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Every little bit count

January 30th, 2016 at 02:51 pm

I know when I blog I stay on track, I hate when things throw me off, when that happens I stop blogging and start spending. Have to stay focus.

With that said, I'm trucking right along. The BF took care of my car's oil change and filled me up. I didn't ask how much he paid, but I estimated about $60 for everything. So I added the $60 to my $20/52 Week challenge. New total $2,082.26. I'm so happy.

Dad and I will be running errands and he usually give me a $100 on the days we do this. Even though I tell him he don't have to he always do. He says he'll rather give it to his kids than other people who will sure enough take it.

I splurged and had McDonalds for breakfast $3.60 so I paid $3.60 on the BoA credit card, I figured if I have extra to eat out then I have money to pay down debt.

Lastly, we are getting our security cameras installed. It saddens me that we are in an age where Big Brother always have to be watching. Awful

Dining out

January 29th, 2016 at 09:02 pm

Went out to lunch with an colleague and spent $20 so I decided to pay $20 on CC1, how I see it if I can eat out I can pay extra on the CC.

New total $1000

So Glad I did what I did

January 26th, 2016 at 03:14 pm

Last year I became a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. I knew that there were going to be a number of events that I would want to participate in and decided to open a second account, for this purpose. I must say, I am so glad I did this. I was able to save about $300 since December and just recently I had to order somethings. What I'm so proud about is that I paid for those items without feeling stressed, and that it was easy as 123. It's just nice to have the funds available at the ready to do what I need to do.

On the saving side of things, I received $15 from the Cash app for three referrals. I decided to deposit $8 to the house fund and $7 to the new home fund. Since this wasn't money earned, I thought why not use it to pay down debt and beef up the savings.

Yesterday I did not workout so I paid $2 on BoA CC.

That's it for now, I'll check back in shortly.

Split the extra cash

January 21st, 2016 at 03:16 pm

Though I had said that any extra money received that I Woolf put towards the house, but I find the need to add funds to my CC debt as well.
Last night I received an extra $30 from dad, so I added half to the $20/52 week challenge and the other half to CC1

New totals
Challenge $1906,26
CC1 $1053.00

It's a struggle but I'm trying. Hopefully today will also be my first no spend day if the year and I can add $5.00 to my challenge.

Time to move on

August 3rd, 2015 at 01:46 am

Okie dokie we are back from PA. We had my BF family reunion and of course I ended up spending money I should not have.

I asked the BF to move out. Prior to us going on this trip he still owed $120.00 for the airfare, now he owes me $200+ for cable, $75 for luggage and $281 for the rental car. I told him prior to going that I did not want to be responsible for anything concerning this trip. I foot the bill for the Derby because that was something that I always wanted to do, this was his trip. He wants to talk things out, but I'm done, financially, we are not on the same page, and I am tired.

On a different note I am tackling CC4, I caught the devil trying to set up automatic payments of $10 per week but I was able to do it.

I've managed to bump my IRA to $396.71, and still able to add $15 a week to that. Not to mention I signed up for the company's 401(k) at 3% that averages about $33 per pay period.

I was also able to bump my $20/52 Week challenge to $2211.30; I would love to hit the 5k mark by December, but it doesn't look like it unless I get a job paying more.

Lastly, I have been on two interviews with the same company and will be going in for my third on Wednesday. I am pretty confident that I have the job, but I won't post anything until I receive my offer letter.

That's in in a nutshell

Weight Watchers and more...

July 3rd, 2015 at 02:50 am

Well today I weighed in at my Weight Watchers meeting and I'm down 2lbs, so I paid $2 on CC4. I'm down 7lbs in 7 weeks, that's a pound a week. Hopefully I can increase this.

In reference to the 401(k) I went with two target funds. Since I have no clue, and did a little research this seems to be the safest route for me. I put 90% towards the 2040 fund, my actual retirement, and 10% in a 2035. I've decided to just park and leave and gradually increase my payroll deductions overtime.

Hope I'm doing the right thing

CC3 is back!

June 27th, 2015 at 03:25 am

Ugh! Received a bill from CC3, apparently the card wasn't paid off and there was some interest accrued; therefore, I owe $12.39 😡
I paid it it but this just annoyed me. I can now say goodby officially.

On a different note, I have started tackling CC4 and this week alone I added an extra $35.

I've also upped my 52 Week/$20 challenge to $2070. Things are going great. Hopefully I can get this card down by half by the end of the year.

Goodbye CC3!

June 23rd, 2015 at 11:45 am

Goodbye CC3!

I finally did it, I have paid off CC3. I'm so excited; as Dave Ramsey says, "Get rid of those little mosquitoes." Good news is that, I've already started tackling CC4, paid an extra $25 last night😃

Now it's time to up my weekly IRA contributions from $10 to $15. It's not quite where I want to be, but it's a start. For each CC I pay off, I plan on upping this amount by $5


June 22nd, 2015 at 07:00 pm

Well I received an additional forty cents that put me over the $10 mark I needed to cash out on Ibotta. So I used that amount to pay down CC3. Now I wait patiently for my $153 in cash rewards from BoA and CC3 is out of here. I am so excited, I can just scream.
I'm ready to hit CC4, and get that one out of here.

CC3 almost gone

June 21st, 2015 at 06:59 pm

Well I logged in and cashed out my BoA points for cash. I thought the amount was $120 and in reality it was actually $153.93 😃

Right now the balance on CC3 is about $163. The good news is that if I receive the $153 from BoA within the next five days, I can add $10 and pay off CC3 by the end of the month.

I'm so excited because my goal was to have this CC paid off by June and to have $2k saved as well. This is such an amazing feeling to have reached my goals.

Next is CC4 the balance on that card is about $4800, the goal is to have at least half paid off by December

Hit my $2k

June 21st, 2015 at 06:45 pm

Well I did it! I hit the $2,000 mark for my challenges 😃

Added a dollar for losing a pound, and $15 for washing my own hair and not going to the salon. I'm so excited, I wanted to hit this amount before the end of the month. Now the goal is to hit 3K before October, fingers crossed.

I also paid another $15 on CC3, new balance $168

What a week

June 18th, 2015 at 02:11 am

Busy week.

Mom fell out of the bed and is wearing a neck brace, doctor thinks it's vertigo. She's doing better

Caught dad with the neighborhood prostitute. I was so shocked I couldn't say one word. I'll have to share the story later.

Had an interview, the job is perfect except for drive that is about 45 minutes away from my house without traffic. The company is currently five minutes away but will be moving. I have another interview Monday with a different company, I'll see how that goes. This one is about 20 -30 minutes.

I added $70 to my 52 week/$20 challenge, new total $1934. I'm so excited, it looks as though I may hit the 2k mark before the end of the month. I'm really trying, fingers crossed.

Got CC3 down to $263.50. Next week I'll be paying an extra $70 on this card so that will put me under the $200 mark. I was hoping to have it paid off by the end of the month but it looks like that won't happen until mid July. Better late than never.

Other than that, that's it in a nutshell. I weigh in tomorrow for Weight Watchers, I sort of fell off the wagon but I haven't used any extra points hopefully I've lost a little.

Down 4lbs

June 13th, 2015 at 05:32 pm

Weighed in at my Weight Watchers meeting, and I'm down 4lbs 😃
Because I'm down four pounds I added $2 to my 52 Week/$20 Challenge fund and $2 to my CC debt (4lb = $4). I'm super excited.

Yesterday marked 6 years that I've been with the BF, we decided not to spend any money on gifts and just go out for dinner. Made sense to me.

Honestly on a different note, I am thinking about taking the money out of my challenge fund ($283.50) to pay off CC3. I'm ready to start tackling CC4, I think I'm getting impatient. It's funny until I started my debt snowball the debt bothered me but not like now. It's like I'm on a high, and I'm trying to reach the euphoria, that feeling you get when you're debt free. 😃


June 10th, 2015 at 12:41 am

Finally got CC3 under $300, new balance $285.50.

Dad gave me a few extra dollars and I always split this amount between CC and 52 Week/$20 Chalkenge. I was able to boost my challenge to about $1838 😃

I can say I'm doing good with paying down bills and saving. My sister called and asked to borrow $2,000, I'm so glad I said no. Normally I feel bad, and give in and then complain when I don't get my money back but this time I said no. Besides, giving her the money would have cleaned out my house fund and EF.

Fast forward two days and the BF tells me his cousin needs to borrow $2600 to pay the taxes on his home. Now he wasn't asking to borrow the money, but it sure as heck sounded like it. I just listened and didn't offer. I did take this opportunity to explain to him how important it is to save for rainy days.

I've talked about owning my own place forever and next year I want to make it a reality.

I've been applying for jobs that's paying more money. With a new job, I can save at a faster pace and pay down my debt more quickly.

Gym and CC Payment

May 30th, 2015 at 12:44 am

Well I joined Weight Watchers (WW) free of charge through my health insurance. How cool is that? 😍

We have a wellness program with our insurance company. One of my of my goals was to lose weight, that is how I ended up with the free WW membership for six months. Sweet 😀

I went to the gym so I'm adding $2 to my challenge. I also went yesterday, so it's actuall four dollars 😀

Dad gave me an extra $20, I paid $10 on CC3 and added $10 to my challenge fund. Things are going pretty well.

New balances:
$367.50 CC3
52 Week/$20 Challenge $1738.01

19,000 Bank of America Points

May 25th, 2015 at 02:17 pm

I currently have 19,000 Bank of America points that I can cash out for $120. I figured I can use the money to pay down CC3 or I can wait until I hit 20,000 for $160. 25,000 points gets me $250.
Even if I cash in and get the $120 I can't add $80 to make a $200, that sucks. I can take the money out of my EF but I do not consider this to be an emergency.

I'll have to enter in receipts and balance the check book before making my final decision. I just really want this CC paid off, current balance $379.

I wonder if my CitiCard has a cash reward? 😳

Extra Cash

May 24th, 2015 at 06:46 pm

Well dad gave me a $100 today so I contributed $20 to Christ Fellowship, the service was awesome.

I also paid $20.04 on CC3 bringing my total to $379.00
I added $20 to my 52 Week/$20 challenge, new total $1720. The goal is to hit $3000 by August and 5k by the end of the year.

Lastly, I hit the gym, and applied for four positions today.

I was considering heading to a concert tomorrow for about $40, but changed my mind keeping the focus on paying down debt and saving money, so it's going to be a beach day. 🏄🏾

I'm trying

May 16th, 2015 at 05:03 am

I decided to cancel my hair appointment tomorrow, savings of $35.
Usually I wouldn't do anything with what I have saved but something is telling me to to use some of my saving to pay down debt. So I payed $15 on CC3 and add $15 towards my 52 week/$20 Challenge. I figured every little bit helps.

New challenge total $1655.40
CC3 balance $394

Yesterday dad gave me $40, usually I split this amount as well but pay day isn't until the end of the week and I'm trying to hold on to every little bit until then.

Extra on the CC

May 12th, 2015 at 12:34 am

Dad always gives me money every week, it's his way of saying he appreciates me. I've told him time and time again it's not necessary.

Today he gave me $50 so I paid $25 on CC3 knocking the balance down to $409. I added $25 to my 52 week/$20 Challenge, bringing my total to $1652. Whew if I can hit $5k by the end of the year I'd be so happy.

The key to saving is discipline.

Hit $1600

May 9th, 2015 at 05:39 pm

Dad gave me $50 towards his truck insurance. I'm actually responsible for paying it. See he doesn't drive anymore, but he lives alone, so I pay it to keep a vehicle in the yard. My brother who is suppose to be there may come home once every other week.

The insurance is $70 a month, not bad. So I simply added $25 to my challenge fund and $25 to CC3. Basically what dad gave me I used as extra income. So with the extra income I was able to knock CC3 down to about $440 and bump my house fund ( same as my challenge) to $1600. The goal was to hit $3,00 by the end of the year but I've bump that to $5,000 since I'm doing so good. Hopeful I can have CC3 paid off by July


April 29th, 2015 at 12:29 am

Next week is payday and looks like will be able to save over half my check. I'm excited because paying down the two CC was the best thing I could have done.

On a different I have two interviews lined up and I'm super excited about those. Not to mention my boss is on vacation.

Over the weekend we had our company picnic and because an employee wasn't on the RSVP list, the woman denied her a meal ticket. I thought this was disgusting, and realized it's okay for me to leave an organization that supports this sort of behavior


April 23rd, 2015 at 12:19 am

I was so focused on paying off CC1 that I forgot to pay CC3 yesterday and now I'll be hit with a late fee. Just one day can turn your entire world upside down 😡

On a different note I added week 44 to my 52 Week Challenge, brining my total to $1507.55.

I also had my interview, don't think I wowed them. My nerves got the best of me. But we will see.

CC1 Paid in Full

April 21st, 2015 at 11:48 am

At the start of the year CC1 was about $700, I manage to get this amount down to $330 in about four months; averaging a $100 a month additional payment. Now today I made my final payment. I am so excited I want to scream.

Next, I'll be paying CC2, $500. The strange thing is, I never received a bill this month. It's a HSBC cc and for some reason I have caught the devil trying to log in to view this account online. Needless to say, I know when it's due and what's owed so today it's goodbye. The only thing I have to do is transfer funds to my BoA account so that I can make the payment and the funds will hit the account right away if I use my BoA bill pay.

I tell you, knocking down debt is one of the best feelings ever.

Tomorrow is the big day

April 21st, 2015 at 02:19 am

Tomorrow my tax refund is suppose to hit the bank, I will pay off two CCs first thing in the morning. Then I'll pay all bills that are due on or around the first of the month. I'm so excited about paying off the two CCs. That will free up at least $50 a month.

On a different note I have an interview for a HR manager role. My fingers are crossed, I hope I feel good about the place and it's paying more. I like where I work, but I need to make at least 10k more a year. I have a masters degree, years experience and I am HR certified. The company I work for is so cheap and mistreat its staff that it's company knowledge that they are "cheap". It's the company theme song.

It's funny because when ever anyone resigns they miraculously come up with the money that wasn't budgeted before to offer a raise and promise to hire that second person to help you do the job you were doing, that was technically a job for three people. It's become a joke amongst staff that the HR manager and executive team aren't aware of. Sad but true.

Anyway my fingers are crossed and we will see what happens

Where is my refund?

April 18th, 2015 at 01:49 am

Just checked the status of my refund, and I should have a deposit made to my account next Tuesday.

Not sure whose post I read, but I too will be using 75% of my return towards debt. I like that number, 75%. With that, I should be able to pay off two CCs, add $350 to my EF and keep $200 for the Derby. Not bad, I just can't wait to make those CC payments. Paying off the two CCs will free up about $60 a month that will allow me to pay off CC #3

Paid Extra on the CC

April 15th, 2015 at 02:35 am

I say this when ever I start blogging about my finances, "so long as I am blogging I am on track."

Added another $10 to my 52 Week/$20 Challenge today, plus I paid an extra $10.00 on the CC. I received an extra $20.00 and of course I split the two Smile

I manage to get CC 1 (starting balance about $1500) down to only $342 in less than four months, I'd say that's not bad. I can't wait to receive my tax return so that I can pay it off.

Other than that nothing else is happening, just happy to be back on track.

Taxes are done!

April 14th, 2015 at 02:28 am

Yeah I finally completed my tax returns. I remember a time when I would rush to complete the return so that I can get my few hundred dollars. I was always in a jam. Now it feels good to see this as extra, not a rush, having the feeling of I can wait. Though I have debt, I love the fact that I have it under control and am working diligently to pay it off/down.

With that being said, once the funds hit my account, I will be able to knock out CC1 and CC2, I am so excited. Though the plans was to pay off CC3 as well, I decided to tackle this card (balance $500) using the funds saved from CC1 and 2. We're going to the Derby so I'd like to keep some extra cash on me and not use the CC I worked so hard to pay off. That's it in a nutshell 😀

Oops I almost forgot, the BF hinted that "he may need me to put a car in my name." I'm proud to say I didn't entertain the idea and nipped it in the bud. I flat out said no. There was a time when I would stress over things like this. I worked too hard to rebuild my credit. Though I have CC debt, I was surprised to see my score in the high 700s. Ultimately I would like to own a home one day.

Things happen for a reason

April 11th, 2015 at 09:53 pm

A few days ago I was struggling with deciding to pay down the CC or add to my EF/Challenge fund. Because I couldn't decide I split the extra money in half and applied to both.

Today dad gave me $100 so I applied this amount to my CC knocking the debt down to $362 Smile

I figured things happen for a reason. Had I not split the funds and paid the CC it would have been an extra $200 not $100 paid. With dad giving me the $100 I was able to pay a total of $200 on the CC anyway Smile

Now I must complete my tax returns, I'll be taking what ever extra funds I receive and pay down or off two credit cards.

Decisions, decisions, decisions

April 10th, 2015 at 04:21 am

At the start of the year, I said any extra money I receive, I would pay half on the CC debt and the other half towards my $20 challenge.

I received $200 from my brother today. I tossed and turned, trying to decide if I should pay this entire amount ($200) on the CC or half. I initially said I was going to pay down CC debt when I received the money but it really bothered me that I wasn't adding anything to my challenge. So with that, I took half and paid the CC and added the rest to the challenge.

Part of my goal is to save $5000 for the year, (that will give me about 6 months worth of expenses saved) and to pay off two CCs. I must say my methods are working, I should have about $1500 saved by the end of the month, if not more, and three credit cards paid off. With three CCs paid off I can save $75 a month. Smile

Just hoping I made the right decision

Super Proud of Myself

April 9th, 2015 at 11:49 am

I am super proud of myself. I've been keeping up with both the 52 Week Challenge and the $20 Challenge. Today I deposted week 45 of the 52 week challenge (started backwards); $56 was set aside for the $20 Challenge; and $56 was paid on the CC. Dad gave me $112, so I split what ever he gives me between the $20 Challenge and CC debt.

Made my first student loan payment, and it didn't feel stressful Smile

My brother is giving me $200, he always does this because I do his taxes, and his house is in my name ( he has never missed or been late with a payment in four years). Once I get it, I'll pay down a CC, knocking my balance to $375 and when my tax returns are received, it's paid off. First CC of the year.

So with so much great news, I'd love to do the happy dance 💃

Oops I failed to mention in about four months I have socked away $1,343.55 not bad.

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