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Won't happen

November 20th, 2011 at 11:42 pm

Well after I forgot about my $20 which was lost I decided to enroll in the reward program with BCBS. I scheduled my wellness checkup which is free, once the results are in I will complete an online survey which will give me a $50 visa gift card, in addition to the $50 for having the exam. Next I tried registering for the other surveys and for some reason my member number is not being recognized so tomorrow I will call BCBS and get this straighten out, if not I will miss out on $100 gift card.

I'm hoping to have the $200 in gift cards by my birthday, we're planning a trip to Alabama and I would like to use these fund for the trip.

I almost got upset but I decided I will not let this get me down, its a minor set back that will be fixed tomorrow and I can take the last two surveys for my $50 gift card.

Not a good day

November 20th, 2011 at 10:17 pm

First I misplaced/lost $20. This money was to last me until the weekend. I original started out with a little over $80, I went to get my hair done and the cost was $25, I went to Publix and spent $10 after that I have no idea what happened all I know is I was $20 short.

Next, I washed my clothes, hung them on the line and it started to rain Frown so I had to rewash them and go to the laundry mat to dry them, costing me $1.50. I'm not adding this to the challenge because it was out of my control.

Well I think I'll mope over my $20 for another 10 or so minutes and then move on.

On a good note I did collect 25 points using the ShopKick app, I'm hoping to get enough point by my birthday to pay for my hotel room for our trip.

In the end, I am still blogging which is a good thing

I know I should not judge

November 20th, 2011 at 10:18 am

Yesterday I handed out turkeys and canned goods and at first I thought, this is great. But unfortunately as time went on by, I found myself getting annoyed and disgusted. There were people coming back in line who had already received their food items, no thank you, clearly folks high on drugs who maybe selling the items for drugs, people complaining about why don't we have this or that, and what was most heartbreaking was seeing the food thrown on the side of the road as I walked to my car. I thought this was suppose to be a humbling experience and yet I left feeling angry.

There were families who clearly lived in the same household who had 3-4 turkeys and boxes of canned goods and yet another family who came in wheel chairs who left with only a turkey. It really sadden me, and I know I shouldn't judge, but why do I feel this way?


October 1st, 2011 at 04:38 am

I have been coming back since April, and I know I have made a lot of mistakes since I have stop blogging but it is time for me to start back blogging and getting back on track. I have managed to pay off debt and rack it right back up. But the good thing is my credit score isn't bad which actually surprises me. But all in all I am ready, I hope to get back to blogging and having some accountability

Good day

April 25th, 2011 at 04:03 pm

Today was a pretty good day. I received my tax return and so far I paid all the bills coming due in advance. Next Monday is pay day so I'll put the bulk of those funds in the EF.


April 18th, 2011 at 03:47 am

Busy busy busy, haven't blogged and of course I spent money. However, first I'd like to say dad was very I'll, we thought he may have had prostate cancer but with prayer it seems like we are cancer free Smile he goes back to the doctor after a taking some meds and we will see.

On a different note the BF is really pushing to move, so I bought about $150 worth of household furnishings to get ready for the move, I must admit I'm a little nervous but won't know unless I try.

I have completed my taxes and the refund is about 1200 dollars, do I'm paying off one CC and the rest will go in the EF. Until tomorrow that's it.

Trying it again

March 27th, 2011 at 08:27 pm

Wow since I have stop blogging about my finances everything has gone haywire so I'm tryiing it again. I have so much going on it is ridiculous but I'm trying it again. I've done it before so I can again

Happy New Year

January 3rd, 2010 at 05:02 pm

Happy belated New Year, well I went from debt free to more debt. But one thing I do know is I will continue to blog which always keeps me on track. I am still at the temp job hopefully it will turn into full time but I will definitely be back searching. I have explained to my boyfriend that I will not be spending any money what so ever. If I can be debt free in a year I know I can do it again.

Still at it

December 8th, 2009 at 11:40 pm

Well I am not sure where to beging, I am still at the agency which is a temp gig. I interviewed for the 4th time because the person they hired instead of me they ended up firing. Why do i have interview for the fourth time beats me, I have been there three months, people praise me and yet they are unsure if I am a good fit. hmmmm politics in the work place if you ask me, but its getting the bills paid.
Ok I am ready to tell you guys, I have met this guy (known him for years) on facebook and we have been dating since about June. He is sooooo good to me, really. Unlike my ex he is such a gentleman and I really think I have finally found some one.
Oh yeah, I am back on track with the $20 challenge, thus far I have about $410 saved so that is a plus, nothing compared to a few months ago but hey its better than nothing. I am going to try and keep you guys posted and take care


September 28th, 2009 at 09:05 pm

well i got a call that my laptop is ready not sure what its going to cost me but i am just glad its ready

new day

September 27th, 2009 at 01:14 pm

well woke up with a new look on life but now i have a terrible headache as well as an upset!hope i feel better soon I have so much to do today, such as: wash clothes, head to church, finish cleaning my room and sorting through papers, heading to a kiddie party and then dinner. Tomorrow I plan on heading to workforce alliance for assistance with my resume maybe its not eye catching who knows but I am praying for a job by the end of October

its been awhile

September 23rd, 2009 at 01:05 pm

wow its been a long time and so much has happened...i was let go back in march and still have not found a job, i have managed to go through my savings, run up my credit cards and have graduated finally from college. i just want to thank everyone for checking in on me but i have just been down and out. oh my computer crashed so i am using a cell phone i will check back in in a few days. take care and i miss you guys

Not much

May 6th, 2009 at 05:30 pm

I don't have much to report, I wanted to go to the movies today but it's either the movies today or networking tomorrow and I am not spending money both days, so let me think about it

May 6th, 2009 at 08:39 am

Has anyone used this website? It is the best when it comes to music, absolutely no commercials and you can customize your stations...great, just great. Check it out

Text is and Link is

Just checking in

May 6th, 2009 at 01:18 am

Hi all,
I'm just checking in, know it's been awhile but facebook has consumed me. I am still unemployed, but am really not looking (I have put in some applications). I got a B in my finance class and a C in my management class Frown
hmmmm what else, my savings is still fairly high but for the last few weeks I have been dining out so that has got to come to an end, meaning I have got to keep up with my blogs here.
Umph I start classes next week and as well as my internship and after that I will be graduating...yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So that's it for now and thank you Ralph for reminding me that I have a family here Smile


March 22nd, 2009 at 09:54 pm

I went to a presentation put on today by Plan Parenthood and the National Coalition of 100 Black Women about HIV awareness. I learned some things that I never knew. Like if your T cells drop below 200 you are then classified as an AIDS patient and even if your T cells increase for years and never drop you are still classified as an AIDS patient. At first I did not want to go but am glad I did, since I am not working I am definitely going to try to attend a lot more of these community outreach programs, it's free and informative

Not much to report

March 20th, 2009 at 05:25 am

Well today I didn't get a call but I was busy as $#@$%. I went with my brother to help him get his passport (almost 3 hours) then I had class. Usually there are a ton of jobs posted but today there were only 2 and 1 I have to mail my resume tomorrow Frown
I hate when companies want you to mail in a resume, but oh well

Did I do what I set out to do?

March 18th, 2009 at 03:43 am

Well I think so... my to do list was to:
-Fax resume to two location--done
-Call Dr's office to schedule an interview--done
-Second interview with hospital B--done
-Deposit Pinecone check--done
-Mail application to the city of LW--done
-Work on paper--done
-Study finance

Well I didn't work on my finance homework but I did finish up my taxes so I'll head to the library tomorrow to work on my home work for finance after I check out any new posting online for a job


March 17th, 2009 at 10:44 pm

I finally completed my taxes and I should be getting about $1600 which will go straight into my EF account to pay up coming bills, gosh I hope I land a job before I have to touch this money
I have one more paycheck coming in and I will pay all bills due for April including my car and get them out of the way
I start the gig next week with PP which is about 8-10 weeks for $1000

March the month of Women

March 16th, 2009 at 03:39 am

March honors prominent women who helped shape this country and in keeping up with a little bit of history here is an FYI:

Anne Dallas Dudley (1876 - 1955)
Political activist central to the campaign to pass the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Serving as National Campaign Director as well as in her home state of Tennessee, she led a march of 2,000 women in the South's first suffrage parade in 1914, and
Fanny Wright
(1795 - 1852)The first American woman to speak publicly against slavery and for the equality of women, Fanny Wright was a rebel who pursued equality for all. She lived according to her own ideals rather than society's dictates.


March 15th, 2009 at 02:39 am

Since I'm unemployed and have these teaching CDs on excel, word, access etc. I decided to brush up on my excel. Yes I know the basics to get by but there are other things that the CD teaches you and what the heck. So rather than having a hot date that's what I'm doing


March 7th, 2009 at 09:45 pm

I finally got the nerve/courage to eat something today. I had cereal for breakfast and and a grilled cheese for an afternoon snack. Even though, I missed lunch I still managed to put something in my stomach which is a Blessing. I Still haven't felt like doing anything but I feel a lot better.

No time to waste

March 6th, 2009 at 10:43 pm

Thanks everyone for all your support, this is going to be a trying time for me. Hopefully I will find a job soon.
As you all know I was let go today and as soon as I got home, I applied for about 7 positions. Then I contacted Plan Parenthood about some volunteer work that I put off and the woman I spoke to has a possible paid internship. She sent me the application right away and of course I filled it out and sent it right back. I then tried calling the gym to cancel my membership and course I was on hold so long I had to hang up because the only phone I have is a cell so I will call back later. Then I called my uncle who owes me $550 and informed him I needed my money, hopefully he will come through. Next I called the dentist to see how long I can keep this post in until it's damaged because I can't afford it right now to pay for the crown and he was nice enough to tell me not to worry about it and once I start back working we can make some arrangements. That was really nice. I went ahead and applied for my unemployment, I figured why wait.
My mom's friend who got me the job 5 years ago called me back and said she was going to check with her boss about any possible openings
Right now I just don't feel like doing a thing but I know I can not let a day go by with out submitting 1 application per day
I am just so happy I did not break down today in front of my boss because I think if I had I would have said somethings that I may have regretted, I'm just praying that I get a job by April
My eyes are so red from crying and I have this headache that just won't leave plus I didn't eat a thing today and yet I am not hungry

Goals met

March 4th, 2009 at 02:27 am

I met the bulk of my goals today and tomorrow should be a NSD
Today's things to do:
-Schedule dentist appt----done
-Reschedule advising appt----done
-Pick up pants from tailor---done
-Buy lotto ticket for work---done
-Pick up my free VS underwear(VS store close, go to another on Thursday)
-Deposit $15 check----done
-Drop package off at P.O----done
-Head to the library (work on paper/ finance)---done
-Create grocery list and pick up---done
Not too bad

Just a reminder

March 3rd, 2009 at 03:54 am

This is my to do list for tomorrow because I am too lazy to get up and get a pen and paper:

-Schedule dentist appt
-Reschedule advising appt
-Pick up pants from tailor Frown
-Buy lotto ticket for work
-Pick up my free VS underwear
-Deposit $15 check
-Drop package off at P.O
-Head to the library (work on paper/ finance)
-Create grocery list and pick up
-Depending on if we are paid or not pay all bills due by the 15th


March 1st, 2009 at 06:11 pm

I just realized that February the 13th marked my third year here on Savingadvice, wow time sure goes fast. After reading a few blogs, 2007 was my best year financially, I have got to get back on track

March Goals

March 1st, 2009 at 06:06 pm

Thought I would jump on the bandwagon and add my goals for March
[] Work out 3 times a week
[] Extra $50 on principal for car
[] Pack lunch every day
[] Have breakfast at home (drive less)
[] Fill up once a week
[] Finish paper by March 6th
[] Study at least 1 hour a day
[] $50 to house found
[] Extra $100 on cc
[] Only spend on Tuesdays and Thursdays
We'll see

Not meant to be

March 1st, 2009 at 07:31 am

Today was one of those days, went to work and the painter locked the bottom lock which is never locked and only two people have a key. One, I no longer had her number and the other wasn't answering. Finally the painter picked the lock. Next I headed to Wal-mart spent $80, then the post office and didn't have enough cash to mail my nephew his package.
Then I came home and was able to get 2 hours of studying in and decided I haven't been to the gym. So I headed to the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical. While there I thought I want to go out haven't been in a while. So I called a friend (even though I was having second thought)and she said ok. Low and behold as soon as I got dressed (keys in hand...really)she called and said she wasn't going arrrghhhh. But I went anyway almost twenty miles and forgot my money so I headed back home. It just wasn't meant for me to spend money to get in a club and buy drinks

What a difference

February 16th, 2009 at 02:45 am

I have been ironing my clothes and packing my lunch the night before and by doing so knocks off about 10-15 minutes in the morning plus I don't feel rushed. It really makes a difference
Last Thursday was my first test in my finance class and I can tell you finance is nothing like accounting which I prefer and to top things off the instructor isn't that great.
I did some shopping Frown spent about $80. What I find is once in a blue moon (every 6 weeks or so) I have to go shopping it is so tough for me but I'm working through it. There was a time when I went every day so every six weeks is much better than every day

Found it

February 5th, 2009 at 06:05 pm

I found my ring, thank goodness. I was on my car seat, I think I took it off to put hand lotion on and forgot to put it back. But I am just happy I found it

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