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March 4th, 2019 at 02:18 am
No spend day today, I’m excited and yet anxious. I want to take what I’ve saved in the sinking fund for vacation/fun and throw at my CC.
I’ve been saving to celebrate a small win, it’s been almost two years and I haven’t done anything fun per se. A part of me says CC debt, while another says, hold off until June and do something fun. I really want this debt gone.
Other news, when you’re on a budget you try new things. Today was the first day I made beef 🥩 stew. It was absolutely delicious. I bought the McCormick crockpot package, added onions, carrots 🥕, celery and potatoes 🥔.
This weekend I’m going to tackle the washing machine, I’ll keep you all posted.
Posted in
March 2nd, 2019 at 09:12 pm
Murphy is knocking at my door, I know he’ll be entering soon. The washing machine is on its way out. Thank goodness I started the house fund but I hate to see money spent on a washing machine.
I know of a scratch n dent place my dad use to go to, so Monday I’ll check them out. If it’s more than a $100, I’ll simply buy a new one. I’m annoyed but not upset.
Posted in
March 2nd, 2019 at 11:59 am
Last night I was unable to update my planner but plan on doing so today. March goal is to get CC9 down to $3,000. I really wanted this sucker payed off by April but with the reduction in taxes (refund) that I didn’t not anticipate nor am I complaining, it pushes the pay off to late May/June. I’m okay with that because, I have pretty much averaged about a grand a month (pay down) on this card 💳 . At the rate I’m going I should have both credit cards 💳 paid off by October, and then I can finally tackle my student loans.
On my way home yesterday, I realized that God has been faithful to me, and I’m so thankful. Since I started this journey, I’ve been tithing. I’ve never did this before and since I have, I haven’t freaked out about expenses. Things pop up and boom 💥 I can pay it. No sweat off my back. We finally got the rental property rented, that’s an extra $150 my way, and I can throw it at my CC debt. I think Hod finally blessed us with a tenant since I’m managing His money properly. It just feels great
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March 1st, 2019 at 11:01 am
Yesterday my dad’s long time girlfriend passed away. She was such an amazing woman, I always wished he had married her. I’m just glad she’s not suffering, she doesn’t deserve that.
Financial news
I cashed out $5 on Receipt Hog 🐷, and I added to my CC debt, every little bit helps.
Yesterday I went to the dentist for a filling 🦷, $200. I was so ticked off you have no idea. One, because I had to spend $200 and secondly my funds from my HSA through my employer has not been deposited. The payroll coordinator is a nitwit, I’ll have to get with her today. I did pay cash, and know that I can get the money back but it’s just the principle.
Lastly, we got the rental house rented, I’ll get an extra $150 a month that I can add to my snowball. It’s not my property I just manage it.
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February 28th, 2019 at 02:55 am
I’m in a facebook group that challenges us to save money. This week we were to recreate a restaurant recipe. Tonight I made a sirloin steak 🥩. This was the first time ever, and it turned out great. Though it wasn’t a restaurant recipe I think I pulled it off.
I bought the steak at a discounted rate at Walmart, cost, $4.64. I already had rice, and my local grocery store 🏬 had salad BOGO, so I had a bag from last week.
I basically seasoned the steak with some steak seasoning I had already. I then left it in the fridge, in a ziplock, for a day. I added a little olive oil, and butter to the pan. I fried both sides for about ten minutes, then wrapped in aluminum foil, placed in the oven until my thermostat read, about 160. This was so delicious! Even the SO liked it. We had Olive Garden salad 🥗 dressing so the salad was amazing.
Overall this meal for two cost me about $6 total, winning.
Tomorrow I’m preparing chicken wingettes I got from Walmart I think for at $1.65, I know it’s less than $2. We have left over rice 🍚, and I’ll make another salad. Basically a $2 meal, can’t beat that.
Financial news, I cashed in my points on Receipt Hog 🐷 for $5, I’ll be adding this to the CC 💳
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February 26th, 2019 at 09:41 pm
Finished up my taxes and I’m getting a whopping $750. I’m glad I don’t owe. I thought for sure I would have had to pay, especially since I got the money from my dad’s house.
So many people I know have to pay this year. I’ll be throwing all of it to the snowball.
Other news, I’m excited because my $608 payment hit my CC, total paid this month was just over $1300. I couldn’t help but wonder, what if I was throwing this at my student loans. I’m going to start looking for a second job again
I was talking to my mom this morning, she’s complaining that my 17 year old cousin, her neice, is not saving the money she’s receiving from social security after her mom died. I tried explaining to her that, if you’re not taught how to manage, then you won’t. She thinks telling you to save is enough. She has four children and all of us are bad with money. Three of her kids has lost a home, and one filed bankruptcy. She really upset me, because I’m late in the game and feel like no one taught me.
Posted in
February 24th, 2019 at 05:48 pm
Hi all!
Today, I paid $608.65 on CC9, it feels greaaaaaaatttttttt! New balance is $3900.
I really thought I was going to struggle with this CC but God has allowed me to push through.
In different news my crazy brother started up again. I told my attorney that I’m not paying any other legal fees so what ever he wanted to do he can. Prior to my dad dying, I spoke with my siblings about putting a AC unit in the house, to bring dad home on hospice, and dad expressed he wanted to go home. The normal cost was over $5000 but we got a break because we paid cash. My brother subpoena the bank and saw the withdrawal. Um (I had power of attorney) like I told my attorneys all talked about and agreed. The ac was put in and three days later dad came home and died. He can give me the unit, I’ll put the money back but once dad dies the money is mine since I’m the beneficiary.
Crazy, I’m over it.
Posted in
February 23rd, 2019 at 02:51 am
I’m so excited I can scream. I haven’t crunched the numbers but I suspect I’m under budget this month, and I know I’ve paid the CC down quite a bit.
Tomorrow is my day for planning so I’ll be playing around, adding things up to see just how it went.
I’ll also wrap up my taxes tomorrow as well.
Posted in
February 23rd, 2019 at 02:51 am
I’m so excited I can scream. I haven’t crunched the numbers but I suspect I’m under budget this month, and I know I’ve paid the CC down quite a bit.
Tomorrow is my day for planning so I’ll be playing around, adding things up to see just how it went.
I’ll also wrap up my taxes tomorrow as well.
Posted in
February 17th, 2019 at 04:03 am
Taxes 🙄🤦🏽♀️
So I started my taxes, so far Turbo Tax has my refund at $700. I’ll take that vs owing.
Everyone is complaining about their refund, I adjusted my withholding last year and am glad I did. Of course this money will go to CC9
Posted in
February 16th, 2019 at 11:53 pm
It’s been about two years since I have been on a vacation. Though I have a vacation/fun account the money always ends up being used to pay down debt.
There was a a time, when every year I took a vacation but since I started this journey almost two years ago I haven’t.
With that being said, I was scrolling through Facebook and I see a friend who is on vacation with friends. I thought, I want/need a vacation. How is it she’s always doing things? But then I remembered, this is the same friend who is constantly complaining about not making enough money and struggling. This is the friend who was whining about money that I cash app her a few extra dollars. She didn’t ask but I figured she’s a friend. After thinking about it I remembered that being debt free is more important to me than a vacation.
This journey is tough but patience will always prevail.
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February 16th, 2019 at 01:01 pm
Just cashed out 27.65 in Ibotta bucks. I’ll be adding this to the credit card 💳
Though today is the last day in the week, I reviewed my finances anyway, up until today. Out side of extra on the CC, I paid out $745.11 this week.
* $370 HOA, this covers up to April
* $255 Sorority membership (sinking fund for this)
* $39 gas ⛽️
* $26.84 dining out, budget for this in my fun category but it bothers me that I spent this much. Mostly due to buying breakfast
* $22.82 groceries
* $22.59 household items 🧹. Went over budget this week. I needed a fogger ($10) my car, I have bugs 🐜.
* $6.52 personal car, much cheaper at home. I’d bought a few hair care items
* $2.34 in sales tax.
Other news, my cabinets are starting to wobble. I knew when I bought the place that they were going. I did start a house fund for repairs, I figured by next year I can replace them. To purchase from Home Depot and install myself ( I know someone who will install for free) it’s about $2,500. I feel good with saving for what I need. I can say this, until they fall off the hinge, I won’t replace.
Found a tenant for the other house. $850 a month, so I’ll take $450 a month, that’s $150 each between my two other siblings, and sock away the rest. I manage the place for them. This money is going straight to the CC.
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February 10th, 2019 at 08:21 pm
Great day today.
1. Activated my HSA account, I need to follow up with my employer the funds from the last pay date was not deposited 🙄
2. Switched automobile insurance companies, same coverage, $60 less a month.
3. Threw out old Halloween 🎃 candy 🍬 molds. I haven’t made any candy in years.
4. Found $16 in my car armrest, and $30 in my desk drawer that I had forgotten about.
5. Completed my application for Homestead exemption on the new place, this should reduce my taxes. 😊
6. Completed student 👩🏾🎓 loan application for income driven payments. Can’t wait to get rid of this crap 🤦🏽♀️
7. I normally don’t freeze leftovers but I froze rice and collard greens 🥬. Today I made a pot roast 🥩 and decided to pair it with the frozen left overs.
8. Walked to the mail ✉️ box vs. driving 🚗
9. Washed two loads of clothes 🧺
10. Turned of the AC and opened the sliders it’s gorgeous out.
As I walked to the mailbox, I was a little nervous. After last night’s dog attack, I really don’t want to be out.
Posted in
February 10th, 2019 at 02:27 am
Today was busy, got my dad’s second place rented. Well we found a tenant and now we start the process. I don’t own the place but I manage it for my siblings who gives me $150 a month. So this will go towards my CC.
I took the car in today and the pcv was broken. The mechanic told me I didn’t have to fix it but if I did it would be $100. I fixed it. That noise scares me as well as annoys me. I had the cash saved, also I don’t know if it’s me but the car is running really well.
Next I got a quote with Geico, it’s half of what I’m paying every month. Savings of about $80. Tomorrow I’ll finalize everything and move forward with them.
Other news, I’ve been shopping at Walmart for some time. I’ve never seen meat at a reduce price. Went in today and bam, five packs of chicken and one pack of pork chops for a little over $14. That’s about $2+ per package. I then headed over to Aldi and picked up grapes 🍇 strawberries 🍓 and carrots 🥕 $6. I’d say I scored.
Lastly, as I was walking up my walkway a pitbull 🐕 charged at me. I’m petrified of dogs, big or small, so for this happen made me even more scared. I emailed the HOA right away because all dogs are to be on a leash at all times. My neighbor has cameras so she will share the images with me. We think it’s one of our neighbors dog. Thank God all is well
Posted in
November 27th, 2018 at 12:46 am
Posted in
June 19th, 2018 at 11:47 am
Wow yesterday was my first no spend day in weeks. I had a half bagel, with some grapes 🍇 and a water for breakfast.
For lunch I had left over meatloaf and dinner a pot pie 🥧.
Since I’m back on the NSD challenge, I’m adding $6 to CC6. Now that I’ve got CC5 down, and will be paying off the end of this month, it’s time to tackle number 6.
I hope today can also be a NSD
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June 9th, 2018 at 01:29 am
This is the first time that I’ve ever left a job and could afford COBRA. I received my COBRA notice from my previous employer, and it was $384.25, I added to my budget for the next pay period, next Friday to pay.
Wow, just being able to do this, shows that I’m on the right track. Even after paying this bill, and others, I still have $300 left to add to CC5.
This is such a great feeling.
Posted in
May 25th, 2018 at 04:45 am
I know that Dave says $1,000 for emergencies but I need at least one month of expenses stashed away, and that total comes to about $2500. Though I split the bills (e.g. Rent, water) with the significant other, I'd rather have the full amount because you never know. I'm socking away $100 a month to the EF, plus anything extra (e.g Poshmark sales, iBotta). I'm also adding to the car maintenance fund and other sinking funds, all in all I save about $400 a month total.
I know some would say that this isn't the DR way but it works for me and it gives me a peace of mind. I did my debt free journey once before without Dave, only thing I did wrong was get caught up in living like everyone else. I found DR after and I'm staying focus, vowing not to go down this path again, besides I'm too old for this foolishness.
I need to figure out how to pay an extra $200 a month on this student loan to stop the bleeding. Once I get the EF to about $2500 I should be able to.
I don't know, what I see happening in this country scares me. Yes, I'm a conservative but I don't like what I'm seeing, home prices are going back up and companies are laying off. This is probably why I've shift my attention so much to paying off debt and saving. When the last recession hit, I was debt free. I had a nice savings. All my friends were panicking, I took a trip to Puerto Rico. My goal is to knock out what I can. When the house sells, I should be able to pretty much take care of all my debts, and they will be gone with maybe the exception of one student loan.
While I see my friends on Facebook doing great things, new cars, new houses, $1000 iPhone, trips, etc I know that pretty much all are drowning in debt. They think that it's all good because they're able to pay their bills every month, but yet they're just one emergency away from mess. Not me, I'm done.
Well it's late, I'm going to try and finish my May book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad, before the end of the month. It's okay. I don't agree with every but at least I'm able to take some things away.
Posted in
April 22nd, 2018 at 02:54 am
As you all know, my job is very stressful. I have the opportunity to leave, but it's basically the same distance (30 miles each way) and terrible health insurance ($5k deductible or $2500).
Long story short I'm struggling with what to do. The new position would be a mangers role and less people to deal with but the pay sucks. It's a nonprofit. I asked the hiring manager if they'd consider increasing the salary and she stated after 90 days but I don't know. I'm like I may as well
stay where I have some flexibility
Posted in
February 28th, 2018 at 08:52 pm
OMG, I received my tax returned and I paid $1,000 on CC4, it feels so good that I actually want to cry. By next month, this card should be gone.
I really wanted to take the entire return and pay it down but I need an oil change, tire rotation and a tire rod on the car. It just feels good to cash flow things.
I can't wait to get this debt gone!
Posted in
February 15th, 2018 at 12:38 pm
Posted in
February 15th, 2018 at 12:38 pm
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October 16th, 2017 at 02:16 am
Sitting at my desk updating my spending spread sheet and realized I spent almost a grand on paying CCs.
It is absolutely ridiculous what I pay in credit card debt. This pay period alone I paid out $744. I'm so disgusted. I don't even know what I bought and when. 😡🙄🤦🏾♀️
$744 can be used for other things like saving for a house, car and retirement and I'm paying this amount on DEBT!
I think the positive thing out of this situation is that I realize it's ridiculous, I've stopped using the CC and I at least have money to pay the bills every month.
Once I hit baby step one of the Dave Ramsey plan I can start tackling this debt, I can't wait.
I've upped my saving amount from $30 to a $100 the next pay period. Reducing spending in other areas.
Posted in
September 10th, 2017 at 09:07 am
Hello all!
Just wanted to check in and let you know we are okay. We have button up the villa and have our supplies.
Irma is at the lower Keys here in Florida but we are definitely feeling it's impact in Palm Beach county. We are under tornado warning, please keep us in prayer
Posted in
September 4th, 2017 at 11:12 pm
Preparing for Hurricane Irma is exhausting.
We were able to get our Hurricane supplies but I just feel like I need more. Having gone through, Andrew, Wilma, Francis, Jean and Katrina you just never know. You can be prepared but contingent upon what happens you're not prepared enough.
Please keep us in your prayers as we brace for these storms
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April 13th, 2016 at 12:36 am
So I haven't blogged, been super busy.
The brunch went well, mom did not show, actually only my sister. I was a bit heart broken but what can you do. Everyone wants me to do it again next year so I said okay.
In other news, dad has been down since turning 80 and refuses to eat. I took him to the doctor and he got into a huge pow wow with her. He says he's weak but I think it has a lot to do with the fact he is not eating or drinking fluids. I really need you all to pray for me,he is my world
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February 1st, 2016 at 04:23 am
Last year was a rough year for the BF and I, at one point I was really considering leaving him. But then all of a sudden he stepped up, paying his bills on time and taking care of what needed to be done around the house.
We haven't really done a lot together so I decided to come up with a "Date Night Jar." Basically we both put four stickies each of what we would like to do for a night/day.
For me I chose the following
Dinner - we have a $50 gift card
Drive through movie
Game night at home
Polo match
Not sure what the BF wrote, it's suppose to be a surprise. On Thursday each week will pull a sticky so that we know what we will be doing. I'm excited.
Posted in
February 1st, 2016 at 01:50 am
So I decided to make a crockpot chicken and stuffing dinner, found on Pinterest, love that site.
Two large chicken breast - cut into 2
1 can of cream of chicken
1 can of chicken broth
Pepperidge Farm stuffing (half bag)
Place chicken in the crock pot - seasoned with salt, pepper
Add the stuffing
Mix the broth/cream of mushroom - add a little onion and chopped celery
Pour mixture over stuffing
Cook high for four hours
Now I'm just waiting to see how it turns out.

Posted in
January 3rd, 2016 at 01:40 pm
Happy New Year to my entire SA family, wishing you all a prosperous and healthy 2016.
I started the year off with my first ever vision board. Items still on the list, save money, debt reduction and owning my own home. I need to go back and add blogging, when I don't blog I always get side tracked.
To be honest with you, I'm glad I did this.
Posted in
April 25th, 2015 at 03:36 am
I realized that I have a challenge for everything. For example, 52 Week challenge, $20 Challenge, No spend day challenge, step challenge, but I do not have a IRA/retirement challenge.
I have decided to add an extra $5 to my IRA for every CC that is paid off but I wanted to know if anyone has a challenge for retirement and would like to share?
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