Viewing the 'Debt' Category
September 16th, 2020 at 11:09 pm
Friday is payday and I have $250 slated for the student loans 👩🏾🎓, I’m so happy about this. I’m just below $4,000 on my first loan.
I also started back using cash 💰 . I opted not to, due to the virus, but found myself spending a tad bid more, I’m glad, things are going back to normal, somewhat, and organizations aren’t encouraging credit cards 💳 . I simply, spray the cash with Lysol and wash my hands thoroughly.
Things are trucking along, and I’m happy for that.
Posted in
September 13th, 2020 at 02:30 pm
I’m so happy, I hit the send button on a $1,000 payment of my student loans. I used the money I was saving for my bedroom set. I don’t know why but something is telling to get this first loan paid by the end of the year and so I’m trying very hard to do so.
I’ll admit I can’t help but think, what if I was able to invest this money? It depresses me, but I know I’m making progress. By the end of the month, I would have thrown over $2k at this debt.
I’m praying that the interest free remains through at least the first quarter of 2021. If this happens, I will be able to pay off the interest of the second loan, and start tackling the principal.
Edited to add, a friend’s mom put $20 in a thank you card, I was able to find her Lysol. Though I didn’t want the money back and it’s way more than I spent for it, I’m thankful. I used this to add to my student loans. So today I paid $1,020.
My new balance on student loan 1 is $3980
Posted in
September 11th, 2020 at 08:09 pm
Since January I’ve been saving for a bedroom set, in June or July I took half the money, about $800 and paid my student loans.
Now I have about $950 saved and I want to take this money and pay down my student loans. If I do this my lowest loan will be about $4,100.
I need a bedroom set desperately, things are falling apart but I want this loan gone. I’m torn.
Posted in
September 10th, 2020 at 07:39 pm
I was going to pay $450 on my student loans but decided to pay enough to bring the balance of the loan to $5000. That $5035 would have drove me crazy.
Next week is pay day and I’ll be able to get it below the $5000 mark. It feels so good to finally be making some traction in this loan. God I hope I can pay this off by December. If so that would leave me wit three loans to go.
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September 5th, 2020 at 11:38 pm
Today was an errand day for me. First it was Home Goods to return a few placemats, then Walmart for a few personal care products, next Aldi for fruits, then Target 🎯 to return a fall throw and spray paint, and finally I made my last stop 🛑 my mom’s for a bottle of wine I ordered last month that was delivered yesterday. I wanted to support a friend who is trying to earn some extra cash. It felt good getting out and about.
Since last month I went on a little hiatus with my spending, so I wanted to make this month a no spend month, only spending on necessary items. So far, I’ve had five no spend days (only necessary items). While out today, I made sure to pack water, and snacks, so that I was not tempted to buy anything.
It feels good to be back on track with things.
Having spent nothing (only needed items purchased) today, I’m setting aside $2 for my challenge, I’m also participating in a receipt challenge, so for every receipt obtained from purchases I must set aside a $1, today it was $3. The cash comes from my cash envelopes, this helps me to stay under budget.
So far for the challenge I think I have about $900 saved, in July I took about $800 and paid on my student loans. This time I’m not touching it, I hope, lol. I want to get my bedroom set. That’s what the savings challenge money was for initially. I don’t doubt by October I’ll take this money and pay down my student loan though. Lol, why? I really want to pay one of my student loans off by December 31st. I’m so close I can taste it.
For the holiday, I’ll be making pulled pork and potato salad.
That’s it for now
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September 4th, 2020 at 10:59 am
Pay day and I paid $400 on my student loans. I’m hoping to have my lowest balance loan, of $5,485.00 paid off by December 🙏🏾. The best thing that could have happened was this zero interest deferred payment. It allowed me to tackle at least one of my loans aggressively.
Now I’ll admit last month was a dud. I fell off the wagon, buying things for the house. I wanted to “fix” my home up. I painted my kitchen cabinets, painted the spare bedroom, bought a rug, bought a cube for the office space, and other miscellaneous items. Though I love how things turned out I’m pooped about what I spent (paid cash). So for September I had to reel things in, it’s a no spend month for me. For every day I spend nothing I’m adding $2 to my challenge fund.
Saving news, I socked away $400 in savings today as well, I also realized that my EF, including my mortgage account, has 6 months of expenses saved. I’m so excited about this. I’m really nervous about what will happen the first quarter of 2021, I think things are going to get bad. We can’t have record number unemployment and nothing going into default. But either way, I want to be ready, my goal is to have 6 months of my take home pay saved not expenses but I’ll take this for now.
Other news, I had to call the electrician back, we think that the plug on the dryer was bad, fingers crossed, that it’s fixed. I don’t mind hanging my clothes to dry but I like to dry my towels in the dryer that way they’re nice and soft.
That’s it in a nutshell for me.
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Emergency Fund,
August 22nd, 2020 at 09:08 am
Just checking in, I hope everyone is doing well, for me I’ve been trucking along.
We have another storm brewing, 🤦🏽♀️🙄, hopefully it passes us by. Yesterday I headed out to the store to pick up a few snacks, other than that I’m doing pretty well with hurricane supplies. Though today it appears as though the storm made a turn, I’m always thinking better safe than sorry, these things can shift at any moment.
Yesterday I paid $300 on the student loan, finally got the balance just under $6k at $5885. This is one of four loans, and I’m so happy to be tackling them finally. For September I’ll be able to pay about $1500 on it.
I also made my first mortgage payment after refinancing, I really want to pay extra on this loan but won’t start doing that until January. I’m thankful for the long term savings.
My emergency fund, finally hit the 6 months worth of expenses saved yesterday. I’m so excited about this, because I’m genuinely nervous about this virus and the impact on businesses. I’m working but we laid off a ton of staff, that we brought back but things look shaky.
I’m so thankful that I worked my butt off to pay off this debt. By doing so my expenses reduced and I was able to save. Rather than needing $2500 a month for expenses, I only need about $1200 a month. I did rounded up to $1500 to include groceries and miscellaneous stuff.
Separate from my EF that covers mortgage payments as well, I also have about 2 months of mortgage (including escrow) payments saved, and about $2k for home repairs.
Though I haven’t hit financial independence I have hit financial peace of mind.
I’m praying things turn around with this virus and economy. One thing I’ve learned, the stock market is not the economy.
In friends and family news, my friend lost her dad to COVID, this is the third person I know who had lost their lives to this virus. Another decided to take a family trip because they needed to get away, well, the entire family was diagnosed and fell very ill, the husband ended up in the hospital for a while, thankfully he’s still with us.
Stay safe everyone
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Emergency Fund,
August 15th, 2020 at 09:19 am
I’ve been painting my kitchen cabinets and they’re turning out okay. First I learned, if the paint has streaks, use a sander, then it was use a sponge brush. Now I’ve removed the hardware. All in all, it’s coming out pretty good, and I’m happy I’m able to revamp my kitchen without paying a arm and a leg to do so.
This past week was slow, I completed a survey in that I earned $20 so I paid $20 towards the student loans. Next week is pay day, so I’ll be able to make additional payments.
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Miscellaneous ,
August 11th, 2020 at 01:13 am
I’m trucking along, paid $300+ last we on student loans and another $20 today.
I’m so happy to have finally started tackling these loans, two years it took for me to get here. Hopefully in two years they’ll be gone.
I want new cabinets and realized it’s a want not a need. I got SO to help me change the hinges since the cabinets were falling apart. I got some free chalk paint from amazon and started to paint the cabinets. So far I’ve done only one coat but they look great. I’m going to paint the hardware silver that way I don’t have to buy any. Over the next few days, I’ll add the additional coats.
Creating an office space was the best thing I could have done. I find that I’m more productive with work and my personal stuff. I’d like a loveseat sofa bed for the spare room/office but it’s no rush. Over the last few weeks I’ve been decluttering the house and it is truly making a difference.
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August 6th, 2020 at 08:57 am
This week I received two checks, one for my escrow from the previous lender and a refund from my attorney. I had asked her to hold on to the retainer a little longer in case my brother started up. Well the check came and it was almost $2k. I was surprised.
With both of these deposits and my payday savings I’m about $15 away from having 6 months of expenses saved. I guess things work out for a reason. Ii will up the side bar later
I’m pretty certain my escrow account will not be enough to cover taxes and insurance in November, so I’m saving my October and November side hustle checks to pay the difference. I do not want a higher mortgage payment.
Things are trucking along, after reviewing the budget, and making some adjustments, I’m able to pay $400 on my student loans Friday. I’ll be honest, I’m hoping this interest free savings continues, I’m making some serious progress on my loans.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
August 4th, 2020 at 03:38 am
As you all know I’ve been saving for a bedroom set, I took half of my saving a paid on my student loans, thinking I could save another $700+ by end of the year.
Well I get a call from my sister and her friend is selling a wood bedroom set. Though wood isn’t my first choice, if the price is $500 or less I’ll make it work. I’m going on Wednesday to look at it. Fingers crossed.
Well I looked at the loan docs and I’ll admit, I questioned the amount, it was explained; however I didn’t realize I didn’t understand until I got my statement. I consider myself pretty literate, however I guess not. Basically when the loan officer/broker told me that I was correct that the balance was the $109k she didn’t explain the charges. So I assumed that was what I was financing, lesson learned. I’m annoyed, only because I told her I felt like the process was being rushed, two, when communicating I think she deliberately played on my ignorance. I also received a gift card from here with a note that it was my application fee. I’m pissed because I questioned this and she told me it would be refunded after the closing, well she didn’t tell me it would be in the form of a gift card. Didn’t know I had to ask if this would be a check, gift card or cash.
I also received a huge check today for my escrow and taxes. I’ve put this in my EF account, contingent on the tax bill in November, I’ll use this to pay the bill, I’m almost certain I won’t have enough in my escrow account. What ever the balance is after taxes and insurance, I’ll pay down the principal.
Long run when I look at it and crunch the numbers, the overall savings is worth it. My break even is actually two years. I’ll start back paying an extra $100 on the principal.
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Miscellaneous ,
August 2nd, 2020 at 12:49 pm
Hello August!
I can’t believe we are eight months into the year.
On top of COVID, now we are dealing with a potential hurricane. I’m praying that this thing remains a tropical storm ⛈ , or at the mist a category 1 storm, I’m so over it.
Thankfully, I’ve been stacking up on supplies for COVID and hurricane season so I didn’t have to go out in that mess. The lines were crazy.
I called the SO, to see if he thought I should put up the plywood, he said no since it was a Cat 1 the day before and it looks as though none, except for one, of the neighbors are putting up anything either. We are getting some rain that’s it right now.
I received my statement from the new mortgage company and the balance owed is $10k more, not sure why so I’ll be calling them on Monday. I also received my escrow refund from the old company, that I’ll put in the bank. I have a feeling I’ll be billed in November and I want to make sure the money is available. I’ll tell you the truth, I was so tempted to take this money and pay off my lowest student loan, then save for November taxes and insurance. I also need to call my old mortgage company, I haven’t received my refund for my last payment.
Monday will be a busy day on the phone.
Since last week, I’ve been decluttering. I realize that I’m less productive with clutter, and I spend way too much money on junk, well I use to. Yesterday I found things that I had no idea I had, 2-3 of the same stuff. I trashed so much unopened makeup 💄 it was ridiculous. For each project, area I declutter, I’m throwing $5 into my challenge fund, so far I’m at $30. I tell ya it feels really good to get rid of junk. I vowed not to buy a thing until I use what I have.
I’m so sore from the bending, moving, stretching et cetera, that I might take today off and just relax; however, I really want this desk area/mini office finished.
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Miscellaneous ,
July 30th, 2020 at 02:59 am
Met with our mentor today to discuss investing. No I’m not at the point where I can invest, but I’m at the point where I want to learn about investing. The man we met with is a multimillionaire, he started when he was young. One thing he honed in on was, save most of your income, don’t buy unnecessary things and read.
It’s myself and two friends, he has agreed to teach us and he’s not charging.
I chuckled when he told us to get the books from the library because they’re free. First thing came to mind was if you want to be rich, do as the rich. I’m nervous about this journey but I’m excited.
Our first assignment, and it’s a tough one, pick a company you’d like to invest in and ask yourself why? Look at the owners, how they’ve performed etc. I’m so nervous because I have no idea what or who I’d like to invest in. But I’m going to try and tackle.
Lastly, I logged into my student loan account, and finally my payment of $500 hit, I’m officially now paying down principal and it feels great.
It felt good to not think about COVID today
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July 28th, 2020 at 06:46 pm
I’m so excited, I finally paid off the interest on my student loan (smallest balance). I paid my last amount in interest that was $455 and $45 on the principal.
This month I have paid over $2000 in interest, now I can start paying down the balance. I honestly did not think that I’d see this day, even though years ago I paid off a student loan, nothing compared to what I owe now. It’s such an amazing feeling and I’m so thankful to God for getting me this far even during a pandemic.
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July 28th, 2020 at 02:26 am
My last payment of $300 finally hit my student loan account, I’m down to my last $455 in interest before I am able to tackle the principal balance.
I’m both excited and thankful. I’ll have about two months of no interest to pay down the smallest loan, my goal is to pay at least $4,000 by the end of September. The balance is $7085.16.
I honestly thought I’d have these loans forever, but it looks like I’ll be done with them in three years, then it’s the house.
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July 26th, 2020 at 05:41 am
I completed my budget review tonight and found that for this last pay date I saved 54% of my income. Though most was to my sinking funds (future events) it was nice to know that I’m able to. Just wish I was investing this.
I also paid $300 on the student loans, next week I’ll pay about $500. I haven’t calculated but I’m anticipating that I’ve paid closer to $2000 this month on student loans, surpassing my goal of $1,000.
For the month, I saved almost $500 for my challenges. This will go towards my bed room set. I’d taken half the previous amount saved and threw it at the student loan, this was why I was able to go beyond my goal.
Yesterday was the first day I went out in months. Literally. I took a drive to a consignment store and they required a mask, and practiced social distancing. It was just nice to get out. I didn’t find a bed room set, but I did find the place to be expensive. It’s might be less expensive for me to buy a new set. I’ll keep saving and browsing around.
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July 24th, 2020 at 09:17 am
It’s pay day and I came in under budget with my cash envelopes, by $94. I stuck to a plan, and that helped. I was so tempted to head to the grocery store but I promised myself that I wouldn’t go until the next pay day, that’s today.
I stuffed my cash envelopes for the next budget period, and I’m promising myself the same thing, get what’s on my shopping list only, and don’t go back to the store until the next shopping date, two weeks away.
Today I paid $300 on my student loans. I’m down to my last $455 on this loan before I start tackling the principal. Thankfully we have one last month in that the loans are interest free, I’m hoping to knock $1,000 off the principal next month, bringing that balance just over $5k.
I read the proposed senate stimulus bill, and there is no mention of the federal student loans, bummer. Fingers crossed that the paused interest will continue, for a few more months.
Friends and family news
My friend whose mom decided to have a party during this pandemic, that was diagnosed with COVID, later put on a vent then in an induced coma, has taken a turn for the worst. The family was asked to call in hospice. The daughter in law who attended the party, tested positive but is showing no symptoms and is going about her daily routine as if she’s not been diagnosed and it pisses me off. It’s not much I can do besides tell her she needs to quarantine.
I can’t stress this enough, wash your hands, keep your distance and wear a mask.
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July 20th, 2020 at 12:29 pm
Every little bit helps. I signed up for budget billing with my electric company, I’d budgeted $120 for the month. However, the bill was to be $150 but because I did the budget billing it was $97. I took the $20 saved and added to my student loans.
This week is a pay week, and I’ll be adding $300 to my student loans.
I went back to using cash envelopes, I noticed I was spending a little more with my debit card. I also noticed that I still have about $94 left in my cash envelopes left, hopefully this is a no spend week and I can use what’s left and pay down my student loans.
My fingers are crossed 🤞🏾 that this deferred interest accrual continues at least through the end of the year. I’m really making some headway on these loans. The interest kills me.
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July 18th, 2020 at 01:30 am
Finally my student loan payment hit my account, since last month I’ve paid off $2375.75 in interest. I have $800 to go before I can start tackling the principal of $6,629.41. I’m so excited because next week is pay day, and I’m throwing $300 on this loan and then on the first I’ll throw $700 for a total of $1,000. That means my balance will be $6429, all principal.
I’m so close to paying this off I want to scream. Though I have a huge student loan debt, it will just feel good to pay one off by the end of the year, God’s will.
I’ll be honest, I hope Congress continues with the interest free accrual through the end of the year at least
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July 15th, 2020 at 10:29 am
Today I received my tax return of $538, I wish I could break even but hey. Anyway, I paid a few things (see previous post) and paid an additional $200 on the student loan debt.
This has been an amazing month, when it comes to tackling my student loans. Though I have a way to go, it still feels good to finally be able to get to this debt, while I’m on this debt free journey. I’ll be honest, I’m praying that another relief comes down the pipe and they continue the interest free relief until at least December, that would allow me to pay off one of the loans at least.
Since June I’ve paid almost $2000 in interest, next Friday is pay day and I’ll be paying $350 that would wrap up the interest and rest would finally go towards the principal.
For a while I was really depressed about these loans, I mean really depressed, but the ability to actually make payments and see a little headway really made a difference.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
July 14th, 2020 at 04:14 am
I’m so close to paying off one of my student loans I can taste it.
I decided to take half of the money I saved for my bedroom set and throw it at the student loans. That leaves me with about $1,000 to go before I start tackling the principal and it feels great.
I don’t know why but I feel like God wants me to get rid of this sucker. Yes the bedroom set is falling apart but if I can get used I’ll be fine. Plus I can wait a little bit.
Wednesday my taxes hit and I’ll be paying $200 on them.
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July 10th, 2020 at 04:24 pm
Paid an extra $150 today on the student loans, the balance is now $28,292.98, this amount is a combination of two loans.
The smallest of the two is $8,567.75. With the $150 payment, my new balance will be $8,417.75. Next pay day I plan on paying $300. Either way, I think I can get this loan paid off, I hope by December. My goal, $1000 a month.
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July 8th, 2020 at 10:16 pm
Pay day is Friday, I sort of played around with the numbers and realized I will be saving about 34% of my income. Though most of this is sinking funds (e.g. HOA, mortgage, car insurance) it’s still a great feeling knowing I can save for these things.
After tallying what I’ll be adding to my challenge fund, my YTD will be $1532. I’m so excited about this. I had so many plans for this money when I first started, saving for my 50th, then it changed to paying off CC, now I’m teetering between a bedroom set and student loans.
My bedroom set was a hand me down, it’s over 20 years old and the drawers are actually falling apart, literally. I also need a new mattress but think I can hold off another year. However, a apart of me is saying screw the bedroom set and pay off the student loans. Maybe I can find a decent use set for $500 and throw the rest on the student loan. Either way I’m waiting until the last check in December and I make my last contribution before deciding.
By playing around with the budget I found some extra cash and I’ll be paying $150 on the student loans. That’s $707.02 towards my goal of a $1,000 for the month. Though I’ll meet my goal with the last check of the month, I really hope I get my tax return before the end of the month, so that I can throw the money on this student and that will take me over goal.
I’m happy that I’m able to make the payment but ticked off that this $1000 isn’t going towards retirement.
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July 8th, 2020 at 04:22 am
Received the refund, for the house after the refinance, the amount was $779. I also received a refund, thank goodness, for my professional membership from the job, in the amount of $219.
Now that I have a nice chunk set aside for professional membership and certifications, $763, I’m going to stop contributing to that account and add the amount I was contributing to the student loans. My membership is ridiculously high $219 and the certification (two) are about $150 every other year, and of course they’re due in different years 🙄🤦🏽♀️. So with $800 saved, this should cover those expenses, plus I get a refund so I can stop saving after July. Once I’m told no more refunds, I’ll kick the savings back up again.
I promised myself that any money I get, something will always go in the savings, pay yourself mentality. I’m not saving as much as I would like to, I’m trying to pay off the student loans but I vowed to always put something up.
So out of the $779, $100 went to the EF and 619.90 went towards the cash back credit card payment. The $619.9 includes the appraisal, $510, and two fees of $54.95 for the refi, so overall I did not spend anything out of pocket and made money using my credit card cash back.
I had about $60 left, so I paid $30 towards the student loan and left $29 in my checking account as a buffer. I also paid the $219 (the refund) towards the credit card, for my professional membership fee. I like the idea of using the card, not carrying a balance and earning cash back. Even if it’s just $30 a month, that’s $30 I have to add to my student loan every month.
When I went to pay my student loan, I saw that there was a allocation option, never noticed it before 🙄🤦🏽♀️, so I clicked on it. Low and behold, I can allocate the percentage I want applied to each loan, interest first of course. I noticed that the loan that showed a balance of $29k was actually split into multiple loans. The smallest balance is just over $6k, that means that at the rate I’m going, $1k month, I can have this loan paid off by December. I feel so much better, knowing that these loans are broken up and that I would be able to pay one off this year. I feel like I can make some traction.
Lastly, the prayers are working, my friend’s mom is doing better, she’s still on the ventilator and in ICU but she’s doing much better, thank God and thank you all for your prayers.
That’s it in a nutshell.
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July 5th, 2020 at 08:55 am
I’m finally tackling Chris Hogan’s “Retire Inspire” it’s pretty good. I ended up purchasing it because for some reason none of the local libraries had digital copies. Honestly, I like the way books feel anyway, and I can highlight if need be.
After reading a few chapters I got even more anxious about paying off my student loans, I want to max out my 401(k), IRA and HSA but I can’t until I get these loans paid off. I hate I took these loans out. 😡
Now that I’m doing these user surveys, I get Amazon gift cards so I can use these for books and household supplies. I’m nervous about ordering groceries via Amazon but we’ll see what happens down the line. Any money saved from not buying household goods I can throw at the student loans.
This was a good week, money wise, with the next pay day I will only be able to throw an extra $100 at the student loan. I cashed out the reward cash from the credit card, $27.02 and threw at my student loans, MTD paid, $527.02. I’m on track with hitting my goal of $1000 for the month.
I’m hoping I get the mortgage payment refund back soon. I have to reach out to the broker regarding my $75 application fee refund. That’s on my list to follow-up on Wednesday.
Lastly, I reworked my budget. I bumped my direct deposit to the emergency fund by $100 a paycheck since I’m saving that amount in mortgage, I also reallocated the car fund direct deposit. I met my goal for the upcoming six month car insurance renewal in August, so I was able to decrease the amount needing to go to the account for the next renewal in March 2020 by $100. It feels good, everything seems to be working out.
Posted in
July 3rd, 2020 at 02:00 am
Wrapped up my taxes, $538 refund. The new tax bill wasn’t good to me, it screwed up my deductions for the house but hey 🤷🏾♀️
Once I received the refund, I’ll pay $54 for tithes, $100 to the EF and the rest to student loans. I think I’m going to surpass my $1,000 student loan payment for July. Next week I should be able to drop another $500 on the loans, with the first check in July and extra cash being received. I am feeling so excited. I already paid $500 on the first.
I’m truly thankful, this is the first time in a very long time in that I’ve been happy, there were times when I thought I wouldn’t make it, and here I am.
I’m so thankful for God’s grace and getting me through some really rough times.
Posted in
July 1st, 2020 at 09:24 pm
Closed today, I’ll be getting a check on the 7th for just over $700 and I’ll also be getting a refund on the payment I made for July.
The first payment is due September so, I’m throwing August payment into the saving that will give me three to four months of mortgage payment saved. I’m happy with that because that was my goal.
Next I’m adjusting the budget, and my direct deposit, to account for the $222, I’ll be saving each month in mortgage since refinancing.
I completed my first user review and made $50 in gift card (Amazon). I’ll use these gift cards to purchase household goods.
Posted in
July 1st, 2020 at 09:42 am
I’m really annoyed with the title company. My rate is locked in for a few more days and we are trying to close but they’re not responding. It’s crazy because I’ve used them twice before with no issues. I’ve given the broker to move on to another company.
I went ahead and paid the mortgage, though the rate is higher, my level of comfortability, is even higher. The broker told me I should be refunded. We will see.
Other news, I received payment from the side hustle, so I paid my tithes, added $100 to the EF, paid $500 on the student loans 👩🏾🎓, and kept a little cushion in the checking account in case something comes up with this refinancing. Next week is pay day and I’ll be able to add $400 to this debt. I’m hoping to hit my goal of $1,000 debt payment for July, actually for each month. If this happens I could knock my student loan debt 1 down by $8k by the end of the year.
This month I’m doing well, July is off to a great start. My challenge envelope for the year has hit a little over a $1,000. I had so many plans for this money but I know it’s going towards a new bedroom set, much needed, the drawers are falling apart, and student loans. More than likely I’ll buy used for the bedroom set. The goal is to save what I can then at Christmas time buy the dresser, night stand and new mattress. I’ll be honest, I’m so glad I started these challenges. One it teaches me patience, two, to save for what you need/want, three, I’ve also learned discipline and lastly, usually when I wait, there’s always a great deal.
Next, I’ve got to up the ante on my healthy points for Humana. These turn into cash, well gift cards and I’d love a iRobot for my floors. Last year Christmas I got my fitness watch and I’m down so far 11lbs. It’s away to award myself at the end of the year without spending my own money.
Posted in
June 28th, 2020 at 07:58 pm
After looking at July’s budget, I maybe able to knock close to $2,000 off student loan number 1. I’m so excited. Just looking at these numbers gives me life. If things go well I maybe able to knock student loan 1 off by the end of 2021 early 2022.
Someone posted about not worrying so much of paying off the mortgage and focus on the student loan. I reviewed and reviewed and reviewed again and who ever posted was correct. Thank you! Rather than paying the $100 extra on the mortgage I’m throwing it at my student loans. The sooner I can get this done the better. Now I believe in paying what I owe, but I sure as heck will be thankful if there was some sort of forgiveness or interest freeze for a few more months.
Other financial news, I participate in multiple money challenges (e.g. 52 week, walking) and saved $227 for June. YTD I’ve saved a $1,086. I so desperately need a bedroom set. My drawers are falling apart. The set that I have is over 20 years old, it came with the house when I moved in 9 years ago, the owner left it. My goal is to save and pay cash for a new or used set. I can’t believe I’ve actually saved money for this. Normally, I’d use a credit when the drawers started to cave in but I decided to wait. I’m going to hold on until the end the year, because I also need a new mattress and buy everything at once.
Health news, as you all know, I’ve been placed on blood pressure meds, as of today, the blood pressure has went down and I lost 7lbs. Since the year has started I lost 11lbs. I actually, blame COVID for the loss of weight 😄. I’m eating in more, walking a lot more, and since I’m not in the office, I’m snacking less. That’s one good thing that came out of this virus.
I’m in Florida so our numbers are inching up when it comes to this virus. So bad that the county has mandated wearing a mask in public and they’re mailing every resident a mask. It’s scary, because people are selfish. I personally don’t like wearing a mask, I do so because it helps to mitigate this virus. If we all Woolf just work together for a few weeks we could get through this.
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June 26th, 2020 at 09:33 am
Pay day today, and I added $409.79 to student loan 1, the balance is now $29,000. The odd number balance was driving me nuts. Goal next month is to pay $1,000 on this sucker. I was aiming for that this month, but fell shy, total paid for June $709.79.
The loan is still in forbearance until September 30. If I pay the $1,000 in July, that would put the balance just under what I started with when I started on this journey to repay my debt. That’s definitely a motivator.
The underwriter approved the refi, I’m waiting to hear from the title company to set the date for the closing, I’m anticipating no later than Wednesday for the close.
Next week I should be receiving the money from my side hustle, after tithes it leaves me with $720, of that $500 will go towards the student loan.
I had to pay the inspection and some other fee for the refi that I put on the credit card, to earn the points. That’s why I opted only $500 for the side gig for student loans. I do have the cash to pay the credit card, but I’m waiting to see how much of a cash back I get from the refi before doing that, as well as how much of a cash back from using the credit card in June.
I put some big purchases on the card this month. All the refi stuff, inspection and title, plus my professional development membership (company will reimburse) so I’m anticipating at least $50 cash back. Though it’s ultimately the same, I’d rather use the money from the refi and rewards vs what’s in my account to pay off the credit card.
That’s it, happy Friday
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Reaching Financial Freedom,