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I am still around

October 20th, 2008 at 03:37 am

Well guys I have been so busy with politics and volunteering on the Obama campaign that I have not had time to do anything even school work
It is amazing because I am a registered democrat and was really considering voting for McCain until he chose Palin as a running mate but that is neither here nor there and we all have our own opinions . But what surprises me is that I am volunteering, something that I have never done, ever
But I am glad to report that I finally got my cc debt down again, I took the money out of my challenge. I am a shame to say that I racked it up by shopping and dental work and not posting which keeps me accountable for my actions
So after the election you should hear more from me on a regular basis, hope every one’s ok
Oh and ceejat thanks for the site info, now I am

Missed you

September 29th, 2008 at 02:21 am

Hi guys
I am still alive, just been caught up in this election. I am 34 and have voted in every single election since 18 even local ones and lately I have been sleeping and eating politics; blogging on In addition, I have managed to rack up my credit card and not save anything towards my house/challenge, falling back into old habits I will post new figures within the next few days. But I must say I miss every one here and I am sure we have some new bloggers as well, sorry I haven't took the time to welcome you so I am say it now WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing I can say is that you guys keep me on track and I feel so guilty for back sliding and not posting which I contribute to my back sliding

Miss you and will back real soon

No to bad

August 15th, 2008 at 03:06 am

Wasn't a bad day today. First I had breakfast at home so $2 went towards my cc then I worked a half day so lunch was also prepared at home (another $2 towards the cc). Took a short nap and then hit the dentist, I can't wait for all this to be over. I had to be fitted for my permenant bridge and the next visit should complete everything.
After the dentist I hit the library, I was unable to locate my library card so it cost me $4 to replace and $2.40 in late fees Frown I am always late on my returns and I do not have a good reason as to why. Be that as it may I rechecked out the book I did not finish reading and two movies for the weekend


August 13th, 2008 at 03:37 am

I received our electric bill today and it was $197 Frown and my mom had the nerve to say " did you see how much the electric bill was?" I was so annoyed. Because she is the one that falls asleep with the TV on, leaves everything plugged in and is here all day with the a/c on. But what can I do other than pay it
On a different note I had breakfast at home so $2 went towards the CC and then I had McDonald's for lunch so $3.31 went towards CC.
I tried hitting the beach but once again as soon as I pulled up the rain began shortly after
And last butnot least $3 went towards the challenge, earnings from a Pinecone survey

I have a confession

July 8th, 2008 at 04:08 am

I have a crush on one of our patient's. Problem is how do I approach him(guess I am old school). I do know he is single with no kids and self employed, problem is he is about 10 years older than I am but that is about it and really isn't a promble. Oh well I guess the real problem is how do I approach him?
On a diffrerent note, I did not eat out today so $4 went to the cc

Things happen

June 12th, 2008 at 10:04 pm

Well yesterdy I was really upset, and just decided to Hell with the part time job, well I guess things happen for a reason because my brother has all this extra stuff that he wants to sell, so I am going to post them on Ebay and he said I can keep the money made and not only that I have a friend who moved to NY and I have been dying to go so I am going to book a weekend trip.
I transferred $1600 from the house fund to pay cc, but I only paid $1000 I have to balance the account and wait for some oustanding payments to post before I make the final payment either way the cc is under $1000

Dining out

June 10th, 2008 at 03:06 am

I did not eat out today so I paid 2 on the cc, my how quickly it adds up Frown I know I have the EF but I hate to see it dwindle down but I went ahead and tranferred the $1000 to pay on the cc; at least it would cover part of the $1250 dental work

Dining out

June 8th, 2008 at 07:48 pm

I had McDonalds for lunch today so $5 is paid on the cc to match what I could have saved

Inspired by Sillyole me

March 31st, 2008 at 01:21 am

Inspired by sillyoleme I decided to pay off the BoA cc so I took $2200 out of my house fund. I don't mind because I am easily going to get it back to $7642.45 in no time. With a tax refund coming due in addition to the so called stimulas package I will be back at $7600 in no time. I have been battling with this for a while, even though it was zero percent interest until july I wanted it cleared. I really did not pay it off completely because the dentist owes me a credit of about $300 plus I have some clothing that I bought that I am returning so once I get my refund and return those items it will be a zero balance Smile Thanks sillyole seems like I am back on board with have no debt

Wasn't too bad

March 23rd, 2008 at 02:52 pm

I went in yesterday to my part time job they actually had some one on call in case I did not I would really not show. It wasn't too bad but I did let one of the residents know what was going on and she was just as upset as I was but oh well. I figured they will be trying to get rid of me real soon so I will just stick it out and try and sock away my checks until they do. I finally applied for a summer intern, I have definately got to get on the ball with that...but haven't heard a thing
I was also able to get some studying in (accounting)and I have still not tackled my taxes Frown I have no idea why because I am due for a refund
For the last week I was able to add $8 to my challenge and $8 to the cc for brown bagging it, unfortunately I had to buy buy breakfast because my uncle managed to eat an entire half loaf of my bread with his dinner. But I will not go there regarding that

No dining out

March 13th, 2008 at 12:57 am

Three days in a row that I have brown bagged it Smile so once again $2 added to the challenge and $2 on the cc


March 11th, 2008 at 07:02 pm

Very slowly I am getting back on track. Today I made my breakfast so $2 went to the challenge and I also had luch at home and $2 was paid on the CCs. I got about 20 minutes of studying in and will be heading to class later, just happy that I was able to complete my assignments

Much better today

March 11th, 2008 at 02:51 am

Today was a much better day. I did not eat out at all so $2 went towards the CC and I got a $6 check for a survey that I must have completed in which I totally forgot about but was happy for. So I added $6 to my challenge
I still have not heard a word from that idiot boss of mine, maybe she is thinking of a way to fire me.
I finally sat down and did my homework for accounting since class is tomorrow, I feel comfortable other, than a few questions but other than that all is well on the home front


March 10th, 2008 at 04:36 am

Warning this is a long post:
Wow seems like my year is not getting any better. First I did not get a raise this year, next I get the flu, some kind of way I fell back into old habits and upped my CC bill, mom has an infection with her toe, and my older brother who has been on his job 24+ years was just fired because he won’t stop smoking pot and did not pass a random drug test. I have not added to my challenge like I am suppose and am $2k behind on my goal. In addition y cable bill is now up due to increase rates $71

And today I get an email from the idiot I have as a boss on my second job stating that I dropped the ball. Basically a resident was discharged from one hospital and moved to another on Friday, I work on Saturday. Some one called and told security he did nothing with the information or from what I gather now informed no one. I then get a call from her neighbor who is concerned and followed –up as much as I could, once told by the security guard and former supervisor that he knew I assumed that my boss knew as well and went home

Here is a copy of the email I sent her as my response and of course she has yet to respond and I refuse to take the blame for this, the only thing I would have done differently was note in the log that I was informed by another employee that he too knew about the patient being discharged:

Let me clarify, I was informed by a resident that she was unable to reach Ms. X and that she called the hospital and was informed that she had been discharged. I did follow up, I thought by contacting the CC (skilled facility) in which I was told that she was not there, I later contacted the hospital and was on hold I'll say about 20 minutes (because of some emergency) I was then told that she was discharged. In addition, I called the resident's home and no answer. I also sent R (security) to check her apartment, after he checked her apartment I was told she was not there. So I re-read the notes in case I missed something....and nothing noted, had N (security guard/former supervisor) noted/followed up on Friday I think the problem would have been cleared up then. Anyhow, since nothing was noted I called Ms. X back trying to get as much information from her as possible, such as when she last spoke with her, and what the conversation was about. In the meantime N was in last night and mention to me that he knew Ms. L had been discharged from the hospital/not that she simply went if he knew then I assumed that at the most J (supervisor) knew and what more follow up is needed if a former supervisor who knows company protocol is aware of situation as well has his/her manager is aware, what else is needed? What additional follow-up is needed?
I do not attend to come across angry but it does angry me that once again I am left holding the blame when clearly the situation was neglected prior to my shift an entire 24-hour later.
Have you spoken to N as to why nothing was noted? And if J was even aware? or anyone one else for that matter
If you have any questions please call xxxxx if I do not answer leave a message I am going to the library or email me I check my email on a regular basis

Now I am ticked off because not only did she accuse me of not doing my job but she did my annual review in which I only worked with her a total of 6 hours that right 6 hours for the year and was told that my appears was not u to par, mind you I wear a uniform that is always cleaned and iron. For the measly few dollars that one makes this little job is so stressful the entire place is ran like a circus. People are promoted based on who they know and not what they know

Back to normal

March 5th, 2008 at 02:31 am

Well my mom is still a little down but I am praying that there is some other alternative.
I, on the other hand am getting back to normal; meaning I added my weekly $25 to the my challenge in addition to paying $4 on my CC because I ate out today

Well I am still alive

February 29th, 2008 at 01:25 am

I am still alive, I know it has been a while but I have been so busy with my accounting class. I actually got an 89 on the second testt Smile so I am really excited. And you guys will be proud I managed to pay off another cc ($475) and add to my challenge and not eat out for two days. I think this is great especially since I have not been blogging for a while
New total for the challenge $7454.54

No spend day

January 22nd, 2008 at 12:53 am

Today was a great MLK day, I did not leave the house and just slept, read a book and watched a bunch o old movies starring Sidney Poitier who is one of my favorite actors. In addition, I paid $2 on the cc.
There was no mail today and I was waiting on a check from the college for $400 refund which I need to pay on the CC, hopefully it is there tomorrow

He only thing I can complain about is that I can not wait until I move into my own place for just a little I mean just little privacy. My mom gets in her moods where she just opens my room door and it bugs me, not only that I wanted to try and study today and she sits in the living room which is near my room on the phone and that drives me crazy. No matter how many times I ask her not to that, she as this thing that this is her house and she will do as she pleases

I am praying that this is my year that I am able to buy

Paying down the CC

January 21st, 2008 at 12:31 am

I spent $3.95 on eating out, another $12 on two pair of sweats so I matched this amount and paid it on the CC. This is what I call wasteful spending


January 16th, 2008 at 02:36 am

Well tomorrow is payday, which is the first check for the year. Usually the boss gives us a raise so I have my fingers crossed. He also owes me a week's worth of vacation pay from last year so I hope it is with this check. In addition I have two CCs with balances so I am going to pay off the one with the interest, my goal is to have both paid off by the end of the month.

On a different note I went to class tonight and it is going great. The instructor actually teaches, this is my third attempt with accounting so we'll see how things go on the fist test. I already got 10 extra points Smile

I bought breakfast today for $3.63 so $4 went towards the CC

I guess that's it for now

$20 challenge

January 15th, 2008 at 02:34 am

Just received a $6 check from your2cents in addition to the money I received from a gift card that was sold on ebay ($28.83 )I have decided that until I get the cc paid off, only extra cash earned (surveys or gifts ) will be added to the challenge. So it is going to be awhile
New total$7263.89

Today and yesterday were both no spend days so $4 went to the cc

Paying down the cc once again

January 10th, 2008 at 03:05 am

Once again I am at it with trying to pay down my CC, right now it is a zero interest card util July but I still want it paid before then. Any how I had $33 left in my personal account (tomorow is payday from the part-time job) so I paid $33 on the cc and I also received the $23.56 today from so I went ahead and added this amount as well. Goal is to have it paid off by January 31st or aleast 3/4 of it

Oh dear

January 8th, 2008 at 03:23 am

Last year was a great year and this one seems to be starting off on the wrong foot.
First I get a letter in the mail that my license is suspended because I did not pay a fine. Well I did not have to because the cop sign the ticket stating that the tint on my car was fine, good thing I kept a copy because tomorrow I have to go down town.
Now the classes that I would like to take are not available so I am stuck with only two classes which means I may not graduate until 2009 Frown Next, my part time job still have not found a replacement for me on Sundays, now I think they are taking advantage since I did say I would stay until they found some one but now that I think of it I am tired and will give them 2 weeks from this Sunday, almost two months

On a different note I should be getting my deposit of $28.56 from for a book sold and today was a no spend day so a buck went towards the cc and the challenge

No spend day

January 6th, 2008 at 06:17 am

Today was another no spend day so a buck went to the challenge and a buck on th cc

New challenge total $7184.43
New cc total $2971.49

No Spend Days

January 3rd, 2008 at 09:44 pm

So far I have had 2 no spend days, other than the dentist Frown I paid two dollars for each day I did not spend anything to my cc rather than adding it to the challenge. So $4 down and a lot to go

$20 challenge

January 1st, 2008 at 04:50 pm

Well using my debit card with ING for the month of December I earned $6.03 during their 1% cash back reward. So I added this amount to the challenge; first deposit for the year. I also rounded up some change to add as well.

$20 challenge year to date $8.06
New bal $7180.76

I also paid $180 on the cc bal, this was money my friends owed me

CC vs Challenge

December 28th, 2007 at 01:44 am

I know I should be paying the cc with any extra cash I get but I feel obligated to add to the challenge, so I added $50 and paid $49 on the cc (I got paid from my part-time job today).
I decided that after the first of the year my entire check from my part-time job will be added to the challenge. I think it is best to go back to living on one check
I rerally need at least a total of $24k by November 2008 ($14k for a dowpayment and $10k for an EF). See I plan on gradating in December and would like to buy a townhouse as a graduation present

In the end new total for challenge is $7100.10 and CC debt $2981.93


December 24th, 2007 at 08:34 pm

Just got 2 more checks from pinecone for $3 each, so I paid the cc

I will have to say I did really well today, I almost bought an iPod but opted out. I said to myslf is this a need or want, so that was the end of that.
I ended up buying another gift for my God daughter's sister, that was only $2.12 I had a coupon for Penney's which expired today for $10

$3 for Survey

December 22nd, 2007 at 01:41 am

Got my second check from Pinecone Smile and added it to my visa payment. The goal is the have this card paid off by January 31st. No way am I going back into debt

I also ate out today Frown $8.50 so I added this amount to my challenge, new total $7035.51

Remember that $5 payment on the my auto loan and the girl was laughing, well the check cleared the bank and it is not posted to my account....arrrrrrrgh

You know I will be contacting them first thing in the morning

$5 gift

December 21st, 2007 at 10:22 pm

Received a card today from one of the patients which had $5 in it, so I applied it to my cc instead of the challenge. I have no idea when the CC went up so much, I did pay for my classes (over a $1k) and my dental work, boy it really adds up


October 31st, 2007 at 01:58 am

Just paid off another cc I do not know how I upped my cc after working so hard at paying them off. I did pay tuition and MD bills but my goodness. Anyhow, I did add another $101 to my challenge today so my new total os $4838.85 Smile I was rally hoping to make the $5k mark this month but oh well

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