Viewing the 'Debt' Category
December 31st, 2008 at 01:14 pm
I was doing so well these last few weeks and today I forgot my lunch, arrrrrrrrgh
So now I have to buy lunch which burns me
In addition, I had breakfast at home so rather than adding my $2 for not dining out I was only able to pay $1 towards my challenge/cc debt because money is really tight until the next pay period
I also had to cancel my oil change and tire rotation but that's ok because I have a little more than a 100 miles to go before I actually need to take care of this
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Dining Out,
December 31st, 2008 at 12:23 am
Well I have a lot to blog about (sorry for the long post)
First, I just realized that I am going to have to cancel my appointment for an oil change as well as tire rotation until next pay period and besides I still have about 200 miles to go before I actually need one. I also have to cancel my dentist appointment for the crown until mid February. I totally forgot about my storage bill of $48.47 this amount is automatically charged to my BoA cc on the first so I went head and paid it in addition to adding $2.00 for going to the the gym
Now on to family and friends, My mom and I go to TJ Maxx home store and on the way she says oh I left my CC but I am not buying anything (my mom is a saver and will save every dime so I wasn't worried) But we get to the home store and she finds some things and asked if I can charge Arrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I am so annoyed because I do not want to charge anything, I MEAN NOTHING. I know my mom will give me the money that's not even the point because she's good about paying bills and saving ( I wish I was more like her when it comes to money) but I simply do not want to charge thing any more bottom line; needless to say I charged $48 worth of stuff
Now my sister (oh boy) About 2 weeks my sister called to borrow $300 I lied and told her I had the money in a different account and if I transfer the funds it will take 2-3days before I can get it. So she says to me go ahead and transfer the money and I will call my uncle. Well she called my uncle who loaned her the money. She paid him back. Well today she calls and she says to me, did you transfer the money? Well she caught me off guard and I said to her no because you borrowed the money from N. She then says well transfer it because I need to pay my rent and she'll give it back to me next Friday. Now this is my savings for my new house and I do not want to touch it but I told her it was the money for my tuition. If was I thinking I would have told her I already used it to pay my tuition (lie of course) Now when she borrowed the money two weeks ago, it was to pay her rent (of course she was late) now two weeks later she need to borrow money again. It is obvious she can not afford this place. I told her when she was looking for a place to move into a two bedroom but because her two boys was going to live with her and my BIL. But according to her they needed their own space and she wanted them to be comfortable (These are grown $%$% men). First of all she just lost her house, which was a 3 bedroom; how come the kids couldn't share a room and if they wanted their own space then they should buy or rent their own place. Then her and my BIL separated about a week after they moved into this 3 bedroom apartment, my middle nephew who is so disrespectful cussed her really bad and moved out (mind you he’s in his twenties and do not work so it wouldn’t make a difference if he was there or not) and now her youngest son has decided to live basically with his girl friend and go to her place (my sister’s) to eat and shower. Come on !!!!!!!!
Either way I said Ok but she won’t get it until close to her payday to ensure I get my money. I will tell her the funds were transferred on Tuesday and if she's late with her rent then that is her problem
On to a friend of the family. My brother use to date this woman who had custody of her grandson after they broke up she stopped her grandson from seeing my brother. Ok we have not seen him in years I would say maybe 10 (he’s 18 now) well all of sudden he started coming around and I had this bad vibe about him, couldn’t put my finger on it. So my mom and uncle would give him a few dollars here there. First he tells my mom he has a job, only to tell me that he never told her that. Then he comes here with a necklace that is worth $600 but he is selling it for $50 hmmmmmmm. Anyhow his uncle is still friends with my brother and told my brother to let us know to watch him because he has been breaking into homes (I knew it was something) Well for about 3 weeks he has not been here and today he shows up. Asking my mom if he and his girl friend can move in because his grandmother put them out accusing them of using her credit card and charging $1600. WHAT! He say’s that there were times when she (grandmother) would send them (he and girlfriend) to the store and they never remembered her pin number and would have to call her for it, yeah right. And the kicker is who ever used the cc withdrew $400 one day and went to the mall the next. Yeah and we’re suppose to let you move in?
Now after I had a chance to calm down from today’s events my phone rings and it is my nephew (my sister's son) can he borrow $10…WTF!!!!!! I am really pissed because my sister had previously informed me that on Saturday he came home to let her use the car (hers was repoed) she goes on to tell me that on Saturday he comes in and ask to borrow $10 for lunch and he was paid on Friday. Now why is it Saturday and you do not have any damn money? You’re not paying rent, water, electric or anything else. He’s got this girl friend with a baby who I think is taking advantage of him. First of all he has a learning disability in addition to schizophrenia. The girl friend who is not from the U.S. is dying to get married. First it was her mother with only a few months to live and they needed to get married, next she was moving to Canada and needed to get married then they were going back to Haiti and needed to get married…unbelievable
I cant wait to get to the gym to release some stress
Posted in
December 30th, 2008 at 01:59 pm
Added $2 to my challenge/cc debt; had breakfast at home
So far I am doing pretty good with not dining out for breakfast or lunch
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December 30th, 2008 at 03:33 am
Went to the gym and paid $2 towards challenge/cc debt
Tomorrow's payday and as I'm going through my up coming bills and I'm broke already.
$381.29 Car
$25 IRA
$113 Electric
$40 mom's cell phone
$100 my cell phone
$43 water bill
$20 church
$70 EF
$10 misc savingsI haven't decided how much goes towards the house fund yet, plus tuition is due
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December 29th, 2008 at 10:42 pm
My day is over, when I leave here (work) I'll be heading to the gym.
Anyhow I did not spend a coin today but
I added $2 to my challenge/cc debt,for not buying breakfast or lunch
Plus I got $3 from Pinecone so I added that to my challenge/home fund
Posted in
December 29th, 2008 at 02:33 am
I am so proud of myself; I managed to hit the gym ($2 added to my challenge/cc debt) and completed a full work out. In addition, I washed, colored and curled my own hair which saved me $35 so $35 added to my challenge house fund (bal $1192.82). The goal is to up this account by $500 each month. I also had breakfast and lunch at home so $4 was paid on the cc debt). All in all today was a good day
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December 28th, 2008 at 05:31 am
To go to the gym that is. I guess this is the two week hump I heard about. Today I simply wasn't in the mood but I went any way since I'm paying for it. I did do the 20 minutes on the eliptical but only 30 crunches instead of the normal 50
Tomorrow I'll get up early and make up for tonight
either way $2 was added to my debt
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December 27th, 2008 at 02:58 pm
My brother and his family are on their way from GA to surprise my mom, how long they are stating? I have not idea but either way it will be too long. I love my brother and his wife who is really nice but they drive me crazy. My nephew I adore but he's such a whiny little kid it drives me crazy and my neice, my SIL's daughter hmmm I just don't know. The thing is, is that we really don't have the space so we'll basically be on top of each other which is the problem that I have. Either way, they'll be here and I would have to deal with. I am hoping and praying that the $25 GC from mypoints arrive today so I can give it to my neice as a Christmas gift otherwards I would have to give her cash which I am not hoping for
On a different note I had breakfast at home so I am adding $2 to my challenge cc/debt
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December 27th, 2008 at 07:02 am
It's 1:55am and I just left the gym took a quick shower and now am catching up on all my recorded programs. I'm so glad that I joined the gym, not only am I losing weight but I'm feeling much better
$2 towards the cc
Posted in
December 26th, 2008 at 07:16 pm
Went to the gym today and also had lunch at home so $4 added to challenge/cc debt
All in all I did not spend any money today other than adding a total of $6 to my challenge/cc debt
I figure $6 a day for 30-days will give me a whopping $180 towards the cc...we'll see
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December 26th, 2008 at 03:18 pm
Ok I had breakfast at home today so $2 will be added to the challenge/cc debt. In addition, I am on my way to the gym but won't add those $2 until I have actually gone and worked out, any thing could happen
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December 23rd, 2008 at 03:47 pm
Well I made breakfast again so $2 was added to my challenge, I am truly loving being back on track with knocking this debt down
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December 22nd, 2008 at 01:49 pm
I paid another $2 towards my BoA cc for preparing my own breakfast I also brought lunch today but won't add the $2 until I actually have it. Sometimes I change my mind and go out
It is amazing because as long as I am blogging I am saving and the minute I stop is when I spend, spend spend
Posted in
December 22nd, 2008 at 04:25 am
I did my own hair today so
I added $35 to my house fund. Then I went to the gym and added $2 to the BoA cc
Posted in
December 21st, 2008 at 06:46 pm
Hit the gym today and had a great work out, well worth the $2 I am adding to my challenge in addition I am starting to feel great
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December 21st, 2008 at 07:03 am
Went to the gym at 12:30am, I love the fact that their open so late because I can take my time a really learn how to use the euipment. Tonight was the ab machine with the medicine ball, I still haven't figured out how to use the tv on the elipitical. I hit power and nothing
In the end $2 was added to my challenge
Posted in
December 21st, 2008 at 01:42 am
Being lazy cost me an extra $14.12 towards my cc. I went to sonic today and had dinner for $9.06 plus a $1 tip so I always match this amount and pay towards my challenge (BoA) cc. I just did not feel like making dinner at all
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December 20th, 2008 at 04:44 pm
When ever I go to the dentist it always cost me an arm and a leg, today was $150 but I am too upset to go into details. Any how I went to Penney's and got 1 Christmas gift for $2.28 I love those Penney's coupons. Next hit the gym so $2 applied to the cc
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December 20th, 2008 at 03:48 am
I am so sore, went to the gym and worked out over an hour. hmmm I don't know if it's all new to me, why I enjoy going or because I'm single and killing time but either way I enjoy it and look forward to going tomorrow. In one week I have lost 1lb I'm really not trying to lose weight but hey I'll take it. In addition, I am beating my distance on the elipitical every day
So $2 more paid on the cc for the challenge
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December 19th, 2008 at 07:27 pm
I know I know $2 here $2 there but hey it adds up. I paid $2 on my cc today (part of my challenge) because I did not go out for lunch. I am sure the people at the bank are wondering why I am paying only $2 here and there but it works for me. Thus far this week I have paid almost $100 on my cc, not just in $2 but doubling up when I did dine out in addition to the $2 for going to the gym. I'll have to post later tonight the total, I am actually curious
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December 19th, 2008 at 01:05 pm
Added another $2 to my challenge (BoA CC) went to the gym again last night. I really enjoy going before I was a little nervous but I plug in my iPod and tune every one else out. I can really feel the difference. Not only am I getting fit but I am knocking down my cc debt as well because every time I go to the gym I add $2
Posted in
December 19th, 2008 at 12:34 am
I added another $4 to my challenge (BoA CC) in all a total of $10 today
why another $4 well $2 for not buying lunch and another $2 for going to the gym
It's strange I almost did not make it to the gym today but I was feeling sort of down so I made myself go and I am feeling much better. I may go back a little later to use the step machine depending on how I am feeling
Posted in
December 18th, 2008 at 04:15 pm
Today I paid $6 on my BoA CC for the challenge
$2 for not buying breakfast today
$2 for not buying lunch yesterday and
$2 for going to the gym yesterday
at teh rate I am going I should have this cc paid off by May or April or even sooner
Posted in
December 17th, 2008 at 01:55 pm
Thank goodness I am rockin' and rollin' with this challenge, today I made breakfast so again I added $2 to my challenge and I am going to return the showel gel today so that will be another $20 added back to the cc
Posted in
December 17th, 2008 at 02:47 am
Since I have been back and blogging I have managed to not do any wasteful spending and add to my challenge in attempt to pay my debt off for the third time...lol
Today I returned two items a pair of unwanted or needed stockings for $10.64 and a small speaker for my Ipod for $10.53 both were purchased on the cc. Tomorrow I will retun some body wash and shower gel for $20 that I do not need because I have a ton of it, as well as a carry on that I bought for $24
Once again I forgot my lunch or snack so I spent $3.40 at BK so $8.80 was added to my challenge, well paid on the cc plus I went to the gym so $2 was also added to my cc as well
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December 16th, 2008 at 02:36 am
Well I wasn't planning on going to the gym today but I made myself go since I am paying for it and glad I went.
So $2 went towards my challenge which is the BoA CC.
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December 15th, 2008 at 08:03 pm
I was unable to pack lunch today because my uncle ate all the left overs which I was not aware so I ended up buying lunch costing me $9.89 so I paid $19.78 on the BoA CC for my challenge. I have decided that when ever I eat out I am doubling this amount and paying down my cc which is part of my challenge. Oh well
Posted in
December 15th, 2008 at 02:17 pm
Paid $2 on the BoA cc...I am so proud of myself I have not been dining out so I have been adding a couple bucks to the cc. Hopefully I will get it down ASAP
Posted in
December 15th, 2008 at 02:56 am
Paid $2 on the BoA CC (challenge)since I went to the gym. I figure $4 a day for 7 days is $28 and for the month it will be $112 which is a plus
Tomorrow I will make breakfast and pack my lunch which is another $4 in addition to going to the gym. As long as I am blogging/being accountable... I should be able to get this debt down again
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December 12th, 2008 at 04:54 pm
Did not buy breakfast or lunch today so $5.00 was paid on the BoA CC
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