Home > Sunday Rambling

Sunday Rambling

April 19th, 2020 at 09:45 pm

I’m so thankful for this blog, you all often provide great advice.

I’ve been saving as much as I can. Outside of my grocery and electric bill, my expenses have been extremely low. I’m hoping my manager will continue with the work from home option. So far I’ve saved about $150 in gas alone.

I notice that there has been a spike in the cost of food, an 18 count of eggs πŸ₯š were just over a dollar now it’s $2+. I understand the supply and demand has impacted these increases, but I can’t help but think yikes!

As you all know, I’m in Florida and people are hitting the beaches in droves. I’ve decided to continue with social distancing, only heading to the store when I need items. No pool or beach for me.

I’ve also been keeping myself busy, attending virtual movie night, virtual BINGO, virtual happy hour and painting a wine glass, all have been fun. I’ll admit I’m a little antsy but safety first.

I’ve also been walking more, I’m down about four pounds, I’m hoping to hit my goal of 10lbs over the next 30 days.

Well that’s it for me

2 Responses to “Sunday Rambling ”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    Wow we pay $7 for a dozen eggs but they are they cruelty free ones so the chickens roam free...but yes our groceries are going up but I think they would have with all the bushfires we had over here earlier this year

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Yes, our eggs have jumped up at Aldi to $1.44 for a dozen. Five weeks ago they were just under a dollar a dozen. Lots of prices are going up.

    You are smart to social distance to keep yourself safe.

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