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Archive for October, 2006

$.85 Raise

October 4th, 2006 at 10:50 pm

Well I got my pay stub today and there was a note from the boss which stated thanks for the hard work and a 85 cent raise. So I am not complaining because that was nice my annual raise be in January

Just paying bills

October 4th, 2006 at 01:23 am

Well we got paid today, so I am happy. Paid a ton bills but atleast I still have some extra cash...the car maybe going into the shop so I can't add any extra on th debt than what I already have
Today's spending:
Loan Payment to my brother: $100
Cellular: $68.20
Tithes: $20.00
CC debt: $115
Student Loan: $20
Personal Care:$5.76
Sales tax: $1.09
Total $402.59

Paid Extra on my CC's

October 3rd, 2006 at 07:17 pm

Well I paid an extra $115 on the credit cards Smile So I am happy. I also paid an extra $20.00 on my student loan

Extra Debt Payment/$20 Challenge Total:

Saved $1.80 using Coupons

October 3rd, 2006 at 07:12 pm

Saved a $1.80 today using my good 'ol coupons, so /i am adding this amount to my challenge money.

Total $24.88

Well I did it

October 3rd, 2006 at 01:01 am

I closed my high interest cc with the monthly fee of $4.00 just for having their account. I decided that I may as well close it then that way I am not tempted to use it. I am sure my already low score will go lower since I close this account but I am not ready to purchase anything in the future any time soon so I guess I am ok. Simply closing this account has given me some feelings of freedom so I am happy. Now I have to work on paying the balance. When I was asked why I was closing and being that I have never been late in the last 4+ years that I actually had the account you would think they would have offered me a low interest rate with no fee but instead they just simply closed it, but I am free


October 2nd, 2006 at 10:27 pm

I am annoyed because my boss wanted to go to Sweet Tomatoes since she missed the free lunch on Friday. Well of course I did not bring in any lunch because we were going to Sweet Tomatoes, well I be...I get here and she is leaving at 12 and will not be having lunch so I ended up spending $7.73 on lunch that I did not want to eat in the first place (well spend the money that is) Then I go there (Sweet Tomatoes) and there is no where to park the cops are giving out tickets if you park in the lot next to the restuarant..lucky for me I did not get ticket. I then hand the girl my coupon and was told they do not accept coupons, now I am more annoyed. So to make a long story short I round up the change and added 7.00 to the cc debt a total of $7.03 (matched the money wasted)

Free Coupons

October 2nd, 2006 at 03:58 am

Normally I but the Sunday paper for the coupons but since October is a month of frugality I decided not to waste the $1.25 ( normally I forget I even have coupons) Anyway I get to my part-time job and my co-worker saved the paper for me (yippie) I got a ton of coupons that I will use since October is the month of frugality for me. So I am adding a $1.25 to my challenge money

A post for Jeffrey

October 2nd, 2006 at 03:48 am

I was wondering if you could add a feature. When we click on the " all entries" to few all blogs, could you possibly add a feature so that we may veiw the preious or next blog with out going to the main menu again while we are viewing one in particular?

Thanks in advance

5 Hours of Studying

October 2nd, 2006 at 01:06 am

I came into work today at 3pm and just finished up studying a few minutes before I Also check my grade from the lab assignment on Thursday, I got a "B"(85%)...not too good. I really thought I aced the assignment. So instead of adding $3.00 for an "A" I will be adding $2.00 to the challenge money for the "B" so right now I have a "B" average in the class. My other class; we have not had one test and a mid term is in about two weeks I have knpw idea what to study but we will see. But I have rad the chapters and taken notes. I'll read over them again tomorrow in case I missed something.

October is here

October 1st, 2006 at 04:25 pm

And I started the day off right, "no spending" so I am adding a buck to the cc debt. This is the month that I am taking frugality by storm. I plan on not eating out at all except for Monday, I promised the boss we can go over to Sweet Tomatoe since she missed the free lunch on Friday (me and my big mouth)but atleast I am not paying for her, it's every woman for herself. Also my goal for the month is to cut CC debt in half and up EF to $1500.00.

Previous CC debt $2726.39
New toatl:$2725.39

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