October 5th, 2006 at 01:14 am
Ok now that I got my raise which is almost $50.00 extra each pay period, I will live as though I did not receive this extra money and transer all funds to my EF. I was thinking about using it towards my debt but I already pay twice as much on that and since I want about $6000.00 saved before I actually start saving for a house, so for now I am living as if I did not get a raise
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Emergency Fund
June 25th, 2006 at 05:39 am
Well I was complaining about all the money I have been spending, but I also have been paying down debt as well as paying my offerings/tithes. Well I was rushing today to get to my part-time job and my mom handed me a check from my insurance company for $187.50
Last year or the year before I was in a car accident and totaled my car well my insurance company fought the other company and apparently won the case and I got some of my deductible back yeah!!!!!! I am so happy. So I look at it as a blessing all my charitable contributions were given back to me 4x more than what I actually contributed, boy am I thankful. I have gotten my overall debt down to about 3000.00 in the last month or so boy it really feels good. I cant wait to call in on the Dave Ramsey show and yell I am debt free. So I am adding my refund tomy EF account
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Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom
June 24th, 2006 at 05:16 pm
Well I gased up the car, went and bought lunch so tomorrow I should have a no spend day for the first time in a while. we will see. Today I spent a pretty penny
$77.57 total
Gifts: $24.88
Hurricane Supplies:$13.88
Sales Tax: $3.31
I am trying to stock up on hurricane supplies before the season gets very active, this is something I should have been doing all year round but if I buy something each week I should be ok
I also added $1.04 to the challenge but had to withdraw from my EF for today's purchases
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Emergency Fund,
June 16th, 2006 at 11:11 pm
I am so excited my brother paid me back the $250.00 he owed me, actually it was $270.00 but when I called him the other night I only said " two something was what he owed" because I scared to call and ask. So I don't mind the $20.00 I'll write it off as a gift or when he ask me to pay the CC again which I am sure he will I'll add it back on (yes, I know shame on me) but I am adding this amount to my EF brining my new total to $607.61
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Emergency Fund
June 15th, 2006 at 02:20 pm
Well I just check the bank to see if any checks cleared and guess what I had a check from my part-time job deposited, it actually wasn't suppose to be in until Friday. I got $234.18 nice, so I trasferred the $100.00 back to my EF account from yesterday. What a nice surprise since we are not etting paid until Monday from my full-time job
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Emergency Fund,
June 15th, 2006 at 02:30 am
Well I spoke with my brother regarding the money he owes me($270.00) he stated he was going to give me something this week. I felt kind of bad for asking but I just paid off a lot of debt, cleaned out my challenge account and savings account to do so. I have no idea why I feel so bad but I do, it's not like I owe him.
And speaking of challenge, I just checked my ING balance and it is actually $89.19 about $7.00 more than what I had, so that is good news.
I also transferred $100.00 from my so called EF, that is a joke right now...well I did so to cover me through the weekend. I ended up paying $33.45 (leaving me with $52.00 in my everyday account) on one CC that for some reason the due date was changed from the 27th of every month to the 16th. This is about two weeks difference (?) The odd thing about it is I just read some place maybe on this site that those of us who pay online seldom check our due dates when the bills come and often get slapped with a late fee because banks change their due dates. I do this alot..not looking at the due date just opening the mail checking the balance, chages and amount due, bad habit. thank goodness I have not had a late fee in over 2 years.
I also ended up subtrating the $11.65 for my automatic dental payment it is due around the 15th or 16th
Wow, just thank God I had some funds
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
June 12th, 2006 at 02:45 pm
Well I did it, I did not want to wait until pay day to pay off one of my student loans, so I transferred funds from my EF to pay my debt. It feels soooo good
Now I only have one more to go, this one cost me $280.07
EF Balance $282.61
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
April 18th, 2006 at 09:55 pm
Yeah it is payday and I just put away a lot here. There was an extra 12 hours yeah!!!!! Boss paid me for my lunches (marketing lunches). So here is the break down for all my accounts, thus far every thing has been paid for the month I also lent my bother again $225.00 leaving me with $128.00 for two weeks
$144.00 to EF Total $932.00
$67.50 Misc Account / total 67.50
$15.00 $20.00 Challenge total 280.84
$5.00 Car account /total $45.16
$70.00 College tuition Total $71.00 (this is a new account)
$15.00 IRA contribution/Total $601.37
Total savings: $316.50
CC /Debt
Macys paid $20.00 Balance: 346.73
Merrick Bank paid 300.00/ Balance $1456.73
Household Bank paid $26.00/Balance 763.32
Target paid $9.09/ Balance 0
Mom (personal loan) paid $50.00/ Balance $150.00
Capitol One paid $33.00/ Balance $972.85
Now for the month I have spent the following:
Personal Care: $150.32
Dining Out: $99.96
Groceries: $61.52
Gas; $50.00
Clothing $57.51
Gifts $30.00
Home Bills (phone, cell cable etc) $160.00
Leisure/Entertainment $40.00
So far so good
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
April 17th, 2006 at 11:19 pm
Well it is the end of the pay period and I only have $23.5 left over from my previous paycheck and in all actuality it may be a lot less because I cleaned out my miscellaneous savings account L. However I am waiting to see if the bank will reimburse the $25.00 for the return check fee in check my other bank caused and will not refund but was kind enough to give me a letter HA! Dont even get me started on this. My savings account is now at $743.00 a decrease of $100.00 but that is fine because I will add another $75.00 tomorrow.
Just added the $23.50 to my challenge money bringing my total now to $265.89 I cant wait until I get to $1000.00 I am trying to save for a house hopefully things will pan out.
Hopefully Ill get my $25.00 back and can this money to the challenge as well
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
February 17th, 2006 at 08:43 pm
I though I would never have an EF because an emergency always came up. But I persisted and now I am at $650.00 a few more pay checks and I would have reached my $1000 goal next I'll strive for $2500.00
Boy it feels really good the closer I get to be being financially free and reaching goals that I was never able to meet in the past
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Emergency Fund