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Trying to keep up

November 30th, 2012 at 01:16 am

Who said eating healthy while making lifestyle changes would be easy?

I saw the doctor a few months back and he advised me I was borderline for high cholesterol, not to mention all the back problems I've been having.

So I decided to change my eating habits and workout more, I must say I have seen some improvements.

Today I worked out using my weighted hula hoops as well as hitting the gym which allowed me to add $2 to my challenge.

Furthermore, I did not eat out so $6 was added as well.

Lastly , today was a no spend day Smile so another dollar was added.

All in all I saved $9 today, $6 of it went towards debt (CC1)

Tomorrow is payday and I have $57 left in my "what ever I want to do account." This time around I can't add it to debt or any to my IRA because the BF is short this month for his portion of the bills. I may as well hold on to it vs. transferring money from the EF later.

Well that's it in a nutshell.


November 29th, 2012 at 02:22 am

Well I thought today was going well until...

The BF mentioned he needs to borrow money. I don't know how much, so no answer was given. I'm leaving it at that for now.

On a different note (more positive that is) I did not eat out today so $6 was added to the $20 Challenge/debt (CC1)I also went to the gym so I added $2 to the $20 Challenge/EF account.

School is whining down Smile and I'll have a little break after the 8th, whew.

Other than that, that was my day in a nutshell

Not so bad

February 10th, 2012 at 01:41 am

Today wasn't a bad day, I went to Target to earn my ShopKick points. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have enought points to earn a $25 gift card which I plan on buying some paper towels, soap etc. with the gift card.

My coworker gave me three brand new shaving cream because she no longer has hair since her chemo, and she also gave me a small thing of unopened butter. I figured, total this stuff would have cost me about $12 so I'm going add $6 to my challenge/EF and the other $6 to my challenge/cc account.

Currently I'm still waiting on my BCBS gift card ($200), I plan on paying my cable and cell phone with this and adding what I would have paid to my challenge/EF. But right now I'm in wait mode.

$20 Challenge

February 9th, 2012 at 07:09 pm

Today I packed my breakfast and lunch, and I already have dinner prepared so $6 will be added to my $20 challenge
-$3 challenge/EF
-$3 challenge/CC

I am really proud of myself, one not giving up on my saving, two- controlling my spending, even when I'm tempted and three- knocking down my CC Smile

I cannot wait

February 8th, 2012 at 02:12 pm

To move that is. My mother is an evil and spiteful woman. She walks around the table so she doesn't pass me by or she'll hold onto her dress so that the tail of it doesn't accidentally hit me. For real? She is really a sick woman

Then my sister comes by and ask me again for money, really? What has changed since Saturday to Tuesday? Nothing! I'm sorry I do not have any money that I can afford to lose at this time. I think she asked again because my BF was there and probably was hoping he would have provided it to her but we have had a discussion about him spending money foolishly.

On a different note I think my BF will have the new job, the gentle who he spoke with wife called back and asked for a written estimate. Roughly the job will be about $1775, with $700 of it being our take home pay Smile perfect for the move. Oh BF does landscaping.

Today I added $3 to my Challenge/EF and another $3 was paid on CC1 brining that total down to $144.35. I can't wait until this is paid off.


February 7th, 2012 at 11:36 pm

Went to Target to pick up a few things and to earn some ShopKick points Smile I used my Target Visa Card to save 5% which was about $.64 saved and then went straight to guest services to pay my bill Big Grin which was $13

It's funny a few years ago I would have charged this amount along with others while accumulating debt not worrying about paying the bill until the bill came. Wow, it feels so good to be on a different path

I almost forgot, I added the $.64 to my challenge EF as soon as I got in the car, lol

Things moving so fast

February 2nd, 2012 at 10:49 am

Okay I received a call from the HOA to come in for an interview on Monday, I have my fingers crossed but I am still very nervous. See change scares me; eventhough, I have lived on my own in the past and did very well, I'm still nervous.

Next, I went ahead and paid $100 on CC1, I was a little nervous because I really don't want to spend any money since I plan on moving. I know it sounds crazy, I'd rather have no debt, or less debt when I move but I'm still nervous about it. The funds spent came from a personal account which I use for things like my hair, nails etc. so I pretty much cleaned that account out. I still have $ in the EF but that will decrease once I move as well. On a good note, I now have $144 left to go on CC1 Smile before I can tackle CC2.

Moving right along, as I was at my dad's yesterday, my BF stopped by the house and my mother gave him the "low down" per se on why we're not speaking. He says the story she gave was pretty much the same as I told him; however, what annoyed me is he told her about the interview I had coming. I know it's silly but I'd prefer she knows absolutely nothing about me. She told him she wanted her house key, which hurt a little but at the end of the day is fine with me. I guess she doesn't trust me. If that's the case when her cd becomes due this month, she can have it, I'm done paying the taxes on it.

Now onto to my dad, I received a call from my brother who rents the efficiency my dad has to say that my nephew (my sister's) child had just broken his window out and the door. You see this kid is bad news, my sister has allowed him to be rude and disrespectful, and now at 27 he is out of control. Long story short, I'm not in jail because if he had hurt my dad I know I would have been, dad decided not to have him arrested and my brother fixed the window and door temporarily.


January 26th, 2012 at 01:35 am

Im waiting on the 1099 INT documents from the banks. I don't think I earned over $600 interest, actually I'm almost positive but I'd rather be safe than sorry. The problem is my brother has an account in my name because he is considering filing for bankruptcy and my mother has a cd in my name as well. Both have a nice chunk of change in them but I don't think it's enough that requires me to file with my taxes.

So before I hit the send button, I'll wait.

On a different note I have racked up about $240 in mileage for the month of January, as soon as this check is received I will pay off CC1 and then start on number 2. The good thing is I think by my next pay period I will have about $200 left over and that's going into my savings


January 21st, 2012 at 06:11 pm

Whew within two days I received two checks, $10 from Macy's and $60 from Aflac. Also BF provided me the $200 for the rental car so I'll pay the $270 on the CC.

I had left overs for lunch and was sitting at the table and I notice my mom was banging things. I think she wanted a response but I continued to eat my lunch while reading my book. Next she went into her room and closed the door, something she never does.
The funny thing is I was going to wait to eat but realized it takes more energy for me to change certain things than just going about my daily routine, while realizing that it must be killing her to go out of her way to do things out of spite. For example, hiding food, closing her room door-something she never does, calling all over town for someone to call my brother to tell him to call her( she doesn't have long distance so she usually use my cell phone). I'm just thinking once I just went back to my day-to-day it was easier for me to cope with her words.


January 5th, 2012 at 04:06 pm

Wow now I understand what a championship fight feels like. I am on my way to a TKO. Just paid $200 on CC1 and the balance is now about $250. I think by time I get paid again it will be paid off, or knocked out. Lol

I can't believe it's not quite a week yet, and I've knocked off about $300 plus what ever interest I would have paid on this CC. I am really feeling great.

On a different note, I've been using my crockpots and dinner has been delicious not to mention cost effective. So far I have added 12$ to my challenge/EF. Brining my total saving close to $1100

Things are looking great. Now I am just hoping I receive my GC from BCBS before my trip next week.

New Year

December 31st, 2011 at 05:12 am

As the new year approach us, I haven't really thought about what I'd like to accomplish for the new year, but here it goes.

-Pay off auto loan (Balance $1700)
-Pay off 3 CCs (Balance $3500)
-Move (I really want to be in my own place by the end of the year)
- Save an additional $1000 (EF)

I think if I keep my goals at a minimum, it will be less stressful and much easier for me to accomplish. Yes, I have more CC debt than listed but getting rid of the first three earlier in the year will make it much easier to pay off the others.

Moving forward, the Heat won tonight so $1 was added to my challenge/EF. In addition, I had lunch, breakfast and dinner at home so $6 was paid towards my challenge/cc debt.

Lastly, I purchased some really nice Gucci frames today. I always wanted really nice glasses. Anyway, I had about $306 in my Eflex account and my new glasses cost $305. I actually make no contributions to my Eflex, all funds were supplied by my employer so my glasses cost me zero dollars Smile

He can't be serious

December 30th, 2011 at 11:56 am

Well I went to BestBuy with the BF last night, and he bought 2 CDs totaling almost $40. All I could say to myself is You can't be serious? Really? Just two or so days before you didn't have money to put gas in your car and you receive a few payments ( for jobs he had done) and you go and buy CDs, wow. Unbelievable! And to top it off, his family is having a get together and requested, by his aunt, that everyone gives $25, of course I was perplexed, she couldn't be serious. $25 to attend a BBQ? $10 from each person would be more than enough to buy food and drinks. Needless to say I told him I was not going. In the end, the aunt asked him to buy a case of chicken, a little more than $50, and of course he did. He has a serious problem of not wanting people to think he is "broke" per se; however, moving forward I don't have a problem with it. If people think I am "broke" which by the way I am, that's perfectly fine with me, because they won't ask me to buy any thing.

I know when Monday or Tuesday rolls around and he has no gas money or lunch for work, he better not look my way because I am BROKE!

So the good news, I deposited the $150 my dad gave me into my challenge/EF account, keeping my end of year goal--$1000 saved by December 31( I started November 14th).
Also today I will tackle CC1 making a $120 payment vs. the minimum payment, brining the total down to about $520 Smile the goal is to have this CC payed off by January 31st.

I know I have said this before but I am glad to be back blogging about my finances. This blog keeps me accountable, I'm more embarrass to say I spent foolishly to strangers than I am friends, not to say we're not friends.
I feel as though, those of us on this blog is somewhat a sort of family without faces Smile
Thanks to all of you who read my blogs, who are honest about things that you see that I am blind too, your thoughts and opinions mean a lot to me

Good day

April 29th, 2011 at 04:14 am

Dad gave me $20 today so $10 went towards my CC balance and the remaining was split among EF, new home fund and personal saving. I am loving the fact that I'm back on track


April 28th, 2011 at 11:51 am

Blogging for me is a way to save money. It's a competition, it's also accountability coupled with some form of embarrassment if I do not save or pay down debt. So just a little thank you to SavingAdvice.
Okay yesterday I bought dinner, cost $30 so I split what was spent on dinner was also spent on saving so as follows: $15 CC, $5 towards EF, $5 towards challenge/home fund and $5 towards my personal spending account. It's funny because I have close to $200 in my personal spending account to do what ever I want and I don't want to touch the money.
I also found $10 in my room so this was split 4 ways as well. $2.50 to EF,CC, challenge/home and personal account.
Tomorrow is payday and CC2 will be paid in full Wink

moving right along

April 27th, 2011 at 02:09 pm

Feeling great, I feel like I'm making progress. Yesterday I paid an extra $100 on CC number 2 and today an extra $14 on CC number 3. Friday is payday so CC 2 with a balance of $500 will be paid in full Smile I'm so excited. Then school is out and I should be reimbursed for my tuition in which CC 3 will be paid off with those funds. I'm also almost at my goal of $1000 for the EF.


April 20th, 2011 at 02:44 am

I bought lunch yesterday for $11 so I went to pay the same amount on my Target Visa but unfortunately you're only allowed to make 2 online payments in a week, wow.
So I went ahead and paid $15 on the HSBC cc because I also bought breakfast this morning

On a good note I got my JC Penney CC finally under the credit limit Smile

So my little method appears to be working Smile


April 8th, 2011 at 03:02 am

I am so mad, I spent $18 today on dining out. $3 for breakfast then $15 for lunch all because I didn't hit the grocery store but it won't happen tomorrow. To end on a good note $18 was divided up among accounts for the challenge, $9 on the CC, $4.50 towards house fund and $4.50 for my personal account. I really hope I receive my mileage check tomorrow that would be great

Off to a great starT

April 6th, 2011 at 06:18 pm

I'm really glad I decided to start blogging. Yesterday was a no spend day so I added two dollars to my CC balance. Today I had breakfast at home so $2 was paid on CC. Now I just had my lunch (homemade) $1 was added to Cc and $1 to saving. At this rate I should have my debt lowered a lot


April 5th, 2011 at 02:56 pm

Glad to report I made my own breakfast; therefore, $2 was saved and with that said $1 went towards CC payment and $.50 went towards the house fund while another $.50 went towards my personal spending account Wink you know people may say why do you transfer a buck here fifty cents there why not just save it and pay transfer at the end of the week? because if I did that I would spen the money on something else, plus it gives me a sense that my debt is being paid off more quickly


April 5th, 2011 at 02:09 am

Okay went to Miami with the coworkers and did not spend a dime Smile other than buying breakfast for $2.64 this morning and $3.00 for 2 cokes nothing else was spent. I am so happy I did not spend anything Smile Thank God, i always feel as though I am pressured to buy things.

Oh because i bought breakfast$1.50 went towards CC while $.50 went towards my personal account and $1.00 towards the house fund. Tomorrow I will deposit the money my dad gave me and hopefully I will have my mileage check ($204) in my mailbox tomorrow.


April 4th, 2011 at 04:37 am

First no spend occurrd yesterday, so $4 paid towards the CC, $2 towards the house fund, and $2 towards my personal saving. All in all $8 towards the challenge yesterday. Today a different story, I hit the grocery store and spent $50 Frown but some of the stuff I could have done without. To end the day on a good note, I washed my own hair and styled it. By doing so I was able to save $25 Smile so $15 was paid on the CC and $5 went towards the house fund. The other five went to my personal account. I'm so glad I'm back blogging, it keeps me on track.
On a different note, tomorrow is a staff retreat because we did very well on the audit. We are heading to Miami for the day and I'm having second thoughts because I do not want to spend money I do not have. My plan is to spend only $40 out of my personal account ( money saved for things I want, i.e shopping, pedicures etc) I do not want to spend money on day with my co-workers in Miami. Hopefully, I will not be pressured to buy anything, it's always hard for me to say NO.

Is it pay day?

March 31st, 2011 at 05:35 pm

Well today was payday and after paying all my bills with exception of one( have to pay when I get home) it doesn't feel like pay day. I was however able to transfer $ 25 to my EF Wink an extra $2 on the cc balance and $2 for savings toward my challenge, so not too bad.

Glad to be back

March 29th, 2011 at 02:17 pm

I am so glad to be back. Blogging about my finances keeps me accountable. Today I made breakfast so I added $2 to the challenge ($1 towards CC and $1 towards EF). I'm sure the CC companies are wondering why they are receiving a dollar here and there but every little bit helps.

Thank You

March 28th, 2011 at 03:27 am

Just wanted to say thank you very much for all the welcome backs and support it means a lot. I'm in the process of paying down approximately $20,000 in debt. I went from owing $0 to 20, 000 with nothing to show for it. Well no need to dwell on should of, could of, so to begin today was a no spend day and I added $2 to the $20 Challenge (a buck to my CC with the lowest debt and a buck to savings). This method helped me to pay off debt in the past, so it should work. Once again thanks everyone i really appreciate all the support Smile

$20 Challenge

August 12th, 2010 at 01:14 am

Today I made it to the gym so a buck was deposited to my challenge home fund. As far as spending goes, here it is:

Expense Categories
Health care: Dental $30.00
Gifts: $56.79
Groceries $2.99
Job Expense: Non-Reimbursed $1.89
Taxes: Sales $0.57

Grand Total -$92.24

I almost forgot, I brought my lunch to work and had breakfast at home so $2 was paid on CC debt


August 10th, 2010 at 11:58 pm

I finally had a no spend day so $3 was transferred to my new home account; in addition, I took lunch to work and had breakfast at home so $2 was paid towards my CC

I'm trying

August 10th, 2010 at 12:37 am

It seems as though I spend a lot more when I am in a relationship, especially gas. But let me turn my attention on other things. No venting today.

Today $18 was spent, and $2 of it was paid on my lowest credit card (Victoria Secrets). I am doing what I have done in the past and that is paying $2 a day for not buying breakfast or lunch; in addition, to my regular payment. This was how I got my debt under control once before so it should work again.

Expense Categories less CC Payment
Groceries $7.46
Personal Care: Makeup $4.44
Personal Care: Feminine $3.12
Taxes: Sales $0.98

Grand Total -$16.00

Today's Spending

August 5th, 2010 at 01:38 am

Well today I made it to the gym so finally a buck was added to my challenge. I also had lunch at the office and breakfast at home so $2 ($8 for the week)was added to my CC challenge.

Today's spending:

Expense Categories
Groceries: $25.93
Household : Supplies $2.99
Sales Tax $0.17

Grand Total -29.09


August 3rd, 2010 at 11:21 pm

Today was almost a no spend day, but then the gas light came on Frown

So today's expenses:

Automobile-gas: $45

I also paid $2 on the CC challenge for a grand total of $6 extra on the principal for the week Smile

Today's Spending

August 3rd, 2010 at 03:19 am

Well I didn't make it to the gym so no buck for the challenge, I did bring my lunch and had breakfast at home so $2 went towards my CC challenge ($4 thus far).

Today's spending total:
Expense Categories
Utilities : Water & Sewage $65.25
Groceries: $17.51
Miscellaneous: $15.00
Sales Tax: $0.26

Grand Total -$98.02

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