Viewing the 'Emergency Fund' Category
January 13th, 2018 at 07:48 pm
I was able to cash the check, thank goodness, this was a nightmare (see Sprint post) and glad it's over.
After paying my tithes from the check received, I can add about
$190 to the EF bringing the total to about $994 just $6 away from my mini EF.
I was so stressed out last week about taking the money out of the EF; however, I'm a true believer that it was all God. I made it a point to pay my tithes with every extra income I had received and though I'm upset for a few minutes when things occur, a calmness then comes over me. The only thing I'm anxious about is getting out of debt and saving money.
Today we're having a chapter meeting and was asked to provide non-perishable items. Normally I'd go out and buy items, I simply took what was in my cabinet that I have not used and don't plan on it any time soon, and bagged it all up. Loving this being intentional with your money concept.
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Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
January 13th, 2018 at 01:20 am
Annoyed as all get out.
My boss has not said one word to me about my salary, I was suppose to know something last week.
I finally received the Sprint check for the full refund, they did not charge a restock fee but it's written to my middle name. Hopefully the bank will cash it. I can throw this money in my EF and that will put me back at the $1,000.
Today was payday, and I was planning on paying off CC3 but since the whole break thing, I couldn't, so I'm bummed about that.
I realize today that the woman never called me back about the plot, so it's on my to do list.
So that's it in a nutshell, hopefully things will start to look up.
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Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
January 11th, 2018 at 11:12 am
Murphy hit yet again.
After getting the brakes repaired, I realized my tooth is cracked. I'd eaten a piece of candy and thought it was that but no it's my tooth.
Then the SO and I went off to the basketball game Sunday. I'd told him weeks ago that I did not want to go, but he claimed that our friends purchased the tickets for him/us since they'd owed us a favor. I think deep down he really wanted to go.
Anyhow we go down to the game. Then we end up having dinner. I'd told him prior to leaving that I was not spending any money. Not for parking, anything. And I didn't.
So we are on our way home, he's driving and we stop for gas long story short, he hits another truck. Jumps out the car and guess what he has no license. I can't continue to live like this. The only good thing about this entire situation is that the driver of the other vehicle had no license either. Smh 🤦🏾♂️
He kept apologizing, and I'm like enough already. We have talked about this crap since August and I just can't believe you have not taken care of it. Not only that, you're calling your mother now to bill clients so that you can repair the car. Are you serious? Why not just take over the business from her? What pisses me off is that he's saying the other driver hit him, if that's the case why is bumper damaged and not the front end? Who knows. My disinter looked at the car and said that the other drive hit us but can't do a thing because he has no license.
Then we come home and the cable box is out, I think lightening struck it. Can't call the cable company because once again he has not paid his portion of the cable bill and normally they want their money before any repairs. Smh
Long story short I was able to log in And schedule a maintenance call. The technician came out and we're all set.
In the meantime I did buy a little $15 antenna it works pretty good. I'll return it though for one of the better ones that was out of stock. Once I do that, I'm cutting the cable. He can pay for it if he wants.
Fast forward I wanted to walk out of my job yesterday. That place is a joke! I realize that I never want to be in a position in that I do not want to leave, well can't leave a job. I took another look at my budget. Cut some things and tomorrow I should be able to add $379 back to my EF. I'm annoyed because that money should be going to CC3 to pay it off but I have to beef up the EF since I used the money for breaks. Hopefully I'll have the Sprint check soon, and that should put me back at $1,000.
I got the first estimate of my car $800, I'm thinking they'll reduce if I pay cash who knows. I'm going to try two other places and then put it in the shop. I'm almost certain that this will be an expense in that I occur, SO never has his share for crap. Though he did say he would and so he should, pay for it. I'm not holding my breath.
Next month we go to court, hopefully we can get this house sold and behind us. I can pay off debt and then buy a small one bedroom condo that I can pay off in a few years, rent and then move into a two bedroom villa or something
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Emergency Fund,
January 7th, 2018 at 01:14 am
Ugh I'm need of brakes, total will be $467.85, this includes fluid, disc, rotor etc. I have the EF but I really don't want to use it for that. Next Friday is pay day, I can throw about $200 of this towards the brakes and take the remainder out of the EF. Only drawback is that I won't be able to pay off CC3.
I do have a $10 coupon so that will be a bit of a savings. I'm hoping to have the check from Sprint but then, then that way I won't have to touch the EF. 🙄🤦🏾♀️
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Emergency Fund
November 10th, 2017 at 09:18 pm
Though I'd love to sock the $500+ bucks to CC2, I'm going to take the advice of Dave Ramsey and everyone here and knock out baby step 1 and fund my emergency fund. Next, I'll be tackling the debt.
In a previous post some of you commented on the wedding fund. I hadn't noticed that the fund was still in my side bar, lol. Honestly, I forgot about this account and haven't added anything to this account since I opened it. I actually had $80.88 in this account and transferred that money to baby step 1. Not sure what happened with the $20. Until the fiancé is onboard with his/our finances there won't be a wedding. New balance for baby step 1 is now at $624.21 😀
I'll still be able to add close to $200 to CC2, so I'm okay with that.
I've decided to remove the salon 💇🏽, $45 , as a line item on my next budget. This is going to be hard because this means that I won't go to the salon except once for the month. My hair is horrible to manage but I'm going to try.
For those of you who follow me, my last post for charitable items were funds that was given to church (God), my tithes. I'm definitely going to continue with that. One, I know it's the right thing to do, two, Dave Ramsey has said it's the right thing to do, lol and three my SA family has also said it's the right thing to do. But seriously, I've always given to church but not my 10%. Our church has a 3:10 challenge. Meaning for three months you donate your 10% to church, any church, or charity for 3 months and if God does not work miracles and bless you, they'll give us our money back. What I like about this challenge, is that they simply encourage us to give and it doesn't have to be to my own church. 3:10 is from Malachi 3:10, in that God says to "test Him" with our tithes, the only scripture in the Bible in that God says to test him. I can say, since I've done this, I've seen a difference in how I feel about my job, I'm no longer worried, tossing and turning at night. And by mid week next week my EF will be funded until I can hit baby 3, to fully fund it. It's strange because now every extra dollar I get, I take 10% off. The fiancé gave me $45 and I took $4.50 off top.
It's a progress but I enjoy telling my money what to do and it not telling me what to do.
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Emergency Fund
November 10th, 2017 at 01:18 am
I'd budgeted $35 for my contacts but since I didn't order them I put this money towards baby step 1 (EF) bringing the total to $548.33.
I've been wearing my glasses 👓 to save money, until I can knock a few things out of the way.
I'm a little annoyed because I got suckered into a Thanksgiving lunch at the office, costing me $12. One, I don't want to spend the $12; two, as you all know I can't stand my boss' boss ( along with everyone else on the floor); and three, we're down two people and I don't have any help with a bunch of work. Though I'm thankful for my job, this is just the wrong time.
Today was the first time in a long time that I did not have to spend a dime, so I'm excited about that.
Tomorrow is Veterans Day and I'm off. I haven't told a soul because I don't want to be aggravated. I'll wash my car, paint my toes and just relax. I'm really looking forward to this time.
Lastly, I needed some facial wash and moisturizer. Normally I buy the expensive stuff, Sephora or Clinique but I opted for good 'ol Nuetreogena this time and for the two items the cost was $11.95 vs almost $50 bucks. I ordered via iBotta for the 2% cash back. Why not? Sales tax here is 7% so at least I can save on that. Something is better than nothing.
Hmmm just thought about it, though I ordered online, I still spent money. Lol so no spend day for me.
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Emergency Fund
October 8th, 2017 at 03:31 am
I love this site. I feel like I can share things that I can't share with family and friends when it comes to my finances.
Everyone here has something to offer whether you've always gotten it right or trying to get it right when it comes to finances, you all offer sound advice without judging and I love it.
Earlier today I posted about not spending $80 that I'd budgeted for a bill I had already paid. Well Credit Card Free reminded me that I need to be gazelle intense while tackling baby step 1, so I added the $80 to EF account. SNAFU suggested that I review my gifting for the holiday season last year so I'll be taking a look at what and who received gifts last year and making some adjustments.
Honestly, I'd really like to stay away from the gift exchange at the office. I'm going to review my zero balance budget for the next period to see if I can start earlier (wish I'd started earlier) socking away for Christmas. I think $500 should cover everyone. Maybe less, we will see.
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all your help.
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Emergency Fund
April 10th, 2015 at 04:21 am
At the start of the year, I said any extra money I receive, I would pay half on the CC debt and the other half towards my $20 challenge.
I received $200 from my brother today. I tossed and turned, trying to decide if I should pay this entire amount ($200) on the CC or half. I initially said I was going to pay down CC debt when I received the money but it really bothered me that I wasn't adding anything to my challenge. So with that, I took half and paid the CC and added the rest to the challenge.
Part of my goal is to save $5000 for the year, (that will give me about 6 months worth of expenses saved) and to pay off two CCs. I must say my methods are working, I should have about $1500 saved by the end of the month, if not more, and three credit cards paid off. With three CCs paid off I can save $75 a month.
Just hoping I made the right decision
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Emergency Fund,
July 17th, 2014 at 12:09 am
Great day today. My new manager is attempting to teach me everything benefits so that I can be the next benefits administrator. I'm a little nervous and excited at the same time.
While in grad school benefits/compensation wasn't my favorite subject, even when I was studying for my PHR, I hated it. But when I say for the exam, I did very well, so go figure.
I'm hoping to be with this organization for the next five years, they're growing and I'm learning.
Today was a good day as far as spending goes. I had breakfast at home, packed my lunch, and dinner is made, so I'm add $6 to my challenge/emergency fund.
I almost forgot, my BF who held the fort down while I was unemployed for eight months, had the nerve to ask me to finance a $8,000 lawn mower. My answer was NO!
Lastly, three things that I'm thankful for:
• My friends here on Saving Advice. The support I receive here whether it's on my finances or my personal life means so much to me. I am truly thankful
• My car. Thank God I have reliable transportation without any car payments
• My BF mom is out of her coma and is responding
That's it in a nutshell
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Emergency Fund,
July 17th, 2014 at 12:09 am
Great day today. My new manager is attempting to teach me everything benefits so that I can be the next benefits administrator. I'm a little nervous and excited at the same time.
While in grad school benefits/compensation wasn't my favorite subject, even when I was studying for my PHR, I hated it. But when I say for the exam, I did very well, so go figure.
I'm hoping to be with this organization for the next five years, they're growing and I'm learning.
Today was a good day as far as spending goes. I had breakfast at home, packed my lunch, and dinner is made, so I'm add $6 to my challenge/emergency fund.
I almost forgot, my BF who held the fort down while I was unemployed for eight months, had the nerve to ask me to finance a $8,000 lawn mower. My answer was NO!
Lastly, three things that I'm thankful for:
• My friends here on Saving Advice. The support I receive here whether it's on my finances or my personal life means so much to me. I am truly thankful
• My car. Thank God I have reliable transportation without any car payments
• My BF mom is out of her coma and is responding
That's it in a nutshell
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Emergency Fund,
July 8th, 2014 at 03:22 am
Blogging keeps me honest. Even though; we don't know each other personally, I feel as though we're family and I owe to you all (and myself) to be honest while staying on too if things.
Now that I'm back working I'm also back to blogging. I really need to stay on top of this if I want financial freedom. I've done it once so I know I can do it again.
With that being said, today I made breakfast at home, so I deposited $2 to the EF. I also packed my lunch, so I added another $2 to the EF. But I ended up purchasing dinner for two for $12, adding $12 to my challenge
All in all I socked away $14 extra dollars
Tomorrow I receive my final check with Target so I should be able to put away about $55
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Emergency Fund
June 28th, 2014 at 02:16 pm
Time to start back funding the EF. I was unemployed for about eight months and pretty much depleted my savings. Now it's time to get things back to what they were.
So with that, I received my first check from Target and deposited 10% of that to my EF. It wasn't much but hopefully I can get back to where things were before my lay off.
EF Replenishment
$20 Challenge
52 week challenge (starting backwards to catch up)
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Emergency Fund
May 6th, 2013 at 12:32 am
Hi all!
I know I am not blogging as much but just know I haven't charged anything on the CCs.
Even though, I am not blogging I am somewhat hanging in there with my finances.
I am on week 23, of the 52 week challenge, trying to stay ahead. I also made a $5.00 contribution to my IRA. I usually contribute anywhere between $20-35 a week but last week was the first of the month and so many bills are due; however, I wanted to make sure I deposited something vs. nothing.
I am hoping with the extra money, from my most recent raise that I can pay off CC4. My student loan disbursement should be received and if it is what I am thinking of I will pay off CC4, 5 and 6 socking away the remainder to my EF. Starting next month even though I am not schedule to start repayment of my loan until September, after graduation, I will make $25 a week payments to my student loan. I figured that would be about $250 paid on the principal. My employer mention paying off my student loan or a portion of that, so keep your fingers crossed.
Other good news I have managed to sock away $6000 to my EF, I'm hoping to have this up by $2000 in June
In addition, I love my new job. There is just one-person who drives me crazy, but I think he means well, I just have to figure out how to deal with him.
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Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
March 7th, 2012 at 01:38 am
It's been about two weeks, and I am loving the new place. It's funny because I hardly ever think about my mom, but I will say this, when it comes to cleanliness, we are just alike.
Other than my BF daughter, things seems to be going well. I'm definitely going to have to work with her and her cleaning habits
I've still kept track of my spending but haven't really been able to sock away anything. When I get my mileage check, I'll add the $114 to the EF
Oh, I almost forgot, I really need to set up a grocery budget, things are getting out of hand. I find myself at the store every week and I really want to go twice a month ( each pay period). So we'll see
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Emergency Fund,
February 22nd, 2012 at 12:17 am
I haven't given up on saving but I've been so busy. A ton of money was spent on household supplies for the new place (i.e. paper towels, toilet paper, shower curtains, trash bins).
I did receive my tax refund and was able to sock away $1000 into the EF
The date to move in is next Wednesday, but I must say, I have moved 95% of my items. I'll be done Friday.
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Emergency Fund
February 11th, 2012 at 02:35 am
Okay I was a little nervous about withdrawing the $950 for the deposit on the new place, I really didn't want to empty my EF that I worked so hard to build up since November. Actually I was trying to wait closer to the date to move in and when my tax return was to be deposited but I said to Hell with it and took the money out .
I'm glad I did, for one my landlord/friend was really happy. Two, I got my keys early so I'm able to clean the place and clean out my storage early. Lastly, I was able to talk to my friend about keeping the electric and water in her name that way I wouldn't have to pay a deposit.
The reason why I said God works in mysterious ways is that, I receieved my mileage check today ($290) and deposited it right into my savings. Usually it takes close to two weeks for me to receive my check but this time just a few days so rather than my EF being more than less than half of what I started with this year its about half that amount and once my tax return is deposited I will be a little bit over than what I started with.
Unfortunately it will take me a little longer to pay off CC1 but that's okay
On a different note my crazy mother had my sister to call me to ask if I paid the electric and water bill. My sister was like "y'all need to stop that" I said to her she needs to stop because I'm in the next room from my mother and she is the idiot for making the phone call.
Thank God I'm getting from out of here
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Emergency Fund,
February 10th, 2012 at 01:41 am
Today wasn't a bad day, I went to Target to earn my ShopKick points. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have enought points to earn a $25 gift card which I plan on buying some paper towels, soap etc. with the gift card.
My coworker gave me three brand new shaving cream because she no longer has hair since her chemo, and she also gave me a small thing of unopened butter. I figured, total this stuff would have cost me about $12 so I'm going add $6 to my challenge/EF and the other $6 to my challenge/cc account.
Currently I'm still waiting on my BCBS gift card ($200), I plan on paying my cable and cell phone with this and adding what I would have paid to my challenge/EF. But right now I'm in wait mode.
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Emergency Fund,
February 8th, 2012 at 02:12 pm
To move that is. My mother is an evil and spiteful woman. She walks around the table so she doesn't pass me by or she'll hold onto her dress so that the tail of it doesn't accidentally hit me. For real? She is really a sick woman
Then my sister comes by and ask me again for money, really? What has changed since Saturday to Tuesday? Nothing! I'm sorry I do not have any money that I can afford to lose at this time. I think she asked again because my BF was there and probably was hoping he would have provided it to her but we have had a discussion about him spending money foolishly.
On a different note I think my BF will have the new job, the gentle who he spoke with wife called back and asked for a written estimate. Roughly the job will be about $1775, with $700 of it being our take home pay perfect for the move. Oh BF does landscaping.
Today I added $3 to my Challenge/EF and another $3 was paid on CC1 brining that total down to $144.35. I can't wait until this is paid off.
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Emergency Fund,
January 28th, 2012 at 12:14 am
My mom always says or implies that I treat my dad better than her, but here is why I love my dad.
I am not saying he is the best but, I do know he loves us:
- My dad will defend us to the end, not mom
- My dad will provide for us monetarily if need be, not my mom
- My dad always says, "I love you" my mom has told me this once in my 38 years here on this earth and when she did so it just didn't sound sincere.
Today my dad gave me $20, which I am so glad he did, I spent $20 at the gas station, so this is like a blessing to have the $20 spent earlier pretty much given back to me. But what really made me smile was when I said to him "Keep it I might need it later" he said "No take it" I said "Why are you giving me $20?" he said "Because I love you"
Those simply three words makes a world of difference, I strongly recommend that parents use it as much as possible.
My mom is so caught up in "I did this for you, you treat you dad better" that she misses out on what's important, like showing love. Yes you provided food, shelter, clothing etc. but what are those things if a person doesn't feel love?
On a different note I added the $20 to my EF, tomorrow I meet with the HOA of the new place that I'm moving into
Things seem to be moving into the right direction
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Emergency Fund,
December 1st, 2011 at 03:09 am
I can not believe it. First I made a special trip on my way home from class to Best Buy in order to earn 225 points just for walking in, and of course my ShopKick is not working properly 
Next, I go to my dad who has told me since October that he was not interested in changing his Medicare part D prescription drug plan (which I advised him to since his meds were not covered under his currently plan) but low and behold 7 days before enrollment period ends and my second day back to work after a week vacation, he wants to change his plan. Arrrrggghhh 
Then I make an attempt tp pay my Target bill online and was told I was only allowed two payments with in a seven day period, what! Now I have been using my Target card to earn the 5% discount and as soon as I get home I pay the bill. Well, looks like I have done so twice this week Good thing my minimum payment isn't due until the 6th so I was able to schedule a payment.
Finally on a good note, I still had about $11 left in my account before payday so I added this amount to my challenge/EF. In addition, I paid bills today and every bill due with the exception of one, I over estimated the total amount due so I added another $115 to my challenge/EF. Also I packed lunch, had breakfast at home as well as dinner so $6 added to my challenge.
I had class tonight, so I did not make it to the gym and I am not adding $2 the challenge, this was a good reason not to head to the gym but I'll be back tomorrow.
Total saved $132
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Emergency Fund
November 16th, 2011 at 10:53 pm
I was so tempted to buy a snack today but opted out since I am back to blogging or what I call accountability.
Today I had breakfast at home so $2 was added to the $20 challenge and I packed my lunch so another $2 was added, bringing my total to $4. Yay! More than likely I will be adding another $2 for having dinner at home
Whew it feels good to be back!
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Emergency Fund
April 28th, 2011 at 11:51 am
Blogging for me is a way to save money. It's a competition, it's also accountability coupled with some form of embarrassment if I do not save or pay down debt. So just a little thank you to SavingAdvice.
Okay yesterday I bought dinner, cost $30 so I split what was spent on dinner was also spent on saving so as follows: $15 CC, $5 towards EF, $5 towards challenge/home fund and $5 towards my personal spending account. It's funny because I have close to $200 in my personal spending account to do what ever I want and I don't want to touch the money.
I also found $10 in my room so this was split 4 ways as well. $2.50 to EF,CC, challenge/home and personal account.
Tomorrow is payday and CC2 will be paid in full
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Emergency Fund,
April 27th, 2011 at 02:09 pm
Feeling great, I feel like I'm making progress. Yesterday I paid an extra $100 on CC number 2 and today an extra $14 on CC number 3. Friday is payday so CC 2 with a balance of $500 will be paid in full I'm so excited. Then school is out and I should be reimbursed for my tuition in which CC 3 will be paid off with those funds. I'm also almost at my goal of $1000 for the EF.
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Emergency Fund,
March 31st, 2011 at 05:35 pm
Well today was payday and after paying all my bills with exception of one( have to pay when I get home) it doesn't feel like pay day. I was however able to transfer $ 25 to my EF an extra $2 on the cc balance and $2 for savings toward my challenge, so not too bad.
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Emergency Fund,
March 29th, 2011 at 01:56 am
I absolutely hate going to the store with other people or letting anyone know I am at the store. First I'm with my boss at Target who convinced me to pick up things I did not need (I have a hard time saying no). Any how after I ditched her I put all the unnecessary items back. Then I call my BF who asked me to pick up something for him, when I ask what he says anything uggghhh. Lately he's been making little comments about him always buying me stuff and I don't ever buy him anything, well I'm in the world of debt which is no ones business. I'm simply not spending money. Long story short I spent $4 so because $4 was spent foolishly I will add $2 to the EF and $2 to CC . I plan on informing him from here on out we will go dutch. I have no problem with him paying for his stuff and I do the same
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Emergency Fund
March 28th, 2011 at 06:28 pm
Trying to start over using the same method as before when I first paid off my debt. So I brought my lunch which saved me $4. I paid $2 towards my CC debt( a total of $4) and $2 towardsmy saving all in all today is off to a great start.
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Emergency Fund
August 13th, 2010 at 12:07 am
First I realized there wasn't any eggs in the house so I bought breakfast ($1.07) then what was suppose to be lunch from my job, turned out be sucky so I had to buy lunch ($5.37). On a good note, I added $6.44 to my $20 challenge--matching what was spent on breakfast and lunch plus another $1 for going to the gym today.
I cashed in my change in my piggy bank, $67.87, this was added to my EF
All in all it wasn't too bad today
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Emergency Fund,
Dining Out
January 7th, 2010 at 12:47 am
Ok woke up this morning and didnt want to spend a dime but it did not turn out that way so here it is:
Expense Categories
Loan Payment $100.00
Automobile : Gasoline $40.00
Gifts $26.64
Healthcare: Dental payment $10.00
Groceries $7.91
Dining Out $3.92
Total Expense $188.86
$10 weekly deposit to challenge
$100 transferred to EF
$3 paid on CC for dining out
So a total of $13 was added to my challenge 
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Emergency Fund,
April 12th, 2009 at 04:41 am
Ok I receieved a check (partial) from the stipend that I am doing with a local organization in the amount of $500 It was a nice surprise because I thought I would not receive this money until the end of the project. The rest is due to come at the end of the stipend.
Of course my mom checked the mail and the first thing she said was here is the check you've been watining on and me not thinkng opened the enevlope and said oh this is from P then her response was how much did you get. I ABOSLUTLEY HATE IT WHEN SHE ASK ME ABOUT MY ^&((&^$ FINANCES. So because I am caught off guard I say $500, her response oh you can take me to lunch tomorrow. When in Hell was the last time she has taken me out to lunch even on my birthday I paid for us to have dinner. She knows I am not working and every penny that I get I put in my EF to pay my bills. It just really ticks me off that she always has her hand out. I pray that I can finish school land a job and buy me a house to get out of here.
However, the check that I am expecting from another company still have not come Sorry to vent but I was so upset
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Emergency Fund,
March 28th, 2009 at 12:19 am
Well I received my tax return and of course my mom had her hand out. I usually give her $200 but since I am not working I gave her $150. I thought she would have said don't worry about it since I wasn't working but she took it anyway.... I should have known
So I wrote the check for my car, paid a $100 on the light bill, paid my internet bill, and cell phone bill all were paid early for the month of April. I'd rather have a credit than to be scrounging around next month trying to come up with the money. I also scheduled my May payment on CC number 2. Even though some of these funds won't be deducted until next month I went ahead and deducted them from my registrar.
I was also able to sock away $900 in to my savings account (this will cover two months car payments).
I should be getting my first unemployment check of about $600 so I'll pay May's car payment and put the remainder into my savings account
I forgot I got a gig next Tuesday answering the phone for $10 an hour for eight hours. This is the place in which I may intern. I went before to do some volunteer work and the HR woman really liked me but the woman she set me up with was so rude I never went back and she sense that. So when I contacted her for an internship she was really excited and then she ask me what hours I was looking for I told her I was wasn't working so any time before 5 since classes start in the summer at 4:45 anyhow she offered me this temporary gig. hmmm you never know I may get a job out of this and this place is a government agency
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