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$2.00 on cc

November 5th, 2006 at 04:14 pm

Today was another no spend day so I added a buck to the challenge/ debt account. I also line dried my clothes rather than taking them to the laudry-o- and waisting a buck to try them so I am adding a dollar to the debt account as well giving e a total of $2.00 paid toward my cc debt.
New cc debt total $757.68

Spent a lot today

November 2nd, 2006 at 07:59 pm

I needed some color ink so I headed to Office Depot. I picked up the ink, colored note cards and photo paper coming to a total of $43.41m by using my $5.00 coupon for the ink I was able to save at least the $5.oo. So I am adding that amount to my cc debt...I would have paid that anyway with out the coupon

New total $762.68


November 2nd, 2006 at 02:36 pm

Yippie another $33.34 on my cc. I am planning on paying off the balance by the end of next week only because there are some things that I need to pick up, but I am happy
New total $778.91

Another $100.00 on cc

November 1st, 2006 at 07:34 pm

I am rockin' and rollin' I paid another $100.00 on cc2. Tomorrow is payday from the part-time job so I should be ok
New total $812.25

New Month New Me

November 1st, 2006 at 05:44 pm

Well it's a new month and I did not go out for lunch today. I am amaking some changes because I know the holidays are approaching quickly...and I need to start stashing. Anyway my last payment to cc2 has not posted yet I know the balance is close to about $400.00 but as soon as my last payment clears I am going to pay it off. I am ready to be debt free

Just Roundug up the change

November 1st, 2006 at 01:25 am

Well I rounded up my change to the nearest 100 and paid another $11.20 on the cc. I am like really really sick and tired of ths CC debt, that I want it paid off ASAP

New total $901.05

Wow I am really making some head way

October 31st, 2006 at 10:06 pm

Got my pay stub today I was able to sock away a little more than $100 for savings and pay down cc2, and pay bills so I am happy
$130 EF
$10 Misc
$25 IRA
$20 Student loan
$121.64 Cell phone Frown
$40.39 Water
$20 Tithes/offerings
$306.82 CC2/challenge debt

Oh Boy

October 31st, 2006 at 01:13 am

Ok I went out for lunch ...big mistake beecause I know I should not be spending on dining out. I als paid an extra $23.86
on the c so I am happy with that. Looking at my bills and how I havecut back on expenses I decided to pay off cc2 and not add any money to the saving and that will be the last of my cc. But I do have my mom's which must be paid but the interest is so low on that ..I owe a little more than $500. So looks like I am meetin my goals

Previous CC balance: $1242.93
New balance: $1219.07

I did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 29th, 2006 at 03:18 pm

I am so happy I paid off my high interest CC (30%) I am so happy ( I keep doing that). I took a look at my account and I had little more than a $10000 just sitting there earning about $3.00 a month and this high interest CC paying about $40 a month in interest so I said pay it off and I did. My goal is to be debt free by December 31st and atleast $3000 in the EF. Now that this CC is paid off I can really start saving. I am going to write the CC company and ask them to remove any activity on my credit report regarding this cc. I was never late always paid on time as well as paying more than the minium, but I closed this account which I am sure will have a negative affect on my score...we'll see

Previous CC total: $2255.91
New Ttoal :$1242.93

Paying down the cc

October 29th, 2006 at 01:15 am

Well I checked my statements online and the interest on the cc are pain. When you think are making some head way you gwet a bill and there it is the interest. Anyway I paid extra on the CC ($28.24) brining my new total to $2255.91 from $2265.58 all in the game of interest

$20.25 on cc

October 26th, 2006 at 01:12 am

well I ate out today for lunch..I could not find my coupon for a free lunch Frown I also treated my co-worker so I paid $15.45. I also ate out yesterday...with all the mess going on with Bush being here in FL I was starving and stopped at the first fast food place I laid eyes on. Any how, to make up for the money I spent dining out I paid it on the CC

New total:$2265.58

Another buck on the cc

October 24th, 2006 at 05:52 pm

No spend day today so another buck on the cc new total $2285.83

Another No Spend Day

October 24th, 2006 at 01:17 am

So another dollar was added to the challenge/debt fund. I am rockin' and rolling now

New Total: $2286.83

Trying to meet goals

October 23rd, 2006 at 02:52 am

Well I added $19.28 to my EF to make it an even $1400.00 this is the most I have ever saved since I can rember. Other than tax returns I have never had over $200 in my savings account just sitting there..this year has really been a year of accomplishments and I am so happy. I also paid $15.88 on cc reducing my overall balance to $ I feel like I will be reaching my goals after all. I am hoping to have atleast the cc's paid off by December 31 and $3000.00 in my EF so I can start socking away my checks for a house

Paying down debt slowly but surely

October 21st, 2006 at 03:59 pm

Added another $1 to the cc debt because today was a no spender and I am heading to my part-time job therefore, I can't spend any money

Another buck

October 21st, 2006 at 03:09 am

Paid another $1.03 on cc because it was a no spend day

Previous Total $2305.74
New Total: $2304.71

Paday and I am not broke

October 18th, 2006 at 03:26 pm

Wow, it's payday and I had a total of $49.00 left over Smile I also paid all my bills that are due next month and now I have $200.00 left even with the extra $172.20 on cc's so I am tapping myuself on the back

No spend day

October 18th, 2006 at 01:34 am

I spent no money today other than my MD visits and prescription which are both fixed expenses so I added a buck to the challenge (cc debt)

Another $1.53 on debt

October 14th, 2006 at 10:30 pm

well I rounded up the change in my personal accoun and added a $1.53 to my cc debt. I am happy because this week is payday (from both jobs) and I have a ton of money left over...yippie
New CC debt total:$2537.78
Challenge debt $215.90

$10.00 on cc

October 11th, 2006 at 07:59 pm

Had to match funds today, so I paid $10.00 on cc. I will definately cook dinner tonight...what an expensice week

No spend day

October 8th, 2006 at 03:58 pm

Today was another not spend day so I added another buck to the challenge/debt brining my new total to $2572.59 and then I added $.59 to the challenge/home account brining my new total to $26.96
I have to keep remebering that every little bit helps

Paying down debt

October 7th, 2006 at 03:58 pm

I just do not know how some people do it. I am in about $3500.00 worth of debt and it is driving me crazy, every time I look at the numbers. Some people just don't have a care in the world. Any extra few dollars I get I am trying to pay it towards my is driving me crazy. I know some may say use the money in my EF but I do not want to use it in case I actually have an emergency and then have to use the CC. Anyway I paid another $5.05 on my debt/challenge so I am feeling a little better but I know now if you can't afford to pay cash then I guess I don't need it

Dining Out

October 7th, 2006 at 03:06 pm

Well I went out for lunch yesterday with a co-worker, my intentions were not to eat out for the rest of the month but it is only day 7 of the month and I had lunch out. Atleast I saved $.90 with a coupon and then added $7.44 to the cc debt/challenge in order to match what was spent eating out

Payday and I am not broke

October 5th, 2006 at 09:42 am

I never experienced paydays when I am not broke. Since I have taken on this seriousness with my finances I always seem to have some cash left over until the next pay period. I just checked the bank and my funds are there from the part-time job ($234.90). So to even everything out I paid $34.90 on the cc debt.

Previous total: $2584.36
New total:$2549.26
Challenge total:$393.15

Another $19.01 on the CC

October 5th, 2006 at 01:29 am

Ok I paid another $19.01 extra on my debt. Tomorrow is payday from tmy part-time job so I rounded up the money in my personal account to make it an even $200.00 so of course I use the extra funds on the cc yippie!!!!!!! Anything extra I am either saving in my challenge saving account or putting it towards my challenge debt account, so things are looking up

Previous total $2603.37
New Total: $2584.36

Total applied to debt challenge:$358.25

Paid Extra on my CC's

October 3rd, 2006 at 07:17 pm

Well I paid an extra $115 on the credit cards Smile So I am happy. I also paid an extra $20.00 on my student loan

Extra Debt Payment/$20 Challenge Total:

Well I did it

October 3rd, 2006 at 01:01 am

I closed my high interest cc with the monthly fee of $4.00 just for having their account. I decided that I may as well close it then that way I am not tempted to use it. I am sure my already low score will go lower since I close this account but I am not ready to purchase anything in the future any time soon so I guess I am ok. Simply closing this account has given me some feelings of freedom so I am happy. Now I have to work on paying the balance. When I was asked why I was closing and being that I have never been late in the last 4+ years that I actually had the account you would think they would have offered me a low interest rate with no fee but instead they just simply closed it, but I am free


October 2nd, 2006 at 10:27 pm

I am annoyed because my boss wanted to go to Sweet Tomatoes since she missed the free lunch on Friday. Well of course I did not bring in any lunch because we were going to Sweet Tomatoes, well I be...I get here and she is leaving at 12 and will not be having lunch so I ended up spending $7.73 on lunch that I did not want to eat in the first place (well spend the money that is) Then I go there (Sweet Tomatoes) and there is no where to park the cops are giving out tickets if you park in the lot next to the restuarant..lucky for me I did not get ticket. I then hand the girl my coupon and was told they do not accept coupons, now I am more annoyed. So to make a long story short I round up the change and added 7.00 to the cc debt a total of $7.03 (matched the money wasted)

October is here

October 1st, 2006 at 04:25 pm

And I started the day off right, "no spending" so I am adding a buck to the cc debt. This is the month that I am taking frugality by storm. I plan on not eating out at all except for Monday, I promised the boss we can go over to Sweet Tomatoe since she missed the free lunch on Friday (me and my big mouth)but atleast I am not paying for her, it's every woman for herself. Also my goal for the month is to cut CC debt in half and up EF to $1500.00.

Previous CC debt $2726.39
New toatl:$2725.39

Another buck on CC debt

September 30th, 2006 at 05:19 pm

Today was another no spend day so I paid another buck on the cc.

Total: $2726.39

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