Archive for November, 2006
November 19th, 2006 at 05:16 pm
I bought an RCA mp3 player yesterday for my trip to GA this week. I like it but I think I may return and save a little here and there with the IPod. My player has an FM tuner and hold about 320 songs but I am unable to dock it to anything, if I am not mistaken with the IPod you can hood it up in the car and easier to navaigate. I hate the fact that I have to plug in order to delete files. We'll see
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November 18th, 2006 at 04:26 am
I mean who really cares that Tom Cruise and his finance are getting married...I don't there are other things to report on the news than the fact that katie has spent 2 million on a dress and that money could have been used to help build a school, feed some kids or even house people who are displaced. Peple are renting rooms close to the location where they are to married for thousands of dollars why not use the money for something else. I don't know I guess I am sick of hearing about them
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November 18th, 2006 at 03:42 am
I was thinking about selling my $149 boots on ebay vs returning them to the store and set a reserve price of $200. Is this ethical? maybe I will just send them back, either way I am getting rid of them. $149 on apir of boots I must be crazy
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November 18th, 2006 at 03:36 am
Ok I read most of the blogs titled "My List" so I decided to jump in as well
1. I have battled depression all my life (never diagnosed)
2. Attempted suicide twice
3. I am a follower not a leader (always want what others have, that is why I am in debt)
4. I have no patience
5. I am a talker and not one to do (big dreams)
6. I was the ugly duckling growing up but have really blossomed
7. I took weight gaining pills in order to gain weight..lol (this is not normal)
10. Decided to go back to school after lying to my mom about attending
11. received my AA degree two years ago (1st and only in my family)
12. I walked away from a terrible car accident in 2004 with out a scratch
13. This is the first time in my life that my finances are in order
14. I am single
15. No kids and do not want any
16. Hard for me to say no
17. I like R&B music and a little hip hop
18. My favorite food is pizza
19. favorite color brown
20. favorie number 1, because I'd rather have one of an item than nothing
21. I am blessed
22. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers, 2 nieces and 6 nephews and 1 God daughter
23. I have had basically the same friends since high school
24. For years my mom annoyed me now we get along
25. Lost my beloved SIL two years ago
26. I am finally getting to know who I am and what I want to do/be..lol
27. I enjoy reading
28. I'm an internet junkie
29. Love this site and the people who are here, you guys have helped me a lot. I can be honest here
30. Most days I am free I am asleep (I need to have this checked out)
31. I am a democrat and have voted since I was 18
32. My parents are from Jamaica I was born here (1st American in the family, so I was spoiled by others)
33. Junior in college working towards my BHA ( I am so excited)
34. I am 32 and feel like I am 20, often forget my age...seriously
35. terrible speller
36. Almost did not graduate high school, my English instructor thought I had a heart condition(which he had )and gave me a passing grade..lol I never said a word. The class was boring and I never went.
37. just started saving for a house
38. Drive an '89 camry that needs a lot of work
39. Amber is not my real name
that's all I can think of I did not make the 50
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November 18th, 2006 at 03:08 am
I ate out again so I had to match this amount and pay on my cc in order to get my cc debt down. So I paid/added $9.29 to my challenge/debt account brining my new total to $667.57 (this include the boots that I have to return $149.35)
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November 18th, 2006 at 02:52 am
I forgot to call my doctor regarding my test results due to this mess at my part-time job all week. I also forgot to pick up my medication so tomorrow I will be picking them up...I am so upset right now. I just hope every thing works out and my test results are negative
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November 18th, 2006 at 02:31 am
Ok here is the story I love my part-time job I am a conceirge and work with an idiot. I am going to set the scene: last Sunday i get a call from another resident concerning her neighbor that she was concern that he had not retrieved his newspaper all day. I tried the resident no answer and did not leave a message...i then told the security guard who went up to the apartment and stated he was unable to enter the aprtment (he did not try another set of keys) Anyway I checked the all is well list which is a daily list to account for who checked in and who did it was noted "ok" which indicates that the resident did not push his all is well button but that some one either went to or called in to make sure he was ok. Ok I checked the hospital list it was not noted he was in the hosputal so I called back still no answer and left a message for him to contact us. Any how monday morning the house keeper enterd the aprtment and he was dead. Now I am on a paid leave pending the out come of an investigation. i don't think this is fair what else could I have possibly done. I mean are they really going to fire me. It is security who has the keys and their job to follow up i just don't know I am so worried right now because I really need and like this job
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November 16th, 2006 at 10:40 pm
I read almost all the blogs on this site and now I notice the "My list" posts...did I miss something?
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November 16th, 2006 at 10:30 pm
Well I paid off cc 2 but then went and added a pair of VS boots that have been on my mind $145 Iknow $145 for a pair of I think I may return them... so I am not too happy right now
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November 15th, 2006 at 02:20 am
I did eat out today (breakfast)but I am still adding my dollar to the challenge/cc debt. I don't know I feel obligated
New total $771.73
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November 15th, 2006 at 02:15 am
Today I was late to work...I am not a morning person, so lost 15 minutes. I am little annoyed because this was a 90 hour pay week so now I got 87.75. I know i know it is only 15 minutes but I am short a few bucks in which I attend to pay on my cc. Just had to complain
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November 13th, 2006 at 10:53 pm
I hope I am not jumping the gun with wanting to finish school all of a sudden and biting off more than I can chew. I registered for 3 classes in the spring (9 hours) and I don't know if I can handle it. Right now I am doing ok, but I have gotten to the point where I just want to finish. I know other people with kids who work full time and go to scholl full-time so I am thinking there really should not be any excuses. Keep your fingers crossed for me
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November 13th, 2006 at 10:43 pm
This is more of a reminder for myself than an actual blog, but I have to contact teh MD regarding my lab results it's been two weeks and nothing...I am a little concer because she found some abnormal cells. You would think they would call and say something
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November 13th, 2006 at 10:35 pm
One day I will be debt free and will be doing the happy dance

However, today was a no spender, so of course I paid another $1 on the cc/challenge new total $772.73
Posted in
November 12th, 2006 at 05:23 pm
Added $2.68 to the challenge/debt by round up my change brining my new total to $773.73
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November 12th, 2006 at 04:29 pm
Went to the grocery store and I did not have a list so I ended up spending more than anticipated ($36.97). But I am making a big dinner which should last me until about Wednesday. Today's menu: roasted chicken with yams, blackeyed peas and rice, corn bread and my favorite homestyle potatoe salad...oops I forgot about the stuffing. I was just in the mood for cooking. Needless to say thayt's today's big lunch as well as dinner for the next couple of days.
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November 12th, 2006 at 01:42 pm
There will be a new me come 2007. I have pretty much met my goals this year, other than purchasing a home but that is my goal for next year. Now I have decided that come January I will be setting aside my old rent and car money which is $475 for rent and $348.11 which I paid on the car. That way I will have money saved towards owning my new home and money saved in case I have to but a new car (used). Any bonuses this year will be placed in the new home account as well tax returns ...the goal is to have $10,000 saved towards a house by the end of 2007 and atleast $3000 for a used car. So I guess you can say I am starting early with the resolutions
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November 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Another no spend day so a buck goes towards the debt...yippie. Slowly but surel I am knocking it down
New total $775.41
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November 11th, 2006 at 11:43 pm
I am at my part time job and we have had three 911 calls since 3pm. Two falls and one "I do not feel well" and I am here until 11pm so it will be a long night. Not only that it was a holiday so no mail and every one is in a uproar, mind you I work at a luxury senior facility. And they are busy bodies, due to Hippa I can not disclose any information and boy do they try to find out as much information as they can. I have a mother and daughter who is hanging around until the security guard comes, because I told them I had no idea who was involved in the emergency and had to wait until the guard returns with his report...well so are they. Now I will have to think of something else
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November 11th, 2006 at 04:41 pm
I totally forgot today was Veteran Day.... do so show my appreciation I salute you
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November 11th, 2006 at 03:50 pm
I just got up about an hour ago, I was beat. I went to bed at 7:30 last night so I missed "Ghost Whispers" and "Close to Home" any looks like I will have a good day. I made breakfast for mom and I wash clothes and now I am finally going to pur away all my clean clothes...but the best part is today will be a no spender
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November 11th, 2006 at 03:45 pm
I finally got a break on the electric bill. Fore the last three months by bill ranged from $162.87 to $174.05; this month it is $119.58. I hope next month is less than this month
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November 11th, 2006 at 03:35 pm
I got an 86 on my excel project...made a mistake on one of the formulas but I am happy since my last test was terrible...at least I was able to get 10 points on the extra credit that boosted my last test to a "C". So I am happy any way I am adding $2.00 to my student loan for the B I got reducing my balance to $990.38
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November 10th, 2006 at 11:00 pm
As you all know I totaled my car about two years ago and have been driving an 89 camry ever since. I have had no real problems but I notice a really large puddle in the drive way. I am hoping my uncle's friend who works for Toyota can take a look at and fix what ever it is at a very low cost, because I have not been really saving for a new car/used one. We'll see
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November 10th, 2006 at 10:52 pm
Well I redeemed my last free lunch at Picadilly's and it was sooooo go, I am still full and even have somne left over for my late night snack. The associate manager was sooo nice she apologized for the other manager's behavior and stated she has had complaints about him in the past, but none the less lunch was free and it was great
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Dining Out
November 10th, 2006 at 10:47 pm
Today was a no spender, so we are adding/deducting a buck from the debt
New total $776.41
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November 10th, 2006 at 02:20 am
Added my weekly $25 to the challenge cash account for the week of the 12th. Also added $4.27 to my challenge/debt (ate out today) brining my new total to $777.41. I can not wait until this amount is zero
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November 10th, 2006 at 02:19 am
Added my weekly $25 to the challenge cash account for the week of the 12th. Also added $4.27 to my challenge/debt (ate out today) brining my new total to $777.41. I can not wait until this amount is zero
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November 10th, 2006 at 01:37 am
I tried Zatarran's Blacken Chick mix, which was terrible. It comes in a small bag that you place in the microwave for about a minute...it was definately not worth the $1.99
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November 9th, 2006 at 10:10 pm
I am trying to balance my check book, which I do at least once a week and a check that was given to my doctor's office on 10/19 has not cleared. The manager/biller acknowledge a couple of weeks ago that he received my check, so I am wondering why it has not cleared. Now I will have to give them a buzz tomorrow...this just annoys me
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