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April 13th, 2008 at 05:06 pm
That's what I was yeterday. First I went to my day job from 8:30 to 12, then did some running around, took an hour nap and went to work from 3-11. As soon as I got home last night I went straight to bed.
Then this morning I got up late and my mother was using all the burners on the stove and I was starving so I had to buy breakfast 
And I am still too tired to hit the library today...so I am just relaxing
Posted in
April 12th, 2008 at 02:55 am
Well I made breakfast and one of the patient's bought us lunch which was really good, but I bought a book today for $14. On top of that I forgot I have free showtime for a few months, if
I had remembered I could have watched a movie rather than buying a book
Posted in
April 11th, 2008 at 02:39 am
67 on my accounting test which is terrible. I notice that the inctructor added 7 bonus points, I do not know if the points were included or we should factor in at the end of the semester. I will check with her on Tuesday. The class as a whole did terrible, there were really low grades. I am a little dissappointed but at least I still have a B average.
On a different note I did not eat out again today, I have saved so much money this week. I have about $14 in checking account number 1 to last me until next Wednesday, let's see if I can hold onto it.
We had an open note test in my organization and planning course so we'll have to see how I do...I think I am ok
Posted in
April 10th, 2008 at 10:19 pm
If you are wondering what your refund would be just click on the link below. You will need your 1040 in order to enter amounts from different lines
I am in for $600
Text is http://www.irs.gov/app/espc/ and Link is http://www.irs.gov/app/espc/
Posted in
April 10th, 2008 at 01:35 am
I finally completed my tax returns and I am entitled to a refund of $1477...guess I loaned uncle same way too much. This amount is close to what my tuition will be in the summer give or take a couple of hundreds, sot that is what I will be using it for now. Now on a different note, when I get my little stimulus package I will add that to my challenge.
I did not go to the hair salon yesterday ( two weeks in a row) so I put those $35 in my EF account. In addition, I made breakfast this morning ( was tempted not to) and brought my lunch and now I am having grill cheese, so all and all I am doing well with not dining out this month
Grades are still not posted from my accounting test...I am a little worried, it was a tough test
Posted in
April 9th, 2008 at 01:37 am
For the last two days I have taken my lunch to to work in addition to snacks and I made breakfast both days; plus I cooked dinner so basically I had two no spend days
Further more, I did not go to the hair salon today, saving me $35
Now on a sour note, I took my acounting test today and basically had no clue, this was a tough test and my instructor said it would be...just keep your fingers crossed that I am in the high 70s
Posted in
April 6th, 2008 at 11:27 pm
Well I went to the library today and got some studying in for my accounting class. While I was there I met two seniors who were really nice we basically talked about the election and the economy
In addition, I did some grocery shopping and filled up my tank at $3.73 a gallon for a total of $57.30. I guess that is not too bad
Posted in
April 6th, 2008 at 02:44 pm
As you all know I work part time at a luxury senior living facility and these people are something else since they have money. Anyhow one of the residents son's came in and I asked how his dad was doing and he tells me he just passed. So I give my condolences and he tells me how great his dad was and that he was 98 as he is telling me how hard it is to lose a love one I say to him I lost my sister law two days before Christmas and he basically tells me her life was not important because she did not live to see 98. WTF!!!!!!!!!!! at first I wasn't going to say anything but I just couldn't, so I say to him just because she did not live to see 98 doesnt mean that she did not make an impact on peoples lives, she was a teacher whose children loved her as well as I. Can you believe him?
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April 5th, 2008 at 06:08 pm
I did not go to the hair salon this week so $35 was added to my EF. I want to reach my goal of $1000 by the end of May
Posted in
April 5th, 2008 at 05:26 pm
6 meaning classes I need to graduate I just reviewed the college catalog and it looks like I only need a total of 6 more classes I am so happy. If that is the case I maybe graduating this year after all. 3 classes in the summer and 3 in the fall (if they're offered) so I am setting up and meeting with the advisor to go over all my credits and what is needed.
On a different note my ex best friend called me the other day and asked me to move in with him (roommates) I thought are you damn crazy. First of all he always has people over, plus he smokes marijuana on a regular basis, then he has this attitude that you can't even give him constructive criticism plus he is not working. Not to mention he and my bum for an ex are best friends. Then when ever I talk to him he is always hinting about me lending him money and the fact that I so called have it. I can't stand a man who refuses to stand on his own feet and think that because I have a half way decent car that I just have money. Do I have stupid written across my forehead to give him because I know I will not be getting it back?
Sorry about the vent but he just drives me crazy
Posted in
April 5th, 2008 at 02:15 am
This school thing is driving me nuts, not only did I find out that the course required for internship maybe dropped in the fall I am now committed to my internship for the summer Any how on the bright side I was able to set up to have a speaker come out and speak with the seniors about emergency preparedness since we are approaching hurricane season.
Now the woman who is over my internship is an idiot, we agreed that I will be in charge of activities now it seems like she has new plans. When I speak with her on Monday I am going to confirm that I will be in charge of activities for my internship
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April 4th, 2008 at 04:07 am
well I went to the dentist and he wants me to have some scaling done, I don't think so...I have had scaling after scaling and it seems like it is not helping my gums. But the dentist gave me a mouth wash that I have used for about 2 weeks and he says my gums are much better, then why the scaling? Let's just hold off until after my scheduled cleaning which I plan on doing, if my gums are getting better with the mouthwash rather than spending $400 I would like to $15 copay for a mouthwash
Next I go to register for class and can't because I am not listed as a senior, arrrrrrrrrrgh. Now I am able to register and because of budget cuts so many classes have been dropped from the schedule or there maybe 1 class that is from 9-11 with a 21 students on a waiting list (this is from the instructor) and of course even if I was on the list I can not attend due to my work schedule. So basically my plans to graduate in the fall is out of the window.
But on a good note I upped my contribution from 4% to 6% for my company's 401k
Posted in
December 25th, 2007 at 05:12 pm
If I had known what I know now, things would have been different. For starters, I would have told my parents about being molested; I would have learned to love myself first.
Thinking back on it I think my shopping and wanted the life of others was a healing (not a healthy one) process for myself.
But life has been much better; after two failed suicide attempts I realized that my life and the way I choose to live it will be my happiness.
I have also learned that I am unique and that if I continue to compare myself to others it will definitely be self-destruction.
From a financial aspect I have learned that if I am happy with my self I am also happy with what I have (therefore spending less and saving more) it is just an amazing feeling
This year has been a blessing; this is the first time in my life that I can say I am truly happy; in addition, if I had known that simply talking about my situations (as I do here) is really more helpful than harmful. Not only has blogging helped me financially but mentally, emotionally and physically as well
These are things I wish I had known when I was young and foolish
Posted in
December 24th, 2007 at 11:13 pm
Merry Christmas to everyone. Also if you have small children, don't forget to track Santa at http://www.noradsanta.org
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November 23rd, 2007 at 04:56 am
For a new house that is. I notice that every dollar or cent for that matter I have saved I have added it to my house fund. I always talked about saving for a house but never really did. If I save with coupons I add this amount to my house/challenge fund, if I pay bills on line I add the amount I would have spent on stamps, if I do not eat out I add a dollar. I also round up my change and add that to my saving. I am so happy but with the housing market the way it is and the prices are still really high I wonder if I will be able to purchase a place and afford it
Posted in
August 6th, 2007 at 03:25 am
I just realize we have a hall of fame here and I am on it...lol Now I know it has been a while since I have read and blogged
Posted in
August 6th, 2007 at 03:04 am
Our office manage is nuts , she is they type of person who will not show you a thing because she thinks you want her job. When I was hired I informed her I was going to school for my BHA any how I informed her that I wanted to learn as much as possible in regards to billing/insurance. Needless to say I have not learned a thing other than insurance verification 3 years later. Now the owner who pays me well decided he wanted to collect on some old accounts and provided me the software that the office manager uses to do the billing. She is sooo upset about it, why I do not know. If she doesnt realize by now that when I finish school, hopefully in a year I will be.
Now to make a long story short about a month later the owner hires a friend whose company to closed, the woman is driving 80 miles each way to work, the office manager is so upset saying things like where is she going to sit. See this woman use to be the office manager at her old job for 12+ years and knows the billing (and has been showing me things) she is just as nice as she wants to be. When ever she has a question my crazy boss says "it's not important put it aside and I will do it later" basically not showing her our system or she may answer her as "WHAT!" the woman even said to me if it keeps up she may be leaving. Why are people like this, afraid to share knowledge, if she was able to do her job fully and keep up he would not have thought to have me collect on the old stuff and the new person posting obviously her department which was really only for one person has grown (which is great for us) but she doesnt see it that way
She use to do the ordering for the office and another girl does now, do you know she was so upset about it that when ever L called and ask the quantity we might need she would not tell her just silly and childish and she is in her fifties
Posted in
July 5th, 2007 at 01:09 am
Hope everyone had a really nice holiday, it rained here most of the day. Now I am not complaining because we really need the rain here in south FL, however I wish it would rain over the lake where it is needed the most. Anyhow, just wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th
Posted in
July 1st, 2007 at 04:03 am
I thnk i may have jumped the gun, but I bought a new car. I love it, it is an 02 Camry XLE fully loaded here are some pics. I did however, keep my old car just in case, also I can use it to put all the miles on and I know it is just a matter of time before it knocks out. Now my uncle did fix the shaking, so I guess he knew what he was talking about after all. So pray that everything works out an that this process is not a sstruggle

Posted in
June 24th, 2007 at 10:36 pm

I have got to get a hold on this, dining out that is. I spend way too much money on eating out on a daily basis and no matter how many times I post about this, (so that I can be held accountable) I just can't seem to move forward. So far I have spent $74.96 about $20 less than last month which is fine but the point is I want this number/amount down to $20 for the month. I am almost positive that I did not indicate some cash transactions so I am sure I spent more than this
Posted in
June 23rd, 2007 at 12:57 am
"A" minus was what I got for the first part of the summer course I am so happy, I was expectig a "B" I guess I did better on the final than I thought
Next I will be taking health law which should be really interesting
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June 2nd, 2007 at 05:21 pm
Posted in
May 29th, 2007 at 08:52 pm
This is crazy, even though I am saving for my dream home I was wondering why wasn't I paying rent?
Basically before I moved home my rent was $475 a month plus a $348.11 for a car payment (before I totaled my car) and now that I have no bills other than what I help my mom out with (cable, light water and phone) a light bulb went off and I think I should start it back up. So as of June 1st I now have a car payment and rent; this should really boost my savings. I am also adding this catagory to my money software so that I will stay on track. All funds for rent will go my challenge/home account and funds for car payment will go to my new/used car account
Posted in
May 3rd, 2007 at 02:59 am

The rain tht is, we were suppose to get T-storms tonight and nothing. I am really worried
Posted in
April 8th, 2007 at 02:48 pm
Posted in
March 17th, 2007 at 02:39 pm
Hope the luck of the Irish is with everyone today
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January 1st, 2007 at 05:41 pm
Load my pictures even though I use the save and add imagine, my imagines aren't posted
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December 25th, 2006 at 01:08 am
I was a afraid to look but I had no choice here are the totals thus far for the month
Gas $52
Maintenance/auto $70
CC Finance charges $5.13
Cable %65.87
Cellular $93.15
Electric $104.38
Internet $60.42
Student loan $65.35
Telephone $38.22
Chariatible donations $50
Clothing $310.70... not good at all
Diningout $119.45
Gifts $349.92...way over budget
groceries $51.90
Dental $11.65
Prescription $15
Auto insurance $207.44
Newspaper $125
Loan to family $230 (can't wait to get this back)Misc $287.19
Peronal care $153.84
sales tax $49.72
Being that it is the holidays I am giving myself some slack but it is back to business next month
Posted in
November 21st, 2006 at 07:36 pm
Ok this was my to do list and I completed just about everythin now I am waiting my turn to wash...of course my mom is washing so I have to wait...
1. Return boots ($149.35)---done
2. Return sandals ($23.97)---done
3. Return MP3 ($59.88)---done
4. Pick up dry cleaning
5. Pick up books and movies at the library (for road trip)---done
6. Take can goods in exchange for book fee at the library---done
7. Call MD office regarding results (again)---done
8. Follow up with MD office..check has not cleared ---done
9. Read at least 2 chapters
10. Pack for trip
11. Relax
Posted in
September 23rd, 2006 at 02:59 am
I have been so busy...school, one full time job and a part-time job. I do not really have no time for myself between work and studying. Now next week I am meeting with an administrator at the college to get an insight on what I should be doing before graduation, I am hoping by next fall I will be interning but we will see I definately need to hold on to my part time job. But tonight it is all about me I am surfing the net drinking diet coke and have my feet up
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