Archive for November, 2006
November 9th, 2006 at 10:04 pm
Just had my last lab assignment and I am feeling really good about it. There was just one formula I was having a problem with, but other than that I should ace it. Now it is time to hit the books for my other class in which there are only 2 test a mid-term and a final ( I did terrible on the mid term along with the rest of the class, at least he gave us extra credit).
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November 9th, 2006 at 02:51 am
Well I got some studying in tomorrow, I have a lab assignment, I think I will be ok. Just found out that my last test that I did terrible on (67) was really a 77 plus I will get an additional 5 points if I do the extra credit; which I do plan on it so I will be able to maintain my B average
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November 8th, 2006 at 11:34 pm
I had to buy lunch today beacause I was too lazy/exhausted to cook a thing yesterday, but because I had cash...my little spending money I did not add to the challenge. No money was spent from the checking or savings account so I am still ok until
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Dining Out
November 8th, 2006 at 01:26 am
I was just so tired today. I went to vote came home tried to get some studying in and I could not keep my eyes open, next thing I know I am a sleep
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November 7th, 2006 at 09:36 pm
Went to go vote today and the polls were quiet...I am hoping it picks up after 5. The poll worker told me that there are 2500 registered voters in my district and only 500 showed up. I am dissappointed at the turn out. I am proud to be an American and have the capability to voice my opinion so if you are registered make ysure you vote
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November 7th, 2006 at 04:18 am
I am a little upset usually before I go to bed I was able to listen to D. Ramsey some time falling asleep to the tune of Dave, now for the last few days some guy name Neil ? is on. I don't agree with dave totally but listening to him is a part of my therapy. So I'll have to listen on line
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November 7th, 2006 at 04:14 am
Well I practice for my lab assignment on Thursday, I have got to really buckle down and leave the laptop in a another room. I am constantly surfing the net, yes I feel comfortable but I could brush up a little more. Since I won't be voting until after class tomorrow (about 3:30) I am going to head to the college early and practice my lab assignments before class which will give me atleast an hour of practice then that way tomorrow i can read a few pages in my other class (the chapters are soooo long a boring) the goal is to have all chapters and note taken by early next week then that way I can study my notes until finals.So starting tomorrow I am buckling down
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November 7th, 2006 at 02:03 am
I amde a ham last Thursday and have been eating on it ever since. I have not spent any money dining out...lol I am not sure if I can stand it again tomorrow, maybe I'll have a salad with ham ...lol
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Dining Out
November 7th, 2006 at 12:49 am
Ok I thought today was ending on a good note but since I have been home and decided to go through my mail and emails it has been terrible. First the $25.00 for the interst now I check my credit score (I pay for this service every month) and my 710 score just dropped, why because I closed the account that was charging
33%+ for interest. Now this collection agency send me a copy of any old bill because I ask them to verify the debt or remove it from my report. Well they sent me an old statement from the origianl creditor which will not cut it. They are to supply me with proof that they are licensed to operate in this state, sign documentation that I agreed to the terms of this debt and way too many other things for me type but I am back on it requesting a second request and if they do not respond with the correct information I am reporting them the BBB and FTC. Oh I forgot to mention it took me an half an hour to locate my internet card, which I paid $179 and do not have any insurance on it...gues what I will be purchasing tomorrow. I guess I will wait to post my new scores I am simply disgusted...seems like all my hard work is dowm the rain
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November 7th, 2006 at 12:39 am
You remeber that cc that I paid off before the end of my billing cycle...well they hit me with $25.00 interest. Is this legal? I paid the card off before the next billing cyle...I am red hot right now are there any recourse, I did close this account because the interest was way too high. Now instead of my lovely blance of $758.68 it's now $781.68...crooks
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November 7th, 2006 at 12:33 am
So I paid another dollar on the cc debt new total:$759.68
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November 6th, 2006 at 01:09 am
As you all know I work part-time weekend evenings at a luxury and I do mean luxury senior faclity ($350,000+ to move in,non refundable)Any way we could not get the movie started and I was bombarded by seniors. Nothing like being bombarded by a bunch of seniors, I felt as though I was being beaten to death 
they drove me nuts. it's bad enough they are seeniors but with the combination of being a senior with a ton of money...you just don't want to know
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November 5th, 2006 at 11:58 pm
I have a lab test on Thursday, that I have been studying for and now it's time foe me to take a break and read every one's blog. You know I was never one to blog but since I found this site I enjoy it, especially since there are bloggers here with the same interest as myself. I feel really comfortable speakking about my finances since most of my closet friends has no clue
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November 5th, 2006 at 04:36 pm
I am sure you all have heard me mention my friend who desperately needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Well she lost her job last week, she works from home part-time with a company called Willow bringing home about $375 every two weeks her rent is about $700 a month but she she's no prblem with that and she is planning a trip to Jamaica, her cell phone was just turned off. I fell really sorry for the kid because she has told him she could have more than she has if it weren't for him but yet she is palnning a trip to Jamaica meanwhile her bills are past due. I guess she won't be happy until she hits rock bottom and crying uncontrollably
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November 5th, 2006 at 04:22 pm
I am going over all the admendments on the ballot this year since election is on Tuesday, how confusing. I had to read, then re-read and the read them again before I had a better understanding. Then there are the issues with with judge I had to research and look up different types of rulings...I have been oting since I was 18 and as I get older it seems like I am more confused, they say aas you get older we tend to be wiser but when it comes to reviewing the ballot I am a complete idiot. But I have my sample ballot filled out so I can be in and out. My co-worker is voting early but I am from the old school I just don't trust it...you're allowed to vote for two weeks leading up to an election, I'll pass
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November 5th, 2006 at 04:14 pm
Today was another no spend day so I added a buck to the challenge/ debt account. I also line dried my clothes rather than taking them to the laudry-o- and waisting a buck to try them so I am adding a dollar to the debt account as well giving e a total of $2.00 paid toward my cc debt.
New cc debt total $757.68
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November 5th, 2006 at 04:04 pm
I tried to get some studying in today since I have the house to myself until about 12 but I just can't guess I will wait until I go to work (since ok to study there)I'd rather read everyone's blog
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November 5th, 2006 at 02:00 am
I was just checking my balance and notice I was charged $5.00 for using another atm machine other than the one at my bank. I remeber accidently clicking yes for the balance (it ask me that before I received my cash) that was $1.50 and $2.00 for taking the cash, however I accidently cancelled the first transaction, then tried again and for some reason I was charged an additional $1.50 I will never use another atm again
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November 5th, 2006 at 12:03 am
I decided to add my weekly $25 early to the challenge that way I am not tempted to spend it on something else
so new total for the challenge/home account is $50.08
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November 4th, 2006 at 11:48 pm
I spent no money today so I am adding $1 to my challenge/debt. Yesterday I bought a slice of pizza (2.00) so I am adding that as well
New total $759.68
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November 3rd, 2006 at 01:14 pm
I am a little annoyed. I ask my mom yesterday to pick up a ham from Sam's (that everyone will eat) and she as for the money back. It's not even about the money it's the principal...she calls me on a regular basis and ask me to pick up this pick up that and I never ask her for the money back, because the items that I pick up I too can use. Well she says to me just give me $20.00 becuase I picked up cranberry juice for you to...I did not ask for it. You know I wonder how she would feel if I askher for all the money back on the items that I buy, it's way more than $20.00
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November 3rd, 2006 at 01:21 am
Ok I use put away $20.00 a week in my ING home account and I stopped a few months ago to pay down the cc debt, now I feel like I am in a position that I start back again and now turn my focus on saving for a home...I plan on graduating within the next two years and purchasing my first home so I am adding to my challenge cash account
New total $25
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November 3rd, 2006 at 01:17 am
My goal this month is not to eat out, so I hit the grocery store today bought some things and spent $$37.66 however I saved $.75 by using my coupon. So no eating out this month that is my goal starting today
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November 2nd, 2006 at 11:30 pm
I am taking a computer class and I must admit last few weeks I slacked off so of course I did not do to well, but I am back on track...I guess the test I took in the other class got to me
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November 2nd, 2006 at 07:59 pm
I needed some color ink so I headed to Office Depot. I picked up the ink, colored note cards and photo paper coming to a total of $43.41m by using my $5.00 coupon for the ink I was able to save at least the $5.oo. So I am adding that amount to my cc debt...I would have paid that anyway with out the coupon
New total $762.68
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November 2nd, 2006 at 02:36 pm
Yippie another $33.34 on my cc. I am planning on paying off the balance by the end of next week only because there are some things that I need to pick up, but I am happy
New total $778.91
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November 1st, 2006 at 11:52 pm
I have left before I head home...I can not wait. But now it is raining cats and dogs...I am just hoping it let up. Today was not too bad the boss brought his new baby in, she so cute. Pretty much everyone was in a good mood so that was a plus and it is hump day,with two more days to go...........yippie
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November 1st, 2006 at 11:24 pm
A friend of mine lost her job yesterday, and Ifeel really bad for her because she is not in a situation where she can afford not to work a full time job. She sound like she is ok with the fact that she just losther job and can work from home with a compnay called Willow...here you pay them to work for them. I am not to keen on that idea but she thinks she will be ok. Now she had her full-time job as well as this little gig through Willow and was barely making end meat. I basically just listened because I do not want her to feel like I don't think she is cable of suceeding...but in all honesty I don't think so. She the type of person who has bug ideas but never follow through or starts a projest because some one she knows is doing it and never see it throough. All I can do is wish her the best. I've told her about this site even told her to use an alternate name so that she can list her problems (finances) and the guys and gals can help but like my parents say you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make him drink
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November 1st, 2006 at 07:34 pm
I am rockin' and rollin' I paid another $100.00 on cc2. Tomorrow is payday from the part-time job so I should be ok
New total $812.25
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November 1st, 2006 at 05:44 pm
Well it's a new month and I did not go out for lunch today. I am amaking some changes because I know the holidays are approaching quickly...and I need to start stashing. Anyway my last payment to cc2 has not posted yet I know the balance is close to about $400.00 but as soon as my last payment clears I am going to pay it off. I am ready to be debt free
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