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September 26th, 2006 at 10:08 pm

I came home on break to fix a quick lunch (sandwich) before heading to class well some one ate the last slice of cheese. So I did not have time to actually cook so guess what i had to buy some. $3.16 wasted but I did match this amount and paid on the CC which is now reduced to $2389.15, prevoious total $2392.34

No spend day

September 26th, 2006 at 03:50 am

Today was a no spend day, my co-worker treated me to lunch that was nice. So I decided to add a dollar to the challenge and pay my CC a buck. I wanted to see if it would allow such a small transaction and I was really surprise it did so I am down by a buck

New total $2392.34

Another CC payment

September 23rd, 2006 at 02:35 am

Just paid another $15.00 on my cc because I had to but a notebook cover again,( lost the other one before I even used it) anyway since I am considering this wasteful spending I am matching this amout and paying my CC

New Balance:$2393.34

Challenge/CC Debt

September 22nd, 2006 at 10:28 pm

Well I spent money today on lunch $7.97 so I am matching this amount and paying on my cc

$7.03 added to my challenge which is my cc debt

Previous total $2415.37
New total: $2408.34

CC Debt/Challenge

September 21st, 2006 at 05:47 pm

just got the check from the part-time job $235.23 so I paid $35.23 on the cc, normally I would have added to the challenge but I made my cc debt my challenge.

Previous CC Balance:$2450.60
New Balance$2415.37

CC/ $20.00 Challenge

September 20th, 2006 at 03:01 am

Wow, I know I am on track because in the past when I got a bill in the mail I was never able to pay ASAP and I did today, what a really nice feeling. I also paid extra on the CC so today's spending

Car insurance(3 months) $207.43
Electrcity $163.28
Home phone $40.75
CC2/Challenge $51.36

I have decided rather than putting the extra money into a separate account for the challenge, earning less on interest versus the interest on the cc I will use anything extra to pay CC, so that's my challenge

New cc balance:$2450.60

Back on track

September 18th, 2006 at 01:21 am

Now that I have regained focus midway through the month Frown I am back adding to the challenge, so I paid $24.63 on my high interest CC giving me a new total on this card $1271.85 I can not wait until payday so I can get this thing down to atleast 3 digits but my overall cc balance remains high Frown $2516.96 but I am keeping a open mind since payday is right around the corner for both jobs

CC debt

September 17th, 2006 at 01:13 am

Since school has started my CC debt has jumped back up. I had to buy books and a new notebook which was more of a want, but it has worked out because while working at my part-time job (16 hours a week) I study and the notebook has helped tremendously with my lab assignments, I also work on the lab work on my luch break at the other job so this was a great investment. I could not afford the warranty but the guy who I take my desk top to is great. But payday is Tuesday and I plan on paying off the textbooks and the computer that was charged so it should all work . Atleast I was smart enough this time not to use the high interest cc Smile

What do you think?

September 8th, 2006 at 03:42 pm

My brother lent me $3000.00 to get a car, well as you know I did not get the car. Well I was thinking about giving him back $2000.00 and using the other $1000.00 to pay off the high CC (33%) and pay him the $300.00 a month that we agreed on. Let me know what you guys think

$49.17 towards CC

September 2nd, 2006 at 03:25 pm

Ok I went to get an alignment today but my mechanic deos not do them so now I have to wait until next weekend and take it to another place, like Tire Plus or Tire Kingdom. Anyway I decided to add the money that I may have paid for an alignment to my CC acount...well a little less because I had originally set aside $75.00 for this. So I paid $49.17 Smile

Previous Balance:$1221.96
New Blance:$1172.79
Overall CC Balance:$1765.07

I can't wait until I am at 3 digits instead of 4 for a balance due on this card

$15.00 Towards CC

August 31st, 2006 at 09:44 pm

Well I used my cupouns for free undies at Victoria Secrets and saved $15.00 so rather than adding to the challenge I am paying the money saved towards the high interest CC Smile

New Balance:$1221.96
Total over all CC:$1814.24

September's Goals

August 30th, 2006 at 11:28 pm

Well my goal for September is to pay off the high interest CC (33%)Right now this is the only thing I am focusing on. The current balance is $1236.96; I will get two checks for September and I hoping atleast $600.00 each payperiod will go paying this debt off quickly.

Paying Down CC

August 30th, 2006 at 01:22 am

I just paid another $100.00 on my high interest Cc and notice I had a credit of $6.15, I am not sure why. I did sipute a charge of $5.99 which was a duplicate but $6.15 I have no idea. I'll give them a call.

High interest CC New balance: $1236.96
Total CC balance:$1829.24

$18.89 on CC

August 27th, 2006 at 05:46 pm

Well I cleaned out my checking account (account 10 and paid $18.89 on the high interest CC. I am so happy because for the last few pay periods Ihave not had to touch any money in my EF account so that means I am making progess and Murphy is aware Smile

New Balance:$1343.11
Previous balance:$1362.00
Balance the begining of the month:$2095.28
Overall CC balance:$1950.39

Changed my mind

August 26th, 2006 at 01:54 am

Well I changed my mind about using the extra $200.00 towards the CC, since my car gave a little trouble today my uncle is actually taking a look at it tomoorow and maybe have my cousin's husband who is a mechanic check out the oil leaks so I am holding on to the money rather than paying the CC and then charging in the future. I am trying to stay away from placing anything and I do mean anything on the CC

Why me?

August 25th, 2006 at 11:50 pm

It seems like I am the only person in the world when it comes to getting paid. My part-time job did deposit my check ( I made a change in which account funds should be deposited to ) so I have to pick up this check but the next one should be ok. I hope. I figure since I have $274.00 in my personal account I may add it to the cc depending on my check. we'll see

Another CC payment

August 23rd, 2006 at 07:48 pm

I just made another cc payment of $20.46 and now my new total is $1995.12
previous balance $2015.58. Now when I return my textbook of $130+ credit

No Luck

August 21st, 2006 at 10:30 pm

All day I have been trying to pay my weekly $25.00 to the CC company with the high interest rate and their systems is down Frown I would like to get this over with before tomorrow but it looks like it is not going to happen

Finally payday

August 17th, 2006 at 08:13 pm

Finally we got paid I had to add the C-phone and cable bill to cc in order to make one transaction.

So here we go:
paycheck (after taxes)899.29
Deposited the following:
$75.00 EF
$30.00 Misc
$20.00 IRA
$50.00 Personal Acct

Paid the following:
$65.87 Cable
$64.32 C-phone1 (paid in fulls, 1st time in a while)
$270.10 CC1
$20.00 Offering to church

Difference $304.00 in which I added to checking account 1 for any misc bills that may come up, that way I do not have to use the CC or transfer from EF

Darn... $350.00 mistake

August 17th, 2006 at 01:05 am

I thought my cc balance was $-$1922.88
but when I got home and checked my entries on my software it is actually $2270.73. I forgot I charged my books ($321.95) and my internet service is added to the CC every month ($25.90) I can't wait until payday so I can payoff what I charged for school and a little extra on the cc

$25.00 CC Payment

August 16th, 2006 at 11:14 pm

Normally once a week (Friday's) I deposit $25.00 to the challenge, well I just paid on my high interest CC (the one I always complain about) instead

New balance for this card: $1652.56

Total CC balance (previous)$1947.88
New balance for CC's: $1922.88
I can't wait until payday I am going to pay as much as possible (about $800.00 on this card)
D. Ramsey is right, you have to attack these cards/debt with vengeance other wards you will never pay them off. I want to be debt free including my student loan ($1038.54) by December 2006. I want to be able to deposit my entire tax refund in my EF account rather than paying bills

CC payment

August 15th, 2006 at 02:15 pm

I have decided when payday rolls around I am sending my entire check to pay on my interest CC which is about $800.00 after I put aside money in the EF, Misc and IRA account. I am so sick of this CC debt I can just scream

CC interest

August 15th, 2006 at 01:27 am

I have called the CC company several tmes in the past regading the finance charges and was told they could not reduce my interest rate. Well I was fed up and called to cancell the card, I'll be the girl waived the finance charges of $56.78 fine with me because I will still cancel this account next month

Total Cc balance:

Darn Interest

August 15th, 2006 at 01:16 am

I just got my CC statement in the mail and realize my CC balance after I paid the $412.00 is not a total of $1935.93
but $2004.66(2 cards)I was charged $56.78 for interest and $4.00 monthly fee which equals $36.00 a month. I know this is crazy but because my credit was bad I was just happy for a card and now I think this is ludacris once this thing is paid off it is closed asap. $242.00 of this balance went towards school and will be paid off this week

$412.95 towards CC

August 14th, 2006 at 02:58 pm

It has been bugging me since yesterday so I decided to tak the money out of my $20.00 challenge account and pay towards my high interest CC (30%)and I am earning only 4.35% so it's back to sqaure one for the challenge

New total: $3.00
CC debt:
From $2348.88 to $19935.93 I also plan on paying another 300.00 or $400.00 on Thursday (payday) . I am just so sick and tired of debt

HSBC Upped my CC limit

August 12th, 2006 at 01:50 am

I just tried paying the $123.97 on my CC well I looked at the limit which was bumped to $1050.00 it's very small compared to some but it is a huge accomplishment for me I am happy.

Darn !!

July 31st, 2006 at 06:33 pm

Well because I have poor crdit I have to pay HSBC a $69.00 annual fee ;( The balance on this card was 0 dollars now I just upped my CC balance. It's not due until the 20th So I will wait until the 16th to pay it off. I can't wait until I am debt free and my score is up so I do not have to worry about these silly cards

I did it

July 18th, 2006 at 03:36 am

I do not care what any one says D. Ramsey's plan work. I think working from smallest to largest paying off debt works. Yes it is a mind thing but it keeps you motivated. I paid off another CC ($650.28)and got 1 more to go and then I will work on the charge off (445.00 cc) and the cell phone ($750.00, I go t this for my ex, never again will I be a fool for love)

Now I will be unable to add my weekly $25.00 to the challenge and $20.00 to my personal/me account but at this point I do not care because my cc is paid off

New CC balance:$1999.76

I am soooooooooo happy Smile

A little extra on CC2

July 13th, 2006 at 01:39 am

Well it feels really good to cut a check as soon as the bill comes in the mail. I received my CC2 bill today and paid $28.00 on it (amount due, minimum is $20.00) I only paid a little more than the minimum but next week is payday from job #1 and I plan on paying at least $200.00 on this $678.00 bill, I was really hoping to pay it off but because now I need dental work (finishing what I started) I paid $100.00 yesterday to the dentist to have a credit so that when I go on the 1st I won't have to pay so much for my crown

Previous CC Balance:2715.47
New Balance:$2694.16

Paid extra on CC2

July 1st, 2006 at 03:27 pm

Well since my sister never cashed the check for $150.00 I decided to pay extra on CC2 since I am trying to pay it off tne month of July. So I added $75.00 decreasing the balance from $746 to $671.00

Old CC Debt for curent accounts:$2690.32
New balance for curent CC debt: $2615.32

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