Viewing the 'Auto' Category
August 26th, 2006 at 01:54 am
Well I changed my mind about using the extra $200.00 towards the CC, since my car gave a little trouble today my uncle is actually taking a look at it tomoorow and maybe have my cousin's husband who is a mechanic check out the oil leaks so I am holding on to the money rather than paying the CC and then charging in the future. I am trying to stay away from placing anything and I do mean anything on the CC
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 10:53 pm
Well my uncle came and fixed the hose on the car which he said was no good, thank God it only cost $23.00, but he said I had not oil and I know my car is leaking oil so I need to make sure I watch that since I am back in school and doing a lot more driving. But I am happy that it's fix for less than $100.00
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 05:46 pm
Well my car finally started with the headaches. I got to work today and freon was leaking, I am thanksful I was at work and not running errans. So I called my uncle hopefully it's something he can take care of...keep your fingers crossed.
Posted in
August 19th, 2006 at 03:17 pm
I went to Walmart today and spent a ton on things that were "needed", I am proud of myself because I stuck to the list. Even after my $100.00+ spending, I still have an substantial amount in my accounts to last me until next payday so I am happy. Unfortuanley I had no copuons for the stuff I bought but I did save.
Today's Spending:
Sales tax:$3.05
healthcare (contacts):$47.44
School Supplies: $5.94
I was able to add to the challenge:
$.98 Challenge/Nw home
$.66 Auto account
Posted in
August 18th, 2006 at 11:28 pm
Today was a no spend day so I added a buck to the challenge and the auto account. However, I know tomorrow I will be spending a ton. I have to get a new book bag for school, new contacts, and some personal items.
New totals:
Challenge : $5.85
Car: $9.98
Posted in
August 16th, 2006 at 10:50 pm
Day 3, and I still have not spent a dime. I am so glad. I know at the end of the month my totals for spending, especially in the grocery department is going to be very low. I like this idea...I am not sure who came up with this challenge but thanks.
Now I am adding $1.00 to the challenge as well as the auto account. Yesterday I did not because I thought $306.00 needed to last me until next Thursday, but now I realize it's more than enough
New totals
Challenge $4.85
Auto: $8.98
Posted in
August 14th, 2006 at 06:45 pm
Well the day is half over and the only other place for me is home so I am know I will not spend a thing today. I am adding $.50 to the challenge and $.50 to the car account
New totals:
Challenge $3.50
Car $7.98
Posted in
August 14th, 2006 at 03:32 am
I forgot to add the .81 cents I rounded up from today's spending to my auto account which is now up to $7.48 from the .05 cents I had at the beginning of the month
Posted in
August 13th, 2006 at 01:16 am
I can not believe it, it has been 6 days and I have not spent any money thus far. I am so happy so I am adding $.50 to the challenge and the new car account
New totals:
Challenge $415.95
Car account: $6.67 ( I made a mistake on the last post regarding this balance)
Wow 6 days I can not get over it
Posted in
August 11th, 2006 at 07:40 pm
Yeah 5 days an no spending other than my fixed income I am so happy. So I added .50 to the challenge and the new car account:
Auto: $7.17
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 04:30 pm
Well it looks like I am will not be spending any money today, I leave here at 12 and I will make lunch when I get home so I am adding $.50 to the challenge and $1.20 to my new car account
New totals:
Car Account:$6.67
Posted in
August 9th, 2006 at 07:49 pm
Well I am on my 3rd day and I did not spend any money so I am happy. I added .50 to the challange and new car account
New totals:
Car Account:$4.47
Posted in
August 7th, 2006 at 10:31 pm
ok here we go agin today is day 1 and I did not spend anything so I added .50 to my new home account and the car account.
New totals
$20.00 Challenge: $413.45
Car Account $3.47...lol
Posted in
August 1st, 2006 at 09:36 pm
OMG I was looking at the gost of gas on my way to work and it was $3.05 and higher. I am so glad I filled up last week, but how long will that last. I know this is nothing compared to around the world and HI so I guess I can't complain
Posted in
July 26th, 2006 at 11:38 pm
This is not my day, 1st my co-worker is driving me crazy, 2nd my dad and his tenant, now someone hit my car and left. The damage is not bad and I do drive an old 89 Camry but it is the point. Can you believe it. When I had the 01 Camry before the accident, some one hit the back of my car...it all happened at work and we are not allowed to park in the front. Good thing my car is old and I plan on getting rid of it once it gives out, which will be soon. You better believe if happens when I get a new car all H&**&^ is going to break loose
Posted in
June 13th, 2006 at 11:08 pm
I was on a roll until I left the house, I ended up spending $23.19. $20.00 for gas, the station advertised $2.87 the lowest I have seen in a while, well of course they were out so I ended up with the next best thing at $2.99 a gallon. Then I headed to Walgreens and spent $3.19 on personal items...not to mention when I get off I have to go to Walmart and Walgreens again for medication but in the end, I ended up adding $.81 to the challenge with a new total of $78.40
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Miscellaneous ,
June 6th, 2006 at 04:51 am
Sorry so long but I am simply nervous:
I hope I am doing the right thing, as you all know my car is drivable but pretty soon it won't be. I will have to finance a car but my credit is sooo bad just reviewed my scores
Transuion: 610(dropped by 5 points due to inquiry)
Equifax: 595
Experian: 543
So since I was putting money away for a new car (I just opened this account) and only had $72.98 I decided to transfer to the challenge giving me a total of $823.46
Now I owe HSBC $797.61 and will pay this out of the challenge money leaving me with $26.30. My goal is to try and pay off as much as possible so that my score will boost and I will not need a co-signer for a vehicle, But I will have $812.61 in my EF (My brother still owes me $265.00) and I will get paid next week from the part-time job in which I plan on adding to the challenge about $230.00
Now I am left with the following
CC1: $2048.15
CC2: $944.45
CC3: $125.84
And this is what I owe on my moms accounts
CC1: $406.90
CC2: $216.96 ( I maybe a $100.00 off on this, actually more)
But this is my plan and please pray that my car hold out at least 4 more months
My score is low due to two charge offs and high balances and not slow pay
Oh boy you live an d learn
Posted in
June 1st, 2006 at 06:55 pm
As you all know I just found out my car has way too many leaks to fix therefore with in the next few months I should be looking for a new car. I decided the money that I was saving for a house and then change my mind, I was going to use the money to pay off debt...now I think I should use it towards a new car, well I have no choice. Any way
my credit score is terrible (615) I have two charge offs and no slow pays. I got an offer in the mail to pay off one of the charge off in order to settle the account, the original balance was $750.11 and the company is willing to accept $562.58 to settle (I did try to get this reduce, but was told no). My dilemma is should I pay off the debt and boost my credit score for a better interest rate when I decided to purchase a new car, but I'll be a short fund. However, in about a month with my part-time job I will be able to add the $500.00 back, or keep the money in case I need a down payment. I was thinking about going through my credit union, which I am sure will give me a better deal than the dealer. Right now I do not know how long my car will last but was told to just check the oils and drive it until it can't be driven any more. My sisters says pay off the debt boost my score and save even more for a down payment on a new car, especially since Ill get two checks from my part-time job which will be equivalent to the $500.00
I just dont know
lesson learn never live like the Jones otherwards never bite off more than yiu can chew. Don't cahrege things you do not need
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
June 1st, 2006 at 06:41 pm
For may the following was added to my accounts for interest earned:
EF $.61
SVG #2 $.01
Checking 1: $.12
$20.00 CXhallenge: $1.33
Auto Account:$.19
Education: $.22
Total: $2.29
New totals:
Challenge $715.33
Auto acct $72.98
Ediucation Account $67.30
Posted in
May 31st, 2006 at 06:13 pm
Payday, finally...I was able to add the following:
$20.00 Challenge $20.00 new Total $714.00
Auto Expenses: $10.00 New Total $72.44
Books Tuition $5.00 New Total 67.08
Posted in
May 31st, 2006 at 12:17 am
Wow took the car in regarding the oil change and I had several ther leaks totaling about $3000.00 more than what the car is worth so I will be looking for a new car the end of June there goes my savings but things happen, but in the end $83.61 was spent on my A/C because in FL you really need A/C in your car
Posted in
May 30th, 2006 at 12:47 am
Just went outside for something and notice a oil leak of some sort Last year I totaled my car and was given a 89 camery which I am thankful for...I only spent about 2000.00 having repairs done such as:the transmission,oil changes and tires, a battery. Since my accident I have not saved for a new car I should have but I didn't. The money I was paying for my old car was $350.00 a month that should have went to the side but it wasn't until December of last year that I got serious about my debt and not until February of this year that I started really trying to save...so now what I put aside in my EF and challenge money I may have to use either to get my car fix or a dowm payment on a car, oh boy. I hope this is not an expensive repair but oil leaks can be costly. I am so depressed now
Posted in
May 29th, 2006 at 09:49 pm
I forgot today was a no spend day so therefor, 1.00 was added to the challenge, my new car account and for education. Brining my new totals to:
$20 Challenge: $541.87
New Car $62.44
College/books $62.08
Posted in
May 29th, 2006 at 05:00 am
Well today was suppose to be a no spend day but I ended up spending $10.00 for gas and $4.02 for snacks that I can munch on at my part-time job. So I wasted $4.00 and because I had snacks at home I could have easily had those; therefore I added $4.00 to the challenge and added .98 to my car expense account ...rounded up the change. Because I have two different checking accounts; all the change rounded from my main account is added to the challenge and what I use from my fun account my me account all the changed rounded is added to the car account.First time I actually rounded change to the car account 
So new totals:
$20.00 challenge: $536.87
$ Car Account: $61.44
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