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Trying to keep up

March 28th, 2011 at 06:28 pm

Trying to start over using the same method as before when I first paid off my debt. So I brought my lunch which saved me $4. I paid $2 towards my CC debt( a total of $4) and $2 towardsmy saving Wink all in all today is off to a great start.

Good morning

March 28th, 2011 at 01:54 pm

off to a great start. Brought breakfast to work so that saved me $4. Therefore, $2 went towered CC balance and $2 towards my savings Wink I'm glad to be back blogging it keeps me on my toes.

Thank You

March 28th, 2011 at 03:27 am

Just wanted to say thank you very much for all the welcome backs and support it means a lot. I'm in the process of paying down approximately $20,000 in debt. I went from owing $0 to 20, 000 with nothing to show for it. Well no need to dwell on should of, could of, so to begin today was a no spend day and I added $2 to the $20 Challenge (a buck to my CC with the lowest debt and a buck to savings). This method helped me to pay off debt in the past, so it should work. Once again thanks everyone i really appreciate all the support Smile

Trying it again

March 27th, 2011 at 08:27 pm

Wow since I have stop blogging about my finances everything has gone haywire so I'm tryiing it again. I have so much going on it is ridiculous but I'm trying it again. I've done it before so I can again

What a day

August 13th, 2010 at 12:07 am

First I realized there wasn't any eggs in the house so I bought breakfast ($1.07) then what was suppose to be lunch from my job, turned out be sucky so I had to buy lunch ($5.37). On a good note, I added $6.44 to my $20 challenge--matching what was spent on breakfast and lunch plus another $1 for going to the gym today.

I cashed in my change in my piggy bank, $67.87, this was added to my EF

All in all it wasn't too bad today

$20 Challenge

August 12th, 2010 at 01:14 am

Today I made it to the gym so a buck was deposited to my challenge home fund. As far as spending goes, here it is:

Expense Categories
Health care: Dental $30.00
Gifts: $56.79
Groceries $2.99
Job Expense: Non-Reimbursed $1.89
Taxes: Sales $0.57

Grand Total -$92.24

I almost forgot, I brought my lunch to work and had breakfast at home so $2 was paid on CC debt


August 10th, 2010 at 11:58 pm

I finally had a no spend day so $3 was transferred to my new home account; in addition, I took lunch to work and had breakfast at home so $2 was paid towards my CC

I'm trying

August 10th, 2010 at 12:37 am

It seems as though I spend a lot more when I am in a relationship, especially gas. But let me turn my attention on other things. No venting today.

Today $18 was spent, and $2 of it was paid on my lowest credit card (Victoria Secrets). I am doing what I have done in the past and that is paying $2 a day for not buying breakfast or lunch; in addition, to my regular payment. This was how I got my debt under control once before so it should work again.

Expense Categories less CC Payment
Groceries $7.46
Personal Care: Makeup $4.44
Personal Care: Feminine $3.12
Taxes: Sales $0.98

Grand Total -$16.00


August 8th, 2010 at 08:34 pm

After being on a hiatus, I decided to balance my accounts to get a real picture of what I owe, and I can tell you I am very disappointed. I went from debt to debt free, back to debt Frown I can just cry,I am over $13,000 in credit card debt, plus my car. But I am optimistic that I will be debt free once again.

On a good note I found 4 cents today, added $10 to my challenge home account Wink And will be cashing in my change bank tomorrow

I'm ready and with that said, lets do it!

Today's Spending

August 5th, 2010 at 01:38 am

Well today I made it to the gym so finally a buck was added to my challenge. I also had lunch at the office and breakfast at home so $2 ($8 for the week)was added to my CC challenge.

Today's spending:

Expense Categories
Groceries: $25.93
Household : Supplies $2.99
Sales Tax $0.17

Grand Total -29.09


August 3rd, 2010 at 11:21 pm

Today was almost a no spend day, but then the gas light came on Frown

So today's expenses:

Automobile-gas: $45

I also paid $2 on the CC challenge for a grand total of $6 extra on the principal for the week Smile

Today's Spending

August 3rd, 2010 at 03:19 am

Well I didn't make it to the gym so no buck for the challenge, I did bring my lunch and had breakfast at home so $2 went towards my CC challenge ($4 thus far).

Today's spending total:
Expense Categories
Utilities : Water & Sewage $65.25
Groceries: $17.51
Miscellaneous: $15.00
Sales Tax: $0.26

Grand Total -$98.02

Total Spending

August 2nd, 2010 at 04:03 am

Today was not a bad day, I spent the following:

Expense Categories
Miscellaneous 51.67
Personal Care : Hair Care $5

Grand Total -56.67

And since I did not eat out $2 was added to the challenge.

For the month $20 challenge : $2

I am back

August 1st, 2010 at 08:46 pm

It has been a long year and a half, but I am hoping that you guys will welcome me back and that I can get these finances back on track.
Over the last year and a half, I paid off all my debt only to run my CCs back up again. I finished college and was unable to land a job for a while but I found a job (not in my field of study) with less pay but was recently promoted making 2k more than previous hired. Thank God, I am truely thankful.
Now I am returning to school, my new employer reimburses upto $1200 a year so I have decided to get a nursing degree vs. my masters which is three times expensive. With an RN I will be able to land a job must faster and work my way into a health administrator position soon after.
For the first semester the only thing I am responsbile for are my books and other misc. supplies, tuition will be paid in full after grades are turned in and I always do well in my classes so thats not a problem Smile
I have finally found a great guy, we have been together for a little over a year and he is amazing. I am really happy Big Grin
In addition, I have been addicted to FaceBook and lost my way but I am back and am ready to get back on track.
So if you will have me again, I would love to get back to the good 'ol days, making progress with a group of amazing people


February 5th, 2010 at 02:31 am

Ok this is a long post, nothing to do with finances but I have to get this out.

Ok I am at work and did not notice my phone ringing. I see a text from my boyfriend "Call me 911" I try calling him no answer. Then I notice I have a missed call from his daughter. I call her she sounds as though she is crying, she answers and says " that's ok I got him/it" I wasn't sure, so I ask are you ok she says yes. I hang up but I am still feeling a little uneasy so I try calling both of them again and no answer.

Finally my BF calls back and tells me K (his daughter) tried killing herself and slit her wrist and that he was on his way to the hospital near my job. Because I just started I am afraid to leave I tell my co-worker and she advises me to leave and I did.

Get to the hospital both he and her are pulling in behind me. Where is her mother I wonder. I give her a hug and ask whats the matter, she begins to cry I leave her alone and don't push the issue and upset her more. Thank God the wombs are superficial.

My concern is mom never shows and then we find out through her counseling session at the hospital that she did this on Sunday; mom, mom's BF, moms sister and her baby sister all knew and no one has contacted Dad---my BF.

My BF tries contacting his ex wife who yells at him for calling and states that she will deal with K later. My first response is frigging later? Are you frigging kidding me? This is a serious issues, obviously she is crying out attention from mom who still isn't giving her the attention she is God, I have no kids but where is the motherly bond, instincts etc that I always here about?

Long story short the hospital discharged her, she insisted on going back home (which I thought was a bad idea) but dad did not want to upset her any more so allowed it. I talked to her today, she sound ok but counseling will start the first part of the week

Things are looking up

February 3rd, 2010 at 01:02 am

Ok even though I am making less money, I am actually liking my job and the people I work with. I'm not dealing with the phones which is a blessing

this year is really starting off great, I was able to save a total of $592 Smile

But my spending is up, clothing because I needed work clothes and have put on a ton of weight since I wasn't working
Expense Categories
Loan $253.69
Miscellaneous $241.18
Bills : Electricity $210.59
Bills : Cellular $208.68
Dining Out $148.52
Groceries $145.28
Personal Care : Hair Care $126.68
Automobile : Gasoline $124.52
Insurance : Automobile $110.62
Bills : Cable $106.70
Taxes : Federal Income Tax $94.95
Gifts $94.66
Job Expense : Refundable $77.61
Taxes : Social Security Tax $77.50
Bills : Internet $65.07
Bank Fee : Finance Charge $61.65
Utilities : Water & Sewage $58.30
Automobile : Registration $57.35
Personal Care - Unassigned $42.91
Clothing $41.59
Healthcare : Eyecare $33.99
Cleaning Supplies $30.68
Charitable Donations $30.00
Healthcare: Dental $30.00
Taxes: Medicare Tax $18.13
Taxes: Sales Tax $14.27

Grand Total -$2,505.12

Great week

January 23rd, 2010 at 03:03 pm

This was a great week, Monday was a holiday and I was off, then I go good news that I was hired full time and yesterday was a no spend day Smile So a buck went to my $20 challenge oh I just remembered I have to add another $1 for going to the gym Big Grin
Wow I also brought my lunch all week so $8 towards the challenge CC debt

Got the job

January 22nd, 2010 at 06:53 am

First I would like to thank God for pulling me through this last year, I had no idea how my bills were going to be paid but I did it.
After losing my job it became really hard, I used up my entire savings 6 months worth but at least I had that then I started to use my CCs but I was able to keep them afloat unlike so many others and I am truly thankful for that.
Yesterday I was offered a full time position at the agency in which I did some volunteer work for in the past and am currenlty working as a temp. Mind you this is the same place I interviewed for a different position four times already. Its about $2.40 more than what I am currently making with them and about $2.10 less than my previous salary but it is a heck of a lot more than unemployment so I am very happy.
My goal is to use this as a stepping stool to jump start my career with the elderly. It is a non profit agency which is great and will give me the experience I need with working with such an organization. It feels like the entire world has been lifted off my shoulders--- thank you God for this wonderful blessing and thank everyone here who has said a prayer and lifted my spirits

Not so bad

January 13th, 2010 at 01:38 am

Today was suppose to be a no spend day but $2 went towards CC debt/challenge because I had breakfast and lunch home. $18.50 at the grocery store and 50 cents towards savings challenge (rounded up the change)


January 12th, 2010 at 01:28 am

Today was to be a no spend day, when I woke up to make a grill cheese for breakfast there was no cheese and I was cutting it close for work. So I had to stop and pick up breakfast which cost me $2.61. Then I was dying for thirst and only packed one juice bottle for work and ended up spending $.75 for a soda arrrgghhhh
So $3.36 went towards CC debt and $.64 towards my savings (rounded up the change)
All in all $4 went towards my challenge. Plus today was payday and $75 went into my savings.
Looks like as long as I am blogging I am saving Big Grin


January 10th, 2010 at 10:17 pm

Yesterday was a NSD so $2 went towards my $20 challenge ($1 in savings and a buck on the CC)

Today, wasn't so good but not bad either, I will post the tally later


January 8th, 2010 at 10:00 pm

Almost had a no spend day but I just had to have a cheeseburger and fries Frown

The damage $2.08; therefore, $2 was paid on the cc (part of my $20 challenge)


January 7th, 2010 at 11:17 pm

hmmmm just wondering why I fell off track, just hope I have learned from my mistakes.

Here are today's numbers:

Expense Categories
Bills : Electrcity $124.92
Groceries $15.53
Dining Out $5.75
Sales Tax $0.54

Grand Total -$146.74
Since I ate out today, $6 went towards my $20 challenge (the debt portion) and .19 cents towards the savings. This was the change after I rounded up to the nearest dollar

Today's tally

January 7th, 2010 at 12:47 am

Ok woke up this morning and didnt want to spend a dime but it did not turn out that way so here it is:

Expense Categories

Loan Payment $100.00
Automobile : Gasoline $40.00
Gifts $26.64
Healthcare: Dental payment $10.00
Groceries $7.91
Dining Out $3.92

Total Expense $188.86

$10 weekly deposit to challenge
$100 transferred to EF
$3 paid on CC for dining out

So a total of $13 was added to my challenge Smile

Hopefully back on track

January 5th, 2010 at 01:06 am

Hopefully I am back on track, today was the first NSD of the year so $4 went towards the challenge

$2 towards debt
$2 towards savings (went to the gym)

Yeah I know some people may say "you made a $2 payment on a cc" but those $2 adds up to $14 for the week and $56 for the month and by the end of the year it will be $672 towards a cc. By doing this before was how I became debt free the first time, so I know it can be done


January 4th, 2010 at 03:39 am

hopefully tomorrow will be a no spend day but here is the tally for today Frown

Expense Categories
Automobile: Registration $57.25
Groceries $10.56
Gifts $4.00

Grand Total -$71.81

I cant find the receipt for McDonald's but we did eat out today

Happy New Year

January 3rd, 2010 at 05:02 pm

Happy belated New Year, well I went from debt free to more debt. But one thing I do know is I will continue to blog which always keeps me on track. I am still at the temp job hopefully it will turn into full time but I will definitely be back searching. I have explained to my boyfriend that I will not be spending any money what so ever. If I can be debt free in a year I know I can do it again.

Still at it

December 8th, 2009 at 11:40 pm

Well I am not sure where to beging, I am still at the agency which is a temp gig. I interviewed for the 4th time because the person they hired instead of me they ended up firing. Why do i have interview for the fourth time beats me, I have been there three months, people praise me and yet they are unsure if I am a good fit. hmmmm politics in the work place if you ask me, but its getting the bills paid.
Ok I am ready to tell you guys, I have met this guy (known him for years) on facebook and we have been dating since about June. He is sooooo good to me, really. Unlike my ex he is such a gentleman and I really think I have finally found some one.
Oh yeah, I am back on track with the $20 challenge, thus far I have about $410 saved so that is a plus, nothing compared to a few months ago but hey its better than nothing. I am going to try and keep you guys posted and take care

Up date

November 14th, 2009 at 01:52 am

Well I did the third interview yesterday, I think it went well. I was also work asked to work next week Smile so its looking good

third interview

November 12th, 2009 at 09:44 pm

ok i had the third interview, i think it went well. I am still temping for the conmpany so I hope that gives me a little bit of an edge. I think I will be temping next week. Please keep the prayers coming it seems to working

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