Home > Paid off CC10

Paid off CC10

May 31st, 2020 at 12:58 am

My organization has opened back up, and today I paid off my final credit card.

I’m so happy that this card is gone, you have no idea.
Yes my savings is lower, but I’m okay with that. I’ll be able to add $300 to it on Friday and another $800 by the end of June.

It was scary but I went ahead and hit the send button. Now I’ll continue to save, student loan repayments begin in October and that will be my focus.

I’m excited because I met the goal of paying this card off by June

10 Responses to “Paid off CC10”

  1. Wink Says:

    That's great Amber!!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Woo Hoo! Congratulations, Amber!

  3. AnotherReader Says:


  4. KellyB Says:

    Congratulations! You’ve worked really hard and done a great job with your credit card debt! Onward to the student loans!

  5. starfishy Says:

    Woohoo Amber - fantastic job - what an accomplishment!!! Congrats!! Smile

  6. Bluebird Says:

    Congratulations Amber!!!! So happy for you!

  7. Lucky Robin Says:

    That's great, Amber. I'm right behind you. I'll be making my final payment on June 12th. I could do it now, but I don't want to raid my EF to do it.

  8. terri77 Says:

    Way to go!

  9. mumof2 Says:

    woohoo so excited for you

  10. CB in the City Says:


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