December 12th, 2007 at 11:43 pmI just received an email from Pinecone looking for male panelist over the age of 18. If any one is interested send me an e-mail and I will send you the link
Viewing the 'Miscellaneous ' CategoryPineconeDecember 12th, 2007 at 11:43 pmI just received an email from Pinecone looking for male panelist over the age of 18. If any one is interested send me an e-mail and I will send you the link 5 WatchersNovember 29th, 2007 at 10:43 pmMy ebay auction is ending soon, I have no bids but 5 peole are watching so hopefully the item will sell ebayNovember 27th, 2007 at 12:49 amWell the bag I bought yesterday is listed on Ebay and hopefully some one will buy it. I bought it just because and now I can not return it Happy ThanksgivingNovember 22nd, 2007 at 06:04 pmJust wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Daylight SavingNovember 4th, 2007 at 04:36 amHappy HalloweenOctober 31st, 2007 at 03:17 amjust checking inOctober 26th, 2007 at 03:37 amI have been so busy like a little bee. This research class that I am taking is wearing me out...driving me crazy. I have not even updated my challenge. Unfortunately I am afraid to look at the amount of money spent dining out this month, because I am so busy with this class I hae eaten out, on the run almost every day this month Less InterestOctober 7th, 2007 at 03:07 pmI just noticed that ING has dropped their rates Keeping upSeptember 2nd, 2007 at 03:34 amI really need to keep up with my account balances or back them up. Some kind of a way my checking account was over by $607 I have no idea how and I could not remeber my balance (I do balance manually once a week). I think if I keep up with it here when ever there is a change I will be better off. I was able to balance (well come up with the correct balance) but was unable to find the error. I never balance on the computer (everything is written ) and I tried it for the first time (on the computer) which I think screwed up everything causing me to be over, but atleast it is taken care of. Early Nights and Weekends goneAugust 26th, 2007 at 04:49 pmI finally cancelled my early nights and weekends (7pm-7am) with my cell phone carrier which was $8.99 but after taxes it came up to about $17 extra a month, so no more wasteful spending. That extra $17 will be added to my challenge FYIAugust 21st, 2007 at 03:23 amI just read an article thatFair Isacc the company which reports FICO scors will no longer recognize authorized user accounts. I know I should not feel this way but I doAugust 18th, 2007 at 04:02 pm I know what I am about to say is pure selfishness and I wish I could get rid of this feeling of joy but for some reason I can't. So I figured I will post my feelings Finally, I have decided to join my company's 401k planAugust 16th, 2007 at 03:33 amI have finally decided to join the company's 401k investment program. This is with my part-time job, my full-time job does not offer 401k and I have to add to my Ira bi-weekly. Any how they match the first 4%, so of course I will deduct the 4% Tried the movie thingJuly 28th, 2007 at 02:36 amI rarely go to the movies and I have had a couple of free passes for awhile and decided to use them. Well, I firgured no one will be there at 7:40 and I will leave a few minutes before just so I could get there in the nick of time to miss all the previews, wrong. Well I get there and the line is around the corner with tons of teeny boppers and no parking spaces other than valet and I am not paying for valet; so guess what no movie for me. Maybe I will try it again later Electronic OrangeJuly 20th, 2007 at 11:13 pmAny one uses ING bill pay with the checking account. I was trying to set up my payments for the car and it says to allow 2-3 days, deos it really takes that long? Warning : very disturbing blogJuly 11th, 2007 at 03:48 am a few weeks ago, a woman was raped and her son (12 years old ) was forced at gun point to participate. This case has got me so upset that I have searched online for a place or a company who might be accepting donations for this woman and her kid. What's even more disturbing is that the crime was committed by a 14 year old and a 16 year old as well as about 8 other kids. My God what is this world coming to. My boss told me that Wachovia is excepting donations so I will go in tomorrow, I am using my tithe money in a way I feel guilty but I also feel like we as society owes this lady and her kid something and God would understand. She lives in a really bad part of town and according to neighbors she never spoke or bothered anyone and that she kept her son inside all the time because the neighborhood was so bad. Now these a%%^$ holes knock on her door and tell her, her tire was flat then pusht their way into her apartmet. Now what if her kid goes out and commit a crime can we really blame him...poor soul. I am just so P.O'd by what is going on here with these damn kids committing crimes and parents are saying they are too young, you're damn right too young to be commiting these sorts of crime but old enough to and understand the consequences $23 overJuly 7th, 2007 at 04:12 pmI just checked my checking account and found a $23 charge from Sam's club (?) I have no idea what this is for, now I renewed my membership online for $35 but what in the hell is the $23 for. Of course I have disputed this charge with the bank but now I have to figure out who to contact at Sam's. What a pain in the you know what, it says they (customer service ) is open on Saturdays but of course when you call the office is closed DripsJune 25th, 2007 at 02:23 amNow that I know what drips are it is a matter of finding a credible company to go through in order to purchases. I was just wondering what companies are being used by some of you? I know what stocks I would like to purchase but am not sure which firms are credible, I am afraid to purchase online due to all this identity theft Last night nightmareJune 18th, 2007 at 01:51 amLast night was the night from H*&&% Well it is time to cancel HBOJune 11th, 2007 at 05:10 amNow that the Sopranos is over I can now cancel HBO, so my cable bill should I am sure they had a lot of cancellations I am brokeJune 4th, 2007 at 04:47 amI realized why I moved back home in the first place, I can not afford to live on my own with a car payment. When I first moved out I was able to pay my rent and car note ( I had completely stop paying cc at this point) Then my car was paid off and I started paying off old debt I was doing great then I got a cc and was paying ontime, everything was lovely except I was not saving any money. Fast forward now my car is beyond repair and it is time for a new car now I am struggling with the cc debt as well as car and rent payments; so I decid to move back home. Now every thing is ok, next my car is totaled now every thing is great. Since then (my car accident) I have since paid off debt and have managed to save a couple of thousands dollars. Anyhow starting this month I decided to sock away what I was paying in rent and car payment and I am litterly broke. I have about $120 to last me until my next paycheck (two and half weeks) and my fake car payment will be due along with cable, phone and electric, not to mention the water bill. Eventhough I am pretending, I can't help but wonder what if this is for real? I wouldn't be able it eat. Then I think will I be able to afford a house and everything else that comes along with it? Now I am worried bad newsMay 31st, 2007 at 09:19 pmMy friend's ex was found dead today in right next to his mom. I unfortunately; immediately thought a drug overdose but we will not know until the autospy is performed. She dated him years ago he was such a looser, thank God she left him. Unfortunately there is a small child involved who loves her dad no matter what and I really feel bad for her Happy Memorial DayMay 28th, 2007 at 04:10 pmHSBC vs INGMay 23rd, 2007 at 11:30 pmWhen it comes to convenience ING wins over all. I opened up an HSBC account last year and have not transferred a dime sense. Reason 1) my customer number is twenty digits long and I can not log in 2) even if you verify all your info over the phone the refuse to reset your pass word or give you the account number. No I am closing this account and have to send in a ton of BS to do so Got my refundMay 22nd, 2007 at 07:02 pmCan you believe it I got my refund from Cingular/At&T $83.60. I can not believe it, I thought it was going to take at least two weeks BP is downMay 20th, 2007 at 04:56 amMy BP was down Trying to get a refund is such a painMay 19th, 2007 at 04:58 pmCalled Cingular or At&t which ever one they go by and spoke with Mike Gagon who stated he needed to look over my account, I do not know why when he clearly sees the credit of $83.60. Then he states it has already been processed I say to him I know tht is why I am calling for a refund I paid the bill twice and what happens next he places me on hold. Come on, I can see if I owed them money, but the same bill was paid twice. Anyhow he comes back and tell me I will receive a credit in about 6 to 10 days, my next bill will be due in 10 days. And of course he could not give me a reference number that is why I am posting here $83.60 paid twiceMay 19th, 2007 at 04:44 pmI just realized I paid my cellphone twice CD with in an IRA , new to meMay 17th, 2007 at 03:38 amAll this saving and investing is new to me. I called the bank today, to transfer money to my IRA account and the rep offered me a CD with in my IRA earning 5.10% for six months, I said ok. I never heard of such a thing and since I will not be penalized in regards to taxes and I do not plan on taking the money out I thought why not and I can continue to contribute to my regular IRA and earn a better return nice DisgustedMay 14th, 2007 at 01:31 amI want a house so bad I can taste it. I have got to get more serious than I am. I mean I deposit funds regularly but I think it is time to eat peanut butter and jelly for a while. I must admit I am a little jealous, my friend just purchased her second home (she is selling the other) and we are just a year apart and I have not even bought my first house. Yes, we make about the same and it seems like she is doing much better than I am. I know some times people steal from Peter to pay Paul and in her case that maybe the case, but the point is at my age I am sick and tired of living at home with my mom.