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Archive for May, 2007

Getting closer ...

May 12th, 2007 at 05:06 pm

To home ownership that is. When ever I add any amount to my challenge it is a reality that I am actually serious about home ownership and I am actually making progress and not just talking about it. I just feel so good; even though my additions may not be much but it all adds up. I just added $3 for 3 loads of clothes that I line dried rather than using the dryer bringing my total to $2404.01 Smile My goal is to have $12,000 by the end of this year and another 12,000 by the end of next year brining my total to $24,000, which should be a nice down payment

Brush fire

May 11th, 2007 at 03:46 am

Here is a map of all the brush fires in FL, this is scary when we are in the middle of a drought

Phase 3

May 11th, 2007 at 03:27 am

Ok still no rain and a ton of brush fires
and we are now in phase 3 of the water restrictions meaning we can only water our grass once a week;
and people are watering their grass every day, nuts
Now we have salt water entering in some areas and no one seems to realize how serious this is. When we don't have drinking water or water to take showers I guess that is when the reality is going to hit. But from here on out I will definately call the police when I see some one wasting water or watering on days when they should not be watering

No dining out

May 11th, 2007 at 03:02 am

I have done very well when it comes to dining out; I have been brown bagging it and have lunch and dinner at home Smile so that is good news.

My dad also gave me $20 so I added this to the callenge as well as $4 (two days no breakfast) and $6 (two days--not buying lunch

new total is $2389.01

Busy day

May 10th, 2007 at 01:28 am

First I'd like to say how my day went:

I got up early today in order to make breakfast and there was no eggs so I ended up buying breakfast for mom & I ($6 added to the challenge)

Then I took my car to the shop and the mechanic did not charge me for the a/c Smile but he fixed my lighter (that I asked him to look at over a month ago and now did not want fix) that was $48. It actually worked out to my benefit because now I can bring my laptop along and charge my cell phone when low.

I also was able to find a used but practically new book for school at $29, not bad

Now in regards to my goal I added $9.91 to my cchallenge today I am desperately trying to reach $4000 before the end of the month, I really hope I can or come close to it

For girls only

May 9th, 2007 at 04:40 am

I am 33 and lately at night I am either sweating to death or freezing, could I actually be going through the changes? Is this normal for my age? This is insane, I hate feeling like this

Car troubles

May 9th, 2007 at 01:39 am

As you all know i drive a very old car and just paid $400 to get my a/c fix; well guess what it's out again Frown Now I am taking it to the shop to see what's what

Saved some money today...

May 8th, 2007 at 09:13 pm

By using a coupon. I went to The Honey Baked Store today and bought a mini ham for $19.99 and used my little coupon which saved me $4.63, I added this amount to my challenge. I also made myself breakfast this morning so that was another $2 saved and this was added to my challenge

New total $2344.62

Call me ...

May 8th, 2007 at 02:46 am

The return queen. I just bought a lot well not too much but am returning the items. I returned a shirt and a neckalce for $12.14 today and another shirt will be reutrned tomorrow for $26. I do this all the time, I go on these shopping sprees and then return the item because I feel like I should be saving instead of spending
My friends just laugh but it is a stress reliever I guess

$20 Challenge

May 7th, 2007 at 06:31 pm

Added another $2.05 to my challege for not not dining out Smile (breakfast)

New total: $2328.97


May 7th, 2007 at 03:45 am

we got a little thunder storm today nothing comapred to what we really need but something is better than nothing and I am thankful

$20 challenge

May 7th, 2007 at 03:43 am

Well thus far this month has been really great compared to last month and my dining out. I actually made breakfast and lunch today Smile even though I usually make lunch on the weekends and not the weekdays it still felt great. Anyhow I added $2 for not having breakfast out and $1 for line drying clothes today

New total $2326.92

Looks like I am back on the saving wagon when it comes to dining out

That's it

May 5th, 2007 at 03:47 pm

Normally I buy soda for work my boss and I . Any how we are the only two who deos and everyone else seem to always have a diet coke, well that is it for me I will buy my six packs and leave them in my cooler. It was ok when it's just the boss and I beacause she buys as well but it is the others that aggrevates me

Trying to meet my goal

May 5th, 2007 at 03:32 pm

Of $4000 for this month's challenge, we'll see. I just added the following

$2 had breakfast at home
$5 packed lunch today
$3 line dried 3 loads of clothes
$1 I got a "C" in one of my classes Frown that final did me in

New total for the challenge $2323.92

Where does it all go?

May 4th, 2007 at 11:41 pm

Money that is, yesterday I took $200 out of the bank:

$60 hair (color, perm hair cut)
$20 (Sunfest:food, drink and popcorn)
$30 Gift (co-worker is prgenant and another co work and I split the cost. I actually only wanted to spend $20 )
$6 Groceries
Total spent $116
Left with $84 and and friend of mine comes home from jail Frown so I promised him $40 which leaves me with actually $44 Frown Hope he gets his act together

I forgot ...

May 4th, 2007 at 11:11 pm

I actually saved a dollar yesterday on body wash so I am adding that to my challenge

New troal $2308.12

$20 challenge

May 4th, 2007 at 11:07 pm

Well I did not have breakfast out so I added $2 to the challenge and the boss bought lunch, that was another $3 saved so I added that to my challenge

New ttoal $2307.12 Smile
I have had 4 days with out buying lunch and 5 days with out buying breakfast, so this month is off to a great start

Where are you?

May 3rd, 2007 at 02:59 am

The rain tht is, we were suppose to get T-storms tonight and nothing. I am really worried

Looking for money

May 3rd, 2007 at 02:30 am

To add to my challenge and guess what I found it. So I was able to save $3.01 at the drug store on my meds and another $2.69 on the water bill so I added another $5.70 to my challenge brining my total to $2300.12 Smile I am happy. I have $1700 left to go, I know I set my goals really high (trying to reach $4000)but if I can come close to that amount by the end of the month I will be happy
We'll have to see

Rockin' n Rollin'

May 2nd, 2007 at 10:42 pm

Yep it is day 3 and I have not dined out for breakfast or lunch Smile Looks like I started the month off right. So I added $5 to the challenge as well as an additional $20 brining my new total to $2294.42

Still no rain

May 2nd, 2007 at 01:52 am

It still have not rain here in sunny FL, this is scary; I am really worried. Please keep your fingers crossed


May 2nd, 2007 at 01:50 am

$370 at the dentist today another root canal Frown Also the tooth that I spent over $600 to fix the crown is loose and the dentists states she could not save it...why wasn't I told before I wasted over $600. Now she wants to give me a bridge for $2040+ um I do not think so I'd rather pull and eat on one side, this is just crazy. It will cost me another $300+ once my crown comes in; oh dear oh dear

Wow what a difference interest can make

May 2nd, 2007 at 01:47 am

I was checking my balances and received $7.47 in interest from ING versus the $2.37 from my credit union. I never really noice the interest until recently but it really makes a difference where you keep your money when you're saving

Day 2: on a roll

May 2nd, 2007 at 01:44 am

Today is the second day that I actually made breakfast and lunch rather than buying it so I added a total of $10 to the challenge

New total $2269.42

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