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Tip of the Day: 15 secrets debt counselors wish you knew

January 1st, 2007 at 02:41 pm

This was in my inbox so I'll like to share:
When it comes to money management mistakes, debt counselors have seen it all. And if you knew what they already know, you could save a lot of money and more than a little grief.

Unfortunately, by the time consumers sign on for credit counseling, they already have an average of $30,000 in bills and seven or eight credit cards, says Susan Keating, president and CEO of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling
1. Freebies are lethal.
Those low introductory offers sound great, but they are designed to get you hooked on the service.
If you co-sign, that debt is yours.
If your son or daughter wants you to co-sign for a car, apartment or loan, just say no
Bouncing a couple of checks can cost you your bank account.
Not only can your own bank kick you to the curb, but it can put you in a financial database that acts as a kind of black list
You need a plan. If you just spend money until it's gone, you never get ahead.
Look at what you make, what you need to spend, what you want to save. Keep track of your spending for a month or two to see where the money is going.
Auto leases can be hazardous to your financial health.
Leasing (and some zero-down payment deals) can put you at risk financially because you may be driving a car that's actually worth less than you owe
Your old emergency fund might not cut it.
The old rule was to sock away three to six months' salary. But that's just not enough anymore, aim for having a year's wages in the bank
Don't always reach for that debit card.
Some gas stations and restaurants will put a hold on your card for more than you actually spend

Happy New Year

January 1st, 2007 at 12:55 am

Happy New Year and a safe one to everyone here. I hope all goals for 2007 are met

What did I buy

December 31st, 2006 at 02:50 pm

I use MS Moey to track my spending and I can not firgure out how not to include money that was lent out as not income earned according to MS Money I made over $40,000 last year which is not correct oh well...but for the monst part it is the spending I want to track and it's pretty much right on target. There can be some few minor errors but for the most part I am ok here it

Income Categories
Federal Tax Refund 1349
Income/Interest 65.18
Other Income 7423.27
Wages & Salary 29779.09
Income - Unassigned 1724.21
Total Income Categories 40340.75

Expense Categories
clothing/accessories 30.58
Automobile 1990.87
Bank Charges 1036.04
Bills 5972.55
Charitable Donations 310
Clothing 1624.35
Dining Out 1114.69
Education 1470.46
Food 43.6
Gifts 764.23
Groceries 1786.37
Healthcare 3829.84
Hobbies/Leisure 1.25
Household 98.09
Hurricane Supplies 55.46
Insurance 817.52
Job Expense 1081.53
Leisure 231.1
Loan 40
Miscellaneous 6550.12
Personal Care 785.47
Sales Tax 189.37
Snack 0.99
Software 63.89
Taxes 5279.33
Vacation 100
Expense - Unassigned 173.45
Total Expense Categories 35441.15

Grand Total 4899.6


December 31st, 2006 at 05:02 am

I have an HSBC account in which I do not deposit any funds because it is a headache, it is not as easy as ING. My long in ID is about 10+ digits long and I can't remember it this is eally the main reason any how they are offering 5.05% more than ING and now there is a local bank in my area on Thursday I am going to check it out to see if I can deposit there if so all the money for the house will go to this account since I will be earning more interest

Making $6.50 an hour

December 30th, 2006 at 05:05 pm

Here is a story I read on another site that I would like to share with others it is very interesting how some one can go from living comfortably to almost a check away from proverty

Tip of the day

December 30th, 2006 at 04:58 pm

I get email tips on a daily basis about saving and decided to start sharing these tips here so here is the first entry:

Shredder Lubrication

Don't buy the expensive lubrication oil for a shredder. It's a
vegetable-based oil. Instead, use a couple drops of regular
vegetable oil and put it on the blades. For more even
coverage, put about a tablespoon of oil on a plate and let an
8" by 11.5" piece of paper "soak" up the oil. Then shred that
piece of paper. By doing this, you're assured all the blades
get properly lubricated.
I shred a lot of stuff and this tip was handy

Wow...Saddam executed

December 30th, 2006 at 01:51 pm

Wow I get up and the first thing I do is read my blogs here, just so happen I was reading a blogger's blog who frequently visits Roubini so I decided to check it out and found that Saddam was dead. I am in like shock I know he did terrible things but I almost feel really bad. At one point I was all for capitol punishment but then I was on a jury who had to first convict some one then determine his was the hardest decision in my life because I/we wanted to be absolutely sure. It was a teenager who was bullied in school who stole his grandparent's gun. The kids at the school had pressured him to fight so he was nervous everyone who testified stated he did not want to fight and he kept saying so. Anyhow the day of the fight he took the gun and told the kids he did not want to fight he shot the gun in the air and of course we know what goes up must come down but the point is I guess I am a little nervous about any retaliation, I guess I should not be worried

New Year's Resolution

December 30th, 2006 at 02:55 am

Here it is my New Year's Resolution

1. Be honest with others
2. Live on $10,000 a year (I live at home)
3. Save $5,000 in EF
4. Save $10,000 for a house
5. start buying items for the new house
6. Pay off student loan
7. New clothes (this will be hard)
8. Use more coupons

I am sure I will be adding to the list before the end of the year

Lost rebate

December 25th, 2006 at 05:01 am

I had to send an email regarding my $30 rebate that was mailed to me on the 23rd of November, now I have to wait another 15 days i order to have the 2nd check reissued...that is nice

Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2006 at 12:21 am

Just wanted to wish every one a
Merry Christmas


December 23rd, 2006 at 06:52 pm

I am scared to review my X-mas spending, I went out and picked up additional gifts today. I previously stated I did not want to spend too much money but it did not end up that way. So a little later after work I will have to check, atleast I can say my bills are paid in full

Rebate has arrived

December 20th, 2006 at 05:34 am

Finally got one of my rebate checks for $20 and now I am waiting on the $30 check...sometimes I wonder is it really worth it

December 17th, 2006 at 04:24 pm

I just listed two of my books on I hope I am able to sell them. This is the first time that I have done any thing like we will see

Just shopping

December 13th, 2006 at 03:41 am

I got some of my X-mas shopping done, two easy bakes and one out fit for my nephew's gf baby. Now I have to get a gift for the office, GC for my sister and a gift for my nephew and neice in which my mom and I are splitting...oops I forgot about my God daughter, I have to find her some thing nice I was thinking of some clothes. Goal is to keep the expense under $150. today I spent $28 my mom bought the two Easy Bakes oh boy

$160 refund

December 12th, 2006 at 03:44 am

I just mailed out my claim form for the class action suit against Fidelity Federal(FF) it needed to be most marked today in order for me to receivde my $160. Apprently FF obtain personal informaton regarding FL drivers without consent and bow have to pay for it now I guess I have to wait

Time to clean up

December 12th, 2006 at 03:36 am

My room is a mess, I have really got to get in here and clean house, including my closet. For starters I have way too many shoes to even store in my closet, I am going to have to buy a small storage unit to store some of these things, what a waste of money all this stuff...maybe I will put it on ebay...nope changed my mind, however I will clean up asap


December 6th, 2006 at 03:36 am

The boots I ordered from Victoria Secret for over a $100 well I was only issued a refund for $110.59 so now I have to give them a buzz, I know that the company keeps $4.95 but were is the other $40...oh boy this day, I can't wait for it to end and start a new one

Not a good day for mail

December 6th, 2006 at 03:33 am

I am a little annoyed because I am waiting on my $30 and $20 rebate checks. One according to the website was mailed out on 11/21 and it is now 12/6 I know mail is slow but come on. If it is not here by Friday I am giving them a buzz


December 6th, 2006 at 03:31 am

I finally put up the X-mas tree, if I had not my mom would have drove me crazy. I am so tired I was unable to even rest today...exams, picking up dad's meds, dropping off movies I am just exhausted, but atleast the tree is taken care of

December 2nd, 2006 at 03:04 pm

I just checked out this website for some gift ideas and it wasn't too bad, so I decided to share. There were some nice gifts for kids

Trying to decide how much to spend for X-mas

December 2nd, 2006 at 03:21 am

I really do not want to spend to much for X-mas and I am trying to stick to the max of $150. The younger kids will definately get something butit is just a matter of how much. I have one GD (1yr) a younger nephew (3yr) my mom and my little cousin, but last year my brother, sister and SIL even bought me something,normally we do not exchange gifts but I guess we will thisyear Frown I like X-mas it self but I hate spending all this money

Torn Shoes

December 1st, 2006 at 11:09 pm

Ok I just bought a pair of Skechters last week ($50.00) and now they are torn Frown So I have to look for my receipt, good thing I saved them ...and return these shoes. Now I have worn them and I better not have any problems at the store or I am going to be more upset than I am right now.


December 1st, 2006 at 04:01 am

Just checked the status of my rebates, one check was mailed out for $30 and the other is being processed for $20 So all there is now to do is wait

Finally came to my senses

November 29th, 2006 at 01:24 am

I finally came to my senses and decided to get rid of cell phone number 2, which will save me $52 a month and I will beadding this amount to my challenge home account. No need to have a second phone I just need to talk less


November 29th, 2006 at 12:12 am

Ok I got a card in the mail that my request for y $50 rebate was not processed the company needs proof of previous ownership. So I called and spoke with a Christian ID G-01420 and informed that the software was already installed on my computer he then stated he up dated the records to indicate that and I should be getting my rebate, we'll see. My rebate tracking number is 211210751. I just needed a place to document what took place in case my check does not arrive


November 26th, 2006 at 07:53 pm

Ok my brother went to this real estate seminar, which I think was a waste of money but that is my opinion. As you all know I am trying to save for a house so he was trying to explain “Amortization” here I guess you pay your interest in a separate check early to the bank and apparently they can not charge you for it the following month. My thing is this why not pays on the principal (extra each month) which reduces the total balance on the loan as well as the amount of interest paid. Am I wrong is he right, will amortization actually help you pay the loan off quicker than just paying extra on the principal?


November 23rd, 2006 at 10:16 pm

With a society who loves the idea of being skinny and what others think...while surfing the web I ran accross a article of model who died from complications associated with anorexia.
Here is the link to the story, it is really scary, she weighed only 8lb at 5'7,26618,1562645,00.html

Happy Thanksgiving

November 23rd, 2006 at 05:23 pm

Just wanted to wish every one a very very hppy Thankskgiving. Now I look at things and can say I am very thankful for having:
1. God and Jesus Christ in my life
2. We made a safe trip from FL to GA
3. My Health
4. Family/Friends
5. Education
6. Saving account
7. Food
8. Clothing
9. A roof over my head
10. Employment
11. Transportation
12. Life
That's all I can think of right now but I will definately keep trying

Rosie O'Donnell...I am sick of her

November 22nd, 2006 at 01:42 am

This is just another blog venting about these celebrities. Ever since Rosie has come out of the closet (I have nothing against gay and lesbians) she has been very obnoxious. First she complains about Oprah being gay and she should come out... who cares did she forget at one point in her life she too was in the closet, now she making comments about Kelly Rippa and Clay Aiken. Clay placing his hands over Kelly's mouth is disgusting and I would not be happy if anyone did that to or not. Give me a break

Tuesday's to do list

November 21st, 2006 at 02:36 am

Ok this is my to list just a reminder to myself:

1. Return boots ($149.35)
2. Return sandals ($22.50)
3. Return MP3 ($59.88)
4. Pick up dry cleaning
5. Pick up books and movies at the library (for road trip)
6. Take can goods in exchange for book fee at the library
7. Call MD office regarding results (again)
8. Follow up with MD office..check has not cleared
9. Read at least 2 chapters
10. Pack for trip
11. Relax

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