Well I finished my second book 📚 of the year by the skin of my teeth. Lol, didn't think I would so I buckled down the last two days.
As I listen to Dave Ramsey daily, all I hear from millionaires is that 1) most only have a bachelor, I have my masters; 2) all live below their means, I just started this and 3) they all read something like 20+ nonfiction books a year, I'm not even close on this one.
So 2 out of 3 isn't bad lol. I'm trying to get there and I think it can be done, so long as I have a vision with goals.
This month I read Michelle Singletary's "21 Day Financial Fast," most of her teachings are pretty much the same as Dave, except that she tells us to add money to the EF, even if it's $5 a month. I do this, it drives me nuts not to add something. I just cut other areas.
Next, I'll be reading "Stop Living Paycheck by Paycheck." The book had great reviews and I'm excited about it
Book Number 2 is Done
February 28th, 2018 at 11:32 am
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