Viewing the 'Goals' Category
November 24th, 2017 at 01:21 pm
Reviewed my envelopes and I have $346 left in all. Not sure what I started out with because a few dollars rolled over and I forgot to jot down how much. I know for the new budget period I withdrew $400. So I can say I've only really spent what carried over. A new period starts on the 30th. The goal is not to let this balance go under $300.
Every week I transfer the loose change to the change jar, this week it was $2.33. So I can say I'm doing pretty good.
I went to JC Penney's because they had men's holiday pajamas for $5. Every year I buy the fiancΓ© a pair as a Christmas gift, I usually spend about $25.
Prior to heading to Penney's I visited the Ebates site because I wanted the 4% cash back, but then noticed the store was charging close to $4 to ship to the store and $9 to ship to the house. Since I was heading to my mom's and Penney's was on the way I stopped by. Picked up two pairs, one for next year. If we're not together I'd give them to my nephew as his gift. I'd budgeted about $100 for him for Christmas but so far has only spent a total of $22. We agreed to keep things at a minimum. I tried to get him to go with the no gifts, but since he's just starting on this process of saving and budgeting, I knew I had to give a little or I'd lose his interest. Compromise π.
I do have one other item to purchase for him, either a watch or cologne and I'm done. I'm sure I can get a good deal on the watch for about $30 leaving me with about $50 to throw at CC2. The kids ( nephews) are getting magazine subscription for $15 each a total of $45 and my neice gets the free $25 MyPoints gift card. My other nephew who is older will get a $25 gift card and I still should have $25 left to throw at the CC2. Though I budgeted $150 total, this is 4x less than I normally spend, I'd like to stay under $125. Next year they'll be a sinking fund for the holidays.
All in all it was a pretty good day. I don't plan on leaving the house for the next two days, saving on gas β½οΈ. I also picked up dinner for the next few days from my mom, so I'm good.
Now that I'm Dave Ramseying , lol, I've been on every money site, blog and Facebook group page there is. I saw this yesterday.

It's a BINGO card to save money, each week you pick a number and dump it into your savings. For me challenges are my motivation, so rather than throwing the funds at savings I'll be throwing it at my debt (CC2). There's even a zero to give you a free pass. So starting Monday, I'll be doing this. I realized that the money will be coming from my fun money.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
November 23rd, 2017 at 01:20 pm
Finally figured out how to check out audiobooks from my local library. I drive a hour each way to and from work so this will be perfect.
I've checked out Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" and Robert Morris' "Blessed Life." I'm excited about listening. Years ago I checked out Dave's book but just couldn't get into it. So I'm trying it again.
I'm revamping my budget again for the 100th time. I have a few items coming up that I need to cash flow so I'm adding the sinking fund. Dave says it's okay for a few items but don't go overboard while on baby step 2.
I've decided to take the first 10% of my income and tithe, this is not an option. Any money that comes my way, 10% will come off top for tithes. The 3:10 rule has proven to be 100% correct and I'm only about a month in. The next 5% (half of 10%) that comes off top is the sinking fund. Following 2.5% will go towards debt, and all else is budgeted to line items. I simply have to make it work. After reviewing there's no fun money in the pot for the next pay date. I'm okay with that.
I've paid off over $30,000 in debt before so I know I can do it. It took me about 2 years to do it.
I'll continue to budget some fun money, other wards I know if I don't I'll fall off the wagon. And I know this through trial and error. I realize a pay period here or there without fun money isn't going to kill me.
Pay day is next Thursday and my envelopes are pretty stuffed, I'll take some of this a pay down CC2, others I'll keep in my envelopes, paying for those things coming in January. January is going to be a really tough month. I have certifications that are due, license, tag for car etc.
Today of course will be a no spend day. Heading to mom's for dinner and then back home. I may wash my car, that's filthy. Hmm I'll wash it at my mom's and the five dollars π΅ I would have spent will go towards CC2 π³ .
The journey to a financially sound life hasn't been easy, I've made some bad choices, received some tough love and even doubted myself. But I think back to when I originally started this blog, it was tough then too; however, I made it through and for that I am grateful and thankful for this blog, and my extended family who never give up on me. Though my SA blog family at times may sound like a broken record, and you might even say to yourself, I've told her this before but you all keep reminding and pushing me, and I'm thankful for that.
Lastly I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving π¦
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November 22nd, 2017 at 11:24 pm
Surfing the blogs and came across a post on using linen napkins vs paper towels, not sure why I haven't thought of this. I have a ton of linen napkins that I use when hosting. I'm going to buy about ten for every day use.
The young lady we donated the food to just got a tv. My coworker gave me a 32" tv for her. That just made my day.
I ended up eating out to day at McDonald's, I wasn't too happy with this but oh well.
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November 21st, 2017 at 09:08 pm
So before I read everyone's responses I jumped the gun and did the below with the extra funds. I was feeling good about it but then thought I should have read the responses to my blog about the found money first and did what was recommended. That by the way was to apply all of it to baby step 2. π€¦πΎββοΈ
Found $60
$6 went to tithes (took this from my budgeted pocket money)
$5.40 went to the EF
$4.86 sinking fund ( car insurance, license & tag, and sorority membership)
$49.74 on CC2 debt snowball
In the end, I was able to get the CC2 under $400, I was hoping to do that before the end of the month. New balance 393.53 π New goal pay $93.53 on CC2 by the end of December.
Hopefully by January, I can cash flow my license and tag on my car.
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November 21st, 2017 at 03:58 pm
So late August I started FPU and I'm glad I did. I won't say it's easy but hey.
In addition to this I started the 3:10 challenge recently. For three months I will give God what belongs to him (10%) and see if He doesn't bless me ( Malachi 3:10). Well I'll say this every dollar I have received, I have taken 10% right off the top and here are those blessings:
* Found $5 in my purse π
* Found a $22 gift card
Today I found $60 in a binder that I was cleaning out to create the fiancΓ©'s budget planner. Funny thing is, I had this binder since 2014. You can rest assure I took the $6 off the top. I bought tickets to a football game out of my recreation fund and am considering putting the $16 back or just paying the full $54 on the CC.
I also thought about this
* 10% to tithes ($6)
* 10% to EF ($5.40)
* 10% to sinking fund ($4.86)
* Remaining to debt ($43.74)
I know Dave says $1,000 and then tackle the debt but for me I'd like to keep contributing to the EF even if it's a small amount. My car is very old and I'd like to be able to cash flow the next one if Murphy comes. In addition to the sinking fund, I have a few items coming next April like the car insurance. Oops I forgot my renewal for my tag and license is in January, I'm going to need the cash for that too. So I figured a little here and there should do it.
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November 21st, 2017 at 02:38 am
Our second budget meeting went okay.
Initially the fiancΓ© seemed annoyed but as we starting talking he came around. I explain to him that I did not want to get married unless 80% of my debt was paid and 80% of his was paid. He agreed.
He struggled with my zero balance budget. I explain to him that he did not have to work his budget the way that I do but just wanted to show him what a budget was. He thought that we would be combining income and debt. I told him it wasn't recommended since we weren't married. We reviewed the irregular income budget sheet that Dave provided and he likes that.
I decided to create a budget folder him, that way he can see his progress. I felt bad because he wants to this this "together" thing but it's best that we both get things under control before we combine anything. He's not computer savvy at all, so each week we will work on his budget, and I'll create the spreadsheets. His biggest problem is his mother not paying him, he really needs to nip this in the bud.
Today was a no spend day. The boss took us out to lunch. Only problem was the sandwich I had I think went bad. π€¦πΎββοΈ It's turkey, with honey mustard no cheese and was on the ice pack. It still looks good but I don't know.
The interview didn't go to well. I wasn't too excited about it anyway and really didn't want to go. I have another one lined up next Wednesday.
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November 20th, 2017 at 07:21 pm
Revamped my zero balance budget next pay period to include a sinking fund, particularly my car insurance. I totally forgot to sign the new contract providing me basic coverage, so I'll take care of that tomorrow. Items that I need to save up for that is consistent is the car insurance on both vehicles, sorority chapter dues ( thinking about not renewing).
This budget, I included the Christmas fund, only $150. This is for three nephews and fiancΓ©. FiancΓ© is still up in the air. Today is our weekly budget meeting and I'd like to remove this item. Things aren't going well for us and he knows that I'm not planning a wedding until debt is gone, his as well as mine finances are in order. I really want to discuss how I'm feeling tomorrow, I pray that I get the courage to have this conversation.
I read in one of the Dave Ramsey budgeting groups that I should try a visual, so today that's what I'm going to do. I really hope he's not doing this because of me but for himself as well.
Different note, normally for Thanksgiving I buy a ham, turkey and all the sides to cook. No one ever comes to our house, I just like having my own meals. Last year was the first year we actually had company. This year I'm going to my mom's. I don't know what has come over me but I hate spending money. Though it would cost roughly $25 to buy what I'd cook, I just think it is a waste since we throw out so much food anyway. Besides my mom and his mother cooks a big meal.
I washed my own hair, saving $45 so I paid this amount on CC2, new balance $443.00.
We ran out of ink and since I don't print that much, but still do, I told the fiancΓ© I needed $20 for ink. He's the one that print out bills for his clients. I'm always the one buying, not this time. The ink was $30.47. He gave it to me. I can kick myself because I've told him for weeks we needed ink, did a search and if you order online at Walmart it's $17.97 π€¦πΎββοΈπ I hate stupid spending.
I have a job interview today, I know the position calls for more skill,and years of experience but I figured why not? I think the new manager, who I love is looking for a job, can't say I blame him.
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November 18th, 2017 at 01:52 pm
Cleaned out the refrigerator and had to throw out a half a chicken, five pork chops, rice and left over Chinese chicken. I thought, how shameful. There's someone out there who could have used this food.
I told the fiancΓ© that I will no longer buy and cook these meals. I generally buy the bulk of the groceries and cook, so that he has something but so much of it goes to waste.
My nephew's girlfriend works for a meal prep company and any left over she shares, at least twice a week. I often get these meals and this too goes to waste, because I've cooked and will pack what I cooked for lunch but no more. I'll be eating my free meals, and if the fiancΓ© refuses, that's his choice. He can spend his money buying groceries.
Last budget period I think I spent only $4 on groceries because I stuck with buy, only what you need, and now I'm sticking with buy nothing since you're getting free meals.
Long story short, Dave Ramsey says while going through this process it's rice and beans, I get free meals that are delicious so it makes no sense to spend the money. Here are a few of the meals.

In financial news here's the first half of the month spending. Not so bad this pay past period.

Oops before I forget, I took the $35 budgeted for my contacts and paid on CC2, new balance $488.04. I'd budgeted $45 this week for my hair for the holiday, I don't think I'm going so I'll be throwing this amount at the CC2 as well. Can't wait for this card to be gone.
Posted in
November 17th, 2017 at 11:15 am
So the holidays are coming and I decided to budget a few dollars each pay period. I spoke to the fiancΓ© and told him I wanted to not spend anything on each other but if we did, keep it under $100. Of course he wants to exchange gifts.
Well I ordered the myPoints Macy's gift card for my neice, $25. I set aside $40 this pay period to order a men's sport coat for the fiancΓ© through Macy's. Well I found a gift card I had, and the jacket that was originally $200 cost me $17.67, sweet. I went through the Ebates app and got $1.61 back. Paid cash for by the way lol.
So all bills are paid. This pay period I spent a total of $936.02 on CC/other debt, I can't wait to get these little bugs out of my hair. A total of $215.32 was paid on CC2, this was all extra. I'm officially starting baby step 2 of the Dave Ramsey plan and I'm excited. It took me two months to fulfill baby step 1 but at least I'm there.
I'd budgeted $35 for contacts but decided to hold off again from purchasing, I'm thinking of throwing the $35 towards the CC debt. Reason why I haven't is, a young woman lost her fiancΓ©, she has two small children and she's struggling. I'm thinking about taking this money and buying Thanksgiving dinner for her. I'd budgeted the $40 for gifts and still have $22.39 left that I could use to help her out as well. Everything is on sale and I'm thinking we should be able to get a decent meal for her.
That's it for me, I'll be updating my totals this weekend and sharing.
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November 2nd, 2017 at 01:54 am
I have gotten to the point where I absolutely hate buying anything not on sale. It burns me up to purchase items at full price.
I went into Walmart for a few items, one being a box of tissues. iBotta has a $1 rebate when you purchase two boxes of Kleenex. I almost purchased the Kleenex, but something told me to check the price of the Puffs tissues instead. Well it turns out that it's cheaper to buy the Puffs without the rebate. I almost threw them in the cart when I decided to check the Target Cartwheel app and low and behold there was a manufacture coupon for $.25 off Puffs. I only need one box anyway so I'll wait until Sunday to pick up the tissue with the Target run.
Next I got four boxes of hand wipes. I buy these anyway and iBotta had a rebate for $0.75 when you buy two. I bought four not realizing I should have put them on separate receipts, ugh
I think I'm going to create a grocery list of items I frequently purchase, so that I know where to buy things and if it's worth it when iBotta or Cartwheel has a rebate.
My goal to to start living frugal, sometimes I think I'm being cheap but I need to sock away cash and lower my debts. I'm thinking about adjusting the budget so that I'm leaving below my means, meaning reducing my check by an additional $100. We'll see, maybe once I get this debt paid off
Posted in
November 1st, 2017 at 01:38 am
New zero budget balance period kicked off today. Normally I look at what I did for the previous period and estimate my spending.
I'm annoyed because two items I budgeted were off and I'm generally right on. The JCP bill last month was $119, this month its $121. I didn't purchase anything so not sure why it's more. Though it could be because there are more days in the month this last billing cycle. I know it's only three dollars but it annoys me. I paid the bill in advance so I'm waiting on the statement to review. Unfortunately I can't view online since I'm still receiving paper invoices. And I'm not changing it, ink is expensive.
Next the truck insurance is usually about $80, this month, the renewal, it was about $92, $12 over.
I picked up my mentee tonight and we headed over to the free fall festival at the church. She brought her nephew, who was such a good kid. I enjoyed it and was glad it was free. I have to start looking for free things for us to do, it was getting way too expensive. I don't mind spending the money but not too much.
Last item on my list are the contacts. I tried ordering through iBotta so that I can get the 3% cash back but I'm running into some issues. I did get $0.10 from a Walgreens purchase. I think I might just write them regarding the contacts.
Posted in
October 31st, 2017 at 10:04 am
Ordered a photo book online Walgreens.com, I received an order confirmation via email that everything would be ready at 4:10pm. Needless to say, about four hours went by and I had not received my order is ready for pick up email. Called Walgreens, and was placed on hold, then told I couldn't pick up until tomorrow. I explain how important this is, that my confirmation email stated 4:10 and that this item was gift. I'm placed on hold again, then told the order is ready and was misfiled.
Head over in the freezing cold, stood in line for 20+ minutes, then provided the photos of something I did not order. The guy apologizes, then leaves and never comes back. A Megan then pops up, asked if I was waiting on the photo book, I say yes, she then tells me I have to pick up in the morning because no one knows how to create the book and that the person who does, isn't answering their phone. By this time I'm furious, she tells me she'll give me a discount and that the photo guy comes in at 4 am. I'm going to be furious if these photos aren't ready.
Revamped the budget for the 100th time π€¦πΎββοΈπ. I realized I did not include CC2 payment of $25 that's due on the 20th. I get paid on the 15th and 30th of every month. I like to pay all bills due within those pay dates, trying to stay ahead of the game. Though the bill isn't due until 20th, after the 15th, as my dad always said, "the best time for a man to pay his bills is when he has the money."
Posted in
October 30th, 2017 at 05:44 pm
Well a new zero balance budget will start tomorrow. I decided to keep what's left in each envelope with the exception of the change ($4.45). Total left over was $66.45, not bad. I added the $4.45 in change to my change jar to be rolled up and deposited to the EF fund (baby step 1).
I went back to Target, to get my $5.00 back on the coupon I failed to provide yesterday, as well as my $0.76 for the pork chops I bought. I feel better now about yesterday's meat purchase. Over all I think I saved $7 on my meat purchases.
I went into JCP to find a scarf for a colleague who is leaving, I really didn't want to spend more than$10. I found some lovely scarves, but I just did not want to spend the money. While in Penney's I shopped around, and found one scarf for $2.52 and the other for $4.20. Not bad. I love a great deal.
Our court hearing had to be rescheduled due to an emergency π¨, im waited this long so it shouldn't matter for a few more weeks.
Posted in
October 28th, 2017 at 11:44 am
Well I thought I'd have a few extra dollars left over, but I realized that's not the case. I forgot about my plot bill, $50. Oh well it was great thinking that I had the monies left over lol.
After remembering about paying for the plot, I was trying to figure out why the bank account when balancing was short $16. Well I ordered checks. After the money order debacle with the land lord, I decided to send her a check each month. It cost me $38 to stop payment on two money orders. Had I written her a check it would have been $25 for one check. I don't use checks for anything else. Now that I do have them though, I think I'll use it for my tithes at church. That will mean 3 checks a month and I have a 100 checks so that will last me a while. I'll put the $16 back this pay period. Ugh now I have to rework the budget. π€¦πΎββοΈ
Meanwhile, I'm wrapping up a few loose ends before payday Tuesday. This has been a really crazy last two weeks with spending. It was mostly gifts, ugh! Though I knew these expenses were coming and I had budgeted for it, it's still annoying that over $150 was spent on gifts. Christmas is coming and my budget is $300, that's it. So the next few pay periods I'll sock away for it. Good thing is, I have mypoints points for a gift card for my neice, my nephews are small so I can get little things that they'll like. And the BF will get cologne and a sport coat, that's it. Wish I'd started earlier with my budget but hey.
Lastly; as I am updating my debt snowball spread sheet, I realize that what I pay in interest is far more than what is applied on the principle. Though I knew this already, I think it just annoys me to see it on paper. My ahhh haaaa moment. I've got to get this stuff paid off or I'm going to die a slow death in debt.
Posted in
October 23rd, 2017 at 02:50 am
Today's Target run, wasn't too great. We got two pounds of 96% fat free ground beef for about $8. I only buy meat that's on sale with coupons. I was somewhat disappointed but hey, something is better than nothing.
I also ended up picking up a coupon expandable organizer for $7.99 to use as my cash spending envelopes. I think this will be better than the actual envelopes I use. I'm always looking for the right envelope to take the cash out of, sometimes I take from the wrong envelope, and so on. So this may help in the budgeting area. Hmmm as I'm typing this blog, I realize that the Dollar Tree, dollar store, may have the item for a $1, if that's the case I'll take the other one back.
After Lucky Robin's eye opener about my pedi, I decided to revamp my budget. First I'm taking 10% off the top for my tithes at church. I will add to the EF for baby step 1 and then the remainder towards everything else.
Follow up.
Well I wrote the first few paragraphs earlier, so here is what happened since then.
I found the coupon book at Dollar Tree, I'll use for a few weeks before taking the other back to make sure it holds up.
I have updated my zero balance budget, putting my tithes first and then the EF. I had to cut my pocket/recreation funds but I'm okay with that. I'm loving this zero balance budgeting, the envelope system really works.
Thanks for holding me accountable everyone as I take this journey to financial peace.
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Miscellaneous ,
October 14th, 2017 at 02:18 am
Last year I was really slacking with my finances. I wasn't balancing my accounts and Go Daddy charged me $180. Didn't catch the charge until about four months later. I thought, I had cancelled the service, but low and behold they charged me again. Ugh! Thank goodness I'm on top of things now, I jumped right on the phone and called them. Now I'm waiting for my refund.
Meantime this charged caused me to go over my limit on the CC incurring another feeπ‘. I'll be reaching out to BoA to get this taken care of first thing in the morning.
Some good news, I took a look at my spending habits for the last two weeks and I did pretty good for a first time budgeter (new word)lol.
The pluses (+) mean that I actually had money left over and I did not go over my budget.
The negatives (-) represents the amount I went over what was budgeted, so here we go.
Charity +$20
Groceries under budgeted by -$3.57
Savings balanced
Housing balanced
Utilities -$5.56
Personal +$40.85
Debt CC +$26.00
Insurance +$63.36
Medical +$35
Transportation balanced
I'd say I did pretty good as a first timer. I prefer the per pay period/zero budget vs by month, that seems to work for me and provide me a sense of accomplishment.
Another good note I received my Wal*Mart Saving Catcher credit and was able to get my nephew tablet for his birthday for free. Not bad.
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Miscellaneous ,
October 7th, 2017 at 12:44 pm
I hae created my 10/15 - 10/31 zero balance budget and realized a CC that I had planned to pay has no monies due, I've already paid it. So the $54 I budgeted I'll put in my EF. I'm still working on Dave Ramsey's (DR) baby step 1.
For the pay date 9/15 - 9/30 I still have $80 left over for car insurance that I thought was due. I have my dad's truck and it's $80 a month. I'd budgeted the money and went to pay but nothing was due. I'd already paid it. I decided to put this $80 into my sinking fund (car). My car is old, 2002 Toyota with over 215,000 miles. I have to start socking some funds away for when the time comes. Hopefully I'll get at least another 5 years.
I'm following DR advice utilizing the zero balance budget and the envelope system. I have the following left to last me until next Friday, October 13th.
Groceries starting balance was $80, ending balance $50.13. Not bad, I'll be adding another $80 on Friday.
Personal (e.g gifts, toiletries hair) starting balance $145, ending balance $55.48. On Friday this envelope gets $200. There's two birthdays, and one wedding, I have to buy gifts for. Plus there's bosses day. Ugh. I hate that we are going into the holiday season.
Transportation started with $80, I have $20 left. I will be adding another $80. This envelope is strictly for gas β½οΈ, my commute daily to and from the office is 60 miles. I wish I could work from home just one day.
Recreation/pocket money has $95 left. I'm surprised with this. I thought for sure I would have blown through the $100 set aside in the first week. DR was right, it's a different feeling when money leaves your hand vs swiping a card π³ . You are very conscious about your spending. The upcoming budget period, I had to cut back in this category, due to all the upcoming CCs bills. I'll be adding $115 to this envelope. How I see it is, if I stay on this track, I'll have a nice chunk of change in this envelope and I could splurge at the end of the year. I'd like a new pair of earphones (wireless) and a new iPod.
Cleaning supplies started out with $25 and I still have $25. I'll be adding nothing to this envelope for the next period.
Only thing that gets me down and a tad bit discouraged is that the BF is not participating in the Financial Peace University activities. I need the class but he needs it more than I do. I've told him, I will NOT get married if his finances aren't improved. Just wasting my time but that's a different story.
Today I'll review my weekly spending, sew a few pillow covers for gifts, and do a little work for the office so that I can catch up.
Had a phone interview with a recruiter. Position is closer to my house paying about $15k more. She liked me and will be moving me forward to the hiring manager.
Posted in
October 6th, 2017 at 02:37 am
Things have been a little low key today.
Super busy at the office, one fire after the next. One of the girls offered to take me out for happy hour, she knows that I'm on a strict budget. Even though I budgeted $100 for dining out and entertainment for two weeks, I still said no. I didn't not want to spend my money on eating out. Dave Ramsey is really working on me. My co-worker insisted and stated she would buy so I finally said okay.
Upon arrival to Chili's πΆ I ordered from the bar menu and ordered fries, a drink and wings, total about $17. I offered to pay for my meal, she insisted that I do not, so I left a $5 tip. I'm things worked out the way they did because I still have $95 to last me until next Friday. π
After leaving chili's I filled up my car π, $27. I'm hoping that this last until next Thursday because I only have $20 left in this week's budget for gas β½οΈ.
I've completed my zero balance budget for the next pay date. Things will be tight. I have a wedding (gift π), two birthdays (π); Halloween π»(π) Boss' Day (π) and refill on contacts. Because of all these up coming items that cost money, I had to cut some things short. For example, my dining out/ entertainment and saving contribution amount was decreased π’.
Since I'm all about saving, I did a little research and found a cosmetology school that provides pedicures for $10 vs the usual $20. I'm going to give them a try.
Lastly, I have a phone inter tomorrow. I love what I do now and the people I work with, but the director of the department makes things extremely difficult.
That's all I have for now.
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Dining Out,
September 21st, 2017 at 05:55 pm
Today was a busy day. I'm working from home today but am able to get some other things done well. I'm really feeling accomplished.
I've updated my side bar with the exception of my savings accounts.
I'm mad at myself because I put CC 2 back in my purse and charged it up again. But putting things on paper hit home for me.
Last night I worked on my first zero budget and it was a struggle but I completed the second one for the next pay date in half the time.
I also created my cash envelopes, so that I can stick to the budget, once it's gone it's gone.
Posted in
September 21st, 2017 at 03:38 am
Week 3 of the financial peace class and it was tough.
Well I'm actually behind due to the hurricane.
This was my first time ever creating a zero balance budget. But by doing so, it really put things into perspective. The idea of telling my money what to do vs it telling me is so rewarding.
I actually put everything on a spread sheet vs the paper method, that way each pay date, all I have to do is key in the budgeted amount, the formulas are already there to take care of the calculations.
It has sadden me to say that the fiancΓ© has yet to participate, other than going to the class. I told him we are wasting our time planning a future when money is the number one reason for divorce as well as our problems. I can give you the tools but it's up to you. I've told him what he needs to do with his business as far as the mother not paying him, he refused to do anything. I signed us up for a class, in hopes to get things in order and he refuses to participate. There's nothing else I can do.
Tomorrow I'll review my spending thus far, create my zero balance budget for the next pay date, create my spending envelopes, balance my checkbook and update my sidebar.
For me blogging helped me out of debt the last time, I felt committed to the group. I know what to do but I think FPU will speed up the process.
Posted in
September 1st, 2017 at 02:14 am
Started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at church two weeks ago and I absolutely love it.
I've created my budget and I'll using the Montana checkbook register method vs the envelope system. Today was pay day, and as my dad use to say, "the best time for a man to pay his bills is when he has the money."
So today I paid bills :
* $50 EF
* $25 church
* $152.12 car insurance (really need to look into getting this lowered)
* $450 rent
* $50 my plot bill ( wanted to be next to my dad)
* $119 JC Penny credit card ( really need to pay this off)
* $54 HSBCbank
I did not buy breakfast today or lunch so I'm adding $2 on a CC and $2 to the EF. Why the small amount? Well every little bit helps and I was able to pay my debt down this way.
Oh I should be going to court in October to finally get the approval to sell the house, fingers crossed π€πΎ
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June 10th, 2017 at 12:49 pm
Today is the day that I clean out my closet. I have things that I do not wear, and need to get rid of them. The excuse for keeping them, I'll lose weight. Well six years later and I have not lost the weight.
I'll post photos later
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Miscellaneous ,
May 13th, 2017 at 02:10 pm
So I recently got engaged π. I always said that I wouldn't marry my BF, he's worst than me when it comes to money. But this last year he has really stepped up. We haven't set a date because I want to make sure that we are both financially sound.
First thing on our list is to sign up for Dave Ramsey's financial peace university. The next class starts in June at the church. Can't wait.
After that we will do some spiritual counseling. Starting that in August.
Today we are meeting with an accountant to get his books in order. He's terrible at filing taxes. This is such a huge step for him. I'm super proud he decided to tackle this. I was so shock when I received the text to set up an appointment.
Next I've created a list of my debt and am tackling them one by one. The goal is to pay off three CCs this year. I'm tackling number two right now. Just $880 to go, yay!
We started a wedding fund, though we haven't set a date. I think it's great to start early. Right now we have $300 in less than a month. So as I say to him, if we can tackle the wedding fund we can tackle his taxes and my debt. It's our motivation. Honestly it feels good that we both want to enter into a marriage with no debt, and a peace of mind.
On another note, hopefully we can sell my dad's house soon and buy the villa we are renting. The attorney is moving a bit slow but I understand that patience is a virtue. What's cool about it, is that my fiancΓ© ( wow it's strange saying that) is okay with purchasing the house in my name, leaving it to my two siblings who are not creating a problem, if something was to happen to me. We'll just set it up so that he lives in the villa until his passing. Our rational is that it's my dad's money so it should go to my siblings, since I have no children.
We decided that once we buy the villa, we can stay there or buy another place and rent the villa out. The place in that we purchase together will be left to his children, since I don't have any and the villa my family.
Oops I forgot, we are pricing venues for the wedding and my goodness weddings are expensive!
So that's it in a nutshell. I'll be sure to stop back by
Oops have you all heard any thing from Julie (Ima Saver)?
Posted in
January 21st, 2016 at 03:16 pm
Though I had said that any extra money received that I Woolf put towards the house, but I find the need to add funds to my CC debt as well.
Last night I received an extra $30 from dad, so I added half to the $20/52 week challenge and the other half to CC1
New totals
Challenge $1906,26
CC1 $1053.00
It's a struggle but I'm trying. Hopefully today will also be my first no spend day if the year and I can add $5.00 to my challenge.
Posted in
June 10th, 2015 at 12:41 am
Finally got CC3 under $300, new balance $285.50.
Dad gave me a few extra dollars and I always split this amount between CC and 52 Week/$20 Chalkenge. I was able to boost my challenge to about $1838 π
I can say I'm doing good with paying down bills and saving. My sister called and asked to borrow $2,000, I'm so glad I said no. Normally I feel bad, and give in and then complain when I don't get my money back but this time I said no. Besides, giving her the money would have cleaned out my house fund and EF.
Fast forward two days and the BF tells me his cousin needs to borrow $2600 to pay the taxes on his home. Now he wasn't asking to borrow the money, but it sure as heck sounded like it. I just listened and didn't offer. I did take this opportunity to explain to him how important it is to save for rainy days.
I've talked about owning my own place forever and next year I want to make it a reality.
I've been applying for jobs that's paying more money. With a new job, I can save at a faster pace and pay down my debt more quickly.
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June 7th, 2015 at 12:27 am
This isn't a blog on finances, today I witness American Pharoah win the Triple Crown. I'm so excited because I actually was at the Derby when he won. I was literally in tears. Though I don't know much about horse racing, I absolutely love the big races like the Derby, Preakness and Belmont.
Just thought I'd share, this was a bucket list item.
Here's my glass from the Derby
Posted in
April 18th, 2015 at 01:49 am
Just checked the status of my refund, and I should have a deposit made to my account next Tuesday.
Not sure whose post I read, but I too will be using 75% of my return towards debt. I like that number, 75%. With that, I should be able to pay off two CCs, add $350 to my EF and keep $200 for the Derby. Not bad, I just can't wait to make those CC payments. Paying off the two CCs will free up about $60 a month that will allow me to pay off CC #3
Posted in
April 16th, 2015 at 01:23 am
We play the lottery at the office and the team won $6 each. Of course I added my winnings to my CC debt. It's not much but every little bit helps. In addition to the $6, I also added an extra $10 to the CC as well $10 to the Challenge account.
Things are trucking π along and I am super excited about it. I really do believe that by June, I'll have three credit cards paid off and $3,000 saves for the villa I want to buy.
Posted in
October 20th, 2014 at 04:05 pm
Hi all!
In December I will be eligible for my company's 401k. I'm not too aggressive but have no clue on where I should park my funds.
Can someone help me with this?
If so please send me an email at veronak@hotmail.com
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July 12th, 2014 at 12:57 am
Received my final check from Target and made the following contributions, every little bit counts:
β’ 10% to EF = $30.68
β’ 5% to IRA = $16.50
β’ 3% to CC3= $9.40
I wanted to add the 3% off CC payment to my Target card but Target only allows you to make two payments within 7 days, so I applied the amount to my Bank of America account. I thought this was ridiculous, talk about keeping you in debt.
I also ended up eating lunch with my boss and colleagues. I wasn't too happy about spending the money since I had packed my lunch. One of the girls was fired today, so the HR director decided to take us out to try and smooth things over but I ended up spending $12 for lunch and $5 for a tip so I transferred $17 to my $20 Challenge. Ugh.
In the end that was it for the day as far as spending goes, I hope.
Now for my three things that I'm thankful for:
β’ A running/paid for vehicle
β’ Seeing another day
β’ Not being homeless
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