Not one kid
November 1st, 2006 at 02:52 amIt is close to 10pm and not one kid showed up...I could not believe it. I was a little dissapointed because for the last few years we've been hit by hurricanes
Archive for October, 2006Not one kidNovember 1st, 2006 at 02:52 amIt is close to 10pm and not one kid showed up...I could not believe it. I was a little dissapointed because for the last few years we've been hit by hurricanes Friday Night LightsNovember 1st, 2006 at 01:31 amNBC has a new series that I really like, last night it was on (normally it's on, on Tuesdays) but I fell asleep last night. I totally forgot that the time slot for the program was changed and by habit I turned the channel to NBC and what is on ? Friday Night Lights (last night episode...I am so happy Just Roundug up the changeNovember 1st, 2006 at 01:25 amWell I rounded up my change to the nearest 100 and paid another $11.20 on the cc. I am like really really sick and tired of ths CC debt, that I want it paid off ASAP FinallyNovember 1st, 2006 at 01:06 amI finally filled out all my paper work for the $30 and $20 rebate on the Norton software that I purchased almost a month now what's left is to wait No kidsOctober 31st, 2006 at 11:45 pmI was waiting for the kids and not one as of yet...I am hoping they'll show up, I really like looking allt all the little ones Wow I am really making some head wayOctober 31st, 2006 at 10:06 pmGot my pay stub today I was able to sock away a little more than $100 for savings and pay down cc2, and pay bills so I am happy Happy HolloweenOctober 31st, 2006 at 09:50 pmWell I hit the store to make my Holloween grab bags for a few of the kds. I am happy because I did not need to buy any candy, I always buy candy after certain holidays (it's on sell)so in all I spent $12 for the holiday. Oh BoyOctober 31st, 2006 at 01:13 amOk I went out for lunch ...big mistake beecause I know I should not be spending on dining out. I als paid an extra $23.86 Monthly SpendingOctober 30th, 2006 at 01:23 amI decided to review my spending for the month and it was not good. I really splurged this month and we still have two more days to go Sunday paperOctober 30th, 2006 at 12:55 amI bought the Sunday paper today and it was .54 cents, usually it's $1..25+ tax but I am glad it was on sale because there were no coupons in the paper (none that I could use) Internet billOctober 30th, 2006 at 12:52 amNow my sister told me on Friday that she got the bill rom Verizon for my broadband, now she says she did not say that. The account is in her name because it was cheaper for me and now I am thinking I made a huge mistake. one should never conduct business with family 100 pointsOctober 29th, 2006 at 11:59 pmI just checked my TransUnion credit score, ( I disputed a couple of charges)anyway my score went from 618 to 715...I could not believe it. I guess paying more than the minium and payind down debt really helps. I disputed a couple of other things wit Experian and Equifax so we'll see what happens Having poblems with the siteOctober 29th, 2006 at 11:03 pmI hate when I am unable to read all the bogs. I hguess this my clue to study DisturbingOctober 29th, 2006 at 10:25 pmI have a friend who I think needs psychological help; there is something seriously wrong with her. Well today was the icing on the cake, she verbally abuses her son. Don't get me wrong I think she love him but she either can not express her love in a positive way or she really has not been conditioned to know what love really is. Anyway she was yelling at him about saving money and that she though he should learn to save money. Then she goes on to tell him that there will be times when he will want to do some things and can't because he did not save his money. But here is the kicker she tells him "there are plenty of times I wish I could do something thins but I can't because I had you" can you believe that. I did tell her that, that was not nice and she owed him an apology but her response was " he knows what I mean" I thought at 8, yeah right you meant every word you said it I am sure it was not the first time nor will it be the last I did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!October 29th, 2006 at 03:18 pmI am so happy I paid off my high interest CC (30%) I am so happy ( I keep doing that). I took a look at my account and I had little more than a $10000 just sitting there earning about $3.00 a month and this high interest CC paying about $40 a month in interest so I said pay it off and I did. My goal is to be debt free by December 31st and atleast $3000 in the EF. Now that this CC is paid off I can really start saving. I am going to write the CC company and ask them to remove any activity on my credit report regarding this cc. I was never late always paid on time as well as paying more than the minium, but I closed this account which I am sure will have a negative affect on my score...we'll see Thank God I am not cluelessOctober 29th, 2006 at 02:56 amAs you all know I work a part-time job and the security guard here has no clue. I have no idea why he is here. Why is it those who really need a job and will work can't find work and those who are useless always have a job? The fire alarm went off tonight so I radio him to let him know he needs to check the panel...he is going around and around then the fire department comes and wants to check the panel in the electrical room...guess what he has no idea where it is. He has been here for 3+ years walk the premises from 4 to 7 and then from 10 to 12 for 3 years and do not know where the electrical room is. I have been here only for a couple of months and he is asking me. When ever you ask him a question the answer is "I don't" Sometimes I just ask to be asking because I know the answer...he has never answered without saying "I don't know" I mean how can one do their job and feel productive when you absolutely have no clue Holloween PartyOctober 29th, 2006 at 01:40 amI am working my part time job nd the kids cames in as a surprise for the cute. There cheerleaders, Indians, belly dancer, clowns, name it. They were adorable I can not wait until Tuesday Paying down the ccOctober 29th, 2006 at 01:15 amWell I checked my statements online and the interest on the cc are pain. When you think are making some head way you gwet a bill and there it is the interest. Anyway I paid extra on the CC ($28.24) brining my new total to $2255.91 from $2265.58 all in the game of interest First testOctober 29th, 2006 at 01:02 amI am a little annoyed the class that I am taking t night is one of the worst. I am sure you all have read where i have compalined about this gu talking about nothing from the book that I paid $100 for and nothing really to do with health care in the class. Anyway i get my test back and I missed 11 out of 24 which was worth 1.5 points each. Now it's ironic that about 98% of the class had the very same out come. There was one question that no one remembered him discussing but he says so and one person got the question right by I am thinking maybe it's him. Another student asked him about another question in wich everyone got wrong he says "I don't know I made it up" Now he gives us the test the day before add/drop (this is the onl test ) so therefore even if I wanted to drop it I can'r because he never gave us the grade until two weeks later. Any way he ended up giving us 3 points and changed each questins worth from 1.5 to 1 so that boosted me up to 32 out of 40 points. What a jerk...sorry I just had to vent Dining OutOctober 29th, 2006 at 12:36 amWow I have spent a ton of money this month eating out. I was simply to lazy to do anyhing (cook) this month. Total thus far $92 over by $49 for the month that is not good. Mypoints $ GCOctober 28th, 2006 at 02:19 amI am not sure who turned me on to mypoints but wow am I happy. I got my $10 GC for Bath & Body Works which will be a part of a X-mas gift for some one or maybe I'll treat myself. I am going to keep earning mypoints for free gifts Free LunchOctober 26th, 2006 at 05:58 pmWell I used my couo today for free lunch at Picadilly's and saved $6.38. I have not been there, since the little incident with the manager...but the service with all the other emloyees are excetional. So my new total in coupon savings is $31.27 $20.25 on ccOctober 26th, 2006 at 01:12 amwell I ate out today for lunch..I could not find my coupon for a free lunch I also treated my co-worker so I paid $15.45. I also ate out yesterday...with all the mess going on with Bush being here in FL I was starving and stopped at the first fast food place I laid eyes on. Any how, to make up for the money I spent dining out I paid it on the CC Bush in FL...what a headacheOctober 24th, 2006 at 09:54 pmThat d** Bush was here in FL today turning my day into a living H** after I left class today, what usually takes me less than 5 minutes to get on the highway; it took about 20 minutes and I was still unable to get on so I make a u-turn. Driving along an alternate route the police are maneuvering traffic so now I am in another traffic jam. What should have taken me 20 minutes took 1.5 hour. Now I do not mind if he comes or goes I do not care but what bothers me is the production. If they were to put him in as small care with secret service and not make this big production with 10 different cars 10 different police and 10 different agencies I am sure things would be much better..Sorry I just had to vent Another buck on the ccOctober 24th, 2006 at 05:52 pmNo spend day today so another buck on the cc new total $2285.83 Another No Spend DayOctober 24th, 2006 at 01:17 amSo another dollar was added to the challenge/debt fund. I am rockin' and rolling now Trying to meet goalsOctober 23rd, 2006 at 02:52 amWell I added $19.28 to my EF to make it an even $1400.00 this is the most I have ever saved since I can rember. Other than tax returns I have never had over $200 in my savings account just sitting there..this year has really been a year of accomplishments and I am so happy. I also paid $15.88 on cc reducing my overall balance to $ I feel like I will be reaching my goals after all. I am hoping to have atleast the cc's paid off by December 31 and $3000.00 in my EF so I can start socking away my checks for a house Today's SpendingOctober 23rd, 2006 at 01:59 amPrior to coming to work I had to hit Publix which cost me more than it would have, had I gone to Walmart; but that place drives me crzy. Any way I spent $44.47 here is where it all went: No studyingOctober 23rd, 2006 at 01:39 amI am work (part-time ) and can not study because this securtiy gaurd will not find something to do...nor will he shut up. Then there is the driver who will would not leave (he is off todybut stopped in) he finally left and now I am stuck with the guard. I guess he can not see I am trying to study I am simply not in the mood Paying down debt slowly but surelyOctober 21st, 2006 at 03:59 pmAdded another $1 to the cc debt because today was a no spender and I am heading to my part-time job therefore, I can't spend any money