Archive for January, 2007
January 21st, 2007 at 04:48 pm
Now it is time to relax, I finished up the laundry, cooked dinner/lunch, clipped my coupons and cleaned up my bathroom; now I can rest until its time to go to my part-time job. I pretty much stuck to the grocery list and I saved a total $1.58 (these items were on sale) so I am rounding up the change and adding $2 to the challenge/home account new total $615.51
Posted in
January 20th, 2007 at 11:22 pm
very obnoxious. As you all know I work at a "luxury" senior living facility part-time (mind you I enjoy it for the most part). But the children of these seniors act as though they were the ones that worked their fingers to the bone and you owe them something. 98.9% of the people living here came from nothing and worked and worked ( I have heard this story more than once)so that their kids can have. This jerk (son) comes to the desk to tell me they are having a party for his mom and if I would direct the guest to the party, then he left me his cell phone number in case I could not do that. I mean how in the hell does he thinks the other/prior guest made it there, does he really think I would not direct them to the party. It's not so much that he thinks I wouldn't but the way he said it, like do I know who is mother is. I don't care if it was George W himself I treat everyone the same no matter what
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January 20th, 2007 at 10:07 pm
My sister actually paid me back the same week she borrowed money, this is a first. So now I can place this money back into my EF, total now is $941.92
Now I am waiting on the following
BIL $20
Nephew $30
Friend $50
Total $100 (9 times outof 10 I won't see this money) the good thing about it is they won't call to borrow when they are in another jam
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January 20th, 2007 at 03:24 pm
I usually line dry my clothes trying to save money. Well the lawn guy just showed up;30 minutes after I hung every thing out. I wish he would make up his mind on which day he will be coming and stick to
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January 20th, 2007 at 02:28 pm
Ok today will be a no spend day, I am in the house all day until I head off to work. So I am adding my daily deposit for not spending to the challenge of $1

Since I have been doing this I notice my saving account slowly but surely getting larger and larger, so every dollar does count
New total $613.51
Posted in
January 20th, 2007 at 04:14 am
I feel compelled to find a reason to add to the challenge...even though I did spend money today (at Target) I feel like I should be adding to the challenge. Since I did not eat out today, I am adding $1 to my challenge/new home account brining my total to $612.51
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January 20th, 2007 at 04:11 am
My uncle came in and painted the bathroom cabinets, well put primer on them, and they look really good so I can only imagine when they are painted. Now I know when I finally save for my house and I am looking at those ugly cabinets...I am just adding some quality paint at a fraction of the cost
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January 20th, 2007 at 03:20 am
Yep I sold another textbook, on Amazon.com for a total of $43.80 which includes their commission. However funds won't be deposited until the 28th. Of course I will deposit the funds to my tuition account for the summer
Posted in
January 20th, 2007 at 03:14 am
Well I was looking at my checking account all bills were paid so I decided to add the extra $200 to my EF
It feels good to be able to pay bills as they come in and not wait until payday
New total:$641.91
Now my sister is suppose to return the $300 she owes me which will go straight to the EF account boosting me even closer to my $1000 goal
Posted in
Emergency Fund
January 20th, 2007 at 02:50 am
well th boss bought us all lunch today even though I bought my lunch I still took advantage...and it was great; I even had left overs for dinner I can not believe I went all week with out actualy buying a snack or lunch.
Posted in
Dining Out
January 19th, 2007 at 04:24 am
Yep mom paid me the $50 she owed me, I never have a problem with her paying back...she rarely borrows, and if she does it is because she doesnt feel like going to the bank. Now that her home insurance has gone up I gave her $20 just to pay on some thing like a cc or put gas in her car. I don't think mom has a credit card balance matter of fact I think the only thing she pays is her mortgage I hope when I am her age I will have money set aside (like mom) where I don't have to work unless I have to
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January 19th, 2007 at 04:11 am
My co-worker did not do a thing while I was on vacation. Either she is STUPID (which I know I should not say) but I am know I am not. Any how she has been calling this patient to schedule since Monday and every day (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and every time she has called the person has told her she has the wrong number. Any how me upset not paying attention, and did not read her previous notes called the patient (at the number that was not marked out)well the guy I spoke to laid into me like a mack truck, he was so upset that we have called him every day since Monday and he has told us we have the wrong number. Now I so not blame him, but why would she keep calling and not even mark out the number...I am stupid for not reading her notes because I know how she is.
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January 18th, 2007 at 06:56 pm
I forgot to add my $2 from coupons to the challenge, last week I went to Wal Mart and did not give the girl two coupons that I had...so I went in yesterday and saved my $2 so I am adding this the the challenge/home account
new total $590.44 
Posted in
January 18th, 2007 at 06:50 pm
I spent money today but I am still adding to the challenge. A $1.00 to the new home account for not buying lunch and $1.10 the the debt account because I will take the stairs to today
New totals
Challenge home $588.44
Challenge/debt $807.93
Posted in
January 18th, 2007 at 05:03 am
Went to the doctor's today for my 3 month check up anyhow no one was there. so I waited about 20 minutes incase the doc had an emergency but now one showed. So I am came home and called the office and the girl answers to tell me that my appointment was at the other office in two cities away in which I have never gone to (you would think they would question that) then she says to me oh that is why I can not find your chart. Then I said to her I hope i will not be charged the $25 fee for not showing, she had the nerve to place me on hold to check I thought it should have been an immediate no. I am just upset you would think I would get a break on my next visit but noooooo I still have to pay my copay
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January 18th, 2007 at 04:18 am
I am here watching the news and there was a contest in which a woman drank so much water she had water poison. The point of the contest was to drink as much water as possible with out going to the bathroom well her lungs filled up with water and she basically died from water poison. How sad
Posted in
January 18th, 2007 at 03:01 am
I love my nephew he has called me all day long. First he called to wish me a happy birthday and then he wanted to know what I got. Next he called me while my mom and I were out and he wanted to know what I got and where did we go for dinner. Then he called back and wanted to know what kind of cake I got and what I got for my birthday(again), and what we had for dinner. See he is 3 and can not understand that at my age birthday gifts are not as important..lol. Finally on the last call I told him I got clothes and he was ok with that ( I did buy some today)But I think he was going to stress himself out (at his age ) until he found out wat I got. I love him, my poor SIL
Posted in
January 18th, 2007 at 02:37 am
Arrrrrgh!!!!! back to work tomorrow.

I am not too hapy because I know there is a ton of work waiting for me. Unfrtunately my co-worker who I have been complaining about and trying to train for the last two months is useless and hopefuly the boss has seen that and will address the issue. She can not remember a thing, refuse to take notes, and then has the nreves to get annoyed because I have to tell her the same thing over and over and over. It's like I am talking to myself. Oh dear oh dear, thank God it is only a half day for me. I know she has no experience but the problem that I have is that she refuse to try or even expand her mind. We work at a PT clinic and a patient gave her a prescripton for glasses, and what did she do, place the presription in the chart; so I said to her think about it do we treat patients for eyes and make glasses she said no, so I then asked why would you take the prescription she said I don't know. My God I am thinking the mind is a terrible thing to waste. just had to vent sorry
Posted in
January 18th, 2007 at 02:24 am
Did some shopping today bought two pairs of pants so I am matching this amount and adding to my challenge. Now that I am taking more business courses for my major I want to dress up a little more, especially since we are presenting

my addition $21.07
New total $608.51
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 09:21 pm
As you all know I have no cc debt, I was checking my email and there was one from Macy's wishing me a happy birthday. I thoght that was nice but when I opened the email it said happy birthday alright and free shipping with my next purchase. Now the old me would have jumped all over that, but the new and improved Amber said no way jose
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 03:26 pm
I finally got around to paying my library fee for the lost DVD, it was only $12.99, I got lucky I thought it would be a lot more. The rep went on Amazon to check the price, so I made out like a bandit and if I find the dvd I can return it for a full refund
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 01:33 pm
Ok today was payday and things did noy go plan but I was able to save something, my uncle took my car today to the shop so I have to hold off from adding and thing that was left over to the EF
$130 EF
$25 New home/challenge
$20 Tuition account
$20 Car account
$20 Misc account
$132 Electric
$39 Home phone
$67 Cable
$20 Student loan/challenge debt
$20 tithes
$25 Ira
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 06:15 am
I am up late tonight working on my project for Thursday's class, I must say it looks nice, any how I did not realize it but it is after 12am and it is my birthday. Mom's taking me out to lunch/dinner what ever I prefer...this is a first in a long time that she has ever done something like this so I am excited, haven't sat at a restaurant for dinner in a while and I love to eat out
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
January 17th, 2007 at 03:39 am
Ok tomorrow is payday and I need to decide what I am doing, actually this is more of a mental note to myself
$300 EF
$25 IRA
$10 Misc Account
$75 Challenge/home account
$20 Car account
$20 Tuition account
$50 personal account
$500 total savings
$136 FPL
$38 Home phone
$65 cable
$20 student loan
$20 Tithes
$779 total spent
Approximately $260 will be left if that is the case it will be going into the EF
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 03:26 am
But I hate lending money, mom just borrowed $50. I don't mind lending money to my mom because she never borrows it's like once in a blue moon and she'll pay back with in one day and if she borrows it's because she just doesnt feel like going to the bank ( being lazy). Any how I simply hate lending money I do it because I never know when I will be in that situation but what bugs me is people tell you I'll pay you on Friday and ten Friday's will come and go before you get your money. Right now my sister owes me $300, my nephew $30 a friend $50 and my mom $50 a total of $430 not earning interest (not that it is a lot) Another thing that bugs me is the people who owe you money always can find other things to do like get their nails done, do some shopping, take a trip all of this before you're actually paid back.
Come Friday I am calling everyone
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 03:04 am
Well I got a cc offer in which I was approved no fees much lower interest rate from HSBC so I am closing my other account that I have a fee ($69 a year). I know this will hurt my score but I do not plan on buying a house for a year and I have no balances on anything not even my store cards so I am good to go, I hope either way I was planning on closing this card before my year in June. You know now as I am blogging I think this was a bad idea maybe I should not have answered the promotion, darn
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 01:42 am
took the stairs today and now I need to add a buck to the challenge and went to Publix who had BOGO on Oreo so I am adding $4
New total $562.44
Posted in
January 17th, 2007 at 01:33 am
Guess what, I go to class today and the instructor decided the project is due next week....boy am I pissed. Every one says she is notorious for changing her mind and she did Any how I was able to find a author, a college professor a friend of a friend who took the time out to answer these stupid questions but anyway, just wanted to vent
Posted in
January 16th, 2007 at 04:25 pm
I have this class project that is due today, the assignment was to locate a prfessional writer and interview him/her...well guess what I have yet to find that person, I went to the library and contacted my local paper with no response. Now I am ticked off, my first failing grade because I can not locate a professional writer
Posted in
January 16th, 2007 at 04:42 am
I know something is better than nothing, but I only earned a $1.97 in interest. I deposit at least $50 a month to my IRA and at my age I am aware it should be more, but I am just a little dissappointed seems like I am not making any progress. My job offers nothing towards retirement so it's just me and now I am trying to save for a house and EF as well...I'm stressed
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