May 8th, 2008 at 01:05 am
On Monday my boss told me not to work on the bills when I see them because the owner only wanted 1 person (S) to work on them. Before I could ask why she said she did not know. But I had a feeling he noticed that S really does leave them and not work. Now I have spoken to him already about her and she is the laziest thing, at the end of the day she won’t even put away the sign in sheets unless she is told but I noticed the other day she did. I was even shocked that she did it and thought hmmmmmm M (the owner) must have had a little chat with her, but B who is my boss wouldn’t tell me any way because basically she will be admitting that S is lazy and she had to have a little talk with her. Well today I realized he must have because when I came in there was nothing in the bin to do and she always for the last year and a half have had something in that bin and furthermore she was given the bills today and not only did she complete them but she mailed them out as well. And to top things off the boyfriend always calls at 5pm when everyone (the bosses) leave and he didn’t. She has been there a year and a half and he has always called and today was the first day he didn’t. Until I said something to M she would talk to him for 8 hours out of an 10 hour shift ( I am not lying) even the patients were complaining and then it just went from 5-7pm. You live with a person, how much can you talk about? Oh I forgot , usually she calls patients at 6:45pm to remind them of their next appointment and I have told her time and time again not to call so late, well today she called before noon so I am positive she spoken to. It’s too bad that it takes the owner to have to say something for you to do your job, or maybe he realizes that once I graduate I am out of there so he’d better make sure he has a capable staff
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May 7th, 2008 at 05:36 pm
Yep I got another A, I am like jumping for joy. I got the A in accounting and mind you this was the third time that I have take this course. Yesterday's final I got an 92. I am soooo happy. Now I am reading for my summer intern and I am a little nervous but hopefully all will be well
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May 7th, 2008 at 01:43 am
I was shocked when I saw my grade for a course I am taking ( Planning and Organization in health care) I got an A- I could not beleive it because I did not do too well on the tests. I am waiting on my final grade from the accounting class, I am positive I will have an A in that class as well, but we'll see
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May 6th, 2008 at 03:51 am
First I called the bank regarding the cancelled check, and thank goodness they allow 1 free copy a month if you request a copy of a check.
Then I called the director of the local chapter of Cystic Fibrosis (twice) and as the day progressed I thought why haven’t he called me back, I thought they wanted volunteers?
Well he finally called back and I will be volunteering Saturday & Sunday in two weeks, and to be honest I am a little excited about it. I was just saying that I want to touch people’s lives and start some volunteer work and then the college sends out this email for volunteers at the walk for Cystic Fibrosis, talk about coincidences
Then there is this hospital that I would like to work at after graduation, the direct of the college in which I attend sent out an email looking for interns. Well since I have already committed to a summer intern I thought maybe I could intern in the fall, closer to graduation. Well after speaking with the supervisor at hospital, he stated that he needed interns for the summer. This was a few months ago. Well I get a call on Friday to call him back and I called today and he was suppose to call me and of course I did not get a response. Hopefully he is calling me for the fall, I would really love to get in for the fall
Today was a no spend day, yippee…. I am very happy about that.
I almost forgot I went to see Mr. H since his wife passed away, and I always travel with my laptop. Well we got to talking about all the people who turned out for his wife’s funeral and all the attorneys from his firm (he has the largest firm in one state located in the west) Well he is 98 and had never seen their website, I felt really good that I could show him the site and place a smile in his face. I love that little guy. It’s so weird because I almost said to him where is D? Thank God I didn’t. I am really going to miss her
Then there is the thing with my job we are working some more Saturdays and I am not offered the opportunity to work because I work two extra Saturday’s. I know why my boss is doing this because no one told her I was and it was ok with the owner, so this is her little way of getting back at me. But that’s ok, something good will come out of this.
Oh something else that happened today, I run a report of all outstanding balances and have been for months well there was a name that was not on my list and when I brought it to my boss’s attention she said she had it in the computer well low and behold when I printed the list today the name was on the list. Hmmmmmmm. I can’t stand when people (well her) act as though I am stupid. What did she think? I would not know that she made a mistake, little miss perfect and added the name today. For months I have ran the same list and this name never showed up, just so happen the patient returned and I needed her chart and then miraculously after she’s informed the name is there and then she pretends it was the computer. For a year? Yeah right
oops I forgot, I have 7 people watching my purse on ebay. Hopefully someone will buy it
Posted in
May 5th, 2008 at 03:16 am
I forgot to note that my sister finally paid me back the $100 she owed. She called me out of the blue and aked "don't I owe you money?" my response "yes" and then hers "Oh, I forgot" how do you forget that you owe some one $100? Anyhow, I knew she would pay me but it was a matter of when
On a different note the purse I paid $250 for I posted on ebay with a reserve, if I can sell it at the reserve price I would actually make money, if not it is going back to the store. I have my fingers crossed
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May 5th, 2008 at 12:24 am
I am working hard on trying to get everything situated before I actually apply for a home. Anyhow I was going through all my paper work looking for a possible doctor’s bill that I was going to pay off. As I was going through the paper work I found an explanation of benefits from my health insurance that paid $51.20 leaving me a balance of $12.80. So I thought I did not pay a $13 bill? This is crazy. So I looked back on my money file keyed in the amount to search and guess what? I did pay it. But the problem is I have to call the bank and probably be charged more than what the bill is to get a copy of the check but if I want it removed then I guess I have to pay. But now that I think about it, I think the bank allows you two or maybe one free check a month. There is also another bill from the same agency and now I am thinking I paid this as well, but I will have to all my insurance company for a copy of the explanation of benefits and begin my search from there once I receive it …. So I am happy things are looking up
On a different note I went to Mrs. H memorial service today and the family were so nice to me. I guess the realize that I love their parents just as much as they do and it made me feel really good that they accept me as a friend or even a long lost relative
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May 4th, 2008 at 03:48 pm
The city in which I live in is offering grants for first time home buyers, upto $50k which can be used for a down payment or closing cost. It is based on first come first serve, and fire fighters, nurses and teachers gets first dibs. However, I have a few little things that I need to clean up on my credit before applying for a mortgage but I am wondering if I should ago ahead and apply for the grant. I am nit really ready to move until December or next January.
Here is a quick overview:
The XXX Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) teamed up with developer Cornerstone Group to include affordable housing at XXX, a master–planned luxury condominium and townhome community located in XXX.
Here is a quick review:
Through the joint financing effort, income– eligible buyers can qualify for as much as $160,000 in financial assistance on a condo or townhouse. With up to $60,000 developer contributions, up to $50,000 in funds from the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (S.H.I.P.), and another potential $50,000 from the CRA’s Homebuyer’s Assistance Program, the price on a $279,990 three–bedroom condo can be reduced to as low as $119,990.
Located at XXX, The XXX offers 180 two and three–story townhouses and condos at market rate prices ranging from $279,000 to $299,000. 50 units as affordable housing for people who meet certain income guidelines are designated Applicants’ income cannot exceed 120 percent of Palm Beach County’s median household income relative to family size. For a family of four, that would be $77,280.
So what do you think? Should I apply or wait until I am actually ready to move in Dec/Jan
Posted in
May 4th, 2008 at 05:18 am
Well I did some shopping
and spent $250 on a handbag that I will be returning tomorrow. I knew then when I was buying the bag I could not afford it but I wanted it and used my cc. What in the world was I thinking? I bought a shirt and a pair of sneaks that I really did not need but wanted. It's tough but I have to hang in there because I want a house and a $250 handbag I can't live in
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