Viewing the 'Miscellaneous ' Category
May 13th, 2007 at 06:11 am
Just checked my points on MYPOINTS.com and I had a total of 5,105 simply by reading their emails this is great. At the rate I am going I should have at least $10,000+ points by Christmas in which I plan on cashing in for gift cards to give out as Christmas gifts more money saved for me and less stress
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May 13th, 2007 at 05:03 am
To all you moms out there:
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May 11th, 2007 at 03:46 am
Here is a map of all the brush fires in FL, this is scary when we are in the middle of a drought
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May 11th, 2007 at 03:27 am
Ok still no rain and a ton of brush fires
and we are now in phase 3 of the water restrictions meaning we can only water our grass once a week;
and people are watering their grass every day, nuts
Now we have salt water entering in some areas and no one seems to realize how serious this is. When we don't have drinking water or water to take showers I guess that is when the reality is going to hit. But from here on out I will definately call the police when I see some one wasting water or watering on days when they should not be watering
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May 8th, 2007 at 02:46 am
The return queen. I just bought a lot well not too much but am returning the items. I returned a shirt and a neckalce for $12.14 today and another shirt will be reutrned tomorrow for $26. I do this all the time, I go on these shopping sprees and then return the item because I feel like I should be saving instead of spending
My friends just laugh but it is a stress reliever I guess
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May 7th, 2007 at 03:45 am
we got a little thunder storm today nothing comapred to what we really need but something is better than nothing and I am thankful
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May 4th, 2007 at 11:41 pm
Money that is, yesterday I took $200 out of the bank:
$60 hair (color, perm hair cut)
$20 (Sunfest:food, drink and popcorn)
$30 Gift (co-worker is prgenant and another co work and I split the cost. I actually only wanted to spend $20 )
$6 Groceries
Total spent $116
Left with $84 and and friend of mine comes home from jail so I promised him $40 which leaves me with actually $44 Hope he gets his act together
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May 2nd, 2007 at 01:52 am
It still have not rain here in sunny FL, this is scary; I am really worried. Please keep your fingers crossed
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May 2nd, 2007 at 01:47 am
I was checking my balances and received $7.47 in interest from ING versus the $2.37 from my credit union. I never really noice the interest until recently but it really makes a difference where you keep your money when you're saving
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April 30th, 2007 at 03:37 am
I was reading Lux's blog and notice that now you can add a pic in the bio section, which is nice
So thanks a bunch
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April 30th, 2007 at 03:28 am
We are down to just one day for watering your lawn here in sunny FL. As much as I love the wonderful weather I would like for it to rain...this is the longest drought we have had. Also it is just 18 more days until salt water starts to seep in and people around here just don't get it. They are sneaking and watering their grass, washing their cars, etcetera, and etcetera. When I see them I will call the cops this is ridiculous, if it doesnt rain and once we can't take showers because of the salt water then every one will start complaining
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April 28th, 2007 at 02:07 pm
My car was broken into again, thank God nothing was taken (as it appeared) and once again I was on my way to work. This time I did not call the police since he did not take finger prints the last time. It was my fault, I have been locking my car door ever since the last break in (3 weeks ago) and last night I had so many bags I forgot to lock it, thank God I took my DVD out of the car. I know it is some one from the neighborhood and wish I could catch them
Darn it I am mad
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Miscellaneous ,
April 26th, 2007 at 04:02 am
I did some shopping and spent way too much money so everything will be returned on Friday expect for two items which are: a pair of sunglasses ($9.99, mine was stolen when my car was broken into) and a black belt ($12.99). I bought a dress from Macy's (well two ) for about $120 a $5 shirt and a Michael Kors purse ($129). Yep I went on a little mini shopping spree and now I have to return everything, thank God I came to my senses
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April 22nd, 2007 at 03:51 pm
I just checked my ING account to make sure my numbers match and I notice that thus far I have earned $5.06 for the month so far and the month is not even over yet. Amazing, I know I do not have much money saved a little more than $2000 but the most I get at my bank (credit union) is about a $1.38. My goal is to save for a house and I know I have a little way to go but I have also decided to match my ING interest every month. I mean $5 x 10= $50 and if I match this amount I will have an extra $100 at the end of the year. Watching your money grow is very exciting
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April 7th, 2007 at 02:03 pm
Right now I have no life insurance and was thinking about getting a term life insurance policy. I have no kids and I am not a home owner I was actually thinking $10000 should be enough to cover my funeral expenses but we'll see
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March 31st, 2007 at 03:05 am
Ok I just got my paystub, dated for 4/2 after paying off the cc which includes car repair, verizon internet bill, Bellsouth and the water bill I only have $54 left. Well I was able to add $130 to my EF account $25 to my IRA just no money to my challenge or tuition and car account but at least everything is paid and I did not need to take money from my EF to pay to get my a/c fix. I will also get paid on Thursday from my part-time gig so I will be able to add money then
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March 19th, 2007 at 01:38 am
I have gotten obsessed I think with finances. I read every money article in the paper, I love the Wall Street Journal (never before) and now I have just subscribed to Money the magazine for 24 issues at $20 not bad since they are $3.99+ tax on the stand. I wish I knew some one who could have given me their copies but oh well.
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March 16th, 2007 at 02:50 am
In America that is, this poor little boy Christpher Barrios found dead today. How could people harm children? I see my little nephew and I just want to hug and kiss him to death. It really just breaks my heart, kids can't even play out side any more...I am just torn apart. Then you have this other idiot who stabs his 11-month another woman is taking a bad with her baby who drowns,oh boy
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March 5th, 2007 at 03:49 am
Suze Orman has a new column in the Sunday paper titled "Woman & Money". I am so happy, I enjoy Suze and her views I can't wait to read more. Today was just an introduction in which she talks about the best financial moves for 2007
The first was to loose the balance (get rid of CC debt) Next she goes on to discuss saving rates at banks and to shop around. There were a lot of other things in the article that I found to be useful
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March 5th, 2007 at 01:56 am
Ok last week I went to lunch at Friday's twice. First I went and the total was $9.90 now I am checking my account balance and was off by three dollars, the transaction submitted by Friday's was for $12.90 (?) Strange I know, being that this was a pick up order. Next go back and my changed was $2.02 the manager tried to give me $1.50. Now I am annoyed and have to fill out paper work for $3
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March 4th, 2007 at 03:44 am
Lately since I have paid off my CCs I have gotten a ton of CC offers in the mail. Now the old me would have jumped all over that, I am so thankful that I am blogging my financial journey which I credit to keeping me focus and on track.
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March 4th, 2007 at 03:41 am
I changed my heading from "Reaching Financial Freedom" to "Living debt free and loving it" I tought it was time to change since I have reached freedom and that is living with out debt, that's until I buy my new house
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February 27th, 2007 at 04:00 am
I just checked my points with Mypoints.com and I have a total of 3,050 points. This is great because I plan on cashing in, in November for X-mas gifts. I am hoping to have over 10,000 points which would give me at least 3 GC. You need about 3250 points for a $25 GC so if I can hit my mark by November that would be great
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February 25th, 2007 at 05:10 am
Well I was planning on going out tonight and decided not to...basically the person I was going with did not want to wait and I was going to drive myself anyway, well it all worked out because I saved some money about $30 ($10 cover charge and two drinks at $10 each)
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February 13th, 2007 at 10:13 pm
Well today has marked one year since I have been blogging here. I reviewed my first blog and proud to say I have met one out of two goals. One was to save for a home and another was to pay off CCs; well the CCs are paid off and I am working towards saving for a house
I'd like to say thanks to every one who provided me words of encourgement
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February 13th, 2007 at 04:00 am
Just listed two more books on Amazon, hope they sell. I have one more to list and my brother is suppose to provide some more books. Just trying to make some extra cash
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February 11th, 2007 at 02:24 am
Here is the story, warning this is a long blog.
I was named after a little girl who was murdered in Jamaica. Anyhow I wrote a essay on how I got my name and got an "A" on it. Now I am at my part time job and this lady comes up and tells me how her niece was suppose to have my name but because the little girl was murdered her sister changed her mind. Well I asked her about the story and she tells me, guess what it is the same little girl that I was named after...weired I know. Now I am determined to find this news paper article and am drawing a blank, the murderer's name was Samuel Rainford and of course mom is not sure of the spelling of the last name. Right now I am not pulling up anything but I will call the Jamaica newspapers tomorrow and see what I can come up with
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February 10th, 2007 at 04:05 pm
Since my uncle's car is blocking me in I decided to go ahead and complete my taxes. $1715 is my return. I did claim my mom this year which did not make a huge difference only about $200 to $250 dollars, but I guess every little bit helps.
Plans with my return are as follows: $200 to my mom, $800 on the student loan(which will be paid off) and the rest to the EF.
Once the student loan is paid off I will be completely debt free, all Ican say is wow
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February 10th, 2007 at 02:44 pm
Yep, my checks are in . I ran out last week and ordered them online. I almost did the express thing for an extra $12 or so dollars but opted not to because I got them with in a week so I am happy
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February 10th, 2007 at 03:28 am
I have been saving for miscellaneous items such as MD appts, gifts etc etc. Any how I bought V-day gifts today used the money in this account (it wasn't much but it covered the expenses) I am just happy I saved for the purpose
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