Bought my one ticket for the season game, SO didn't give me his money, but he has until the 5th to lock in at the current rate. Either way I had my money so I bought my ticket. I was thinking about holding off purchasing the parking pass, but opted to go ahead and do so since I budgeted the money for it already.
Honestly it felt weird, only to buy one ticket, not using a credit card and sticking to my guns. However; I realized that the only way he'll take what I'm saying and doing seriously is if I actually show him that I mean business.
I went ahead and transferred the $74.33 from the EF to my checking account to apply to the CC, new balance $511.67. I'm waiting on some things to clear, and making sure nothing pops up before I use some of the checking buffer funds to knock this card down to about $400. I want this thing gone.
So far I've posted 3 items dirt cheap and no takers, ugh. I'll be posting at least one item a day, as I declutter the house. Hopefully I can get some takers.
Lastly, I received a free calendar from the grocery story. I'm going to stick this to the refrigerator and note when the joint bills are due, that way they'll be no excuses. Not sure why I haven't thought of this before.
Paid Down CC3
December 29th, 2017 at 06:02 pm
December 29th, 2017 at 06:18 pm 1514571501
I'm honestly still a little confused on if your relationship is ending when you move out. Is that just temporary while he gets his own financial life in order, or is the relationship done completely? Sorry if I'm prying, I'm just confused.
December 29th, 2017 at 09:51 pm 1514584292
The problem is that I allowed this poor behavior, and now that I'm serious about finances it's like it's a joke. He's four years away from 50, I just can't do it anymore
December 30th, 2017 at 03:15 pm 1514646947
I think youβre afraid because he will whine and youβre feel sorry for him. But this is also about you learning to stand up for yourself.
Also as for the sorority, let it go for this year. You are a lifetime member and you canβt join another sorority. You will just be considered a non-financial member. You can attend meetings but you canβt vote or participate in activities. If you really donβt like the chapter you can look for another chapter. If you totally dislike the whole concept, get out and talk to the person who recommended you. You joined out of your respect for her. She will understand. That money could easily pay off CC3.
You are at a point in your life where you are now aware of what you really want out of life. Donβt let others determine your destiny.
December 30th, 2017 at 06:59 pm 1514660381