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Archive for June, 2006

Got my refund

June 16th, 2006 at 11:11 pm

I am so excited my brother paid me back the $250.00 he owed me, actually it was $270.00 but when I called him the other night I only said " two something was what he owed" because I scared to call and ask. So I don't mind the $20.00 I'll write it off as a gift or when he ask me to pay the CC again which I am sure he will I'll add it back on (yes, I know shame on me) but I am adding this amount to my EF brining my new total to $607.61

Payday blues

June 16th, 2006 at 10:16 pm

I have more problems with my full-time job and payday more than anyone I know. Well we got our paystubs and my check was $1089.99 about 12.00 less than I calculated and I got my reimbursment for marketing at total of $63.90 but guess what the $1089.99 won't be deposited until Monday Frown because that is when the check was dated, nice. So I decided to post date all my online payments and I figured I will pay the following
$40.00 Home Phone
$40.00 C-phone 1
$40.00 Cable
$130.00 CC1 (paying extra on this)
$75.00 EF
$20.00 IRA
$30.00 MISC Svg
$25.00 Challenge
$20.00 Education account
$20.00 Personal Account
$20.00 Tithes
$35.00 Renewal for Sam's Club
$328.93 CC 2 (Paid in full, thank God)

Spent way too

June 16th, 2006 at 01:54 pm

YesterdayI spent a total of $72.12 Frown
$8.81 for lunch
$8.94 a gift for my nephew
$10.00 for parking, went to a concert and my sister had no cash Frown
$3.00 Snack ( at the concert)
$30.00 at the hairdresser
$14.37 for earrings, can't find my old ones
and added $24.06 to the challenge

A Nice little surprise

June 15th, 2006 at 02:20 pm

Well I just check the bank to see if any checks cleared and guess what I had a check from my part-time job deposited, it actually wasn't suppose to be in until Friday. I got $234.18 nice, so I trasferred the $100.00 back to my EF account from yesterday. What a nice surprise since we are not etting paid until Monday from my full-time job

Just rambling...

June 15th, 2006 at 02:30 am

Well I spoke with my brother regarding the money he owes me($270.00) he stated he was going to give me something this week. I felt kind of bad for asking but I just paid off a lot of debt, cleaned out my challenge account and savings account to do so. I have no idea why I feel so bad but I do, it's not like I owe him.

And speaking of challenge, I just checked my ING balance and it is actually $89.19 about $7.00 more than what I had, so that is good news.

I also transferred $100.00 from my so called EF, that is a joke right now...well I did so to cover me through the weekend. I ended up paying $33.45 (leaving me with $52.00 in my everyday account) on one CC that for some reason the due date was changed from the 27th of every month to the 16th. This is about two weeks difference (?) The odd thing about it is I just read some place maybe on this site that those of us who pay online seldom check our due dates when the bills come and often get slapped with a late fee because banks change their due dates. I do this alot..not looking at the due date just opening the mail checking the balance, chages and amount due, bad habit. thank goodness I have not had a late fee in over 2 years.

I also ended up subtrating the $11.65 for my automatic dental payment it is due around the 15th or 16th

Wow, just thank God I had some funds

I knew it

June 14th, 2006 at 10:38 pm

Well I knew our boss would not complete the time sheets until Thursday...gosh that messes up my plans. Now I have to transfer what few dollars I have from my EF to my checking just to cover myself for the weekend. Can you believe he said that those of us to had direct deposit will get paid on Saturday. I have never heard of such a thing. But I do get paid from the part-time job on Friday so we'll see.


June 14th, 2006 at 06:15 pm

Well I was suppose to have lunch with a paralegal who I am trying to do business with, well she did not show, and I ened up spending $8.81 on lunch because I did not bring any Frown And the kicker is I will not get reimbursed by my employer Frown
So instead of matching what I spent I simply transferred a little less than half to the challenge ($4.19) Boy am I upset
New total $82.59

FYI: Temporary Non-Stick Cookware

June 14th, 2006 at 04:49 pm

I had this in my inbox from dollar stretcher and just wanted to share:

To make all of your pots, pans, etc. non-stick, try this! Pour
white vinegar ($2.09 a gallon) in your pan to the appropriate
depth. Bring vinegar to a boil. Boil at medium heat for five
minutes. Allow the vinegar to cool to room temperature. The
same vinegar can be used several times until the smell becomes
weak. Make sure you have adequate ventilation as the fumes can
be irritating to your nose and lungs. When doing larger pans,
don't forget to toss in all of your metal utensils, bakeware,
BBQ racks and accessories! Even your old skillets and
saucepans will be non-stick for up to two months depending on
usage and washings.

Did a little spending today

June 14th, 2006 at 02:44 am

I know when ever I stay at home I never spend any money, well I spent an aditional $5.31, dinner for mom and I at McDonalds, and $10.00 for meds. I decided not to go to walmart only because I know i would spend a ton of money. So I added $5.69 to the challenge matching what I spent for dining out and now my new total is $84.09.

Also as you guys know I have been marketing now for about 3 months and got my first referral from an attorney's office Smile I am sooo happy this will be a extra bonus on the check, well it should be. So oeverall it ended up being a good day

Why did I leave the house

June 13th, 2006 at 11:08 pm

I was on a roll until I left the house, I ended up spending $23.19. $20.00 for gas, the station advertised $2.87 the lowest I have seen in a while, well of course they were out so I ended up with the next best thing at $2.99 a gallon. Then I headed to Walgreens and spent $3.19 on personal items...not to mention when I get off I have to go to Walmart and Walgreens again for medication Frown but in the end, I ended up adding $.81 to the challenge with a new total of $78.40

June's spending thus far

June 13th, 2006 at 05:46 pm

Credit card payemnt:$927.70 (3 paid off)
Groceries: $98.86
Job Expenses: $10.64
Student loan;$280.07 (paid in full)
Water & Sewage: 40.39
Gifts: $24.27
Charitable Donations: $20.00
Gas: $18.01
Auto Maintenance:4.79
Hurricane Supplies: $4.47
SS Tax:$16.47
Fed tax:$16.37
Cleaning suplies: $11.85
Personel Care:$10.40
Dining out $9.04 Smile Way less than usual
Sales Tax:$7.15
Misc: 1.57

Huge spend day

June 12th, 2006 at 10:59 pm

Just wasted $31.74 on a pair of shoes at Victoria Secrets Frown so I had to add $32.00 to the challenge brining my new total to $77.59 And my boss who doesn't like to do the time sheets on time may not be here to do them on Wednesday and if he is he may not, which means we won't get paid until Monday or Tuesday of next week depending on when he does them Frown This is a huge check...104 hours and I get paid Friday as well from my part -time job but if I deposit my check it won't clear for two days. I really wanted to pay off another CC this week but looks like all my plans are not going the way I planned them, atleast the student loan was paid off today

vB Code

June 12th, 2006 at 10:24 pm

Anyone knowhow to use these codes, when ever I try it nothing seems to be bold or underline, may be I am doing something wrong
vB Code: You can use these tags: [b] [i] [u] [url] [email]

$20.00 Challenge

June 12th, 2006 at 05:23 pm

Just rounded up my change and added .93 to the challenge giving me a total of $45.59

One down and One to go

June 12th, 2006 at 02:45 pm

Well I did it, I did not want to wait until pay day to pay off one of my student loans, so I transferred funds from my EF to pay my debt. It feels soooo good
Now I only have one more to go, this one cost me $280.07
EF Balance $282.61

Another CC with a zero balance

June 12th, 2006 at 03:18 am

Well I did it again, I paid off a CC..Target. The balance was only $4.25 but that is another item on my credit report with a zero balance and no slows pays or tardiness Smile I am so happy becaue now I know I am getting serious. I also transferred $1.25 to the challenge brining my total to $44.66 I am hoping to reach $100.00 the end of this week and another $100.00 by the end of the month

Today's Spending

June 11th, 2006 at 06:52 pm

Well I thought today was going to be a no spend day, I had to pay the water bill $40.39 so I needed to transfer from my EF but will replace on payday. And went to Publix, spent $12.33 also added $1.28 to the challenge and found out what tax 11 was, it's additional tax when you purhcase propapne Frown I should have boughtit when it was tax free during hurricane supply week
Challenge new total:$42.91

Saturday's Spending

June 11th, 2006 at 06:17 am

Thus far I do not recall a no spend day in a while Frown But tody I spent a total of $48.98
Gas $8.01 (cheaper by the job)
Groceries $14.10
Hurricane Supplies:$4.47
Leisure (books) $15.29
Personal Care: $1.72
Sales Tax: $1.50
Tax 11: $.32..I have no idea what this is, but I plan on caling the store
Snack: $2.00
So rather than adding a few cents to the challenge from rounding up I decided to add a whole ($1.03) giving me a new total for the challaenge of $41.63

Up all night reading

June 10th, 2006 at 06:01 am

Wow I just finished a " Child of God" by Lolita Files, a very good book. A friend of mine gave it to me and I had it for months, but I finally decided to read it and boy was it good. Its' a work of fiction (African-American) about 3 generations of one family, which consist of incest and voodoo. I just had to finish this book started late last night and could not put it down tonight, now it 1:04 in the morning. boy, nothing like a really good book

$20.00 Challenge

June 10th, 2006 at 01:07 am

well I spent $4.19 at the grocery store (Winn Dixie ) I actually went in for taco sause because what came in the dinner packet was not enough for me to use fpr lunch today Frown and then I ended upleaving it at work ,so I won't be having tacos for dinner. Also Winn Dixie had Capri Sun on sale for .99 cents you ca't beat that. Rounded up and added $.81 to challenge
new total: $39.61

$20.00 Challnege

June 9th, 2006 at 01:41 am

Well I did not call my brother for the 265.00 he owes me I was too nervous, why? I don't know..I mean he owes me not the other way around.
Any way besides paying off the cc ($125.87) I went to Publix today and spent $4.26 needed cheese and taco shell for tonight's dinner and tomorrows lunch. I am back to rounding up the change so I ended up adding a total of $1.34 to the challenge brining my total to $38.80. My goal is to deposit a $100.00 this month to this account we will see

$265.00 short

June 8th, 2006 at 11:10 pm

As you all know my brother owes me $265.00 and I am nervous about asking him for my money. I know I shouldn't be but right now things are getting tight I am paying down/off debt and basically I need the money. I would like to put in my EF an d watcht the interest grow, but with a new/used car in my future paying off what I owe is a priority. Wish me luck, I know he won't be upset but I know right now things aren't going to well for he and his family and I do live at home but I guess that is besides the point

New Balances

June 8th, 2006 at 02:31 pm

Because I keep the money for the challenge in an ING account I have to transfer once the funds become available, this is the only thing I hate about ING. Anyway my challenge is down to $37.46, I am not too upset becasue the money was used to pay off a cc, so that is a good thing. MY EF is down as well, I used some funds from here to pay off another CC. So here are my ending balances thus far:
Checking 1:$107.60
Checking2: $7.00
CC2:$944.45...willpay off next week
CC4:$216.96...I think this is off

CC5, paid in full

June 8th, 2006 at 01:43 pm

Well I went ahead and paid off CC5, $125.84, I figured it is better than waiting until next week (payday)especially since I am in attack mode. Now I only have 4 more to go and next week (payday ) I will pay off CC6, $944.67

No spend day today

June 8th, 2006 at 01:50 am

I was hoping to have a no spend day but ended up spending $22.73

Grocery(snack/frozen dinners for work):17.46
Auto (oil, funnel..etc):$4.79
Sales Tax:$ .49

I am not beating myself up too bad because these were all things I needed so no money was wasted

Sounds like a plan

June 7th, 2006 at 10:36 pm

I usually calculate my hours a few days before payday (well in this case a week) just to see where I am at and what to look forward to. Well all that complaining I did about paying off that cc was a waste of time and energy becsause this is one huge check...a total of 104 hours yeahhhhhhhhhh!

Now I figure, after taxes I should be getting about $1100.00 (Yeah!!!) plus an additional $228.00 from the part-time job
Anyway here is what I am looking at :
Water & Sewage: $40.00
C-phone#1: $40.00
Home Phone: $30.00
Cable: $40.00
Savings #1: $75.00
Challenge: $50.00
IRA: $15.00
CC2: $33.00
CC:3 $52.00
CC4: $20.00
CC5: 125.00 (paid in full)
Sam's club renewal: $35.00
Dental Ins :$12.00
Leaving me with about $761.00
Now I am thinking if my brother pays me what he owes me ($265.00) I can use this amount + the $761 to pay off cc2 ($944.45) leaving me with $82.00 for two weeks but at this point I do not care because I am sick and tired of these bills and I am not sure as you know how long my car will be around and I sure don't want a lot of bills if I get a new car

: ( A littlle upset

June 7th, 2006 at 01:59 pm

Just transferred another $100.00 from my challenge money in order to cover the payment to the CC made yesterday. Now my new balance is $137.46 and I will have to transfer another $100.00 once it is avaible (ING account). Atleast the cc is paid off

Debt Collectors

June 7th, 2006 at 01:32 am

As you all know I have two charge offs on my credit one was a CC in the amount of $444.00 and the other was a cell phone account $750.00 ( got for my ex, that is why he is an ex) any way the account has since been sold again to a new CA , the credit card account. Well I was offered a settlement the problem is according to the CA my balance was $604.91 and they are willing to offer me $453.68 to settle the account about $10.00 more than the actual balance Frown Well of course I am not paying this. But my intentions are once I get on my feet and pay off current debts I will work on the two charge offs but i will deal only wtih the actual company and not a CA

I did it

June 6th, 2006 at 10:46 pm

Well I was a little nervous but I went ahead and paid off one of my CC's $797.61
I transferred the money from my EF because the money I keep in the challenge account is located at ING and will be a few days before it's actually deposited into my linked account, so I figured before I chicken out I'd better pay it now that I am serious. So now my new total for the challenge is $237.46 this difference is not available for withdrawal as of yet but that is fine with me. I get paid next week from both the part-time and full time job and will deposit the full amount from my part-time job to my EF making up the difference next I will work on another card ASAP. God I hope my car keeps up

$20.00 Challenge

June 6th, 2006 at 10:29 pm

Well I gave in and ate out today $5.95 at my favorite little italian spot because I was too lazy to cook something before I left for work and then I spent $2.00 on lottery tickets. So a total of 7.95 was wasted today and I added $8.00 to the challenge brining my new total to $831.46

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