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My new challenge

July 7th, 2014 at 03:21 am

I've decided that no matter what I was going to break down/ allocate funds from my paycheck as follows:
• first 10% EF
• 5% of that balance to IRA
• 3% of that balance to CC debt

For example $300 check
• 10% = $30 to EF leaving a balance of $270
• 5% of $270 = $13.50 to IRA leaving a balance of $256.50
• 3% of $256.50 = $7.69 to be paid on CC debt leaving a balance of $248.80 in checking.

So I'm sure you get my drift , I just thought this will be a much easier way for me to save while living, I think, below my means

In the end, I challenge my self to save the above listed percentages.

I'll have to see how things go

Making strides

January 10th, 2013 at 07:07 pm

Well I just cashed in my change I saved up for 2012 and the amount was 51.77 so I paid $51.00 on CC 3 brining my balance down to about $18 Wink

I cannot wait until this CC is paid off and that will be next week.

I have never been so excited about paying off/down debt but I truly am. Next I'll be tackling CC4, the balance on that one is $1500 but I figured I should have it paid off in about two months, sooner if I get the $800 tuition reimbursement.

Okay I did it

January 5th, 2013 at 10:03 pm

I paid the $900 on the JCPenny card. The last statement there was a balance of $1069.10, I have since paid the minimum of $35 and now $900. If I'm not mistaken by time the new bill arrives the balance should be about $140, that is sure to be paid off. This would make three CCs in less than one month paid off, while working on CC4 that has a balance of $1500.

If everything works out and I get the $800 from my employer for tuition reimbursement, plus $120 for my mileage reimbursement, I can have CC 4 paid off by mid February.

Everything seems to working out according to plan, as long as I stay blogging I'll stay on track. I can tell you the truth, it sort of hurt to hit the send button for the $900 knowing that this CC hasn't been paid off but knowing that it soon will be helped a bit.

I was suppose to meet a friend tonight for dinner for her birthday but after spending the $900, $20+ at dinner isn't doable right now. I feel bad but as my dad would say " I have food in my refrigerator"

So for the $20 challenge/debt I am proud to add the $900 brining my total to $2647.36 Big Grin

Yay I did it!

January 3rd, 2013 at 03:06 pm

Woke up this morning and paid off CC1 and CC2 total cost for both, $1726.63; well worth it.

Next I emailed our HR department. I was offered tuition reimbursement but I have since changed my program degree and wasn't going to ask for the money. But a thought came you could use that money , about $800 to pay off CC3, so I asked. Now I'm just in wait mode, the least they could say is no and I wasn't expecting the money anyway.

So today's challenge a whopping $1726 Big Grin

Ended on a good note

January 2nd, 2013 at 01:55 am

Today ended on a good note. I am using ghee tablet, so I do not have my daily spending amount for today ( added to MS Money on the laptop).

I used the weighted hula hoop for about 35 minutes burning 207 calories.

I've decided to start slow and hit the gym twice a week , with a little cardio and strengthening.

$20 Challenge update:
$2 breakfast at home
$2 lunch at home
$2 dinner at home
$1 workout
$1 Bible read
Total $ 8.

Not bad for day one

Date night

November 25th, 2012 at 01:28 pm

Last night the BF and I had a date night, we really needed it. Dinner, my treat, was just a little over $30 and the movie, his treat, was $14 plus $3 for popcorn. I brought in my own drink. We saw "Lincoln" and I enjoyed it.

On a different note, he has managed to get himself screwed up again with his child support. I have told him time and time again to simply send an extra $100 a month to catch up but for some reason he won't. However, he can give his kids what ever they want (i.e. laptop, new cell).

I think it's hard for me to understand being that I don't have children but I believe it's okay to say no, especially when it's not a must.

So with that said, I'm back saving, paying down debt, and focusing on grad school.

I'm not sure what God has planned but I'm sure it's for the best.

Now I'm heading to the gym (3xs this weekend) and adding another $2 to the $20 Challenge (CC1 debt). So far this weekend I have paid an extra $6 on the CC. I figured, on average I should be adding an extra $10 a week that equals an extra $40 a month paid on the CC by simply going to the gym. Works for me Smile

Yay I Did It!

May 15th, 2012 at 12:51 pm

Yes I finally sent my last car payment to Bank of America!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy, for one, its a purchase I did on my own (no cosigner) and even when I was unemployed for close to a year I managed to keep up the payments. I am so happy I am about to explode. OMG!

On a different note, the step-daughter finally washed her clothes. I had a little talk with her on Thursday of last week, but it doesn't help that the BF wants to be her friend vs. her father. They're both works in process but I have notice a few changes for the better

Now I am focused on the CC debt, and a new job now that the car is paid off.
My current job requires a lot of driving and I do not want to put too many miles which causes additional maintenance, with no raise mind you, on my car

New Year

December 31st, 2011 at 05:12 am

As the new year approach us, I haven't really thought about what I'd like to accomplish for the new year, but here it goes.

-Pay off auto loan (Balance $1700)
-Pay off 3 CCs (Balance $3500)
-Move (I really want to be in my own place by the end of the year)
- Save an additional $1000 (EF)

I think if I keep my goals at a minimum, it will be less stressful and much easier for me to accomplish. Yes, I have more CC debt than listed but getting rid of the first three earlier in the year will make it much easier to pay off the others.

Moving forward, the Heat won tonight so $1 was added to my challenge/EF. In addition, I had lunch, breakfast and dinner at home so $6 was paid towards my challenge/cc debt.

Lastly, I purchased some really nice Gucci frames today. I always wanted really nice glasses. Anyway, I had about $306 in my Eflex account and my new glasses cost $305. I actually make no contributions to my Eflex, all funds were supplied by my employer so my glasses cost me zero dollars Smile

February Goals

February 1st, 2009 at 04:36 am

Going along with househopeful, I decided to post my goals for the month

[]$100 EF
[]$100 House fund
[]$100 Additional principal payment(car)
[]Schedule annual MD appointment
[]Reschedule dentist appointment for March
[]Go to the gym at least 3 times a week
[]Pack lunch and breakfast everyday
[]Extra $300 on CC
[]Finish taxes
[]Try to stay positive
Wish me luck

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