Archive for March, 2009
March 10th, 2009 at 08:01 pm
I got another lead today from my friend's son so I faxed my resume ASAP to his contact who stated to give her a few days.
Plus one of my coworkers called who has a friend over at H and he's going to talk to her, I had talked to her a few weeks ago about interning for the summer but never got her number. My co-worker said he has not heard 1 thing as to why I was let go and pretty much everyone was shocked
As I'm typing this I got a call from M at the hospital that I applied for and will meet with her tomorrow. Lord I begging you to not let me cry. I'll definitely have to practice tonight on answering my questions
Posted in
March 10th, 2009 at 04:22 pm
I received $3 from Pinecone today as well as a few days ago, so $6 I can use for my gas.
I also got an lead on a possible paid internship with Plan Parenthood, that would be nice
Thus far today I only filled out 3 applications but since Monday I have submitted about 19 applications and this is not including Fridays' Saturday's and Sunday. I am so proud that I am getting my information out
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March 10th, 2009 at 03:54 am
My old friend always say "claim it and it is yours" and I have done that, by totally staying positive and knowing that God is going to give me a job in two weeks
Another friend called today and one of her son's is a manager/supervisor at company C and will put in a word for me for a position that hasn't even come up yet and her other son knows the director of company L and would give her a buzz. So with everyone looking out for me I am bound to find a job
Thanks to Fern I have been keeping a log of where and when I fill out an application. Today a total of 6. I'm hoping I can keep up the momentum, if so then I should oops would land a job soon
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March 9th, 2009 at 10:44 pm
There was a position in the paper for a front desk person but no fax number, so I called and the girl said to come in and fill out an application at 5:30. At first I wasn't going to go because I thought there would be a ton of people there but three of my friends all said I should go so I went.
This Dr. was a jerk his only question was are you married, do you have children? First of all this is illegal and I almost said that to him. Then he stated his office hours were from 6:30 to 7pm and they worked through lunch. I'm thinking you can't force some one to work through lunch. Then he said if he offered me the job I would have to choose between school and work. Now the hours of operation posted on the door stated from 7:20am to 4pm and my classes start at 7pm
I need a job but I would not drop my class that will be over in may that I already paid for
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March 9th, 2009 at 05:26 pm
I went to my interview today and it was going OK until she ask me about my last job and I started crying. Can you believe it? I know I won't get a call back but I hate I started crying. I just informed the interviewer that I was upset because working there was like working with family and that I was going to miss everyone there
I can't believe it
There was only on job posted today that I could possible apply for so I went ahead and did that, I have had no phone calls but I'm optimistic
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March 9th, 2009 at 01:31 am
Someone is praying for me and the Man above is listening(and I am thankful). My aunt came over and my mom or uncle must have told her I was let go. Well as I'm sitting under the dryer she ask if I worked in a doctor's office and I said to her PT but it's similar. Well she said I think and I'm not sure but that on Friday the doctor her daughter works for let the receptionist go and when she got home she would call and get more details. Well she never went home but got the info for me right away and who I should fax my resume to. So what did I do? fax my resume over at 9pm so that E
would have it first thing in the morning
I am so thankful that I keep my resume always up to date. Because on Friday I came home looked for employment and faxed and email my resume right away no need to tweet this or add that, because it was already complete. I suggest that everyone no matter what keep your resume up to date...it was one of the best things I could have done
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March 8th, 2009 at 07:46 pm
Well I have an interview tomorrow at a doctor's office for the front desk. Starting salary is $14 but I can't complain, I'd rather make $14 an hour than 0. I am not going to get my hopes up too much but I am just simply glad that I have an interview tomorrow, plus the location is much closer to my house
Wish me luck
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March 8th, 2009 at 06:59 pm
Friday when I was let go, my check engine light came on and I thought OMG. Today my uncle took it to the Toyota auto shop because his friend is a mechanic there and he looked at it for free, thank goodness. It wasn't anything major I just need to either buy a new gas cap or make sure it is closed until I can afford to replace it. Normally you have to pay for having your vehicle simply looked at but my uncle's friend was nice enough not to charge.
Then my aunt came over and left me $20, I can use that for gas. After talking a little with my aunt I spoke with a friend who said her BF is a manager at a Publix and if I needed a part time gig he could get me in. So if nothing comes in I'll give him a buzz in a few weeks. I applied for two more jobs bringing today's total to 8
I am positive that things will definitely work out
Posted in
March 8th, 2009 at 03:31 pm
As of 10am this morning I applied for 6 positions, there are a couple I need to try and apply for but am having a problem so I will try later. There is also one that I will have to call first thing tomorrow,hmmm in this day in age you would think that they would want you to fax or e-mail over a resume. I have to laugh because I can't believe how many jobs I have applied for since Friday afternoon. I am so amaze, but like I said in an earlier post I have no time to waste. I also notice that there is a job open at a location a friend of mine works at so I will call her later to let her know I applied, I haven't told her yet I was let go. I am really feeling good right now but I'll be feeling great once I get a job
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March 8th, 2009 at 01:00 pm
I got up early this morning and checked out hotjobs.com. I went ahead and faxed my resume along with application over for a possible front desk position, being that I was working the front desk at my last job. Anyhow the company is opening up 3 new locations all a little farther than what I am interesting in but oh well I need a job.
Every one like old friends, co-workers, my blog family and family members have all been so kind and rooting for me. I just hope we are all right that I will have a job in a couple of weeks. I know one thing if and when I land a job, I am paying off my cc ASAP, if I get a job before I have to start using my savings I am definitely paying my cc off with my tax returns. This is just so scary. I know right now I can pay the minimum and get by but if I didn't have a minimum to pay it wouldn't be so bad. All that was charged though was for my teeth and school so I don't really feel too bad
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March 7th, 2009 at 09:45 pm
I finally got the nerve/courage to eat something today. I had cereal for breakfast and and a grilled cheese for an afternoon snack. Even though, I missed lunch I still managed to put something in my stomach which is a Blessing. I Still haven't felt like doing anything but I feel a lot better.
Posted in
March 7th, 2009 at 06:15 pm
What part of I am not bleeping working you don't bleep understand? The first person I called when I was let go was my sister. I explained to her how I trying to save every nickel (including gas) that I have. First she called me up to ask me to pick her up so I am hesitant but say OK. Then she calls me back to tell me don't worry about picking her up but if I can let her borrow some money to pay her light bill. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! So of course I tell her no and she continues to go on and on about how she's going to pay me later that night. Finally I said no again and hung up. Now today she calls me up me to pick her up to drop off my nephew's car and then take her home which is way cross town. Here it is I just said to her I am not working and she has all these things she wants me to do. I just want to yell leave me the bleep alone! She is so inconsiderate it amazes me
On a different note I placed a call into another friend who works at the hospital to keep her eye open for me, I'm hoping with every one I informed I would have some luck. Plus I talked to another friend today who has two friends that work at a hospital, maybe they can give me an inside scoop
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March 7th, 2009 at 11:56 am
When I finally got to bed it was almost 2am then I kept getting up all night/morning. Now it's 6am and I am back up. I did take the advice from Fern and went on the local workforce alliance website and submitted applications to our local courthouse (3 positions) all in all I think I applied to at least 20 jobs yesterday...lol the sad thing is I can't even remember some of them.
I have calls out to friends, 2 are nurses who work in the hospital who'll be checking with their boss' on Monday, 1 is a radiologist tech who's checking with a friend tonight and another is the HR manager of Beds Bath & Beyonds in NY who will check with the HR department here in FL
My goal is to be start work in and or no later than April.
One of my classmates suggested that I contact our department head at the college and let him know I was laid off and if he hears of anything to let me know since he always sends out information regarding possible internships. Which is a great idea so I will do that Monday morning hmmm matter of fact I will do it now no need and waiting because we are on spring break, the early bird always catches the worm.
I tell you as I typed the previous sentence, I thought hmmm send those e-mails now, so guess what I did? Sent those e-mails
I don't know my gut is telling me that I will have something in the next two weeks, boy I hope it's right
I got $3 yesterday from Pinecone so I added that to my checking account. I also transferred the money from my house fund to my checking account for the 12th that way when the bills for mid March roll around I can pay them as soon as I get them
It's tough but God always make away
I forgot to note that I will be talking to my other uncle today about paying the light bill if he does that then my monthly expenses would be about $800 dollars, which with my unemployment and savings I can make it for a while with simply my basic needs
Posted in
March 6th, 2009 at 10:43 pm
Thanks everyone for all your support, this is going to be a trying time for me. Hopefully I will find a job soon.
As you all know I was let go today and as soon as I got home, I applied for about 7 positions. Then I contacted Plan Parenthood about some volunteer work that I put off and the woman I spoke to has a possible paid internship. She sent me the application right away and of course I filled it out and sent it right back. I then tried calling the gym to cancel my membership and course I was on hold so long I had to hang up because the only phone I have is a cell so I will call back later. Then I called my uncle who owes me $550 and informed him I needed my money, hopefully he will come through. Next I called the dentist to see how long I can keep this post in until it's damaged because I can't afford it right now to pay for the crown and he was nice enough to tell me not to worry about it and once I start back working we can make some arrangements. That was really nice. I went ahead and applied for my unemployment, I figured why wait.
My mom's friend who got me the job 5 years ago called me back and said she was going to check with her boss about any possible openings
Right now I just don't feel like doing a thing but I know I can not let a day go by with out submitting 1 application per day
I am just so happy I did not break down today in front of my boss because I think if I had I would have said somethings that I may have regretted, I'm just praying that I get a job by April
My eyes are so red from crying and I have this headache that just won't leave plus I didn't eat a thing today and yet I am not hungry
Posted in
March 6th, 2009 at 08:01 pm
I was told today that I would be let go. I am so pissed off. I know that I am a good worker and have no idea why. I was told that the boss wanted to find some one with billing experience but that doesn't fly with me. I believe something happened and it wasn't justifiable for letting me go. I have been there for 5 years and just the other day he told some one that I was one of his best employees
What bothers me is that I don't know the truth. But at least I have a few dollars saved that will hold me over for a few months and that's it. As soon as I got home I submitted a ton of applications all over the place hopefully something will come up. See I am one of those either over qualified or not enough...some where in the middle
Posted in
March 6th, 2009 at 01:40 am
Well I got most of my to do list done:
Grocery shopping----
Traffic ticket---done
Buy lotto for work----
Only reason why I didn't go to the library to study, the gym and the grocery store is because on Thursdays I give my sister a ride home and on my way back the gym , library and the grocery store are on the same route so I figured I'll save gas and make the trip when I picked her up. Well of course at 5:30 the time that I should pick her up, she called to say there was no need for me to. I was so ticked off because my dentist and doctor are in the same area and my plans were to go after I left the doctor's but because I was cutting it close (as usual the doctor had me waiting) I decided to go home (across town) so that I can pick her up on time and missed my opportunity to do the things that I needed to do
And spending, wow I spent a lot. I anticipated that my crown for the implant would be about $400 close to the last one...nope try $1300. So I used the cc to pay half and won't be going back for the crown until I have the money for the other half. It's my own fault because I should have asked and not make any assumptions.
$25 for gas
$35 MD this went up $5
$650 Dentist
Posted in
March 5th, 2009 at 02:49 am
When it comes to money my sister is the worst. Once again she is in trouble with her rent but this time my uncle is the one bailing her out. I notice she called me a few times today but I didn't answer but while I was at the library she called again. It never dawned on me she wanted money; however, once I spoke with her she had already told me that my uncle was lending her the money. Even if I had spoke to her first the answer would have been no
She is in an apartment that she can not afford, she doesn't have a car, I just don't know.
I wish I could sit her down and have a long talk and sort through what ever she's going through financially.
Posted in
March 4th, 2009 at 10:29 pm
Today was my 3rd NSD so I added $2 to the house fund. I also paid an extra $18.71 on the principal for my car (check written yesterday)...the goal is to pay a extra $50 a month
Tomorrow is a big day (Things to do):
* See the dentist (that will set me back about $400)
*See the Gyn ($30 copay)
* Gas ($30)
* Traffic Ticket ($91 Mom actually gave me $40 towards this)
* Buy lotto for work
* Head to the gym
* Pick up a few items at the grocery store for Sunday's dinner and Friday and Saturday night snacks
Hopefully Saturday and Sunday will be no spend days for me, but we'll see
Posted in
March 4th, 2009 at 02:27 am
I met the bulk of my goals today and tomorrow should be a NSD
Today's things to do:
-Schedule dentist appt----done
-Reschedule advising appt----done
-Pick up pants from tailor---done
-Buy lotto ticket for work---done
-Pick up my free VS underwear(VS store close, go to another on Thursday)
-Deposit $15 check----done
-Drop package off at P.O----done
-Head to the library (work on paper/ finance)---done
-Create grocery list and pick up---done
Not too bad
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
March 3rd, 2009 at 03:54 am
This is my to do list for tomorrow because I am too lazy to get up and get a pen and paper:
-Schedule dentist appt
-Reschedule advising appt
-Pick up pants from tailor 
-Buy lotto ticket for work
-Pick up my free VS underwear
-Deposit $15 check
-Drop package off at P.O
-Head to the library (work on paper/ finance)
-Create grocery list and pick up
-Depending on if we are paid or not pay all bills due by the 15th
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March 3rd, 2009 at 02:00 am
Two days in a row that I have had a NSD So $2 was added to my house/challenge
That's it for now
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March 2nd, 2009 at 02:54 am
Today was the first NSD for the month I didn't even leave the house, so I added $2 to the challenge house fund. I washed and colored my own hair saving me about $45 plus I polished my own toes saving me another $12; grand total saved $57. It's expensive being a gal
I was able to get a little studying in again, so that was a plus, it's hard to study at home with all the distractions. All in all I had a good day without even leaving the house.
March is woman's month so I decided to post a little something about how women have been such a driving force:
Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, formed The National Association of Colored Women in 1896. Married George Lewis Ruffin, the first African American to graduate from Harvard Law School.
From 1890 to 1897 Ruffin served as the editor and publisher of Woman's Era, the first newspaper published by and for African American women. It was used to highlight the achievements of African American women and to champion black women's rights
Posted in
March 1st, 2009 at 06:11 pm
I just realized that February the 13th marked my third year here on Savingadvice, wow time sure goes fast. After reading a few blogs, 2007 was my best year financially, I have got to get back on track
Posted in
March 1st, 2009 at 06:06 pm
Thought I would jump on the bandwagon and add my goals for March
[] Work out 3 times a week
[] Extra $50 on principal for car
[] Pack lunch every day
[] Have breakfast at home (drive less)
[] Fill up once a week
[] Finish paper by March 6th
[] Study at least 1 hour a day
[] $50 to house found
[] Extra $100 on cc
[] Only spend on Tuesdays and Thursdays
We'll see
Posted in
March 1st, 2009 at 05:20 pm
Overall last month every thing was down except for clothes and dining out. In January I bought no clothes and my dining out expense was about $4 more in February. Oh I forgot my gift expense was up, had a friend to die and sent flowers. In addition,I added two bucks to my cc challenge because I finally made it to the gym. For the month I only had 4 NSD
Well here it is last month's spending:
Income Categories
Other Income $82.84
Wages & Salary $1,249.49
Income - Unassigned $170.35
Total Income $1,502.68
Automobile $110.01
Bank Charges (interest) $48.68
Bills: internet/ storage $108.54
Clothing $79.77
Dining Out $48.09
Education $0.95
Gifts $116.28
Groceries $175.70
Healthcare $22.26
Hobbies/Leisure $5.00
Household $17.43
Job Expense $14.70
Miscellaneous $109.17
Personal Care $37.81
Services/Memberships $47.91
Taxes $247.33
Utilities $112.36
Total Expense $1,301.99
Difference $200.69
Posted in
March 1st, 2009 at 07:31 am
Today was one of those days, went to work and the painter locked the bottom lock which is never locked and only two people have a key. One, I no longer had her number and the other wasn't answering. Finally the painter picked the lock. Next I headed to Wal-mart spent $80, then the post office and didn't have enough cash to mail my nephew his package.
Then I came home and was able to get 2 hours of studying in and decided I haven't been to the gym. So I headed to the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical. While there I thought I want to go out haven't been in a while. So I called a friend (even though I was having second thought)and she said ok. Low and behold as soon as I got dressed (keys in hand...really)she called and said she wasn't going arrrghhhh. But I went anyway almost twenty miles and forgot my money so I headed back home. It just wasn't meant for me to spend money to get in a club and buy drinks
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