December 6th, 2012 at 10:32 pm
Wow my boss was fired, I personally do not think it was right but who am I.
The job is very demanding, we are all working beyond what we should for hardly any pay or benefits for that matter but I am thankful for a job.
I'm a little sad about it though.
Posted in
December 2nd, 2012 at 04:57 am
I am not sure where the weekends go but this one zoomed right on by.
Friday wasn't a good day, my boss and mentor was terminated. It really saddens me. Yes what she did was wrong but the demands that was put on her, I believe and everyone else with the exception of the CEO believes she had no other choice. I'm really sad about it. A written warning should have been provided.
On a different note, I haven't been to the gym since Thursday
Today I bought dinner, so I added $20 to my challenge/debt. I also forgot to add the $9 from yesterday so that was also added.
We put our first tree up and it came along pretty well so I'm excited about that.
We also attended out local community's tree lighting, that is always fun.
I can't think of anything else so I'll end it with that.
Posted in
November 30th, 2012 at 01:16 am
Who said eating healthy while making lifestyle changes would be easy?
I saw the doctor a few months back and he advised me I was borderline for high cholesterol, not to mention all the back problems I've been having.
So I decided to change my eating habits and workout more, I must say I have seen some improvements.
Today I worked out using my weighted hula hoops as well as hitting the gym which allowed me to add $2 to my challenge.
Furthermore, I did not eat out so $6 was added as well.
Lastly , today was a no spend day so another dollar was added.
All in all I saved $9 today, $6 of it went towards debt (CC1)
Tomorrow is payday and I have $57 left in my "what ever I want to do account." This time around I can't add it to debt or any to my IRA because the BF is short this month for his portion of the bills. I may as well hold on to it vs. transferring money from the EF later.
Well that's it in a nutshell.
Posted in
November 29th, 2012 at 02:22 am
Well I thought today was going well until...
The BF mentioned he needs to borrow money. I don't know how much, so no answer was given. I'm leaving it at that for now.
On a different note (more positive that is) I did not eat out today so $6 was added to the $20 Challenge/debt (CC1)I also went to the gym so I added $2 to the $20 Challenge/EF account.
School is whining down and I'll have a little break after the 8th, whew.
Other than that, that was my day in a nutshell
Posted in
November 28th, 2012 at 03:09 am
Well today was a good day, added $6 to the Challenge (CC1 debt) because I had breakfast at home, packed my lunch, and had a home cooked meal for dinner. $6 is a lot less vs. had I gone out and bought breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I also used coupons today; saving $1.50, so I added what I saved to my $20 Challenge/EF.
Lastly, I didn't make it to the gym but I did work out at home using my weighted hula hoops for 15 minutes burning 104 calories 
I'm really proud of my self
Posted in
November 27th, 2012 at 03:24 am
Made it to the gym, so I'm adding $2 to the Challenge.
Also bought dinner, $18 so I added another $18 to the challenge.
Grand total $20 plus $4 from earlier was $24 added to my challenge, all of which was paid on CC2.
Bad news BF just said to me he will need for me to pay rent this month coming, I am not a happy camper about this.
He really needs to get his crap together. I know I've complained and some will say leave or shut up but like anything else it's hard but I'm really considering moving into my own place vs. renewing the lease in February.
Posted in
November 26th, 2012 at 11:39 pm
I thought I was over this cold/flu but it looks like I wrong. It came back with vengeance.
I feel absolutely terrible, weak, stuffy etc. you name it I have it.
On a different note, I had breakfast and lunch at home so I was able to add $4 to my challenge (CC1 debt). If I have dinner at home I'll add another $2
Posted in
November 25th, 2012 at 01:28 pm
Last night the BF and I had a date night, we really needed it. Dinner, my treat, was just a little over $30 and the movie, his treat, was $14 plus $3 for popcorn. I brought in my own drink. We saw "Lincoln" and I enjoyed it.
On a different note, he has managed to get himself screwed up again with his child support. I have told him time and time again to simply send an extra $100 a month to catch up but for some reason he won't. However, he can give his kids what ever they want (i.e. laptop, new cell).
I think it's hard for me to understand being that I don't have children but I believe it's okay to say no, especially when it's not a must.
So with that said, I'm back saving, paying down debt, and focusing on grad school.
I'm not sure what God has planned but I'm sure it's for the best.
Now I'm heading to the gym (3xs this weekend) and adding another $2 to the $20 Challenge (CC1 debt). So far this weekend I have paid an extra $6 on the CC. I figured, on average I should be adding an extra $10 a week that equals an extra $40 a month paid on the CC by simply going to the gym. Works for me
Posted in
November 24th, 2012 at 04:26 pm
Started the day off with a nice little work out at the gym, then used my weighted hula hoop and a light breakfast.
Now I'm just spending my Saturday relaxing. The BF went to team up with his family for a photo so I have the entire day, at least for a little bit, all to myself.
Being that I went to the gym today I added $2 to my challenge, goal is to pay off CC1 by December 31st and it looks like its going to happen.
Posted in
November 23rd, 2012 at 05:22 pm
I finally went to the gym this morning so I added $2 to my challenge.
I have been paying for a gym membership for some time now and can count on one hand how many times I have been.
I asked the BF if he wanted to go and of course he said no, glad I was already dressed and ready to go because I might have changed my mind.
Posted in
November 22nd, 2012 at 11:16 pm
Hope everyone is enjoying their day.
Today, I simply stayed home and prepared a very small meal. Just not in the mood to go anywhere.
Mom called out of the blue and invited me over, very surprising (we haven't spoke in almost a year). So I went by for a few minutes.
I have a lot to be thankful for that is for sure.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
Posted in
November 19th, 2012 at 04:37 am
Received the results from my MRI and it was negative. The doctor stated sometimes it is mechanical pain( ligament) and that maybe pain management physician could help.
I decided to continue with my home excercises and a TENS unit that seems to be helping. I believe I found the culprit, that is my job
My job requires a lot of driving for long periods,lifting, pulling etc. I am a volunteer coordinator. Up until last Thursday I was feeling better but when I loaded my car up the pain flared up again. So I'm in th process of looking for another job.
On a different note I'm back at it, living frugally. I told the BF and hopefully he will be on board, he says he is but we will have to see.
Posted in
October 23rd, 2012 at 02:25 am
Hi all!
Since my last post, I have started grad school and it is challenging yet rewarding. I started in August and will be graduating in August of 2013.
For the last few months I have stuck to my goal of socking away 4% of my take home pay to my IRA and EF 
However on a different note, I wrecked my car in a parking garage ( hit a pole) and it will cost $950 just to paint one side but I'm going to get additional qoutes that seems a bit high for me.
Also I'm still looking for a better paying job
Still not speaking to my mom and the back pain has not subsided.
I called the ortho to schedule a MRI
That's it in a nutshell for me.
Posted in
August 5th, 2012 at 10:05 pm
Walgreens is offering a free 8 x 10 photo today, you must use the "zeroprint" code at check out.
This is great because I saved $2.99 on our vacation photo, that I am adding to the challenge.
Posted in
August 5th, 2012 at 04:08 am
I headed to the gym today, had breakfast and lunch at home, then dinner at a friend's
The only spending that took place today, was the $25 donation to the bridal shower of a friend.
I was able to add $4 to my challenge 
Trying to stay focus
Posted in
August 4th, 2012 at 01:01 am
Day 2 and once again I had breakfast at home, packed my lunch and had dinner at home
So I have added $6 to the challenge ($3 for the EF and $3 on CC1).
On different note, I just received a call from one of the girls who is in my friend's wedding with me asking for $25
I have never been in a wedding where the bridal party pays for a bridal shower. All I can say is I can't wait until this wedding is over.
Posted in
August 2nd, 2012 at 11:20 pm
I say this every time I stop saving, but if I do not blog I do not save. For some reason, I feel obligated and guilty if I spend foolishly while I am blogging. So I'm back again for the 100th time this year.
Starting off fresh. Today I had breakfast at home, packed my lunch and just prepared dinner; so I have add $6 to the $20 Challenge ($3 to EF and $3 to CC1).
School starts in a few weeks and I am excited about that. I am still employed but am looking for a more challenging job, so please keep your fingers crossed.
As now that's it for me, getting ready to watch the Olympics. Lol, I am cheering for two countries; the U.S. and Jamaica.
Posted in
July 9th, 2012 at 04:00 am
Yay, I got into grad school. I can't wait to start. There are a few things I need to clear up, prior to starting (immunization, etc) but I am ready.
Now it's a matter of finding a job in the hospital or nursing home in HR because ultimitately thats is where I want to be
Posted in
June 18th, 2012 at 03:38 am
This is the first month; since I have paid my car off, that I do not have to make a car payment, so I added this amount to my EF.
I'm waiting on my mileage check from the job and will sock that away as well.
I haven't heard from the university regarding my application so I'll be emailing my adviser.
Other than that, that's all that's happening with me
Posted in
May 28th, 2012 at 10:13 am
In hopes of landing a better job, I went back to school and obtain my bachelors; unfortunately, like so many college grads I did not obtain a better job. However, I have recently surrounded myself with what I would call experienced professionals, who are now my mentors (shhhh they don't know it). Lol
It's funny, when I was a kid one of my teachers always said surround yourself with the smart kids and you will want to be better. Guess what as an adult, I have and I think I'm doing better as it pertains to my career.
Training classes offered free by my job, I would turn my nose up at. But as I realize the more you know the more marketable you are, plus the classes are free. So I have signed up for an excel course, HR course, grant writing as well as leadership course.
I have also joined a book club, I am the youngest, with woman who are 60+ all whom are former educators, doctors, lobbyist, nurses etc. I must say I have learned a lot
In addition, I've joined some professional groups. For example, the Black Republican Caucus, which I am executive board member, the ACLU in which I will be trained on rights restoration on Wednesday, and I am a board member of my local city's Community Relations Board. So professionally I think things are looking up
With all that said, I decided to apply for grad school seeking a masters in human resource. Keep your fingers crossed
On a different note, I have punched the numbers and it seems at though the BF is short monthly about $150. The month isn't over yet but I think I'm pretty close. So we will be having a discussion. I think versus him giving me money every other week he should hold on to it until the bill comes and we split it.
That's it in a nut shell.
Posted in
May 25th, 2012 at 11:32 am
I have never wanted children, and to be honest 38 years later I still don't. Having a kid in the house is driving me nuts. I really don't know how much longer I can do it.
SD has very bad hygiene problem that is driving me nuts. I feel like at 17 she doesn't need anyone to tell her to change your underwear, brush your teeth, wear clean clothes etc etc
I'm thinking WTH did your mother teach you or is this why your mother is so disgusted?
Last month she had dirty clothes mixed in with clean cloths and shoes in the bottom bathroom drawer that smelled like a dead body decaying. So I make her take her cloths out and tell her no cloths or anything in that bottom drawer. What do I see in there last night? Yep clothes again! I tell her take those clothes from our of that bottom drawer, she ask me why. Now I'm annoyed that she ask why but I respond simply, you are irresponsible and if I see anything in that bottom drawer it's going in the garbage.
Next she loses her cell phone charger, calls me to ask me if I have it, really? Long story short I don't have it. She as can she borrow mine, my response "No you need to learn to keep up with your things you may place your phone on my charger but you may not remove my charger"
Now this morning she decided I want my phone never mind if I am getting dressed and not properly ready to be seen to the world and barges in. Well Tuesday when she returns a conversation will be had, when that room door is closed you do not barge in.
Ughhh. Yes my mom and I do not get along but thank God she taught me about cleanliness.
Posted in
May 23rd, 2012 at 12:23 am
Is someone who attempts to count my money. I'm home practicing using Excel and my BF comes home and says, " I don't have any money you need to take her(his daughter) to get some tights tomorrow, I'll give it back to you"
First of all don't tell me what I need to do, second of all I don't jump when a kid says they need something at the last minute, and lastly what makes you think I have money.
I was so annoyed I could scream but you better believe he is going to hear about once I calm down.
Rude just rude. I am so annoyed I can scream.
Posted in
May 15th, 2012 at 12:51 pm
Yes I finally sent my last car payment to Bank of America!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy, for one, its a purchase I did on my own (no cosigner) and even when I was unemployed for close to a year I managed to keep up the payments. I am so happy I am about to explode. OMG!
On a different note, the step-daughter finally washed her clothes. I had a little talk with her on Thursday of last week, but it doesn't help that the BF wants to be her friend vs. her father. They're both works in process but I have notice a few changes for the better
Now I am focused on the CC debt, and a new job now that the car is paid off.
My current job requires a lot of driving and I do not want to put too many miles which causes additional maintenance, with no raise mind you, on my car
Posted in
April 27th, 2012 at 07:59 am
I'm not sure but I'll know after I balance all the accounts the end of the month, but it seems like I am getting the short end of the stick.
Seems like I am spending more money than the BF on the home. We agreed that we would split everything but for some reason I don't think he is giving me enough or maybe I am spending too much.
The month ends pretty much on Friday for me, I'll pay out all bills and would receive my last check. He gave me $200 but I still think something is wrong. We will see
On a different note his daughter is driving me crazy, she is 17 and yet has a mind of a 8 year old. For starters she will not clean up behind herself, which drives me nuts, since I am a neat freak. She is scared to sleep in the dark, so all the lights are on as well as the tv, and she is afraid to stay home by herself. Ridiculous!
We will definitely sit down and talk things out after I review the books
Posted in
April 14th, 2012 at 12:08 pm
$256.85 is the amount I owe on my car, thank God. But I won't be able to pay it off this month as planned because I need a new bed 
I'll be financing a bed today because I do not want to take the money out of my EF. You see, what I have saved is enough to cover two months rent in case something happens. My goal is to have at least 6-8 months worth of expenses saved.
Here is the plan, finance a bed at Badcock for $800, sell the bed we currently have for $500 and use that money towards the payments of the new bed.
So if all goes well I can have the purchase of the new bed paid off by next month with very little interest.
On a different note, yesterday was pay day and I wasn't able to save anything but at least I have about $300 in disposable funds until next pay day and if call goes well, I should be able to sock half of it away
Next week is my Mother's birthday and I thought about calling her but to be honest I really don't want to, and honestly I probably won't
That's it in a nut shell
Posted in
April 11th, 2012 at 01:38 am
My Neice has been calling giving me an upto date account on my mother's health, not that I care to know, but wish her the best. Anyhow she says she'll keep calling until I speak to my mom, which I do not plan on doing. I advised her not to waste her time.
She says she knows my mom wants to speak to me because she'll say things like " I would ask Amber but she's not talking to me". I simply remind my Neice she is the one who said "Not to talk to her as long as I'm living" and to my knowledge I'm still living.
On a different note I gave my sister $10 last week, she has harassed me every other week for money and no matter how many times or different ways I have said I don't have it, she still calls and harasses me. Ugh!
Now onto me, my dad gave me $50 yesterday so I added this amount to my EF /Challenge. My boss has not signed off on my request for mileage, so my car isn't paid off yet
Next we went looking for beds because the one given to us has caused me some serious medical conditions. It's in pretty good shape, my bf finds its okay, I want to sell it on Craigslist and use the money towards the new mattress, but the BF wants to give it away.
At the cost of mattresses I think his idea is crazy, yes it was given to us but we really can't afford $900+ for a mattress.
Posted in
April 6th, 2012 at 02:51 am
OMG! Who would have thought a bed could cause so much pain. Okay we moved into the new place and was left everything, dining room table, sofa, TVs, a bed etc.
Anyhow since we moved in I have been having back pain. At first I thought because we have been moving things. Well long story short and $400 dollars later, I realized it is the bed.
My copayment for each doctor visit is $50, and now therapy is $50 a visit twice a week. Yikes!
Well I thought could it be the bed? So I slept on the couch and realized I felt better. I ended up buying a topper for $79 and it helped but I was still somewhat sore. So the bf bought a piece of plywood and I almost died. So I ended up back on the couch.
Now the plywood is gone so we will see how tonight goes, but I have never experienced such pain.
Lesson learned, not everything given to you is the best, and choose your beds wisely or you'll end up spending an arm and a leg.
Fingers crossed that the topper does it and we don't have to buy a bed
Posted in
April 1st, 2012 at 01:58 pm
Okay I am a little torn. I can either pay my car off this month or pay off 1 CC or pay another CC almost half way down.
Now of course the CC interest is a lot more than the car but atleast the car would be paid off
Just wondering what you guys would do?
Posted in
March 31st, 2012 at 08:36 pm
I usually get a lot of mail that I think is junk and simply just trash it. But thank goodness I opened this one. It was a $25 gift certificate, apparently I earned enough points.
So I went into Macy's and bought a dress and I got $3 back which I added to my challenge.
Had i known I would get cash back I would have bought a five dollar gift, oh well, I love the dress though.
On a different note, since I have given up sodas, I'm down almost 7lbs, and that's with out any excercising. Wow
Posted in
March 31st, 2012 at 03:28 am
Things are going pretty good in the new place, rent was paid today. I pretty much paid it in its entirety; however, the BF had provided me money in which I paid the electric, water and cable. In addition he has given me another $200 I figured all in hall he gave me a little over half for the rent, but I used the money to pay bills (i.e. cable, water) buy groceries and miscellaneous household items. At least it wasn't wasted.
Further more if things continue I probably won't need a part-time job, as I had planned only because my car will be paid off in May and that would free up close to $400 a month. Plus if I budget, and the BF keeps doing what he does we will be fine.
On a different note, I have not any sodas all week, well the week isn't quite over yet but over 6 days no sodas I added $6 to the challenge for this reason
Not sure if I shared this, but my back has been killing me, I think the bed is too soft. I started therapy which has helped but tomorrow I will buy a firm mattress cover; hopefully this helps, verses buying a new bed. We will see.
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