Archive for March, 2009
March 28th, 2009 at 12:19 am
Well I received my tax return and of course my mom had her hand out. I usually give her $200 but since I am not working I gave her $150. I thought she would have said don't worry about it since I wasn't working but she took it anyway.... I should have known
So I wrote the check for my car, paid a $100 on the light bill, paid my internet bill, and cell phone bill all were paid early for the month of April. I'd rather have a credit than to be scrounging around next month trying to come up with the money. I also scheduled my May payment on CC number 2. Even though some of these funds won't be deducted until next month I went ahead and deducted them from my registrar.
I was also able to sock away $900 in to my savings account (this will cover two months car payments).
I should be getting my first unemployment check of about $600 so I'll pay May's car payment and put the remainder into my savings account
I forgot I got a gig next Tuesday answering the phone for $10 an hour for eight hours. This is the place in which I may intern. I went before to do some volunteer work and the HR woman really liked me but the woman she set me up with was so rude I never went back and she sense that. So when I contacted her for an internship she was really excited and then she ask me what hours I was looking for I told her I was wasn't working so any time before 5 since classes start in the summer at 4:45 anyhow she offered me this temporary gig. hmmm you never know I may get a job out of this and this place is a government agency
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Emergency Fund,
March 25th, 2009 at 11:00 am
This is why I simply decided to finish school. I get this call to come in for a interview yesterday so I say ok. Well an hour before our meeting the interviewer calls to cancel an reschedule. Ok fine, but an hour before our second meeting she cancels. This burns me up. Why call if you are so busy?
Anyhow the first day of the internship was ok, I'm feeling out things and go back on Thursday
Posted in
March 24th, 2009 at 02:46 am
I have decided to finish my education and not worry about a job. It is going to be tight but only for a few months, well the end of July will be graduation. I figured I would be more marketable with a bachelor's than searching for a job and explaining that I am currently in school and can't work Tuesday or Thursday evening and then explaining what my plans are after graduation. It definitely going to be tough but the opportunity cost in the long run will be worth. However, I will continue to look for a part-time job
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March 22nd, 2009 at 09:54 pm
I went to a presentation put on today by Plan Parenthood and the National Coalition of 100 Black Women about HIV awareness. I learned some things that I never knew. Like if your T cells drop below 200 you are then classified as an AIDS patient and even if your T cells increase for years and never drop you are still classified as an AIDS patient. At first I did not want to go but am glad I did, since I am not working I am definitely going to try to attend a lot more of these community outreach programs, it's free and informative
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March 22nd, 2009 at 12:35 am
I got 4 hours of studying in and still haven't completed one chapter. I can't wait until school is over. I am currently majoring in health administration ( a business degree) and with this degree the way the economy is, any one with a business/finance degree is pretty much having a hard time finding a job. I am considering going back to school in the fall and obtaining my respiratory therapist license. It is a two year program...we'll see
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March 21st, 2009 at 12:20 am
I got a call on Wednesday regarding a front desk position, when I called back the girl says to me that T wants you to come in and fill out an application and meet with some one. So I say when would be a good time she says Friday any time between 8:30 and 4. So today I go in at 10:30am only to be told that the office manager was not in and if I can come in on Monday or if I wanted to fill out the application. Basically she wanted me to come back and my response, I'll fill out the application and leave it. If she wants me to come in then she will call. I left my resume again and a few letter of recommendations
On a different note, I decided to go ahead and pay my auto insurance for a six month period since I have the money and have no idea when I would find a job ($632.09)
My classmate called to tell me she was just diagnosed with Lupus, so please keep her in your prayers
Tomorrow if I don't do anything else , I am going to the library
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March 20th, 2009 at 05:25 am
Well today I didn't get a call but I was busy as $#@$%. I went with my brother to help him get his passport (almost 3 hours) then I had class. Usually there are a ton of jobs posted but today there were only 2 and 1 I have to mail my resume tomorrow 
I hate when companies want you to mail in a resume, but oh well
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March 18th, 2009 at 08:46 pm
Ok I'm in my room and my mom comes in with the mail and says to me M sent you your check. I say I know I checked this morning and it was deposited, she then says how much did he pay you? I absolutely hate when she does this, it is none of your business or anyone else for that matter how much money I make and besides I am not working so this money is going into my EF account to pay up coming bills, bottom line. But I simply said he paid me for the two weeks and left it at that
On a different note I got two hours in (studying) and actually found a couple more jobs I could apply for. Now I'm going to read "Beneath the Bruises" which is a book on domestic violence
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March 18th, 2009 at 05:01 pm
I have decided to attend different functions in the community pertaining to health care. I figured this will give me an opportunity to get involved as well an opportunity to meet some executives and network. I was planning on doing this anyway but never got around to it, wish I had
Anyhow on the job front, nothing. I only saw two possible openings and applied for both. It amazes me you apply for a ton of positions and only get a couple of calls
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March 18th, 2009 at 03:43 am
Well I think so... my to do list was to:
-Fax resume to two location--done
-Call Dr's office to schedule an interview--done
-Second interview with hospital B--done
-Deposit Pinecone check--done
-Mail application to the city of LW--done
-Work on paper--done
-Study finance
Well I didn't work on my finance homework but I did finish up my taxes so I'll head to the library tomorrow to work on my home work for finance after I check out any new posting online for a job
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March 18th, 2009 at 01:04 am
I hate when my mother ask me questions about my finances. I said to her well I finally did my taxes and her response how much are you getting? I wanted to scream none of your business, it drives me crazy that she wants to know. Few weeks ago she ask me what my salary was. I think things like that are private mother or not. I'm sure she's expecting something now. This is not a bonus for me this is money to pay future bills if I do not land a job
Yes I blog about my finances because it helps me mentally and I don't really know anyone here personally so I can say what's on my mind and not feel uncomfortable about my finances
Posted in
March 17th, 2009 at 10:44 pm
I finally completed my taxes and I should be getting about $1600 which will go straight into my EF account to pay up coming bills, gosh I hope I land a job before I have to touch this money
I have one more paycheck coming in and I will pay all bills due for April including my car and get them out of the way
I start the gig next week with PP which is about 8-10 weeks for $1000
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March 17th, 2009 at 07:03 pm
I was so ticked off the person at hospital B had me waiting for over 1 hour, what if I had showed up an hour late.
First I didn't eat breakfast because I really wasn't hungry. I get there about 10 minutes early and was told that the person I thought I was meeting was running 15 minutes late due to an accident(which I later find out was a lie by the interviewer he was in a meeting), Then I'm told to allow 20 minutes and before I know it a little over an hour goes by and finally meet with this guy who pretty much ask me the same question as in the last interview and I'm there now close to two hour. If I really didn't need a job I would have left
I called hospital A where I really want to work to see if the position was filled and was told they were still interviewing but someone from within wants the position meaning 9 times out of 10 they'll get it
In the end when I left the interview I was told to allow 3 weeks plus I was starving so I went to Wendy's
Today's total job application submitted 6
Posted in
March 17th, 2009 at 12:39 am
I got another call today from a neurology office to come in for an interview, unfortunately I missed the call but will call first thing in the morning, the woman called me around 6pm and when I called back it was about 6:30 and the office was closed. I think she was making calls after hours
I decided to go into the library and pick up a book so that I'll have something to read since I'm home.
Tomorrow is a big day, my to do:
-Fax resume to two location
-Call Dr's office to schedule an interview
-Second interview with hospital B
-Deposit Pinecone check
-Mail application to the city of LW
-Work on paper
-Study finance
Posted in
March 16th, 2009 at 07:19 pm
Well went with my dad to his rental property and I'm tired. After our pow wow I really don't want to be involved with him and his property but neither he nor my brother know what their doing
I ended up spending money today about $5 at Burger King and another $5 at the produce stand which was well worth it and $102 for the electric bill which is not due until April but since I'm not working I figured I may as well pay it while I have the money
I got a call from hospital number 2 for a second interview tomorrow which is a good sign, not the location or time slot I want but hey it's a job and since I am dying to get in the hospital after graduation, this will be great.
Oh I got $3 from Pinecone today
Posted in
March 16th, 2009 at 03:39 am
March honors prominent women who helped shape this country and in keeping up with a little bit of history here is an FYI:
Anne Dallas Dudley (1876 - 1955)
Political activist central to the campaign to pass the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Serving as National Campaign Director as well as in her home state of Tennessee, she led a march of 2,000 women in the South's first suffrage parade in 1914, and
Fanny Wright
(1795 - 1852)The first American woman to speak publicly against slavery and for the equality of women, Fanny Wright was a rebel who pursued equality for all. She lived according to her own ideals rather than society's dictates.
Posted in
March 16th, 2009 at 02:12 am
I have had a total of 11 NSD and it's all mainly because I am unemployed. I'm happy that I had the no spend days but sad that I am not working. Normally I add $2 for every no spend days but I'm unable to do so
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March 15th, 2009 at 05:16 pm
Well Friday I didn't submit any applications but I did go back and check to see if anything was posted that I would be interested in and there was nothing. Today however, I was able to apply for 5 positions and later I will fax my resume to three locations bringing my total to 8 for the day. I have a feeling that this is the week I would be offered a job, just something in side is telling me (since my lay) that I would be offered a job my second week of being unemployed...I hope so
Posted in
March 15th, 2009 at 02:39 am
Since I'm unemployed and have these teaching CDs on excel, word, access etc. I decided to brush up on my excel. Yes I know the basics to get by but there are other things that the CD teaches you and what the heck. So rather than having a hot date that's what I'm doing
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March 14th, 2009 at 09:53 pm
I know that it is my faith that keeps me going, yes I was/am down about not having a job but things could be much worst. Today God Blessed me with a $50 gift from my dad, last week it was $20 from my aunt and again today my uncle paid me the money he owed me. The entire $525, so I put this money in my EF in order to pay my car insurance for the next three months. Yes I am worried but at least I can pay my car note, car insurance and the small bills around the house
Thank goodness, God is on my side when all else fails
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
March 13th, 2009 at 10:10 pm
I went ahead and scheduled a $30 payment to be deducted on April 3 on CC2, and deducted the amount from my checking account. I figured I may as well as long as I have the money and I don't know when I'm going to start work again
Posted in
March 13th, 2009 at 09:26 pm
Went in for an interview at a different hospital there were two different openings. One for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday from 7pm to 7am and the other per diem. I'd rather the over night shift because it's gull time with benefits. I got a call from MD that my paps was positive so she wants to do some procedure, I went ahead and scheduled for next Thursday before my insurance runs out
So my first week of being unemployed, I've applied for over 20 positions and had 4 interviews
On a different note I was so tempted today to go to Burger King twice, but I said to myself [i]you are not working[i]
Tonight I'll do my taxes and get them out, I need the money
Posted in
March 13th, 2009 at 05:06 pm
I went to an interview today for a security company, totally different than my background. Hours are from 8-5 and is a temporary position from April-September with the possibility of full-time. They gave me the paper work for a drug test so I'm pretty sure I got the job, but I really wanted the one at the hospital near my house. I have another interview today for a per Diem position which is an on call gig at another hospital hmmmm we'll see
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March 12th, 2009 at 08:28 pm
I met with the administrator at Plan Parenthood and I have a paid internship for about 8 weeks for a $1000 which averages out to about $15 an hour. However, it is a little less than unemployment but they'll pay me the difference so I'll still be making the same amount as if I got unemployment but it is a great opportunity for me when the summer rolls around and I need an internship
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March 12th, 2009 at 02:56 am
My beautician called because she wanted to go out, I stated to her I was let go Friday and really didn't have the money. She goes on to tell me that it's only $10, I say yeah but I can't waist $10 nor do I like going anyplace without cash. She's going on and on so then I say my hair isn't done nor do I have anything to wear. She didn't even offer to do my hair, just put a couple of curls in and yet you want me to spend money I don't have.Her response, you have something to wear. The point is, as an old client and friend she wouldn't even offer to pay my way since it's only $10 or even do something with my hair unless she was getting paid and why is she spending money anyway when I constantly get calls from a bill collector for her
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March 12th, 2009 at 01:29 am
Ok tomorrow is a busy day and I have to jot down what exactly I'm doing.
First turn in the office key
second: drop off application at the city of LW
Next, hit the grocery store
Then meet with Plan Parenthood about a possible paid internship
Last thing on list, speak with adviser about graduation
Tomorrow would be the first time I spent money since my lay off, I guess that is the only best thing that came from me being let go
Posted in
March 11th, 2009 at 04:13 pm
I received my unemployment letter which stated I was eligible for benefits ($275 weekly) this is good news because I can live off this for a while if nothing comes in and not touch my savings 
Things seems to be going well and I know if it wasn't for my faith and my amazing friends, family and of course my blog family here I probably would have lost my mind
Posted in
March 11th, 2009 at 02:43 pm
My interview went really well, we talked for an hour and M even said that I was a very strong candidate. They are looking to fill the position asap, so I am hoping that I get a call back by the end of the week. I also go another call from a different hospital and will be setting up an interview with them
But I would like to get on at the location with M the pay is about $2 less than what I was making, but they offer benefits and rather than 2 weeks vacation you get 4 weeks
Posted in
March 11th, 2009 at 02:33 am
Wish me luck, I have an interview tomorrow at a hospital and I am so excited. I have been wanting a job at the hospital or with the Department of Health since I can remember and have never had an interview. I've always filled out the application but never a call back. I have even research the hospital to find out how many beds, when they opened and the CEO name; in addition, to looking up some of the programs in which they offer so that I am prepared when I go in
Today was my 8th NSD, I guess the best thing about me not working is that I am not spending any money not even driving
I had to edit this post in order to add the link for free Dr.Pepper. When you go on the site the link is to the lower left
Text is http://www.drpepper.com/ and Link is http://www.drpepper.com/
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March 10th, 2009 at 08:01 pm
I got another lead today from my friend's son so I faxed my resume ASAP to his contact who stated to give her a few days.
Plus one of my coworkers called who has a friend over at H and he's going to talk to her, I had talked to her a few weeks ago about interning for the summer but never got her number. My co-worker said he has not heard 1 thing as to why I was let go and pretty much everyone was shocked
As I'm typing this I got a call from M at the hospital that I applied for and will meet with her tomorrow. Lord I begging you to not let me cry. I'll definitely have to practice tonight on answering my questions
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