Viewing the 'Debt' Category
October 25th, 2019 at 10:47 am
I absolutely hate interest. I paid over $500 this last billing cycle on CC10, only to be charged another $100+ in interest. All the more reason for me to get this credit card paid off.
It’s a process and I know I must be patient but I can’t wait for this sucker to be gone, so that I can start tackling my student loans. I’m thinking by April 2020, this card 💳 should be paid off.
I’m no longer gazelle intense for a number of reasons, SO is no longer here so I don’t get the extra $800+ a month. I still add to my EF because I think it’s crazy to only have $1,000 saved, and lastly, time is not on my side, I’m late to the party 🎉 so I continue to add to my 401(k). Yes by doing these things, it slows the process, but at least I’m comfortable, and I haven’t stopped paying down debt and saving. What I’ve accomplished so far, I’m happy with. The ability to go to events, stores etc and not spend anything is a huge accomplishment for me.
I honestly think, if I continue to budget, live a frugal lifestyle, I’ll be done with all debt, including my house 🏡 in seven years.
I can’t wait to get home this evening, to balance my cash envelopes, and review my budget. Lol, who would have thought my Friday nights of hanging out with friends, buying new outfits to do so, and spending tons of money would have turned into review the budget nights? I absolutely love it and look forward to it.
Posted in
October 19th, 2019 at 05:49 pm
Balanced my cash envelopes, and I did pretty good. I came in under budget for the most part
Category Budgeted Left
Groceries $80 $30
Auto $80 $50
Personal $130 $0
Fun $30 $30
Household $30 $27
As previously reported in another post, things are looking great. The electric bill was reduced by almost $60, the water bill came in at $45.68, this is the same as last month but down by $20 over all.
I’m going to cancel Netflix, I realize I don’t use it and that’s $14 I can throw at debt.
Savings is up, I’m about $1200 away from meeting my short term EF goal of 3 months worth of expenses saved. I can’t wait to hit the six month mark, then I’ll feel comfortable and can start throwing even more at debt.
Lastly, I received a notice that my taxes for the town in that I live in, has dropped
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
March 25th, 2019 at 12:49 am
Credit card 9 💳 is really getting on my nerves. I want this sucker paid off. I’m contemplating taking the money saved for any home repairs and adding it to it. I have an EF so if anything happens I can use that. One minute I’m stoked about doing it, the next I’m nervous as hell. 😬
I finally completed my taxes, and hit the submit button. I’m looking at about $633 return. This will be adding to the CC.
The budget meeting with the SO didn’t happen, I was a little disappointed but hey that’s on him. I’m still trucking along on my financial peace journey without him. Something drastic has to happen for him to change. I told him we will continue to live as roommates, splitting everything.
After reviewing and crunching numbers, it looks like I should have both CCs paid off by early September (CC9 should be gone by end of April early May) and from that point on it’s the infamous student loans 👩🏾🎓. I’m really hoping to pick up a second job by then.
Lastly, though I follow Dave Ramsey, I never read his book, “The Total Money Makeover.” 📖. I have listened via audio 🔊, but you know how that goes, your cleaning 🧹, doing other things so you’re more likely to miss something. I’m excited to dive in. Last month I finished, Rachel Cruze’s, “Love Your Life, Not Theirs.”
I’m also read a book by Zig Ziegler, that I checked out online at my local library. What’s great about this is, in the middle of the night 🌙 when I can’t sleep 💤, I can read.
Posted in
February 15th, 2019 at 02:09 am
Just paid an extra $164 on CC9 and it feels great. This month I’m slated to have added an $800 extra to that card. Balance is now $4,824.67 with the payment made today. I’m really hoping to get below the $4,000 mark by the end of the month.
I’ll be completing my taxes this weekend, if I get anything I’ll add it to the snowball. At the rate I’m going I should be able to knock CC9 out by end of May. It’s not with in the first quarter buy hey five months paying off 6k isn’t bad.
Posted in
February 9th, 2019 at 11:42 am
Pay day and everything is paid. I love online banking, and the fact that I’m in a positioning that I can pay my bills early plus extra. The SO will provide his share on the 20th, I like paying things early. With the money I get from him, I throw it at my debt. It’s like a second job in that I’m not working. He seems to be on track, but again I’m not going to get my hopes up. Bad habits takes months to break and we are only about three months in.
Yesterday I paid an extra $25 on my mortgage, and extra $93 on CC9, I socked away about $300 all for sinking funds (e.g HOA, car insurance) and I have about $70 left this will be my fun money. Depending on how many no spend days between now and the next pay day, I’m sure I’ll be throwing this at CC9.
I’ve started back using the envelopes. Though I under spent last month, I can’t help but feel that the amount I’d under spent by would have been far greater had I used the cash vs. debit card 💳.
I’m also happy that I decided to have a sinking fund for any household repairs. I’ve been living in this home before purchasing for about 7 seven years and there hasn’t been any major repairs but as Dave says, Murphy is sure to show up so you need to be prepared. My privacy fence looks okay but it’s getting there so I want to be ready if need be. I’m also saving for hurricane shutters, this will reduce my insurance. I just like having the $500 in the repair fund just in case, it’s silly but it’s a natural Hugh watching this pot grow. Each pay period I’m adding to it.
Also my car 🚗 is making a strange noise, guess what I have money set aside for that. I feel so good about this. The last few car repairs I’ve been able to cash flow. By saving for upcoming repairs it definitely takes the stress out of things. I never use to do this, I’d just put it on the credit card. Only thing that bothers me is that as soon as I have a cushion of about $500, boom 💥 the car 🚗 needs to head to the shop. But it beats $300-$500 a month car payment.
My car 🚗 is a 2002 Camry with about 244,000 miles. I know sooner than later she’s going to head onto car heaven, and that’s why I haven’t touched the EF to pay off CC9. I’ve been pricing older model Camry and they’re anywhere between $6k and $8k. Goal is to pay cash. I’m done with car payments.
Last thing, I’ve practically cut out the salon 💇🏾♀️. Primary reasons, one it’s expensive, $45 a week. Secondly, I’ve asked her not to use a certain product because it’s drying out my hair and she continues. My hair has gotten so dry, and brittle, it’s awful. I’ve decided that I’ll go when there is a special occasion and when I need a hair cut.
Posted in
January 29th, 2019 at 10:25 am
$5156.20 is the balance as if today on CC9, before the new interest hits. I’m feeling really good. I’m trying to figure out how I can knock this down to $5000 before the new bill.
I was able to pay a total of $1074.69. If I can keep this up, for next four months, I’ll be done with this card by April. The goal was March but hey.
Feeling really good and accomplished.
Posted in
January 26th, 2019 at 04:55 pm
As you all know the significant other is still here. I can’t believe it and I want to fall out of my chair but he’s provided all his bill money in advance. Twice (January and February).
I don’t know if me asking him to leave did it but I’m just shocked. Really shocked.
I pay my bills as soon as I get them, first week of the previous month, so by time he gives me his portion, week before due date, everything is already paid. I’m okay with this so long as I get the money before the actual due date.
He’s a super nice guy, just terrible with money, well his momma. I’m still going to monitor this. Not going to get too excited because things can easily go left. His mother can always not pay him, that she is known for doing. But it looks like he’s finally taking over the business. Either way as I shared with him, “he was suppose to be gone in December, you weaseled your way to stay, I’m not doing this crap in 2019, first missed or late payment you have to go the same day, I’m not doing this. My dad did not gift me a house in his death to lose it behind some guy.” He knows I worship the ground my dad walked on, and I’d do nothing to disappoint him.
So with the extra cash $500+ I’m adding it to the credit card 💳. This should knock my balance down to a little less than $5000. If I can meet my same goal next month, I’ll be down to $4k, yay.
Posted in
January 25th, 2019 at 12:11 pm
I’ve been on a roll kicking butt this month. Dining out less(not at all), no spend days, saving and paying down CC9. I think by the end of the month, I will have paid close to a $1,000 on CC9. Right now I’ve paid close to $800, yay! My goal is to have this credit card paid off by the end of the first quarter.
I figured, between now and March, I know I can do $1,000 and anything extra, I’ll add. Fingers crossed.
Lol, can’t believe I get excited about paying off debt.
Posted in
January 11th, 2019 at 12:13 pm
Though I’m not a government employee this shut down really has me nervous about what could come.
I’m in a number of financial groups, and other miscellaneous groups on Facebook. I have noticed that those who are effected by the shutdown, are posting that they can’t pay their bills. It’s really sad.
For me, I’ve been payed off twice and thankfully both times I’ve been able to pay my bill. This is the main reason why while on BS2 I add something to my EF, even if it’s $25 each pay day. My dad always said, even if it’s $10 you put something away each pay day and don’t touch it.
I can’t imagine working and not getting paid. But if that happens I want to be able to have some sort of cushion. I honestly think we are heading into a recession.
On a different note, I’ve knocked down CC9 to about $5,900, just waiting on a few payments to post before I update the sidebar. I want this baby gone. I’ve decided to start the 52 Week Challenge backwards and throw the money at CC9 each week.
The SO is still here 🤦🏽♀️🙄. For January he paid everything on time. On December 31st I had a conversation with him. I told him it looks like you don’t plan on moving. Nothing packed. I told him nothing has changed about my feelings and that I wanted him gone.
I told him that I am not going into 2019 trying to run him down for my money to pay the bills. If they’re due on the first, I want it by the 20th and no later than the 25th. I also had the same conversation two days ago. I’m not doing this crap this year. And the minute he misses he has to go. I plan on talking to him again tonight. Because I really need him to know that I’m serious. He’s a nice guy and all but I don’t give two cents that he refuses to stand up to his mother. I have a mortgage now.
Financial news, I paid the mortgage today, early. I added an extra $25. I know why? It makes me more comfortable knowing I paid extra. For me I want to pay the extra $25 every month. High balances on anything makes me nervous.
I also paid CC9 early added extra to that, and socked away funds to my sinking funds.
I got quotes from Progressive, car insurance, I can save about $100 if I switch. I’m going to review/compare my policies and coverage to make sure I’m getting the best bang for my bucks.
This week has been a good week. I haven’t dined out until yesterday. But 6 out of 7 days isn’t bad.
I’ll crunch the numbers, review the budget and see where I am today. I’ll share later.
Posted in
Dining Out,
January 2nd, 2019 at 03:39 am
Happy New Year everyone!
Going into the new year with a bang, just paid $502 to CC9 😀. Goal is to have this sucker paid off by the start of the second quarter.
I took a look at my year end and realized I paid 50% of my CC debt in 2018. That’s really motivated me.
Posted in
December 14th, 2018 at 10:43 pm
I hate the tough love that you all give me but hey, you’re more financially stable than me so what do I know.
Right now I have about $8,000 in my savings. It’s not on the sidebar. I’m truly OCD about having money saved just in case. It’s money I just don’t touch or look st. I actually had the funds in a bank account at least a hour away. Today I closed the account and deposited the money into my account that is close by.
Why? Well to pay off CC9. But I’m nervous as hell. I don’t know if I can do it. I know I should but I’m absolutely freaking out. I just ay this CC off my left with about $2k to my name.
I’ve been let go twice and both times I was able to manage with my savings. I am absolutely afraid. Especially now that I have a mortgage
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
November 10th, 2018 at 01:59 am
Praise report. After paying off the three credit cards 💳 my credit score jumped by 47 points.
I got a revised closing statement and the mortgage will actually be $10 more than I’m paying for rent ($961). I’m thinking that once I close it will actually be less. Correction, this include the escrow.
Other news my idiot brother decided to sue me for the money my dad had in the bank. One I was the beneficiary; two all of it went to legal fees, burial and taxes on the property so good luck to him. Greed
Next, the idiot I have as a SO hasn’t given me one coin on the purchase of this home 🏡. Rightfully so, I guess Neva we’re not married but what get me is I tell him I had to put tires on my car, paid for with cash by the way, and I’m super excited. But he thinks a credit card 💳 was used (usually the case) and he has the nerves to say let’s rent a room to stay out of town. My response, how about you give me the money to pay a bill? 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️. Can’t wait for this to be over.
That’s it for now.
Posted in
July 28th, 2018 at 02:04 am
Wow I did it!
This credit card 💳 was driving me crazy, I paid it off. CC5 is officially gone! It feels so good to know that I’ve paid this card off. It makes up for the dental payment.
What’s so funny was, I stopped by my mom after paying off the CC to check my mail. There’s an offer from Macy’s. upping my CC balance, thanks but no thanks. Just two years ago, they reduced it. My debt to income was too high. But now that I’m paying things off, they’re increasing it. I’ll pass.
Thanks for tips everyone, I am going to reach out to my dentist to find out if there is a discount. He typically discounts things for me so I’ll see.
Someone asked in a previous post if the SO could help, the answer is no. He never has any money for anything. Can’t wait to get him out.
We got another court date for September 11th regarding the house, thank God.
Posted in
July 13th, 2018 at 11:42 am
Always something. I was really hoping to knock 🥊 CC5 out today.
But, I had to budget for contact lens ($150). I wear my glasses 👓 90% of the time but with those special occasions I like to have my contacts. Many reasons why I’ve started a medical fund. I also have to pick up my meds, that’s $27.99. So about a $180 on healthcare that could have went to debt. I know I shouldn’t complain because any other time I would have to use the CC 💳.
I was able to pay at least half the balance on CC5 bringing the total to $225, yay. I’m still on track to have four credit cards 💳 paid off this year.
One thing I’m feeling good about, well a couple:
* Today was pay day and all bills for the month are paid, in advance mind you
* Extra was paid on the credit card 💳
* I cash flowed health expenses
* I was able to also save
* And I love my new job
Though I’ve been on the job just over a month, I’ve been able to make some traction, and my boss is amazing.
In other news, I see things getting worst with the SO and his daughter being pregnant. He’s making things happen and of course it frustrates me because as usual things are late here at the house. What frustrates me is, he’ll make sure the money is available for her but when it comes to the house it’s a different story. I just have to keep reminding myself that one, I’m paying down debt, two once the house sells I can move on, three this is just a minor setback.
Live and learn
Posted in
June 29th, 2018 at 11:27 am
This journey of getting out of debt is a slow and steady process for me but I’m happy. I have to do what works for me and keeps me motivated.
Today was payday 💰 and prior to paying anything I always take a look at my budget. I noticed that I was only paying $9 to CC5 💳. I thought nope, nope this is unacceptable.
So I change somethings around. My cellphone 📱 was actually $5 less this month, I reduced both the EF and sinking fund deposits by $10 each and also reduced my offering (not my tithes) this pay date. By doing this I was able to pay an extra $45 on the CC 💳.
Unfortunately I did find a few bills, like the electric 💡 and water, were under budgeted , so some adjustments were made. But all in all I’m stoked, as long as I can pay extra I’m good.
I think what I’m feeling so good about is, one I’m knocking these credit cards 💳 out. This year was one a quarter and I know I’m on track. Next year with the higher CCs it will be two a year. Hopefully once this house 🏡 sells I can knock them all out.
Secondly, saving for what I want and upcoming expenses. This is actually one of the best feelings. Just knowing that I’ll have the money in October to pay my car 🚗 insurance for six months is great. That will surely free up an extra $100 a month. See right now I’m paying $166 a month, (I know it’s high, I’ve already called around and this was the best deal. Even a friend who has her own agency told me this was good) I also set aside $100 a month to be able to pay this sucker at once. But once it’s paid for six months I only need to sock away the $166. Not to mention I think when you pay it for six month about $50 is knocked off.
For the first time ever, I’m saving for Christmas 🎄. No more stress. I can actually host my holiday game night without stress and I love it.
Another first timer, medical. Saving for medical expenses was never an option or thought. But I’ve saved up for my eye exam, and if I keep this up I’ll have the money for my dental cleaning.
It just feels so good.
Posted in
June 24th, 2018 at 01:11 am
So my SO comes home, he’s worried he can’t reach his daughter. He calls no answer. Calls his ex wife and she tells him, the daughter blocked him.
Well long story short, I told him years ago that he spoils these brats he has from his ex and they’re going to break his heart. I hate to say it but I was right.
He calls the other daughter who calls the one who blocked him on a 3-way call and she tells him she blocked him because he didn’t answer her call. Now mind you, he sent her a text on the day that she supposedly call to say he wanted to meet with her and the other kids. Why would he not answer?
He’s terrible about many things but when it comes to the kids from the ex wife he goes above and beyond, I really felt bad for him. She’s an ungrateful you know what. This guy, had paid his bills late, pulled strings for her to graduate, and more and you have the nerve to block him because he supposedly didn’t answer. Though she doesn’t and hasn’t asked me for anything, I did tell him she can’t get anything from me. And I mean that. I’m not upholding ungrateful behavior. She wants to be an adult, he needs to treat her like one.
I can’t tell him what he should and should not do about his kids but I know what I’m not doing. Whew can’t wait to move on.
In different news, my payment on CC5 finally posted, pay day is Friday but I won’t be able to pay it off until the first check in July. This sucks but hey, at least I know it will be gone and then on to CC6. 10 CCs, this is such a joke, never again.
I had to call Att&t again for the fourth time. They never gave me my credit for phone 📱 insurance, smh. I finally spoke with a rep who credited my account today and waited for me to log in to view the credit. The problem was that they had already charged my account today for the auto pay. Autopay saves me $5 but it’s never on the same day,so I think I’m going to stop it.
Earlier this year I was saving for a family vacation, then I realize I had too much debt to save for a vacation. At one point I took the money out and paid down a CC 💳. But I also never stop adding to the saving account.
There are three big ticket items I want. They are, a laptop, Apple 🍎 Watch and a Circut. All very expensive I know. But I figured with patience and $20 a pay check by the time Christmas roll around I can purchase these items with cash.
This little experiment has taught me to be patient and save for what I want. Though it’s been a long struggle the reward in the end will be well worth it. The old me would have put these items on a CC 💳. I know some of you may not agree but this works for me. It’s no new debt and still being able to enjoy somethings. The laptop 💻 is about $200 the series I watch is $150 and the Circut is about $200. I’ve already added a stipulation that I cannot but these items unless I meet my 2018 goal of paying off four credit cards 💳, one each quarter. I’ve pretty much met my goal already, two thus far and three in just a few more weeks. I’m sure when December rolls around I’ll be on CC8.
Posted in
June 24th, 2018 at 12:59 am
So my SO comes home, he’s worried he can’t reach his daughter. He calls no answer. Calls his ex wife and she tells him, the daughter blocked him.
Well long story short, I told him years ago that he spoils these brats he has from his ex and they’re going to break his heart. I hate to say it but I was right.
He calls the other daughter who calls the one who blocked him on a 3-way call and she tells him she blocked him because he didn’t answer her call. Now mind you, he sent her a text on the day that she supposedly call to say he wanted to meet with her and the other kids. Why would he not answer?
He’s terrible about many things but when it comes to the kids from the ex wife he goes above and beyond, I really felt bad for him. She’s an ungrateful you know what. This guy, had paid his bills late, pulled strings for her to graduate, and more and you have the nerve to block him because he supposedly didn’t answer. Though she doesn’t and hasn’t asked me for anything, I did tell him she can’t get anything from me. And I mean that. I’m not upholding ungrateful behavior. She wants to be an adult, he needs to treat her like one.
I can’t tell him what he should and should not do about his kids but I know what I’m not doing. Whew can’t wait to move on.
In different news, my payment on CC5 finally posted, pay day is Friday but I won’t be able to pay it off until the first check in July. This sucks but hey, at least I know it will be gone and then on to CC6. 10 CCs, this is such a joke, never again.
I had to call Att&t again for the fourth time. They never gave me my credit for phone 📱 insurance, smh. I finally spoke with a rep who credited my account today and waited for me to log in to view the credit. The problem was that they had already charged my account today for the auto pay. Autopay saves me $5 but it’s never on the same day,so I think I’m going to stop it.
Earlier this year I was saving for a family vacation, then I realize I had too much debt to save for a vacation. At one point I took the money out and paid down a CC 💳. But I also never stop adding to the saving account.
There are three big ticket items I want. They are, a laptop, Apple 🍎 Watch and a Circut. All very expensive I know. But I figured with patience and $20 a pay check by the time Christmas roll around I can purchase these items with cash.
This little experiment has taught me to be patient and save for what I want. Though it’s been a long struggle the reward in the end will be well worth it. The old me would have put these items on a CC 💳. I know some of you may not agree but this works for me. It’s no new debt and still being able to enjoy somethings. The laptop 💻 is about $200 the series I watch is $150 and the Circut is about $200. I’ve already added a stipulation that I cannot but these items unless I meet my 2018 goal of paying off four credit cards 💳, one each quarter. I’ve pretty much met my goal already, two thus far and three in just a few more weeks. I’m sure when December rolls around I’ll be on CC8.
Posted in
June 17th, 2018 at 12:21 pm
Just paid another $300 on CC5. I had budgeted the COBRA payment for June twice. So I paid $300 on the CC and added the $84 to the EF. My COBRA payment is $384.25 a month. I have an extra $800 in the EF to cover two months in case I need to elect coverage prior to my coverage starting with the new job.
I’m excited because I will meet my second quarter goal of paying off a CC 💳 each quarter. Monday, my final check of my missed PTO pay out should be deposited ACH to my account of about $700. I’ll be adding this of course to CC5 💳 knocking the remaining balance to $300.
Though I’m not what Dave Ramsey calls gazelle intense, I am meeting my goals at a rate I’m comfortable with. And I’m saving, that is extremely important to me.
Before Dave, I’d paid off my debt. I had started with the smallest to the largest. One thing I did was, every time I ate out, I had to match this dollar amount to my debt reduction and when I didn’t I added, $2 to my savings. I think I’m going to start this up again. It helped me then and I like the challenge. Overall I like Dave’s plan, I think it works, but not for me, there’s some tweaking like adding to my EF each pay day.
Lastly, I’d like to wish all the dads a Happy Father’s Day! 👨🏽👔
Posted in
June 2nd, 2018 at 10:33 pm
Wow out of the blue my older brother, not the jerk I'm dealing with, left me $100 at my mom's house. Guess what I'm doing with this money? Yep paying down CC5.
I can't wait to get paid on the 15th, I'll get my final check from my previous employer as well as my first full check with the new company. I should be able to knock CC5 in half and then pay the remainder off by the (6/29, last check) of the month. I'm so excited. That will be four credit cards paid off since January.
The closing on the house is on 6/29 and I should be able to knock everything else out of the way. How exciting. Hopefully all else will go well. And I can get rid of the jerk I call a brother for good.
Posted in
April 13th, 2018 at 11:55 am
Bye bye Target!
CC4 is officially gone, no more Target bills. This bill has been sitting around like an annoying bug for so long. I'm so excited.
I was having a bad week but to know that this card is gone, is a wonderful feeling.
Now it's on to CC5, hopefully I can get this this sucker gone by June. For some reason I thought I only had five cards left 💳 but I actually have six, 🤦🏾♀️🙄.
Posted in
April 10th, 2018 at 08:30 am
One thing I hate about debt and that is interest, 🤦🏾♀️.
Pay day is Friday and the new Target statement just hit today, new balance $308.48. I didn't update my side bar, because I'm paying this sucker off first thing Friday morning. That puts me at five more credit cards 💳to go.
I was so upset and embarrassed that I had that many credit cards, then one day I read a Facebook post that someone had 32. I couldn't even imagine having that many, ugh! I'll take my ten any day over 32.
So once this card is paid off, that should free up about $350 a month. Not bad, with this extra money, I should be able to knock CC5 in about five pay periods, that means she'll be paid off by the end of the third quarter. I'm pleased because one of my goals was to pay off a CC each quarter, 4 for the year and I'm on track. Honestly, just thinking about it, I should be able to knock this baby out in 4 periods (August of 2018), the sooner the better.
Hopefully the house will sell and I can pay off CC6, CC7 and CC8. I'm going to fully fund my EF, the job is too unstable for me not to have 6 months worth of expenses saved. That's one of the reasons I put money towards BS1, even if it's $20.
Posted in
April 6th, 2018 at 03:13 am
I've been on a very strict budget, for me that is. Today I went over my dining out/fun money by $6. But hey, I felt like Chinese.
So due to my strict budget I have not gone to the salon 💇🏽. Honestly, I look a mess, but I'm focused on my credit cards. There was a time I was going every week. I had budgeted for the next budget period, a $100 to see the beautician, it's actually about $110. Long story short, the SO came home tonight and handed me a $100 bill 💵. I was so excited but I knew I had to ask, "what's this for?" His response was " go get your hair done."
I had mixed emotions, one I was hoping he would have said do what ever, two I thought maybe he was paying a bill early (he's been caught up and doing very well lately). But when he said hair, I was sort of bumped. I wanted so badly to use the money for CC4. I know I still can, but at least when I get paid next week I won't have to use my money and I can still add to the CC. I know deep down, getting my hair taken care of will definitely up my spirits.
After he walked out, I looked at my budget, cut somethings, and low and behold, since I'm not spending the $100 on hair, I can and will be paying off CC4 on April 13th. I'm so excited I can scream. What a feeling, I can't even explain it.
Four credit cards down since last April and three since starting the Dave Ramsey plan in August. I'm averaging one credit card 💳 every two months since August. Yes!
Next I should be able to knock CC5 out before June. Wow, my goal was to pay off one CC every quarter and we are only one month into to second quarter. Feeling super excited!
Tonight I remembered my word of the year, gratitude. I'm so thankful to be on this journey, though I'm stressed at times about my finances, seeing those balances shrink feels so good.
Thanking God for his grace, guidance and love without Him I couldn't have gotten this far.
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April 5th, 2018 at 03:11 am
Finally received my $50 back from a family friend. It was no sweat off my back because I knew he would pay me back, plus he's so good to my senior aunt who does not drive, that it didn't bother me. He actually left an additional $50 because he took so long to pay me back, I gave the extra money 💰 to my aunt. She's amazing.
I keep a buffer in my checking account but I'm going to take the $50 and apply it to CC4 💳 . The goal is to have this sucker paid off by the end of the month and meet my second quarter goal. New balance,$297.61 😄. I haven't used this card maybe in about two years and now, it will be gone! Yay!
Different note, my mother wants my sister out of the house. My mom, and you all have read my posts, is an angry woman. She's absolutely miserable. I felt so bad for my sister. We have a spare room here so I told her she could crash here. I pray that one day my mother's heart ❤️ will soften.
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March 31st, 2018 at 10:06 am
4:30 am and the first thing I did when my eyes 👀 opened, was check my Target 🎯 balance. Thank goodness the $349 was processed, I cab now update my sidebar. Only about $347 dollars left, I'm sure they'll be an additional $5 in interest 🤦🏾♀️ but that's the price you pay when you use credit cards 💳.
I also received a request to purchase an item on OfferUp, $10. I hope this is a legitimate sale. So many make offers and don't show up. I decided to no longer meet folks closer or easier for them. Meet me at my nearby police 👮🏼 department. I'm sick of folks not showing.
Lastly, today is a busy day. One I want to get at least 20 minutes of cardio in, secondly I have to get an oil change and then other miscellaneous stuff done. I've decided that both Saturdays and Sundays will not be filled with work so on Sundays I'm resting. I may even head to the beach 🌊 tomorrow
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March 30th, 2018 at 08:39 am
Just paid over $300 on the Target 🎯 bill, my new balance is $349.61. I should have this sucker paid off by the end of April, thank you Jesus.
I pulled my credit score with Transamerica and it was 698, not bad. Think my high score was 702. I noticed that as I pay these suckers off it's creeping back up. The jump is due to the decrease in high balances.
Back to Target, I'm going to be really annoyed if my payment isn't posted right away. They have a tendency of holding high payments. They actually suck, you can only make like two payments in a 7-day period, you can't add decimals. For example, I'd budgeted $348.76 but had to round up. No big deal but I like a balanced budgets, no over budget items just under. And lastly they hold large sums of payments. They make it extremely difficult to get your balance down.
It's 3:29 am and I've already spent the following:
* $196.08 Tithes - not negotiable
* $20 vacation club (savings)
* $211 JCP - minimum payment that include my AAA purchase
* $349 Target - debt snowball
Though a lot has gone out and I haven't cut the rent check yet, I'm thankful because one, I never thought in a million years that I could and would be faithful with my tithes. Secondly, with my raise and paying down debt, I've freed up over $500 a paycheck. Right now all you see are the payments but I'm about to add a total of $107 to my savings. All I think about is, when CC4 💳 is gone that will be another $50.
I'm so overwhelmed with mix emotions. I'm upset that I'm on this journey once again and I'm glad that I'm doing what it takes to no longer be slave to the lender.
I know it takes time and that I'll get there
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Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 29th, 2018 at 01:15 am
I'm m trying to figure out how to get this Target credit card 💳 paid off by mid April. I've revamped the budget a 100x but I can only pay half the amount owed, about $350.
I'm so annoyed because, yesterday my car broke down, flat tire and this is the second nail I've picked up in the last week. I work over a hour away, I had to wait for the SO to come help me, and didn't get home until after 7pm. So today I ordered AAA, cost $100. I'm glad I had the money but annoyed that I had to use it. At least with this service I get a 100 miles of towing, and given that I work about 30 miles away, this is good. Not to mention, my car is 16 years old with over 220k miles.
Now that I think about it, I have to take a look at the budget again, to account for this $100 loss
I'd loved to have one month that Murphy doesn't visit
Posted in
March 27th, 2018 at 01:54 am
So I called Great Lakes, and apparently no matter what amount you pay extra, the amount can only be applied to interest. This is absolutely ridiculous, no wonder people take years to pay this crap off.
I'm going to write my Congressman/woman, something had to be done.
So, I've decided not to alter the DR plan after hearing this. I'll go ahead and pay off Target this month.
I received a $10k more on the house, thank goodness. That means more money to pay down debt. 🤦🏾♀️🙄. A nice chunk of change going all towards debt, I can just kick myself
Posted in
March 25th, 2018 at 05:45 pm
SO filled my car up today, ⛽️ so what I had budgeted, $30, I'm throwing to my savings on CC4.
We headed over to Target after church ⛪️, I got cubed steak for dinner on clearance, too bad they didn't have any chicken. Meals are based on what's on sale. I headed to Aldi and picked up apples 🍎, grapes 🍇 and paper towels. Aldi has such great deals.
Now that dinner is in the crockpot, I'm just going to relax for a little while. Love Sundays
Posted in
March 25th, 2018 at 12:31 am
I haven't been using my BoA card 💳 other than paying my mom bill and then making the payment the same day. I do this for the points.
I had enough points to add $12.50 to the balance so I requested the points. There was a time that I was big on this but not anymore, cash is my new best friend, points just aren't worth it. Only reason I do this is to keep my mom expenses separate from mine when I'm balancing. Oops I do not pay my mother's bill, she's a senior and refuse to learn how to use online bill pay so I do it for her, with her money lol.
Regarding the student loan, I figured out I have to pay an extra $200 a month the keep this thing from getting higher, that's what I'm paying in interest. Ugh. I did not know what the devil I signed up for when I signed up for my masters. I have adjusted the budget to reflect this extra payment. I'm just happy that I am becoming more financially conscious.
I'm thinking of using the so called vacation fund as my fun money. Right now I budget $20 a pay period to go to this account, and I typically budget $30 to $40 for fun. I've been debating on what to do with this account, well now I know. This will be my fun money. The $30-40 typically budgeted will be added to CC4.
Since I've cut out the tv 📺, I have been more productive. Grant it I did waste a little time surfing the internet but I accomplished a lot. I cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, I went through my dining and living area, changed the sheets on the bed and put away laundry that I've been holding out on.
Lastly, I tackled my budget, and planner, getting ready for April, next month things are really lean. I managed to budget the extra $100 a month I'd like to save, pay extra on CC4 and pay extra on those stupid student loans. I feel pretty good. Only thing I'm concerned with is should I pay the extra on the principle or the interest? The interest compounds daily
Posted in
March 19th, 2018 at 04:52 am
Tackling the debt was the best thing I could have done.
Just looked at my budget for the next budget period and realized I can put 20 to 25 percent of my income into savings and still pay a little extra on the CC. Though I'd love to do that, I'm going to throw it at CC4 to get it down to $400 or less. Then I'll add a little to the EF to bump me over the $1200 mark.
This is all after paying my tithes first. God has truly blessed me. My prayer is that I continue on this path with no looking 👀 back. One of these days I'm going to be that person, walking around handing out $100 bills during Christmas time.
When you're doing what you are suppose to, you not only pay bills on time, something I never had a problem with, but you're way ahead of schedule. I usually pay the BoA credit card 💳 with the last check of the month because it's not due until the 2nd or 3rd, but for some reason I paid it the last budget period. Lol. I couldn't believe I had done that, and to be honest I'm not sure why. Maybe God wanted me to see the fruits of my labor.
I'm so loving this.
Saturday I went into a beauty supply store, and casually mentioned I wouldn't mind working part time, the owner's son offered me a job. I was like wow! They know me, I frequent the location, but the problem is that I can only do two Saturdays and month and Sundays are out, God has been too good for me not to worship. I'm going to pray on it and see if something doesn't work itself out where I can take on the extra job. I can use the extra cash to pay down student loan debt 👩🏽🎓. That would be awesome.
I forgot to mention that the SO suggested that we go out for ice cream 🍦 St. Paddy's Day 🍀. We're doing this less tv 📺 thing. I was a little hesitant but thought why not? Long story short, ice cream 🍦 and a milkshake was $20 at Kilwins, yikes! I wanted to scream but kept my mouth shut 🤐 . For the last two weeks he's been doing pretty good. But I couldn't help but wonder why couldn't we add this $20 to the EF or debt? I need to stop focusing on finances so much and enjoy life, but not to the point that I'm back where I started. I find myself not wanting to spend the fun money 💰 that I budget 🤦🏾♀️.
Honestly; it was a nice outing. We people 👨👩👦👦watched, found a really cool bookstore 📚 , and a super cozy coffee ☕️ shop that just so happen to be having spoken words, so we sat in. All in all it was a great weekend.
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