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Essence Magazine

June 18th, 2006 at 06:31 am

Today I got an offer in the mail for 2 free issues of Essence and after that the subscription would be $18.00 for 18 issues unless I cancell my subcription, in which I plan on doing. First they tell you the two magazines a free in bold large prints then in the small prints you notice you will pay a dollar for these issues along with your subscription. Can you stand it. What a way to get business the least they could do was give me the two for free if I subscribed

Spent way too

June 16th, 2006 at 01:54 pm

YesterdayI spent a total of $72.12 Frown
$8.81 for lunch
$8.94 a gift for my nephew
$10.00 for parking, went to a concert and my sister had no cash Frown
$3.00 Snack ( at the concert)
$30.00 at the hairdresser
$14.37 for earrings, can't find my old ones
and added $24.06 to the challenge

Just rambling...

June 15th, 2006 at 02:30 am

Well I spoke with my brother regarding the money he owes me($270.00) he stated he was going to give me something this week. I felt kind of bad for asking but I just paid off a lot of debt, cleaned out my challenge account and savings account to do so. I have no idea why I feel so bad but I do, it's not like I owe him.

And speaking of challenge, I just checked my ING balance and it is actually $89.19 about $7.00 more than what I had, so that is good news.

I also transferred $100.00 from my so called EF, that is a joke right now...well I did so to cover me through the weekend. I ended up paying $33.45 (leaving me with $52.00 in my everyday account) on one CC that for some reason the due date was changed from the 27th of every month to the 16th. This is about two weeks difference (?) The odd thing about it is I just read some place maybe on this site that those of us who pay online seldom check our due dates when the bills come and often get slapped with a late fee because banks change their due dates. I do this alot..not looking at the due date just opening the mail checking the balance, chages and amount due, bad habit. thank goodness I have not had a late fee in over 2 years.

I also ended up subtrating the $11.65 for my automatic dental payment it is due around the 15th or 16th

Wow, just thank God I had some funds

FYI: Temporary Non-Stick Cookware

June 14th, 2006 at 04:49 pm

I had this in my inbox from dollar stretcher and just wanted to share:

To make all of your pots, pans, etc. non-stick, try this! Pour
white vinegar ($2.09 a gallon) in your pan to the appropriate
depth. Bring vinegar to a boil. Boil at medium heat for five
minutes. Allow the vinegar to cool to room temperature. The
same vinegar can be used several times until the smell becomes
weak. Make sure you have adequate ventilation as the fumes can
be irritating to your nose and lungs. When doing larger pans,
don't forget to toss in all of your metal utensils, bakeware,
BBQ racks and accessories! Even your old skillets and
saucepans will be non-stick for up to two months depending on
usage and washings.

Why did I leave the house

June 13th, 2006 at 11:08 pm

I was on a roll until I left the house, I ended up spending $23.19. $20.00 for gas, the station advertised $2.87 the lowest I have seen in a while, well of course they were out so I ended up with the next best thing at $2.99 a gallon. Then I headed to Walgreens and spent $3.19 on personal items...not to mention when I get off I have to go to Walmart and Walgreens again for medication Frown but in the end, I ended up adding $.81 to the challenge with a new total of $78.40

vB Code

June 12th, 2006 at 10:24 pm

Anyone knowhow to use these codes, when ever I try it nothing seems to be bold or underline, may be I am doing something wrong
vB Code: You can use these tags: [b] [i] [u] [url] [email]

One down and One to go

June 12th, 2006 at 02:45 pm

Well I did it, I did not want to wait until pay day to pay off one of my student loans, so I transferred funds from my EF to pay my debt. It feels soooo good
Now I only have one more to go, this one cost me $280.07
EF Balance $282.61

Today's Spending

June 11th, 2006 at 06:52 pm

Well I thought today was going to be a no spend day, I had to pay the water bill $40.39 so I needed to transfer from my EF but will replace on payday. And went to Publix, spent $12.33 also added $1.28 to the challenge and found out what tax 11 was, it's additional tax when you purhcase propapne Frown I should have boughtit when it was tax free during hurricane supply week
Challenge new total:$42.91

Saturday's Spending

June 11th, 2006 at 06:17 am

Thus far I do not recall a no spend day in a while Frown But tody I spent a total of $48.98
Gas $8.01 (cheaper by the job)
Groceries $14.10
Hurricane Supplies:$4.47
Leisure (books) $15.29
Personal Care: $1.72
Sales Tax: $1.50
Tax 11: $.32..I have no idea what this is, but I plan on caling the store
Snack: $2.00
So rather than adding a few cents to the challenge from rounding up I decided to add a whole ($1.03) giving me a new total for the challaenge of $41.63

Up all night reading

June 10th, 2006 at 06:01 am

Wow I just finished a " Child of God" by Lolita Files, a very good book. A friend of mine gave it to me and I had it for months, but I finally decided to read it and boy was it good. Its' a work of fiction (African-American) about 3 generations of one family, which consist of incest and voodoo. I just had to finish this book started late last night and could not put it down tonight, now it 1:04 in the morning. boy, nothing like a really good book

$265.00 short

June 8th, 2006 at 11:10 pm

As you all know my brother owes me $265.00 and I am nervous about asking him for my money. I know I shouldn't be but right now things are getting tight I am paying down/off debt and basically I need the money. I would like to put in my EF an d watcht the interest grow, but with a new/used car in my future paying off what I owe is a priority. Wish me luck, I know he won't be upset but I know right now things aren't going to well for he and his family and I do live at home but I guess that is besides the point

No spend day today

June 8th, 2006 at 01:50 am

I was hoping to have a no spend day but ended up spending $22.73

Grocery(snack/frozen dinners for work):17.46
Auto (oil, funnel..etc):$4.79
Sales Tax:$ .49

I am not beating myself up too bad because these were all things I needed so no money was wasted

Debt Collectors

June 7th, 2006 at 01:32 am

As you all know I have two charge offs on my credit one was a CC in the amount of $444.00 and the other was a cell phone account $750.00 ( got for my ex, that is why he is an ex) any way the account has since been sold again to a new CA , the credit card account. Well I was offered a settlement the problem is according to the CA my balance was $604.91 and they are willing to offer me $453.68 to settle the account about $10.00 more than the actual balance Frown Well of course I am not paying this. But my intentions are once I get on my feet and pay off current debts I will work on the two charge offs but i will deal only wtih the actual company and not a CA

Free Shirt

June 5th, 2006 at 06:10 pm

Well I got a coupon from J.C. Penney's fro $10.00 when you spend $10.00 I found a shirt for the summer for $9.99 and used my coupon, so I got the shirt for free. I didn't have to pay tax...boy was that nice


June 4th, 2006 at 04:01 pm

FYI: ING just upped the interest rate from 4.15% to 4.25%. I also have an HSBC account, which I believe is now at 4.50% but I have not utilized that account, I just think ING is more user friendly

Total Spending

June 3rd, 2006 at 02:21 am

Well I was hoping today would have been a no spend day, but needed to get a card and a ribbon for the boss' gift...I forgot yesterday Smile but I only spent $4.56, $.28 on slaes tax and $4.28 for the card and ribbon. But I did meet one goal I did not buy any snacks nor did I eat out today


June 3rd, 2006 at 01:51 am

I must say I am blessed and sometimes I do forget. Got my first paycheck today from the part-time job...$228.94 and was able to give $20.00 for Tithes because I am thankful. I was not looking for a part-time job and my sister gave my name to her boss at her part-time job (same place) and I was hired. Then a week later I was told I need a new car; so guess what the money I make here will be used towards car payments once I get a car, so yes I am blessed. Then I transferred $8.31 to the challenge giving me a new total of $737.04 placed $150.00 in the EF leaving me with $50.00 for myself. Boy, am I thankful

FYI: Free Wrapping Paper

June 2nd, 2006 at 01:51 pm

I went to Baies R Us and picked up a gift for the boss' baby shower, you can wrap your gift for free..saved me a few dollars.

Today's Spending

June 2nd, 2006 at 03:40 am

Well due to my new challenge I am not going to eat out for the monththerefore I went to Walmart Frown my favorite place...any way bought some groceries and snack etc also needed a baby gift for the boss' baby shower, Boy is he going to be upset he is not happy about this baby:

Dining out $3.09
Cleaning Supplies: $7.36
Personal care products:4.69
Groceries:$ 35.14
Leisure (books): $9.68
The library didn't have nay new books that I was interested in
Gift: $19.99
$Sales Tax: $3.50
Grand total: $83.45
Now there should be no spending what so ever this weekend

My dilemma

June 1st, 2006 at 06:55 pm

As you all know I just found out my car has way too many leaks to fix therefore with in the next few months I should be looking for a new car. I decided the money that I was saving for a house and then change my mind, I was going to use the money to pay off I think I should use it towards a new car, well I have no choice. Any way
my credit score is terrible (615) I have two charge offs and no slow pays. I got an offer in the mail to pay off one of the charge off in order to settle the account, the original balance was $750.11 and the company is willing to accept $562.58 to settle (I did try to get this reduce, but was told no). My dilemma is should I pay off the debt and boost my credit score for a better interest rate when I decided to purchase a new car, but I'll be a short fund. However, in about a month with my part-time job I will be able to add the $500.00 back, or keep the money in case I need a down payment. I was thinking about going through my credit union, which I am sure will give me a better deal than the dealer. Right now I do not know how long my car will last but was told to just check the oils and drive it until it can't be driven any more. My sisters says pay off the debt boost my score and save even more for a down payment on a new car, especially since I’ll get two checks from my part-time job which will be equivalent to the $500.00…I just don’t know
lesson learn never live like the Jones otherwards never bite off more than yiu can chew. Don't cahrege things you do not need

End of Month Spending/Savings

June 1st, 2006 at 01:59 am

Dining out:$182.64
Clothing:$236.23 Frown
Auto Maintenance:83.61
Personal Items:$26.04
CC Debt:$265.00
Home bills: $
-phone $110.16
-celluar $221.05
-water $43.08
-cable $140.62
-uitlity $117.38

Late books again

May 29th, 2006 at 10:36 pm

Foolish me I did not return the library books again because I did not get a change to read them only one I was unable to renew because it was only a day rental (new book) so now I owe.50 I thought it was more than that. For some reason I thought on new books the late fee is a 1.00 day wow thank goodness because I am finish and I am returning it the firs thing in the morning and will add .50 to the challenge because it is money wasted

I love this site

May 29th, 2006 at 10:20 pm

I must check this site a million and one times a day. I love this site, it is one of my favorites I enjoy reading everyone's post and responses, even at a family function like now I am on the internet checking back into to

Happy Memorial Day

May 29th, 2006 at 09:35 pm

just wanted to wish every one a happy and safe holiday, here in FL the cops are out full force giving out a lot of tickets...that is what the news reported but I did not see but one cop hovering over a homeless man. So be safe and responsible today Smile

Helped a friend out

May 29th, 2006 at 09:16 pm

I helped a friend out today who's husband is away and he's parapalegic. I worked at her store for free, stock shelves, moped the floor rung up customers that sort of stuff. Tomorrow is my day off so I'll go there and help out for a few hours she's actually thinking about selling the business...says it's too much of a headache . I wonder just wondering if I should look into it I don't know a little mini mart can be a headache.
So basically I worked for free but in the end a friend received the much wanted help that was needed

Today's Spending

May 28th, 2006 at 04:53 am

Well I did well, I only spent $5.09 today
$.50 News Paper
$3.50 Dinner, Paner read...sooo good
$1.06 Burger King
I did not match this amount for the challenge only because I have held on to the $6.00 in my purse since last week which was a refund (mind you I was shorted) from a co-worker and these fund had already been match
So I do'thin I did to bad today


May 27th, 2006 at 02:40 am

Just left Target, needed some things; however, I notice on the receipt that they are giving away $5000.00 for filling out a survey. So me being the person I am I keep all receipts for the month for every single purchase I have made anyway I entered in the contest 5x, boy I hope I win

Nice day

May 26th, 2006 at 10:32 pm

Well I always take a vacation day the Friday and Tuesday after Memorial Day and today I did not do a thing, just lounged around and it felt sooo good. But tomorrow I have to go into my part-time job, which I do not mind. Boy was it nice just to sit in my PJ's like Hugh Heffner all day

Monthly Spending: May

May 26th, 2006 at 10:09 pm

Dining out:$182.64
Clothing:$236.23 Frown
Auto Maintenance:83.61
Personal Items:$26.04
CC Debt:$265.00
Home bills: $
-phone $110.16
-celluar $221.05
-water $43.08
-cable $140.62
-uitlity $117.38

$100.00 Refund

May 26th, 2006 at 06:08 pm

Well my brother paid me $100.00 out of the $465.00 he owes me so this id definately being deposited into the EF, Once he pays in me full I will pay off the CC, hopefully it will be soon

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