June 29th, 2006 at 01:39 am
Ok just entered my paycheck into my register not including the part-time job'spay and paid all bills even extra on the cc's. So here we go
$75.00 EF
$30.00 Misc Account
$20.00 Personal Account
$20.00 Eduction account
$20.00 IRA
$25.00 Challenge/New home account
$134.54 lights
$40.00 water bill
$20.00 Tithes/offerings
$40.22 on CC 1 ( bal: $1944.32)
$40.00 on CC 2 (bal $871.00)
$40.00 C-phone #1
$52.00 C-phone #2
$39.85 Cable
Previous balance on CC:$2895.54
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
June 21st, 2006 at 01:23 am
Well I was trying to beat the CC interest rate and pay off my cc at $406.00 but no such luck. My billing cycle ended 6/19 one day late so it cost me $411.13 to pay off this cc but atleast it is paid. So now I am down from $3302.44 in CC debt to $2895.54 which I am sure will be more than that because of the interest accrued but my goal is to have them paid off by August and then I can really start saving for me a house and a car(thank goodness my car is still running). I do see what every one means by paying off cc first, what sense does it make to earn 4.75 or less in a savings account when I am being charged 18%+ on CC debt. So I am glad I am able to pay off off my debt. With out God , you guys and my part-time job I would probably not be even close to debt free or home ownership the way I am now
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
June 16th, 2006 at 10:16 pm
I have more problems with my full-time job and payday more than anyone I know. Well we got our paystubs and my check was $1089.99 about 12.00 less than I calculated and I got my reimbursment for marketing at total of $63.90 but guess what the $1089.99 won't be deposited until Monday because that is when the check was dated, nice. So I decided to post date all my online payments and I figured I will pay the following
$40.00 Home Phone
$40.00 C-phone 1
$40.00 Cable
$130.00 CC1 (paying extra on this)
$75.00 EF
$20.00 IRA
$30.00 MISC Svg
$25.00 Challenge
$20.00 Education account
$20.00 Personal Account
$20.00 Tithes
$35.00 Renewal for Sam's Club
$328.93 CC 2 (Paid in full, thank God)
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
June 12th, 2006 at 03:18 am
Well I did it again, I paid off a CC..Target. The balance was only $4.25 but that is another item on my credit report with a zero balance and no slows pays or tardiness I am so happy becaue now I know I am getting serious. I also transferred $1.25 to the challenge brining my total to $44.66 I am hoping to reach $100.00 the end of this week and another $100.00 by the end of the month
Posted in
June 8th, 2006 at 01:43 pm
Well I went ahead and paid off CC5, $125.84, I figured it is better than waiting until next week (payday)especially since I am in attack mode. Now I only have 4 more to go and next week (payday ) I will pay off CC6, $944.67
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
June 7th, 2006 at 10:36 pm
I usually calculate my hours a few days before payday (well in this case a week) just to see where I am at and what to look forward to. Well all that complaining I did about paying off that cc was a waste of time and energy becsause this is one huge check...a total of 104 hours yeahhhhhhhhhh!
Now I figure, after taxes I should be getting about $1100.00 (Yeah!!!) plus an additional $228.00 from the part-time job
Anyway here is what I am looking at :
Water & Sewage: $40.00
C-phone#1: $40.00
Home Phone: $30.00
Cable: $40.00
Savings #1: $75.00
Challenge: $50.00
IRA: $15.00
CC2: $33.00
CC:3 $52.00
CC4: $20.00
CC5: 125.00 (paid in full)
Sam's club renewal: $35.00
Dental Ins :$12.00
Leaving me with about $761.00
Now I am thinking if my brother pays me what he owes me ($265.00) I can use this amount + the $761 to pay off cc2 ($944.45) leaving me with $82.00 for two weeks but at this point I do not care because I am sick and tired of these bills and I am not sure as you know how long my car will be around and I sure don't want a lot of bills if I get a new car
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
June 7th, 2006 at 01:32 am
As you all know I have two charge offs on my credit one was a CC in the amount of $444.00 and the other was a cell phone account $750.00 ( got for my ex, that is why he is an ex) any way the account has since been sold again to a new CA , the credit card account. Well I was offered a settlement the problem is according to the CA my balance was $604.91 and they are willing to offer me $453.68 to settle the account about $10.00 more than the actual balance Well of course I am not paying this. But my intentions are once I get on my feet and pay off current debts I will work on the two charge offs but i will deal only wtih the actual company and not a CA
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
June 6th, 2006 at 10:46 pm
Well I was a little nervous but I went ahead and paid off one of my CC's $797.61
I transferred the money from my EF because the money I keep in the challenge account is located at ING and will be a few days before it's actually deposited into my linked account, so I figured before I chicken out I'd better pay it now that I am serious. So now my new total for the challenge is $237.46 this difference is not available for withdrawal as of yet but that is fine with me. I get paid next week from both the part-time and full time job and will deposit the full amount from my part-time job to my EF making up the difference next I will work on another card ASAP. God I hope my car keeps up
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Reaching Financial Freedom,