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April 16th, 2015 at 01:23 am

We play the lottery at the office and the team won $6 each. Of course I added my winnings to my CC debt. It's not much but every little bit helps. In addition to the $6, I also added an extra $10 to the CC as well $10 to the Challenge account.

Things are trucking 🚛 along and I am super excited about it. I really do believe that by June, I'll have three credit cards paid off and $3,000 saves for the villa I want to buy.

Paid Extra on the CC

April 15th, 2015 at 02:35 am

I say this when ever I start blogging about my finances, "so long as I am blogging I am on track."

Added another $10 to my 52 Week/$20 Challenge today, plus I paid an extra $10.00 on the CC. I received an extra $20.00 and of course I split the two Smile

I manage to get CC 1 (starting balance about $1500) down to only $342 in less than four months, I'd say that's not bad. I can't wait to receive my tax return so that I can pay it off.

Other than that nothing else is happening, just happy to be back on track.

Taxes are done!

April 14th, 2015 at 02:28 am

Yeah I finally completed my tax returns. I remember a time when I would rush to complete the return so that I can get my few hundred dollars. I was always in a jam. Now it feels good to see this as extra, not a rush, having the feeling of I can wait. Though I have debt, I love the fact that I have it under control and am working diligently to pay it off/down.

With that being said, once the funds hit my account, I will be able to knock out CC1 and CC2, I am so excited. Though the plans was to pay off CC3 as well, I decided to tackle this card (balance $500) using the funds saved from CC1 and 2. We're going to the Derby so I'd like to keep some extra cash on me and not use the CC I worked so hard to pay off. That's it in a nutshell 😀

Oops I almost forgot, the BF hinted that "he may need me to put a car in my name." I'm proud to say I didn't entertain the idea and nipped it in the bud. I flat out said no. There was a time when I would stress over things like this. I worked too hard to rebuild my credit. Though I have CC debt, I was surprised to see my score in the high 700s. Ultimately I would like to own a home one day.

Things happen for a reason

April 11th, 2015 at 09:53 pm

A few days ago I was struggling with deciding to pay down the CC or add to my EF/Challenge fund. Because I couldn't decide I split the extra money in half and applied to both.

Today dad gave me $100 so I applied this amount to my CC knocking the debt down to $362 Smile

I figured things happen for a reason. Had I not split the funds and paid the CC it would have been an extra $200 not $100 paid. With dad giving me the $100 I was able to pay a total of $200 on the CC anyway Smile

Now I must complete my tax returns, I'll be taking what ever extra funds I receive and pay down or off two credit cards.

Decisions, decisions, decisions

April 10th, 2015 at 04:21 am

At the start of the year, I said any extra money I receive, I would pay half on the CC debt and the other half towards my $20 challenge.

I received $200 from my brother today. I tossed and turned, trying to decide if I should pay this entire amount ($200) on the CC or half. I initially said I was going to pay down CC debt when I received the money but it really bothered me that I wasn't adding anything to my challenge. So with that, I took half and paid the CC and added the rest to the challenge.

Part of my goal is to save $5000 for the year, (that will give me about 6 months worth of expenses saved) and to pay off two CCs. I must say my methods are working, I should have about $1500 saved by the end of the month, if not more, and three credit cards paid off. With three CCs paid off I can save $75 a month. Smile

Just hoping I made the right decision

Super Proud of Myself

April 9th, 2015 at 11:49 am

I am super proud of myself. I've been keeping up with both the 52 Week Challenge and the $20 Challenge. Today I deposted week 45 of the 52 week challenge (started backwards); $56 was set aside for the $20 Challenge; and $56 was paid on the CC. Dad gave me $112, so I split what ever he gives me between the $20 Challenge and CC debt.

Made my first student loan payment, and it didn't feel stressful Smile

My brother is giving me $200, he always does this because I do his taxes, and his house is in my name ( he has never missed or been late with a payment in four years). Once I get it, I'll pay down a CC, knocking my balance to $375 and when my tax returns are received, it's paid off. First CC of the year.

So with so much great news, I'd love to do the happy dance 💃

Oops I failed to mention in about four months I have socked away $1,343.55 not bad.

Couple pays off $110,000 in two years

March 29th, 2015 at 01:06 pm

Just read this article on Business Insider, a couple pays off $110,000 in two years following Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover

It's a great read, I think you all would enjoy.

Text is and Link is

Also I've manage to keep up with my 52 Week and $20 Challenge, I'm currently at $1241.75. Hoping to hit the $2000 mark by June.

$20 Challenge

March 3rd, 2015 at 11:52 am

Dad gave me $20 and the BF gave me an extra $30 so I added this amount to my $20 Challenge.

I've combined my $20 Challenge as well as the 52 week challenge bringing my total to 989.85. Not bad, we're only in March.


February 22nd, 2015 at 12:11 pm

Friday was payday so I added week 48 funds to the 52 week challenge. Dad gave me $100, I added this to the $20 Challenge, grand total $819 . I'd say this wasn't a bad way to end the month.

Next week I'll be tackling the taxes, the few funds I get, can't be more than $500, will go into my Kentucky Derby fund.

It's been on my bucket list to hit the Derby and we're going this year. So that's it in a nutshell

Survey Savvy

February 8th, 2015 at 06:26 am

Checked my Survey Savvy account and I had a balance of $13, so I decided to cash it in. Once received I'll add to my challenge. I only wish I could sign up against with Pinecone

52 Week Challenge

February 6th, 2015 at 01:18 am

Well tomorrow is pay day so I've added $49 to my 52 Week Challenge fund. I'm counting backwards so I'm on week 49. I'm super excited, I'll hit $1300 by June. Any extra funds I add to the challenge as well.

My new balance is $646

Ibotta and $20 Challenge

February 1st, 2015 at 04:46 am

Well went to my least favorite place, Walmart, with the BF and picked up about $20 worth of items, the BF paid so I'm socking what I would have spent into my $20/ 52 Week Challenge fund, bringing my total to $585 Smile

Two items I purchased was available for rebate through Ibotta bringing that total to $5 in rebates. Once I hit $10 I can cash out. Smile

$20 Challenge

January 31st, 2015 at 05:29 pm

Received an extra $50 so I added this amount to my 52 Week/$20 Challenge bringing my total to $565.

This week is pay week and I'll be able to add $49; counting backwards using the 52 week challenge for saving. That will put me at over $600. So excited because my goal is to hit a $1000 by the end of February

$20 Challenge

January 31st, 2015 at 12:09 am

My dad is hilarious he thinks that he has to buy me dinner, so he gave me $15, I told him I'm saving it. He tells me that's even better.
So I'm adding to my $20/52 Week Challenge, my grand total $512.

If I can only sock away $500 a month, I would be one happy camper.


January 30th, 2015 at 12:57 am

I'm responsible for paying dad bills, he no longer drives. When ever he gives me the money it's always an extra $2-$5, I always add the funds to my challenges. So tonight I'm adding a $3, I can't believe how quickly these small amounts add up.

$10 Target Gift Card

January 29th, 2015 at 03:08 am

Totally forgot the BF made a purchased and earned a $10 Target gift card. He gave it to me, so I'm going to add to my 52 Week/$20 Challenge. Trying to sick away as much as I can so when the CC bill comes for the car I won't feel so bad. Lol

Murphy Strikes

January 27th, 2015 at 10:26 pm

Okay I started my savings again and was able to sock away $457 in less than a month. Well Murphy came to visit last night.

On my way home from work my car started to shake, engine light began to flash and it felt as though I was going to cut off. Fast forward and the cost to repair $487. Mom actually put the cost on her CC and I am to give her the money back. She ask that I wait until the bill came. Frown

So I'll have to start all over again with my 52 week challenge next month.

Dad gave me $13 ( all the ones he had) plus he ask me to pay a bill and the difference was $11 left. So I added $24 to my 52 Week/$20 Challenge.

Wow! 52 Week/$20 Challenge

January 25th, 2015 at 06:33 pm

Super excited, my dad just gave me $100 and I'm depositing it straight to my 52 Week/$20 ChallengeSmile

New total is now at $457, I'm so happy.

Went to SAMs, picked up bath paper and earned $1 from iBotta.

Also I downloaded an app, Favado. It an app that provide you items that are on sale as well as the coupons for those items. I use this app to compare with rebates on iBotta. So far I love it.

52 Week/$20 Challenge

January 25th, 2015 at 03:06 am

BF asked me to pay a bill that was $216 and some change. He gave me $220, that meant I'd be left with $3. So I've added $3 to my 52 Week/$20 Challenge bringing my total to $360.

Tomorrow I'll be heading to the store and I notice Ibotta has a few rebates for items I'll be picking up. Can't wait until I hit the minimum of $10 so that I can cash out. Smile

The ending balance of the $52 Week Challenge is $1378, I'm positive I will have surpassed this amount by June

52 Week Challenge

January 24th, 2015 at 01:33 am

Well dad ask me to pay his phone bill,that was $50 and some change. He gave me $55 so I took the difference ($4) and added it to the 52 week/$20 challenge bringing my balance to $357

So I'm just trucking along.

I earned $2.75 thus far using IBotta Smile

52 Week Challenge

January 22nd, 2015 at 12:11 am

Well I've added to my 52 Week Challenge, I started backwards and am on week 50. So $50 was added to my challenge (saving) bringing my total to $303.35.

I'm really happy and hope (fingers crossed) that I can keep up. I've also added any extra funds I receive.

As far as starting at week 1, I'm actually on week 7 but I'll be adding week 7 and 8 ($15) to my CC. I'm actually working this challenge both ways, paying down debt and saving at the same time Smile

Ibotta Rebates, anyone enrolled?

January 21st, 2015 at 12:24 am

I know I may be a little late but I've signed up for the Ibotta app, that apparently provides rebates for everyday purchases. I'm just curious, has anyone else signed up? If so what are your pros and cons?

I find the app to be very user friendly, I've already earned $2.25, can't wait to hit the $10 mark so that I can cash in.

Join my team by coying the link below

Happy New Year!

January 20th, 2015 at 06:18 pm

Happy New Year everyone!

Hope you all had a joyous holiday season.
I've been super busy with the new job, that I enjoy but think my boss is an idiot Smile

I've started the 52 Week Challenge up again, last year I used the funds to pay down debt. This year it's going to be towards purchasing the condo I'm renting.

I've decided to start with week 52 as well as week 1. The funds started at week 52 will be added to my house fund. And the funds started at week 1 will be towards paying debt. Double the fun Smile

Any extra funds will be added to the house fund. Today dad gave me $168, I won $11 on a scratch off that someone gave me, and mom gave me $20 for my birthday , all added to the 52 week challenge. All in all an extra $199 was added today but I think I'll put the extra buck on it to make $200 Big Grin

Week 51 and 52 was added, new balance $303 I'm so excited.

First Holiday Gift Card

November 3rd, 2014 at 12:47 am

I notice that over the years, I have always spent money on my BF kids during Christmas, but as of last year no more.

I would buy for his his kids, my nieces, nephews and God-daughter. I often thought what a waste of money. He can add my name to the gifts he buys and vice versesa. He never bought for my nieces and nephews so I'm okay with it. Nor did he buy for my parents, I often bought for his. It's crazy what I would spend during the holidays, but times are changing and as Dave Ramsey says, " I want to live live like no else so that later I can live like no one else."

I earned enough points to purchase a $25 Macy's gift card for my niece and a $25 Toys R Us gift card for my nephew. Two down and three to go.

I'll cash in my Humana points for a Target gift card to but my God-daughter, and two other nephews their gifts and then I am done.

401K, Please Help

October 20th, 2014 at 04:05 pm

Hi all!

In December I will be eligible for my company's 401k. I'm not too aggressive but have no clue on where I should park my funds.

Can someone help me with this?
If so please send me an email at

Hit the send button

October 6th, 2014 at 01:26 am

Well I went ahead and paid off the no interest CC. In my heart, I know I did the right thing but my mind tells me differently.

I will say this it feels darn good to know that I went from about 10 CCs to only four. Hopefully by December I will be down to three.

Last week's sermon message was "If you don't have a plan then you plan to fail." With a little bit of determination and effort I have been sticking with my plan and it feels great to see things coming into place.

Normally when I do not blog I tend to fall off the wagon. But I am proud to say, I am still trucking along. Bumped my EF up, added to my IRA and paying down debt. It feels great.

Oh and the job is going great. Been there now for 90-days and had a great review.

Things are starting to fall in place. Thank God.

I need your help. I have a question for you all.

October 5th, 2014 at 02:11 pm

Hi all!

It's been a awhile but I haven't stop working on paying off debt and saving.

I've been on the new job now for three months and was able to sock away a little over $1000 to rebuild my EF. I've also been able to add about $200 to my IRA account. Not much but something is better than nothing. Not to mention I've been getting the debt down as well.

So I have a question for you all. I have an extra $500 set aside, different than my EF.
I owe about $450 on a no interest CC, interest doesn't start until 2016. I'm sure I'll have it paid off before then. I owe about $1400 on another CC, with interest. I'm not sure if I should pay off the no interest CC first or add the funds towards the CC that is accumulating interest. If I was to pay the $500 on the interest CC that will bring the balance down to $900. Next Tuesday is payday and I can add another $300 on that balance, leaving a balance of about $600. So I wanted your thoughts, which should I pay off first?

I like the Dave Ramsey way of paying off debt starting with the smallest debt, it just seems like I'm accomplishing thing.

Just touching bases

August 11th, 2014 at 11:50 pm

OMG! I've been super busy with the new job, that I haven't kept up with my blog.

For the most part, I've been following through with adding funds to the EF, and IRA accounts. As well as paying extra on the CC.

I removed the Target Visa from my wallet. I notice that even though I charge items, then pay the charge right after it's just no worth it. Sometimes I just can't make the payment right then. Sometimes the store is too busy and I don't have time to go to the service desk to make a payment. Not to mention, Target only allows two payments a week. Not worth the 5% saving if I can't make the payment right away.

Dad gave me $20 last week so I added that to my challenge.

Lastly, three things I'm thankful for:
• Finding a church
• Getting a massage ( I have terrible low back pain)
• getting my finances order

A Extra $40

August 2nd, 2014 at 09:56 pm

Stop by my mom's because my sister said she wasn't feeling well, and out of the blue she gave me $40. I was both thankful and surprised.

As far as her health, she's dehydrated and was told to drink plenty fluids. My neice, who is a nurse, said she'll go by later and check on her. I didn't stay long, because mom and I don't have the best of the best relationship.

Since it was tax free weekend on clothing and school supplies, I was going to take the extra $40 and buy me something, but the saver in me said add that money to my $20 House Challenge and so I did. Smile

Glad I'm back to saving

A Extra $40

August 2nd, 2014 at 09:56 pm

Stop by my mom's because my sister said she wasn't feeling well, and out of the blue she gave me $40. I was both thankful and surprised.

As far as her health, she's dehydrated and was told to drink plenty fluids. My neice, who is a nurse, said she'll go by later and check on her. I didn't stay long, because mom and I don't have the best of the best relationship.

Since it was tax free weekend on clothing and school supplies, I was going to take the extra $40 and buy me something, but the saver in me said add that money to my $20 House Challenge and so I did. Smile

Glad I'm back to saving

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