Archive for January, 2007
February 1st, 2007 at 04:16 am
I hardly ever write a check, other than paying my tithes...well I went to write a check for my tithes and no check. The last time I ordered checks was over 3 years ago. I am soooo upset, now I have to wait for Sunday's paper in order to get the introductory offer for checks
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February 1st, 2007 at 03:34 am
I finally feel like I am making some progress. My EF is at a little more than a $1000 and I just made a $25 deposit to my IRA which pt me over a $1000 so I am happy with that. The challenge/house fund is growing as well and I have money to get my eyes check (with out borrowing or using a cc) and I still have no CC debt, month number 2
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Reaching Financial Freedom
February 1st, 2007 at 03:27 am
Amazon finally paid me for the book I sold so I added that to the EF today was a good day, I got a raise and my book money. I also listed another book on half.com, hopes it sells
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Emergency Fund
February 1st, 2007 at 03:14 am
well as you know I got a raise today so I added the extra $50 to my EF I also added an additional $76.72 to my challenge/home account as well as another $20 to my challenge debt account 
Challenge home account $793.31
Challenge/debt $787.93
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February 1st, 2007 at 03:11 am
here are the totals for the month of January...not too bad, I am glad I got my dining out down a bit, but still high
Total deposits:
Challenge/home $510.92
Car account $65.34
tuition account $64.00
Expense Categories
Automobile : Gasoline $88.08
Automobile : Maintenance $225.08
Bills : Cable Television $67.87
Bills : Cellular $140.25
Bills : Electricity $132.90
Bills : Online/Internet Service $60.52
Bills : Student Loan Payment $97.10
Bills : Telephone $38.02
Bills : Water & Sewer $46.77
Cash Withdrawal - Unassigned $300.00
Charitable Donations $41.00
Clothing $198.83
Dining Out $71.43
Education - Unassigned $1.97
Education : Books $179.63
Education : Supplies $5.77
Education : Tuition $357.70
Expense - Unassigned $0.11
Food $5.00
Gifts $35.00
Groceries $148.10
Healthcare : Dental $11.65
Healthcare : Eyecare $11.94
Healthcare : Physician $30.00
Healthcare : Prescriptions $15.00
Household : House Cleaning $5.14
Job Expense : Non-Reimbursed $10.25
Leisure : Newspaper $4.23
Miscellaneous $235.81
Personal Care $77.29
Sales Tax $30.15
Snack $0.60
Taxes : Federal Income Tax $385.03
Taxes : Medicare Tax $57.22
Taxes : Social Security Tax $244.70
Total Expense Categories $3,360.14
Grand Total -$3,360.14
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January 31st, 2007 at 10:27 pm
Yep just looked at my check and I had a .75cent increase now I have to firgure this amount out and start adding to the EF. I am soooo happy
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January 31st, 2007 at 01:07 am
I am bumped for months now I have asked my uncle to take my car to his friend who is a mechanicto fix my a/c. Well he did, but unfortunately the guy had to leave on an emergency and my car is not fixed. I mean I know he has had an emergency but my God...I guess I should look at the bright side I have saved a ton of money but here in FL you definately need a/c
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January 31st, 2007 at 12:55 am
I decided not to go to glass today, I just was not in the mood so I stayed home took a long 9and I do mean long nap)I'll read over some notes and call it a night...I did email my classmates hoping some one will give me heads up on today's class
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January 30th, 2007 at 06:21 pm
Yep day two and no spending Of course I am adding a dollar to my challenge brining my new total to $716.59. Tomorrow is payday maybe if my car doesnt cost too much I maybe able to meet my $1000 goal for January, keep your fingers crossed
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January 30th, 2007 at 01:44 am
yep I had another no spend day, so I added my dollar to the challenge
New total $715.59
Oh yeah and my brother just called and stated he has a ton of books that I can have so I will be listing those on half.com or amazon not sure yet but I am lookin forward to the extra cash
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January 29th, 2007 at 05:08 am
Ok I sold some books on these sites, you're required to ship the item with in 3 days but it takes forever to receive your payment. Amazon states you'll receive your payment in 7 days ( at least that is what I thought) now I get an email today stating my funds will be deposited with 5 business days almost two weeks after my item was sold. Half.com only pays twice a month, this sucks...but patience is every thing
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January 29th, 2007 at 02:25 am
From my friend, who borrowed a $100 about 3-4 months ago. Thank God, i have got to learn to say no when ever anyone wants to borrow money, I just remeber when I use to have to borrow;I guess. Well thank God I got my last $50 and I will be adding this to my EF account, now it is just a matter of getting my $30 from my nephew( I can kiss that goodbye) and $20 from my BIL
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Emergency Fund,
January 28th, 2007 at 05:00 pm
Went to Publix today and spent $32.35, there really ween't any bargains but Idid get a bag of oranges for .99 cents in which I tought was a great deal. Any way I added the difference of .65 cents to my challenge (rounding upe the change) so my new total $714.59
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January 27th, 2007 at 03:38 pm
Thank God my uncle spoke with his friend who is a mechanic for Toyota and he will be able to look, hopefully fix my car on Tuesday. Getting my uncle to do anything is like pulling teeth, right now my a/c is broken, my radiator needs to be repaired and something else regarding my tire rod(?) either way he will have it on Tuesday and hopefully everything will be fixed for $300 or less if not I'll be glad either way. My car is very old (89 camry) but I really can not afford a car payment right now and it has held up for atleast 2 years
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January 27th, 2007 at 03:23 pm
I know it is early but I am not leaving the house until it is time to go to work , so I am adding my dollar to the challenge for not spending today. I was hoping to hit $1000 by February but it looks like I will be about $200 short oh well
Posted in
January 27th, 2007 at 02:30 am
IRS has offered a credit for long distance service
please check out
Posted in
January 27th, 2007 at 01:31 am
I just got my pay stub from two weeks ago and realize that I actually had two hours of OT, now I have to add this money into my saving account. I wish I had this earlier. My boss is terrible when it comes to these things, thank God I have direct deposit
Posted in
January 27th, 2007 at 01:05 am
Other than the gas I bought today, I consider it a no send day so I added $1 to my challenge/home account giving me a new total $712.94 I am really making progress. Next I went ahead and added a $1 to both the account that I started for tuition/books and a new car. So I guess I did ok today
Posted in
January 26th, 2007 at 01:13 am
I do don't know I always seem to make the same things for dinner, never going out side of the box. So I decided to make wraps and boy they were delicious; I never knew wraps could be so good. I was just driving along to class and thought wraps for dinner will be quick and easy I'll try it and I am glad I
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January 26th, 2007 at 01:07 am
As far as the challenge goes, I added $1 for taking the stairs, another $3.49 because Publix had BOGO on chips so I matched this amount, another $3 for having lunch at McDonald and then about $.70 I rounded up my change...oops I forgot I got paid today frommy part time job so I rounded down and added $35.59
Total deposited $43.81
New total $711.94
Posted in
January 25th, 2007 at 01:13 am
From Half.com, almost 3 weeks later. But I am not complaining, now I am just waiting on the $49 from Amazon at least I should be receiving payment with in 7 days, we'll see
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January 25th, 2007 at 01:10 am
Well I broke my week and half of not eating out and had breakfast at McDonald's and then lunch at Sweet Tomatoes spending $12 so I am matching this amount and adding it to the challenge/new home account. I also added my weekly deposit of $25
New total $668.13
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January 24th, 2007 at 03:42 am
Even though my cc are finally paid off it seems as though I am not making ends meat. I mean I am able to set aside most of my check but I am saving for a ton of things. I have an account set up for everything and it seems like it is not working maybe I have way too many accounts. I have a EF, Misc account (for MD appointments or anything miscellaneous), a tuition/education account (paying for books, supplies tuition etc) a new car account (my car is a 89 Toyota so I am not sure how long it will last) a personal account (for things like gas, groceries and other personal items) my IRA and a bill checking account (solely for bills). I guess I am wondering how I should allocate these funds so that I can see some fast progress. It seems like as soon as I save $100 the car gives out, insurance is due or like now I need to have my eyes checked I just have no idea, I was trying the 60% solution but it is just not working
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Reaching Financial Freedom
January 24th, 2007 at 02:12 am
I do not understand why people who are financially strapped always go on a vacation. I have a friend who owes me $50 who has been having problems (financially) and is going on vacation the end of this month...thank God she called today to tell me she has the money she owes me so I will pick that up on Thursday
Then I have another friend who is really in a financial jam but she is going on vacation for two weeks next month because she needs a break (mind you she doesnt even have the funds to purchase the kids ticket, because she is trying to get the ex to pay for it). She is also planning a trip to Europe then ask me if I wanted to go, when I told her no because I am saving for a house she says "well it should not be that much" and then I said it is if I am saving for a house because that is money I can use to put towards my house
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January 24th, 2007 at 01:59 am
Took the stairs today, which is the only excercise for me...lol so I added my dollar to the challenge
New total $630.25
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January 23rd, 2007 at 02:59 am
Added $13.36 to the challenge/new home fund because I did some shopping today, I still have to add another $16 if I decided on keeping one out two pairs of pants I bought today
New total $629.25
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January 23rd, 2007 at 02:41 am
Today while I was in Target, this lady dropped a couple of pennies. Anyway she looks down at them and proceded to check out; as she completed her transaction she looked down at the pennies and left them there. Being the frugal person I am I picked them up At one point I would never pick u pennies now I can not pass them by
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January 23rd, 2007 at 02:26 am
I spent a lot today, $20 for gas and $52 at Target. What a waste I bought 2 pairs of pants (one I will return)and 2 shirts. I know I am making excuses but it seems like I never have a thing to wear so I am always buying some sor of clothes
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January 22nd, 2007 at 03:19 am
I had a pretty good day today. I was able to get my shopping done( sticking to the list), wash my hair, dry my clothes (line dry) and get a cat nap in before work Now that I am at work I was able to get some needed studying in that was a plus, since yeserday I did not do a thing. And to top everything off all the seniors were pleasant today...yippie. I just hope tomorrow is the same way
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January 21st, 2007 at 04:48 pm
Now it is time to relax, I finished up the laundry, cooked dinner/lunch, clipped my coupons and cleaned up my bathroom; now I can rest until its time to go to my part-time job. I pretty much stuck to the grocery list and I saved a total $1.58 (these items were on sale) so I am rounding up the change and adding $2 to the challenge/home account new total $615.51
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