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52 Week Challenge

January 22nd, 2015 at 12:11 am

Well I've added to my 52 Week Challenge, I started backwards and am on week 50. So $50 was added to my challenge (saving) bringing my total to $303.35.

I'm really happy and hope (fingers crossed) that I can keep up. I've also added any extra funds I receive.

As far as starting at week 1, I'm actually on week 7 but I'll be adding week 7 and 8 ($15) to my CC. I'm actually working this challenge both ways, paying down debt and saving at the same time Smile

Hit the send button

October 6th, 2014 at 01:26 am

Well I went ahead and paid off the no interest CC. In my heart, I know I did the right thing but my mind tells me differently.

I will say this it feels darn good to know that I went from about 10 CCs to only four. Hopefully by December I will be down to three.

Last week's sermon message was "If you don't have a plan then you plan to fail." With a little bit of determination and effort I have been sticking with my plan and it feels great to see things coming into place.

Normally when I do not blog I tend to fall off the wagon. But I am proud to say, I am still trucking along. Bumped my EF up, added to my IRA and paying down debt. It feels great.

Oh and the job is going great. Been there now for 90-days and had a great review.

Things are starting to fall in place. Thank God.

I need your help. I have a question for you all.

October 5th, 2014 at 02:11 pm

Hi all!

It's been a awhile but I haven't stop working on paying off debt and saving.

I've been on the new job now for three months and was able to sock away a little over $1000 to rebuild my EF. I've also been able to add about $200 to my IRA account. Not much but something is better than nothing. Not to mention I've been getting the debt down as well.

So I have a question for you all. I have an extra $500 set aside, different than my EF.
I owe about $450 on a no interest CC, interest doesn't start until 2016. I'm sure I'll have it paid off before then. I owe about $1400 on another CC, with interest. I'm not sure if I should pay off the no interest CC first or add the funds towards the CC that is accumulating interest. If I was to pay the $500 on the interest CC that will bring the balance down to $900. Next Tuesday is payday and I can add another $300 on that balance, leaving a balance of about $600. So I wanted your thoughts, which should I pay off first?

I like the Dave Ramsey way of paying off debt starting with the smallest debt, it just seems like I'm accomplishing thing.

Mehta I've been upto

October 23rd, 2013 at 02:06 pm

Well so much has happened.
I've officially launched/opened Kelly's HR Services. I had my first client and I made $200 but I had to put everything back into the business. Which by the way is fine.
I also had to fire my trainer due to her lack of professionalism with my first client and now I believe I have lost referrals due to it.

Running a business is not easy and it takes a lot of determination. I find myself at times somewhat overwhelmed but I just need to slow down. The official website is, I actually designed it myself. Didn't have any funds to pay someone. Check it out and let me know what you all think.

In financial news, I just paid off CC # 5 and have three left to go. I'm super excited because I believe by the time February rolls around I would have them all paid off.

Things are trucking along slowly.

CC 5

September 4th, 2013 at 11:39 am

Paid off CC #5 today, super excited. I can't believe I went from debt to debt free back to debt and now working on becoming debt free again.

On a side note, went by my mom and my sister was there with her grandson, my great nephew. She moved back home. Anyhow I gave my nephew a dollar and my sister says to me, "don't give him any bills only coins because I use the bills given to him." I thought are you kidding me? The kid has a piggy bank, and you're taking the paper money out. I was so disgusted. Reminded me of the time she opened a bank account for us as kids and cleaned it out.
So I hid the piggy bank in my mom's room and told my nephew not to tell his grandma. Poor kid is only three so he might

Well I did it

May 8th, 2013 at 12:56 pm

Okie dokie, I paid off CC4, CC5 and CC6 today. Yay just a little over $2000.

Unfortunately CC3 that I had paid off in January and the BF used for a rental car (and never gave me the money)I had to pay off again ($228.00) so I did not count this one. I am not going to complain about this because it was a birthday trip I wanted and we agreed I would pay for the hotel and he would pay for the car. However, I ended up paying for everything, oh well you live a learn.

But I am super excited, I have paid off a total of 6 CCs since January and it feels good, not mention I have freed up about an extra $180 a month in minimum payments. The plan is to sock $100 away week to the EF and to pay about $40.00 a week to CC 7 and CC8 hopefully cutting these balances on these cards to half by the end of the year.

Once my raise kicks in, in August I can probably double the amounts saved a week and paid to the CC

Checking in

May 6th, 2013 at 12:32 am

Hi all!

I know I am not blogging as much but just know I haven't charged anything on the CCs.

Even though, I am not blogging I am somewhat hanging in there with my finances.

I am on week 23, of the 52 week challenge, trying to stay ahead. I also made a $5.00 contribution to my IRA. I usually contribute anywhere between $20-35 a week but last week was the first of the month and so many bills are due; however, I wanted to make sure I deposited something vs. nothing.

I am hoping with the extra money, from my most recent raise that I can pay off CC4. My student loan disbursement should be received and if it is what I am thinking of I will pay off CC4, 5 and 6 socking away the remainder to my EF. Starting next month even though I am not schedule to start repayment of my loan until September, after graduation, I will make $25 a week payments to my student loan. I figured that would be about $250 paid on the principal. My employer mention paying off my student loan or a portion of that, so keep your fingers crossed.

Other good news I have managed to sock away $6000 to my EF, I'm hoping to have this up by $2000 in June Big Grin

In addition, I love my new job. There is just one-person who drives me crazy, but I think he means well, I just have to figure out how to deal with him.

Great news

April 23rd, 2013 at 03:35 am

I think by the end of the month I should have CC 5,6,and 7 paid off only leaving 8,9 and 10. Yes I know, I have way too many credit cards. I was once debt free about 4 years ago but then I was laid off and depressed and spent spent spent.

Because I've done it before I know I can do it again. It feels good to have paid off 4 CCs and its only April and now I will be paying off a few more.

The goal is to be debt free (less the student loans) by time I'm ready to move. That's another reason why I'm working so hard. My boss had also mentioned paying off my student loans. I'll bring it up again when it's close to graduation. Honestly instead of bumping me to $60k+ a year I'd rather he pay my loans and I work for him a year.

I've also manage to sock away $6000 in the EF account too Big Grin

So even though I'm not blogging I'm still on track and that's actually a challenge for me.

Making strides

April 20th, 2013 at 03:02 am

From $932.95 on 04/01/2013 to $486.95 as of today on CC 4. I'm very excited.

I know I haven't been blogging but I've been upto date on my finances, usually when I do not blog I fall short. So I'm very proud.

Also, I love my new job. I'm learning so much I can just scream because I never really had a job that I loved.

I asked my boss for a raise and he gave it to me after 3 weeks, a $2000 a year increase. He said I really hit the ground running. So I'm excited. By time I graduate I'll get another $10-15k year raise as well so long as I keep trucking forward.

Not sure how spiritual you all are but I know that God has opened these doors for me.
Grad school, more money, paying down debt, and a job I love. I'm feeling very thankful.

And if anyone has family or is in the Boston area know that my heart goes out to you and your family and friends. Glad it's over.


March 11th, 2013 at 11:32 am

I just paid off CC4, in the amount of $685 Smile

Wish I had the money to pay off two others but I have to purchase a new computer and get my wisdom tooth extracted.

I'm also upset with the BF again, I can't wait to move over the summer. We took a trip and I ended up paying for the entire trip. He was to pay for the rental car ($287) and still since January haven't given me the funds so I have been paying on this additional CC that I had already paid off. I charged the rental on the zero balance card to keep things separate but I guess that didn't work.

In may he wants to go to D.C. but if he wants to go he must purchase my tickets I refuse to get stuck again

Well just a few more months until graduation once that happens I'll be moving


March 10th, 2013 at 08:02 pm

Well tomorrow my tax return is expected to deposited but I'm annoyed because I now need to buy a new computer plus I'm having my wisdom tooth extracted.

I was really hoping to pay off three CCs with that money but now it only looks like one.

I'm glad I have the money to pay cash but I really wanted those CCs paid off

Extra $40

February 24th, 2013 at 03:22 am

Saw my older brother today and he gave me $40. I was debating if I should pay this on CC 3 and then I thought, why not?

If he hadn't given me the money, I would not have had it to pay but since he gave it to me and I wasn't hurting for the money, I paid the extra cash on the CC.

It feels really good to see the CC get knocked down by so much, I can't wait until its paid off.

Called the accountant today to try and set up an appointment on Tuesday.

On a different note I am itching to tell someone but I have an interview on Tuesday for a HR assistant. As you know I'm in grad school and is set to graduate with a masters in HR management, this will be a great opportunity to get my foot wet. Keep your fingers crossed.

Save $6

February 23rd, 2013 at 06:19 pm

Went to Walmart and forgot my bank card so the BF ended up paying for my personal items saving me $6, so I paid $6 on CC 3

I am really proud of myself I have knocked that credit card down by almost $500 within one month. I am really hoping to have it paid off by the end of the next month

Hopefully I'll have completed my taxes and can submit any thing extra to two CC, we will see


February 19th, 2013 at 07:56 pm

I have been paying extra on tbe credit card all month, and to be honest I really dont know how much extra. The total I would estimate is about $400 thus far Big Grin

I am hoping to have this card paid off by the second week in March

Sorry but my side bar totals are all wrong; I have to go back and run the reports to update the balance.

Thats it for now just glad I'm making progress.

Well I did it

February 11th, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Well after I posted my last post, I said to hell with it and paid the $300 on CC4 that is my $20 Challenge/debt.

I have approximately 15 days to get another CC paid off, the goal is to pay off 1 CC a month. I actually paid three off last month. So rather than watching the funds in my saving account earn very little interest while the CC racks up a lot more, I decided to knock that card down from $1385 to $1085.

It's scary because you're always thinking of the what ifs, but I have a little more than $5000 in my EF, I am slated to receive another $3000 in taxes that i plan on paying off another $1500 CC and putting the remainder in the EF account. So I should have at least 7 months of expenses if anything happens. The goal is to have at least one year though.

I will say this, it's easy to get into debt but it is hard and scary at the same time getting out.

$20 Challenge

January 15th, 2013 at 11:43 am

Well I just sent my last payment of $20 to CC3. The balance was $19.04 but I paid $20, I'm sure I will owe a few dollars for the interest accumulated over a few days when the balance was over a $1000. It feels great!

Now I'll be tackling CC4 and that balance is about $1500. It will take me a few months to pay off but I have until April, my goal, to do so.

I also added my weekly deposit to the 52 Week Challenge brining my total to $10 Smile

In addition, I added $8 to the $20 challenge yesterday; $2 for breakfast, $2 for lunch and $4 for dinner because I decided to go to McDonalds Frown I match what I spend when dining out.

I have not updated totals as of yet in the sidebar, but will do so later. I can say I am one happy camper who is on the road to debt freedom and it feels good.

Making strides

January 10th, 2013 at 07:07 pm

Well I just cashed in my change I saved up for 2012 and the amount was 51.77 so I paid $51.00 on CC 3 brining my balance down to about $18 Wink

I cannot wait until this CC is paid off and that will be next week.

I have never been so excited about paying off/down debt but I truly am. Next I'll be tackling CC4, the balance on that one is $1500 but I figured I should have it paid off in about two months, sooner if I get the $800 tuition reimbursement.

$100 payment

January 9th, 2013 at 11:31 pm

I received reimbursement for my miles $104+ so I paid $100 on CC 3. I will have a balance of $70 once this post and should be able to pay off by the 15th Smile

Just so I don't forget

January 7th, 2013 at 09:53 pm

Okay I am jotting this here so that I don't forget.
I purchased one of my books for school, $65.67. This amount was charged on the BoA CC, so that I earn the point. I have since paid the bill, $70 so $4.33 extra was applied to my $20 Challenge debt Big Grin

Okay I did it

January 5th, 2013 at 10:03 pm

I paid the $900 on the JCPenny card. The last statement there was a balance of $1069.10, I have since paid the minimum of $35 and now $900. If I'm not mistaken by time the new bill arrives the balance should be about $140, that is sure to be paid off. This would make three CCs in less than one month paid off, while working on CC4 that has a balance of $1500.

If everything works out and I get the $800 from my employer for tuition reimbursement, plus $120 for my mileage reimbursement, I can have CC 4 paid off by mid February.

Everything seems to working out according to plan, as long as I stay blogging I'll stay on track. I can tell you the truth, it sort of hurt to hit the send button for the $900 knowing that this CC hasn't been paid off but knowing that it soon will be helped a bit.

I was suppose to meet a friend tonight for dinner for her birthday but after spending the $900, $20+ at dinner isn't doable right now. I feel bad but as my dad would say " I have food in my refrigerator"

So for the $20 challenge/debt I am proud to add the $900 brining my total to $2647.36 Big Grin

I need your help

January 5th, 2013 at 03:22 pm

Okay, I have about $900 I can either pay off 1CC that currently has an introductory rate of 0% until about August (I always pay extra on this CC anyway), or I can add this amount to my EF and be half way at reaching my $2000 saved for the year, or pay the $900 on CC 3 that has an interest rate of about 20% and the balance due is $1500. If I pay the $900 on CC3, I should be able to pay the remaining balance of $600 by the end of the month.

Oh geez I forgot, I have a BoA CC that earns cash back, right now the balance is $4600 I was thinking I could pay the $900 on that card and free up a little money that way anything charged on thus card I can earn cash while paying the minimum along with what was charged in full each month, that way I could earn some extra cash as well.

I'm taking any suggestions at this point.

Today Was a Good Day

January 4th, 2013 at 02:03 am

Well as you all know I paid off CC1 and 2 totaling $1747.36, the sad part is I owe over $11, 000 in CC debt. Goal is to get this debt down by half by August.

On a diffrent note, I received an email from HR requesting that I submit my grades, hopefully I'll receive the $800 I was originally approved for being that I have since changed my major. Please keep your fingers crossed.

In the end here's today's total:
$3 Car wash

$20 Challenge
--$8 added to savings ($2 breakfast, $2 lunch; $2 dinner; $1 Bible reading $1 weighted hula hoop)
-- $1747.36 Debt

All in all today was an amazing day.

Yay I did it!

January 3rd, 2013 at 03:06 pm

Woke up this morning and paid off CC1 and CC2 total cost for both, $1726.63; well worth it.

Next I emailed our HR department. I was offered tuition reimbursement but I have since changed my program degree and wasn't going to ask for the money. But a thought came you could use that money , about $800 to pay off CC3, so I asked. Now I'm just in wait mode, the least they could say is no and I wasn't expecting the money anyway.

So today's challenge a whopping $1726 Big Grin


December 30th, 2012 at 11:11 pm

Tomorrow is the 31st and before the year has ended I'd like to pay off CCs 1, 2, and 3. This will mean that the EF will be a little bit low but atleast I'll have three CC paid off and half way to paying off the 4th.

I asked the BF for the $400 he was short and received it. I told him what the bills average a month and the day I'd like the funds (25th) each month. At this point I explain I do not care how he gives me the money so long as he has his share by the 25th.

Trying to keep up

November 30th, 2012 at 01:16 am

Who said eating healthy while making lifestyle changes would be easy?

I saw the doctor a few months back and he advised me I was borderline for high cholesterol, not to mention all the back problems I've been having.

So I decided to change my eating habits and workout more, I must say I have seen some improvements.

Today I worked out using my weighted hula hoops as well as hitting the gym which allowed me to add $2 to my challenge.

Furthermore, I did not eat out so $6 was added as well.

Lastly , today was a no spend day Smile so another dollar was added.

All in all I saved $9 today, $6 of it went towards debt (CC1)

Tomorrow is payday and I have $57 left in my "what ever I want to do account." This time around I can't add it to debt or any to my IRA because the BF is short this month for his portion of the bills. I may as well hold on to it vs. transferring money from the EF later.

Well that's it in a nutshell.


November 29th, 2012 at 02:22 am

Well I thought today was going well until...

The BF mentioned he needs to borrow money. I don't know how much, so no answer was given. I'm leaving it at that for now.

On a different note (more positive that is) I did not eat out today so $6 was added to the $20 Challenge/debt (CC1)I also went to the gym so I added $2 to the $20 Challenge/EF account.

School is whining down Smile and I'll have a little break after the 8th, whew.

Other than that, that was my day in a nutshell

Not so bad

February 10th, 2012 at 01:41 am

Today wasn't a bad day, I went to Target to earn my ShopKick points. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have enought points to earn a $25 gift card which I plan on buying some paper towels, soap etc. with the gift card.

My coworker gave me three brand new shaving cream because she no longer has hair since her chemo, and she also gave me a small thing of unopened butter. I figured, total this stuff would have cost me about $12 so I'm going add $6 to my challenge/EF and the other $6 to my challenge/cc account.

Currently I'm still waiting on my BCBS gift card ($200), I plan on paying my cable and cell phone with this and adding what I would have paid to my challenge/EF. But right now I'm in wait mode.

$20 Challenge

February 9th, 2012 at 07:09 pm

Today I packed my breakfast and lunch, and I already have dinner prepared so $6 will be added to my $20 challenge
-$3 challenge/EF
-$3 challenge/CC

I am really proud of myself, one not giving up on my saving, two- controlling my spending, even when I'm tempted and three- knocking down my CC Smile

I cannot wait

February 8th, 2012 at 02:12 pm

To move that is. My mother is an evil and spiteful woman. She walks around the table so she doesn't pass me by or she'll hold onto her dress so that the tail of it doesn't accidentally hit me. For real? She is really a sick woman

Then my sister comes by and ask me again for money, really? What has changed since Saturday to Tuesday? Nothing! I'm sorry I do not have any money that I can afford to lose at this time. I think she asked again because my BF was there and probably was hoping he would have provided it to her but we have had a discussion about him spending money foolishly.

On a different note I think my BF will have the new job, the gentle who he spoke with wife called back and asked for a written estimate. Roughly the job will be about $1775, with $700 of it being our take home pay Smile perfect for the move. Oh BF does landscaping.

Today I added $3 to my Challenge/EF and another $3 was paid on CC1 brining that total down to $144.35. I can't wait until this is paid off.


February 7th, 2012 at 11:36 pm

Went to Target to pick up a few things and to earn some ShopKick points Smile I used my Target Visa Card to save 5% which was about $.64 saved and then went straight to guest services to pay my bill Big Grin which was $13

It's funny a few years ago I would have charged this amount along with others while accumulating debt not worrying about paying the bill until the bill came. Wow, it feels so good to be on a different path

I almost forgot, I added the $.64 to my challenge EF as soon as I got in the car, lol

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