some reason I was off about $3.00 and change my new total/correct total is $723.88..I did not add somthing and I know the late fee for the library books was one of them so I did add the $.80 but the other amount I am unsure of but glad it was more and not less
Posted in
June 1st, 2006 at 11:38 pm
Being that I pay all my bills online (no stamps) I decided I would deposit what I would have paid in stamps into my challenge money...the more I put away the more I'll have save being that this money maybe going towards a car instead of a down payment on a house like I anticipated but no need in crying over spilled milk.
So total for stamps is $5.18 but to keep it simple I will add $5.00
New total $720.33
Posted in
June 1st, 2006 at 11:22 pm
Moneytalks, stated in his last post that for June he/she's goal for June was to spend less, I think I will attempt the same challenge (thanks) Last month I spent $182.64 on eating out and snacks way too much, my goal this month is not to eat out, thus far I have spent $3.30 at McDonlad's for breakfast, when I have breakfast food at home and just too lazy to get up earlier. But that will stop. I also match the same amount to my challenge brining my total to $718.33
And once again thanks Money
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Dining Out
June 1st, 2006 at 10:21 pm
Came in today and of course nothing was taken care of. My co-worker thought is was more importanat to write "06/ /06" on every single intake sheet (the form we use when we schedule new patitents) which could have been done like always when a patient is scheduled..well instead of mailing out today's mail or filing away charts or printing todays notes for that matter she wrote "06/ /06" on every single intake sheet. What a waste she is going to drive me crazy for the summer
Posted in
June 1st, 2006 at 06:55 pm
As you all know I just found out my car has way too many leaks to fix therefore with in the next few months I should be looking for a new car. I decided the money that I was saving for a house and then change my mind, I was going to use the money to pay off debt...now I think I should use it towards a new car, well I have no choice. Any way
my credit score is terrible (615) I have two charge offs and no slow pays. I got an offer in the mail to pay off one of the charge off in order to settle the account, the original balance was $750.11 and the company is willing to accept $562.58 to settle (I did try to get this reduce, but was told no). My dilemma is should I pay off the debt and boost my credit score for a better interest rate when I decided to purchase a new car, but I'll be a short fund. However, in about a month with my part-time job I will be able to add the $500.00 back, or keep the money in case I need a down payment. I was thinking about going through my credit union, which I am sure will give me a better deal than the dealer. Right now I do not know how long my car will last but was told to just check the oils and drive it until it can't be driven any more. My sisters says pay off the debt boost my score and save even more for a down payment on a new car, especially since Ill get two checks from my part-time job which will be equivalent to the $500.00
I just dont know
lesson learn never live like the Jones otherwards never bite off more than yiu can chew. Don't cahrege things you do not need
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Miscellaneous ,
June 1st, 2006 at 06:41 pm
For may the following was added to my accounts for interest earned:
EF $.61
SVG #2 $.01
Checking 1: $.12
$20.00 CXhallenge: $1.33
Auto Account:$.19
Education: $.22
Total: $2.29
New totals:
Challenge $715.33
Auto acct $72.98
Ediucation Account $67.30
Posted in
June 1st, 2006 at 06:15 pm
Went back to work yesterday after a 4 day mini vacation and the person who took my place did absolutley nothing, I mean nothing. I can't stand her she drives me crazy...all day long she pretends to be busy and doesn't do a damn thing (sorry). Four days I was gone for and you think she filed one single paper, nope...but here is the kicker she waits until I get there and says "oh there are notes every where " yeah beacuse you did not file a thing. I of course, catch every thing up. Then another thing that drives me crazy with her is that she stands over me like she wants to talk and says not one word; then I move to another desk and she comes and do the same thing, then I move again and who is standing there over my shoulder? I miss Jodi the girl who was working there beore, she's back in school and had to leave now there is Jessica who won't start unitl mid June and she's another one that drives me bonkers
I can just scream
Sorry for the long blog but I needed to vent
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