January 8th, 2010 at 10:00 pmAlmost had a no spend day but I just had to have a cheeseburger and fries
The damage $2.08; therefore, $2 was paid on the cc (part of my $20 challenge)
Viewing the 'Dining Out' CategoryAlmostJanuary 8th, 2010 at 10:00 pmAlmost had a no spend day but I just had to have a cheeseburger and fries HmmmJanuary 7th, 2010 at 11:17 pmhmmmm just wondering why I fell off track, just hope I have learned from my mistakes. KFCMay 6th, 2009 at 07:40 pmJust went and got my free meal from KFC which was great, I tasted a small piece and am saving the rest for dinner tonight. $18.88February 10th, 2009 at 03:53 am$18.88 was what I spent today on a large pizza and tip. I took lunch today but the rice I brought was terrible and by 4:30 I was starving. So I ended up buying a large pizza for the office. There is one girl who doesn't eat meat and since I'm paying I bought what I like which was pepperoni. Well she has this bad habit of picking things off and leaving it for some one else eat or simply picking over things. But I told her today; do not do that, take a slice and what ever you don't want trash. I know, we are wasting food but I do not want to eat on what she has touched, it is a peeve of mind. Needless to say she was ticked off and didn't have any, fine with me because now I have some left for lunch tomorrow. Not to bad todayFebruary 6th, 2009 at 02:54 amToday wasn't a bad day, I found my ring, had lunch and breakfast at home, got my $28.34 from DollarInbox and went to class which was just an hour long. But the bad part was I had Mcdonald's on the go for dinner (woke up late for class) spending a little more than $3 so I doubled this amount and added it to my cc challenge. On a different note when I was feeling down about being single (still am ) I met this guy yesterday who I am really not into but it is ok to have some one to talk to once in a while. I guess it's the holidays that drive me into this depressing mode. With V-day approaching I guess I just went down hill Good dayJanuary 25th, 2009 at 04:46 amToday was a good day, I had to work but it wasn't slow and time went by very fast. Next I went to Macy's to use my $25 GC, I needed a sweater for work, so I saved $22 and then I hit the library and got about 2 hours of much needed studying in. I packed my lunch so that I wouldn't buy any thing but in the end I really wanted a cheese burger from McDonald's, now I did have my lunch but 2 hours later the cheese burger won (.95 cents) DeterminedJanuary 21st, 2009 at 08:10 pmI am really committed to brown bagging my lunch and having breakfast at home. Today I just did not feel like packing lunch and thought hmmmm I do not have anything to pack for lunch. Then I thought you have to be kidding me It's my birthdayJanuary 18th, 2009 at 02:45 amToday was my birthday and I had a ton of emails wishing me a happy birthday...sites like Mypoints, Macys, Coke rewards and even saving advice. I thought it was neat because of all the emails I got this is the only site that didn't want me to buy anything McDonald'sJanuary 9th, 2009 at 03:43 amWell my winning streak for not dining out ended today. Came home from work to have lunch and mom decided she wanted my turkey and left me enough for a half sandwich $20 challengeJanuary 6th, 2009 at 11:19 pmAdded my weekly deposit of $10 to the challenge. I have about $20 to last me until next Friday and I am really trying not to transfer any funds from other accounts. Also I have had breakfast, lunch and dinner at home for the last two days but haven't been able to add to my challenge so all in all I'm doing ok about not spending any money Decided to eat inJanuary 3rd, 2009 at 09:51 pmAlmost went to Sonic for burger and fries but changed my mind and decided to make a salad. Just hope I can keep this up Lunch worked outDecember 31st, 2008 at 06:12 pmI was upset because I left my lunch at home and then I remembered I had a GC for Sweet Tomatoes Darn itDecember 31st, 2008 at 01:14 pmI was doing so well these last few weeks and today I forgot my lunch, arrrrrrrrgh LunchDecember 24th, 2008 at 07:22 pmI decided not to bring lunch today because the boss always take who ever wants to go out for lunch, well today he decided he was going out with an old friend so I had to buy lunch Dining outJune 8th, 2008 at 07:48 pmI had McDonalds for lunch today so $5 is paid on the cc to match what I could have saved This year has bee roughJune 7th, 2008 at 03:11 pmI have not been keeping track of my budget like I am suppose to, therefore going well over my dining out budget and other things. In addition, I bought a pair of yellow shoes yesterday for $21, which was more of a want than a need. Any how, I have decided to stop adding to the challenge until I pay down the cc. I am planning on paying $1000 once my EF hits $2000. The reason for the high CC, my emergency dental care and my laptop crashed so I needed a new one. What a weekMay 31st, 2008 at 05:08 pmFirst my co-worker comes up to me and ask if I would like to order lunch and I assume he is paying since he owes me $10. Anyhow we order and guess what? I paid $10 for my lunch. I actually paid about $2 more than I should have because he did not have enough arrrrrrrrrrrgh. I was so upset, because I had packed my lunch and now I was short $10 for my monthly budget for dining out, plus it wasn't that great. Spend, Spend and SpendMay 14th, 2008 at 03:15 amToday I spent a ton of money. First I bought breakfast, then I went to the dentist (thank goodness I had an EF). I have had a tooth ache since Friday and the dentist could not see what was going on, I had a small cavity which he filled and some debris from the last dentist that he was supposed to had cleaned out the last time I was there and I guess he didn't but any note it cost me $185 and because I have not eaten a real meal in about 4 days (soup only ) I treated my mom out to dinner again and that was $25. But my tooth is aching me again Paying down the CCJanuary 21st, 2008 at 12:31 amI spent $3.95 on eating out, another $12 on two pair of sweats so I matched this amount and paid it on the CC. This is what I call wasteful spending I can't waitJanuary 9th, 2008 at 04:53 am...until my for day vacation. I have found myself burned out a getting a little depressed, which I definately do not need. But when I look at the last few days I want to pull my hair out. License issue, classes, work and no privacy since I live at home. But I have to remeber it is only temporary and school will be over soon bummerJanuary 5th, 2008 at 03:38 amWell I went to the dentist yesterday and I keep my card on file. Well I have a $425 credit because I was going to have a gold tooth removed but since I found out I need an implant on another tooth I decided to hold off. You would think since I have a credit the work I had done ($185) would have been deducted from the credit I had, no they charged my card so guess who will be getting a call first thing Monday morning What a dayAugust 21st, 2007 at 02:34 amFirst I leave work early thinking school starts today and it is not until next week $20 challengeAugust 16th, 2007 at 02:24 amI added $2.09 to my challenge. A buck for not buy breakfast and a buck for not buying lunch $20 challengeAugust 14th, 2007 at 06:31 pmDid not buy breakfast or lunch today so $2 is added to the challenge No dining outAugust 13th, 2007 at 05:32 pmok I packed my breakfast as well as lunch and a few snacks to get me through the day and I am so proudof myself; I did not buy breakfast or lunch today. $2 is added to the challenge $ 20 challengeMay 13th, 2007 at 01:55 pmJust added $7 to the challenge for not buying breakfast for two days and not buying lunch yesterday. I am doing really well with cutting back on the dining out. Friday, however I did splurge and hit TGIF for lunch but other than the one minor set back I am doing great this month Busy dayMay 10th, 2007 at 01:28 amFirst I'd like to say how my day went: $20 challengeMay 4th, 2007 at 11:07 pmWell I did not have breakfast out so I added $2 to the challenge and the boss bought lunch, that was another $3 saved so I added that to my challenge Rockin' n Rollin'May 2nd, 2007 at 10:42 pmYep it is day 3 and I have not dined out for breakfast or lunch Day 2: on a rollMay 2nd, 2007 at 01:44 amToday is the second day that I actually made breakfast and lunch rather than buying it so I added a total of $10 to the challenge