Archive for February, 2007
February 11th, 2007 at 02:24 am
Here is the story, warning this is a long blog.
I was named after a little girl who was murdered in Jamaica. Anyhow I wrote a essay on how I got my name and got an "A" on it. Now I am at my part time job and this lady comes up and tells me how her niece was suppose to have my name but because the little girl was murdered her sister changed her mind. Well I asked her about the story and she tells me, guess what it is the same little girl that I was named after...weired I know. Now I am determined to find this news paper article and am drawing a blank, the murderer's name was Samuel Rainford and of course mom is not sure of the spelling of the last name. Right now I am not pulling up anything but I will call the Jamaica newspapers tomorrow and see what I can come up with
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February 10th, 2007 at 11:32 pm
I can count on one hand how many times my mom spoke to me today and I have a feeling I know why she is so distant but I really don't care. See the incident with my friend she is the one who told me about and ask that I not say anythinng but I was soooo upset I had to and not to mention I think it was time to cut her loose
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February 10th, 2007 at 04:05 pm
Since my uncle's car is blocking me in I decided to go ahead and complete my taxes. $1715 is my return. I did claim my mom this year which did not make a huge difference only about $200 to $250 dollars, but I guess every little bit helps.
Plans with my return are as follows: $200 to my mom, $800 on the student loan(which will be paid off) and the rest to the EF.
Once the student loan is paid off I will be completely debt free, all Ican say is wow
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February 10th, 2007 at 02:46 pm
Ok my day is starting off bad. Just woke up(late) so that I can make it to my follow-up eye appointment, well my uncle is parked behind me. So I grab his keyes to move his car and guess what it won't start this is the second appointment I missed darn it. MY mom is not here neither his he so I am stuck.
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February 10th, 2007 at 02:44 pm
Yep, my checks are in . I ran out last week and ordered them online. I almost did the express thing for an extra $12 or so dollars but opted not to because I got them with in a week so I am happy
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February 10th, 2007 at 03:33 am
Yep I got my a/c fixed at no cost to me My uncle's friend did something; I don't know what and did not charge me. He said to just drive the car and make sure everything is OK, thus far it is working just fine (keep your fingers crossed) Now I have to get the squeaky noise fix but I will hold off on that. I am wondering if I should add the $200 that I was expecting to spend to my challenge money or just keep it in the EF and earn less interest than what I would if the money was in my ING account. I don't know I am torn
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February 10th, 2007 at 03:28 am
I have been saving for miscellaneous items such as MD appts, gifts etc etc. Any how I bought V-day gifts today used the money in this account (it wasn't much but it covered the expenses) I am just happy I saved for the purpose
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February 10th, 2007 at 02:56 am
I got my V-day shopping done. I only buy for the kids which are my God daughter and her sister (because she is really jealous) and my niece and nephew but they are in Georgia so I am not shipping anything for valentines day but I will send my nephew a birthday gift
Total spent on gifts today $27.75
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February 10th, 2007 at 01:55 am
My friend who took months to repay me a $100 is now looking for a 2005 BMW 530I. It amazes me, just months ago she was on the verge of loosing it (literally) then she had to obtain a part-time job just to play catch up, now she is looking at a $40,000 car. It just does not make any sense to me. She just put close to if not more $5000 on a cc because there were some things she wanted for her house (mind you wanted not needed) and now she is looking at this car. I can't figure it out. I said to her the $400 to $600 you'll be spending on a car every month why not pay it on your house and pay your house off early. Her answer was in the next few years she will refinance to from 20 to 30 years any way I think it's is all a mistake in getting this car but that is what she wants. Maybe set that money aside for your kids college. It amazes me how people will spend $40,000 on a car and no money set aside for retirement or a college fund for their kids
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February 10th, 2007 at 01:44 am
What a bummer I ate out again today ($9.67) so I added $10 to challenge, at the rat I am going I will hit and surpass my goal of $1000 in no time
New Total:$939.29
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Dining Out
February 9th, 2007 at 04:08 am
Just adding loose change to the challenge, previous total $927.29
new total $929.29
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February 8th, 2007 at 07:05 pm
With my goals that is, I added $5.07 today to my challenge another $.95 (needed to round up my change) Any how I am staying focus because I need/want me a new house, so evey little bit helps
Oh yeah, I forgot I added my weekly deposit of $25.
New total
I can not wait until I hit $1000.00
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February 8th, 2007 at 03:35 am
I went into Macy's today and did not buy a thing, yep I sure did. Believe me there were soooo many items that were great buys but I thought either this blouse or my house and I went with the house. My goal is to have a down payment saved by the end of this year/early '08 and buying clothes at the drop of a dime is not going to help. That was how I accumalated my cc debt now I can say I have no CC debt and I want it to stay that way. Now I need to work on my eating out, this is an expensive habit
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February 8th, 2007 at 02:57 am
For Christmas I bought two easy bake ovens, one for my grand neice and my little cousin. Now Hasbro is recalling the easy-bake ovens, it's the pink and purple one. To receive a repair kit, call 800-601-8418
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February 8th, 2007 at 02:44 am
Reviewing my spending for the month and my dining out bill has jumped. I really have to work on this, we are not even at the 15th yet
Expense Categories
Automobile : Gasoline $20.01
Charitable Donations $20.00
Dining Out $18.90
Gifts $2.00
Groceries $37.14
Healthcare : Eyecare $99.00
Healthcare : Physician $30.00
Healthcare : Prescriptions $15.00
Household : Furnishings $16.29
Job Expense : Non-Reimbursed $13.49
Miscellaneous $40.55
Personal Care $36.27
Sales Tax $4.24
Total Expense Categories $352.89
Grand Total -$352.89
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February 8th, 2007 at 01:21 am
I have a friend that the least little thing you tell her she repeats (a drama queen) any how I had enough of her, she drives me nuts. First of all I think she is a terrible mother for example she calls her son dummy, stupid and has even told him if he wasn't here she could do better. Next she got close to $40,000 in her divorce settlement and can not show you one thing she bought other than the furniture for her apartment which is three sizes too big.
Well we had it out today because she made some comments to the mechanic who is friend of my uncle regarding getting my car fix. You all know I have went tooth and nail trying to get him to take it in and then she goes and say something about it obviously creating friction. Now that I think about maybe that is why he has not taken it in. Some time you have to cut ties with people who does not see what you see or appreciate what you are trying to do
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February 8th, 2007 at 01:05 am
I had $25.05 left in my personal account and tomorrow is payday from my part time job, so I added it to my challenge 
New total $896.27
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February 7th, 2007 at 04:12 am
My BIL owes me $20 now for about 3 weeks he says he will be reimbursing me on Thursday, we'll see. My nephew owes me $30 but in one of my earlier post I stated I can kiss that goodbye so what am I doing kissing $30 goodbye
This post is more of a reminder to me to give him a call on Thursday
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February 7th, 2007 at 04:06 am
As you all know I have been dealing with my uncle and my car. See he has a friend who works at the Toyota dealership and when ever he takes my car in I get a break. Well the problem is getting him to take it in; I have been bugging him since November to take it in, and since he hasnt, I decided today to take my car into my mechanic. Who was too busy too to look at and ask that I come back? So anyway when I get home today out of the blue my uncle says he is taking my car tomorrow to the shop. It's ironic because I had made my mind up that I was not going to ask any more and just pay the few $100s and get my a/c and tire rod (?) fixed. So if he doesn't take it tomorrow I have already made arrangements with my mechanic to bring it in on Thursday
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February 7th, 2007 at 03:53 am
That is what is goin gon with my challege money I am so happy because with in a couple of weeks I will be at $1000 I am trying to save for a house goal is to save a $1000 every two months. We are midway through February and I am almost there, Yeah!!!!!!!!
Added $1.82
New total $871.22
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February 7th, 2007 at 02:51 am
After months of searching (6 months) my SIL finally found a job. Her and my brother decided to move to GA with out finding a job first (?) Their theory was to sell their house move to GA were cost of living is less expensive than FL but some where in the plan they forgot to find a job. Since money was running low they called my mom last night to borrow $3000 well she called today and said she found a job. But she was so excited that she forgot to ask what the job actually paid...lol I am happy for her
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February 7th, 2007 at 02:33 am
OK I go to the pharmacy to pick up my meds, when I get there I am told it will be a few minutes so I say ok. Well the girl comes back stated my total was $41.99 I say ok because I have a new prescription which was a brand. So I get both meds and am about to leave so I decide to look at the pharmacy slip both meds are generic and I should be charged $15 so I ring the buzzer let the girl know and send everything back now I am at the drive through for at least an half hour. Now the pharmacist comes up and state one of my, meds was too soon to fill I tell her I know but because they filled anyway I was picking up but I do not want if I have to pay full price I can wait. She says we will issue you a refund, another 15 minutes goes by I get a bag with a receipt and my card as well as my prescription. Now I have to go back even though I was not charged and return the medication what a nightmare
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February 6th, 2007 at 09:15 pm
Ate out today, so I am matching this amount and adding it to my challene. +$5.05
New total $869.41
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Dining Out
February 5th, 2007 at 07:07 pm
Ok I goy a call from the MDs office my paps was positive so now I have to go in for another test, keep your fingers crossed. This has happened before and the test camr back negative. So I am hoping and praying again
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February 5th, 2007 at 06:25 pm
My dad gave me $20, jut because (no reason) so I am adding this to the challenge as well as an additional $1 because I had a no spend day 
New total $864.36
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February 5th, 2007 at 12:19 am
I am in the football pool at work, wish me luck. I can use the extra cash
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February 4th, 2007 at 01:31 pm
Today will be a no spend day so I am adding my dollar to the challenge early, I don't plan on going anywhere at all
new total $840.14
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February 4th, 2007 at 05:26 am
Ate out for lunch today so I had to add the match amount to the challenge, new total $842.36
Posted in
Dining Out
February 4th, 2007 at 03:27 am
Ok as you all know I work at a part-time job on the weekends and this is where I get my studying in. Anyhow there is this idiot on the job in which no one can stand, he complains about everything and everyone (he can not be trusted) any how I have been here since May of 2006 and have worked with every manager who mind you have seen me studying (one in particular is taking classes as well and studies when he is on) any how Mr. busy body made a complaint that, that is all I do. Can you believe that? Now if he wants to sling dirt I will be more than happy to. For starters, today he sat here for one hour trying to talk to me ( I ignored him as much as possible)not to mention that his wife comes here at 10:00 every night that I am here and sits with him at the guard house until 12pm (when he gets off) now shouldn't he be working? Not only that what if she gets hurt on company property in which I remind you she should not be on being that this is private property and if you are not a resident or employee you are not allowed on the property. I am soooo ticked off the only reason why I will not say anything to him is because the person who told me I like. Now for the hour that he was here with me he wanted to know what the other guy did, so I asked him why is it any of your business his response was 'because he only noted once on his log that he checked the doors" mine was 'again I ask you why is it any of your business, you are not management he has been here for 3+ years and no one else is complaining, doesnt management "read" his log to see that he has checked the building once, so why I ask again is it any of your business" he got the picture and left. I mean come on is his goal is to get everyone fired? He complained and had a meeting with management because one of the guards said to him stop acting like a baby. Not only has that he brought in his laptop, TV magazines and other things when he knows he is going to be on the desk. Just mind your own business and long as my work is complete and no one in management is complaining then mind your own (bleep) business
Sorry but I just had to get that off my chest
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February 2nd, 2007 at 11:32 pm
Yep I treated myself today to a wax (eybrows and chin...lolo) and aa manicure. Cost $30.00 including tip, I ended up only adding only $18 to the challenge, but I had a nice day
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