Viewing the 'Miscellaneous ' Category
November 21st, 2006 at 02:15 am
I finally boxed uo those expensive boots to be returned to Victoria Secrets onlyt problem is I wil not be refunded the entire amount, the company keeps $4 and some change for all returns but it beats the $149 that was spent. Now I have to keep my eyes open for the UPS guy tomorrow
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November 19th, 2006 at 10:28 pm
The first time this year we were able to turn off the a/c and fire up the heat. I am hoping that next month's bill will beat the $119 this month
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November 19th, 2006 at 05:16 pm
I bought an RCA mp3 player yesterday for my trip to GA this week. I like it but I think I may return and save a little here and there with the IPod. My player has an FM tuner and hold about 320 songs but I am unable to dock it to anything, if I am not mistaken with the IPod you can hood it up in the car and easier to navaigate. I hate the fact that I have to plug in order to delete files. We'll see
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November 18th, 2006 at 04:26 am
I mean who really cares that Tom Cruise and his finance are getting married...I don't there are other things to report on the news than the fact that katie has spent 2 million on a dress and that money could have been used to help build a school, feed some kids or even house people who are displaced. Peple are renting rooms close to the location where they are to married for thousands of dollars why not use the money for something else. I don't know I guess I am sick of hearing about them
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November 18th, 2006 at 03:42 am
I was thinking about selling my $149 boots on ebay vs returning them to the store and set a reserve price of $200. Is this ethical? maybe I will just send them back, either way I am getting rid of them. $149 on apir of boots I must be crazy
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November 18th, 2006 at 03:36 am
Ok I read most of the blogs titled "My List" so I decided to jump in as well
1. I have battled depression all my life (never diagnosed)
2. Attempted suicide twice
3. I am a follower not a leader (always want what others have, that is why I am in debt)
4. I have no patience
5. I am a talker and not one to do (big dreams)
6. I was the ugly duckling growing up but have really blossomed
7. I took weight gaining pills in order to gain weight..lol (this is not normal)
10. Decided to go back to school after lying to my mom about attending
11. received my AA degree two years ago (1st and only in my family)
12. I walked away from a terrible car accident in 2004 with out a scratch
13. This is the first time in my life that my finances are in order
14. I am single
15. No kids and do not want any
16. Hard for me to say no
17. I like R&B music and a little hip hop
18. My favorite food is pizza
19. favorite color brown
20. favorie number 1, because I'd rather have one of an item than nothing
21. I am blessed
22. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers, 2 nieces and 6 nephews and 1 God daughter
23. I have had basically the same friends since high school
24. For years my mom annoyed me now we get along
25. Lost my beloved SIL two years ago
26. I am finally getting to know who I am and what I want to do/be..lol
27. I enjoy reading
28. I'm an internet junkie
29. Love this site and the people who are here, you guys have helped me a lot. I can be honest here
30. Most days I am free I am asleep (I need to have this checked out)
31. I am a democrat and have voted since I was 18
32. My parents are from Jamaica I was born here (1st American in the family, so I was spoiled by others)
33. Junior in college working towards my BHA ( I am so excited)
34. I am 32 and feel like I am 20, often forget my age...seriously
35. terrible speller
36. Almost did not graduate high school, my English instructor thought I had a heart condition(which he had )and gave me a passing grade..lol I never said a word. The class was boring and I never went.
37. just started saving for a house
38. Drive an '89 camry that needs a lot of work
39. Amber is not my real name
that's all I can think of I did not make the 50
Posted in
November 16th, 2006 at 10:40 pm
I read almost all the blogs on this site and now I notice the "My list" posts...did I miss something?
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November 11th, 2006 at 04:41 pm
I totally forgot today was Veteran Day.... do so show my appreciation I salute you
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November 11th, 2006 at 03:50 pm
I just got up about an hour ago, I was beat. I went to bed at 7:30 last night so I missed "Ghost Whispers" and "Close to Home" any looks like I will have a good day. I made breakfast for mom and I wash clothes and now I am finally going to pur away all my clean clothes...but the best part is today will be a no spender
Posted in
November 11th, 2006 at 03:45 pm
I finally got a break on the electric bill. Fore the last three months by bill ranged from $162.87 to $174.05; this month it is $119.58. I hope next month is less than this month
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November 8th, 2006 at 01:26 am
I was just so tired today. I went to vote came home tried to get some studying in and I could not keep my eyes open, next thing I know I am a sleep
Posted in
November 7th, 2006 at 09:36 pm
Went to go vote today and the polls were quiet...I am hoping it picks up after 5. The poll worker told me that there are 2500 registered voters in my district and only 500 showed up. I am dissappointed at the turn out. I am proud to be an American and have the capability to voice my opinion so if you are registered make ysure you vote
Posted in
November 7th, 2006 at 04:18 am
I am a little upset usually before I go to bed I was able to listen to D. Ramsey some time falling asleep to the tune of Dave, now for the last few days some guy name Neil ? is on. I don't agree with dave totally but listening to him is a part of my therapy. So I'll have to listen on line
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November 5th, 2006 at 11:58 pm
I have a lab test on Thursday, that I have been studying for and now it's time foe me to take a break and read every one's blog. You know I was never one to blog but since I found this site I enjoy it, especially since there are bloggers here with the same interest as myself. I feel really comfortable speakking about my finances since most of my closet friends has no clue
Posted in
November 5th, 2006 at 04:22 pm
I am going over all the admendments on the ballot this year since election is on Tuesday, how confusing. I had to read, then re-read and the read them again before I had a better understanding. Then there are the issues with with judge I had to research and look up different types of rulings...I have been oting since I was 18 and as I get older it seems like I am more confused, they say aas you get older we tend to be wiser but when it comes to reviewing the ballot I am a complete idiot. But I have my sample ballot filled out so I can be in and out. My co-worker is voting early but I am from the old school I just don't trust it...you're allowed to vote for two weeks leading up to an election, I'll pass
Posted in
November 5th, 2006 at 02:00 am
I was just checking my balance and notice I was charged $5.00 for using another atm machine other than the one at my bank. I remeber accidently clicking yes for the balance (it ask me that before I received my cash) that was $1.50 and $2.00 for taking the cash, however I accidently cancelled the first transaction, then tried again and for some reason I was charged an additional $1.50 I will never use another atm again
Posted in
November 1st, 2006 at 02:52 am
It is close to 10pm and not one kid showed up...I could not believe it. I was a little dissapointed because for the last few years we've been hit by hurricanes
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November 1st, 2006 at 01:31 am
NBC has a new series that I really like, last night it was on (normally it's on, on Tuesdays) but I fell asleep last night. I totally forgot that the time slot for the program was changed and by habit I turned the channel to NBC and what is on ? Friday Night Lights (last night episode...I am so happy
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November 1st, 2006 at 01:06 am
I finally filled out all my paper work for the $30 and $20 rebate on the Norton software that I purchased almost a month ago...so now what's left is to wait
Posted in
October 31st, 2006 at 11:45 pm
I was waiting for the kids and not one as of yet...I am hoping they'll show up, I really like looking allt all the little ones
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October 31st, 2006 at 09:50 pm
Well I hit the store to make my Holloween grab bags for a few of the kds. I am happy because I did not need to buy any candy, I always buy candy after certain holidays (it's on sell)so in all I spent $12 for the holiday.
Happy Holloween!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see the kids today
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
October 30th, 2006 at 12:55 am
I bought the Sunday paper today and it was .54 cents, usually it's $1..25+ tax but I am glad it was on sale because there were no coupons in the paper (none that I could use)
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October 29th, 2006 at 11:03 pm
I hate when I am unable to read all the bogs. I hguess this my clue to study
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October 28th, 2006 at 02:19 am
I am not sure who turned me on to mypoints but wow am I happy. I got my $10 GC for Bath & Body Works which will be a part of a X-mas gift for some one or maybe I'll treat myself. I am going to keep earning mypoints for free gifts
Posted in
October 24th, 2006 at 09:54 pm
That d** Bush was here in FL today turning my day into a living H** after I left class today, what usually takes me less than 5 minutes to get on the highway; it took about 20 minutes and I was still unable to get on so I make a u-turn. Driving along an alternate route the police are maneuvering traffic so now I am in another traffic jam. What should have taken me 20 minutes took 1.5 hour. Now I do not mind if he comes or goes I do not care but what bothers me is the production. If they were to put him in as small care with secret service and not make this big production with 10 different cars 10 different police and 10 different agencies I am sure things would be much better..Sorry I just had to vent
Posted in
October 18th, 2006 at 01:58 am
I have the following coupon available for anyone who wants them (first come first serve) jusr send me a email with your address I will send them out ( I am not on a coupon train)
Clean shower $.35 expires 10/28
(2)Coloox 2 $.50 exp 10/31
(2) Jif Peanut butter $.35 exp 10/31
(2)smuckers jam, jelly etc $.35 exp 10/31
it's not much but if anyone wants them they're yours
Posted in
October 13th, 2006 at 09:22 pm
I received this in my inbox today and thought I would share, being that the holidays are approaching:
Gift Boxes
I cover my gift boxes with single rolls of wallpaper I've
bought at thrift stores for $1 each. Some are elegant and some
are plain, but the paper is durable enough to make it through
the mail.
Posted in
October 2nd, 2006 at 03:48 am
I was wondering if you could add a feature. When we click on the " all entries" to few all blogs, could you possibly add a feature so that we may veiw the preious or next blog with out going to the main menu again while we are viewing one in particular?
Thanks in advance
Posted in
September 28th, 2006 at 01:39 am
I went to the mall to get my free undies and past through Macy's I kept looking at one particular dress and then placed a skirt on hold, but I did not get them Boy did this take some discipline but I am happy I just kept asking myself "need or want" " no cc debt or cc " house or live at home the rest of my life" needless to say I will not be back tomorrow to pick up the skirt. They'll be others
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
September 27th, 2006 at 11:03 pm
Well I am heading to Victoria Secret today to get another pair of free undies before my coupon expires ( a $7.50 value) once I pick them up I am adding this amount to the challenge/cc debt
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