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November 29th, 2019 at 10:26 am
I’ve been wanting a laptop for personal use, then that want turned into a need when I got the consulting gig.
I went into Walmart today to get $5, Christmas PJs for my great nephews, a tradition, and a tv 📺 for my mom, she was to pay me back, I didn’t get the tv, Walmart was out. Well low and behold Walmart had a HP laptop 💻 for $149. I checked the specs and the reviews while in the store and they were pretty good, so I purchased it. I didn’t need anything fancy, just something I could take along, type notes, track things etc. This laptop will come in handy for my site visits to the facility for sure. I was told I could use this purchase as a business expense. I’ll have to check with the accountant since I’ll be using it for both personal and business, primarily business though. I’ll also have to adjust the budget, rather than paying $730 on the CC 💳, I’ll be paying $581, since I bought the laptop.
On a different note, yesterday was pay day 💰 I was surprised to see my money hit the bank on a holiday. I paid bills, the minimum on CC10, I’ll be adding the extra payment next week. I entered my student loan and car insurance payments into the registry, so that I have a better idea of my balance.
Things are a little crazy but hey, over all I had a good holiday.
Hope everyone had a great holiday.
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November 28th, 2019 at 04:22 pm
Happy Thanksgiving to my favorite frugal family, Saving Advice Bloggers.
🦃 🍁
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November 16th, 2019 at 10:36 am
I love having the ability to track my electric bill daily, it helps me to manage my usage.
Yesterday was closing and I was at $69, I figured by time the bill generated today it would be about $72. Well I logged in and the amount due was $71.84. Yay!
On average I think the bill was about $130 a month. When SO other left, it was August and that bill was $158.67, the bill has consistently decreased since he left. I’ve seen about a 45% decrease. Honestly all my bills have decreased since he left, water, electricity, cable even my food and household items purchased have decreased. Though we lived somewhat like roommates, he cost me money. Honestly, though we remain friends, I’m glad he’s gone. That’s a different story.
I can’t wait to see the bill next month. I’m in Florida so we don’t have much of a winter ❄️; however, there are days in that it’s nice and cool and I can open my windows vs using the AC.
I’m considering a timer ⏱ for my water heater. Unfortunately, after I YouTubed how to install, I think I’ll feel more comfortable with an electrician installing vs. myself. I’m also considering a smart thermostat for the home.
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November 13th, 2019 at 11:33 pm
Guess what? I may have an opportunity to pick up another consulting gig. It’s a smaller company, and I will be their virtual HR practitioner. Because it’s a smaller company, and I won’t have to go in, I’d charge $200 a month. I pray I get it. That would mean an extra $1,000 a month total.
Other news, I’ve told my sister to stop calling me about things that are on sale, well she called today about QVC’s special value, a Roomba 🙄🤦🏽♀️. I just told her okay and hung up.
I’m so glad that I’m in a better place with my finances.
Today I did dine out, $8.51, I just felt like Mexican food and I was tired of eating the left overs from Sunday. I’ll freeze the rest of the leftovers tonight
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Dining Out
November 11th, 2019 at 11:05 am
Happy Veterans’ Day to all who have served.
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November 8th, 2019 at 01:07 am
Received my first consulting gig payment today, $800. I’m so excited. My mind is all over the place on what I should do, save, debt, retirement. I realize that I really need to stay focus.
I decided to deposit the funds into my savings account and not touch it. One, my legal situation with my brother hasn’t been finalized as of yet, and the goal was to beef back up the savings to at least 3 months of expenses before I tackled the debt, gazelle intense. So the key is to focus.
I’ll stick with bumping the savings, plus I’m not sure how consulting will impact my taxes.
I was playing around with the MSMoney Software and I can track so many things regarding the consulting gig. I can track projects, mileage, invoice and document payments. I was worried about how I was going to account for these things. Feeling great about this.
Other news, things were crazy at the office, I ended up missing lunch and buying a $3 slice of pizza 🍕 on the run 🙄🤦🏽♀️
I sat in on Vanguard’s webinar EFT vs mutual funds, I think I’m more confused than I was prior. But I’m determined to learn more about investing
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November 6th, 2019 at 03:30 am
Day three for me and it’s been a no spend day. I also stayed away from sodas today 🥤 😃.
Regarding the consulting gig, I’ve managed to crank out three policies and a non-compete agreement. Thursday I go in for my weekly check in, hopefully things will go well. I’m keeping a spread sheet of my time, and mileage.
Friday, I have a HR conference, and looking forward to it. One, I always love learning, and two, I just need a day out of the office.
Health news, I finally got my mammogram done. For some reason I kept forgetting about this 🤦🏽♀️🙄. My employer has a wellness program, I received 400 points for completing the mammogram. I’m hoping to earn enough points to get an Apple Watch ⌚️. Right now I have a total of about $225 in gift cards in wellness credits, and $50 with Fetch. Not bad.
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November 2nd, 2019 at 08:09 pm
Ugh received my tax bill and it’s $2,000, the ad valorem crap that’s on the invoice, I voted no on before I owned a home. It ticks me off that people don’t educate themselves before voting on things. That’s a different topic.
My insurance renewal came in at about $950, not bad compared to other rates.
Now when I check my escrow account the balance is about $4200, so it’s obvious I’m well over. Now I need your help. Given this years taxes and insurance is about $1200 less than estimated. What should I expect? 1) will I get the money back? 2) Will it rollover to next years and my monthly payments reduce? Or 3) I’ll receive a refund, and payment will still reduce?
Next I have an event tonight, I’m wearing a dress in my closet. My sister calls to tell me she found me a jumpsuit. I tell her I don’t have the money and I’m wearing my dress. She insists on buying and I pay her back. I told her no. What is wrong with people?
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October 30th, 2019 at 02:17 am
This has been a great week. First I got the consulting job, next I received the credit, finally, from At&t for the cable boxes, now I have a $6 credit. Now that the AT&T issue is resolved, I’ll sign back up for auto pay.
I adjusted the budget for next month, since I don’t have to pay anything for cable, super excited about this. $71 saved
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October 29th, 2019 at 01:02 am
Praise God, I got the consultant job. I’ll bring in an extra $800 a month. The good thing is that I will not have to reinvent the wheel.
Plenty of the things they need, I have in hand.
I’m both excited and nervous
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October 27th, 2019 at 07:27 pm
I see that Vanguard is hosting a webinar that will discuss the difference between EFTs and mutual funds. Someone from a Facebook group posted, so I’m registered. I want to learn as much as I can about these two options.
I can’t believe that the year is almost up. I’ve started searching for a new planner for 2020. Planners are so expensive these days, but the right one definitely keeps me focused, productive and helps me to remember things. I use a planner for work mostly, I also use to track personal appointments and spending. This coming year I want to add my budget and word of the year.
Yesterday, I relaxed. I didn’t do a thing but ran to the store for a few hair care products.
As I’m typing out this blog, a friend called. He’s an accountant for small businesses, he has a client who is in need of a HR professional, so I offered my consulting services between $500-$800 a month. Pray fully this would work out. If I can get the extra cash, I’d throw all of it at my debt. Pray for me that this works out.
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October 19th, 2019 at 02:04 pm
Today is going to be a little busy.
I have to review my spending, budget and update my cash envelopes.
Later I meet a few friends for a late lunch.
I also need to put a few loads 🧺 into the washer.
The item I sold on Poshmark, received 5 stars ⭐️ so I earned $4.05.
Lastly, AT&T finally sent me an email that they received their cable boxes. My account has yet to be credited. So I contacted them, apparently, the items were received and I’ll get a credit next month. I made sure I got in writing that my service would not be disrupted. I’m saving for a modem (?) internet box, so I can return their box to them. That will save me $10 a month.
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October 15th, 2019 at 03:09 am
I think we fixed the dryer. SO came over and helped me remove the hose thingy from the dryer. We caught the devil but got it. I was surprised to see there was no blockage, we did however recover a tea light candle.
We turned it on a few times and it started to get hot. We will monitor it.
I was at my mom’s prior to heading home and my uncle was there, I’d mentioned the dryer and guess what he has one. Praise God, I won’t have to buy one. I’m so thankful.
Other news, today was a no spend day. I also walked over 8,000, surpassing my goal.
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October 13th, 2019 at 11:49 pm
So my dryer is not drying 🙄🤦🏽♀️. I have the cash to buy another but I’m waiting. I’m going to unscrew the vents and see if there is any blockage. When I Googled the issue that was what came up in the search. I pray this thing is not out and that a simple vacuum will help. I really don’t want to spend any cash.
If I have to buy another one I’ll be looking for an energy efficient one. My dad use to go to this used appliance place, I’ll check them out this week, I’m hoping to find one for no more than $150 but the most I’d go is $200. I’m seeing dryers for about $375 to about $800 for new ones.
Other news, I always get these Victoria Secret coupons for free undies, that I never use, why I don’t know. So tomorrow I’ll head into to VS and get my free item.
I went up in the attic and finally retrieved my fall decor.
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March 16th, 2019 at 10:52 am
There seems to be a problem with this site. I can’t view my previous posts or its comments. When trying to visit the site I’m constantly getting an error.
I posted yesterday and it’s gone
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December 27th, 2018 at 08:12 am
Revisited my budget planner. Noted all bills due on the monthly for January. I’m excited not sure why but I am.
I spent my evening balancing my accounts on MSMoney. I notice the month that I stop tracking was the months I fell off my budget. I’ve set aside Sunday afternoon as my day to enter receipts, update accounts, and plan. I’ve set the alarm to go off that way I have no excuse not to view my spending.
I also noticed that I had deposited and extra $177 to my HOA fund. For some reason I didn’t notice that my direct deposit had went through nor the fact that I transferred the money twice. Smh. Needless to say, I transferred it back and used the money, $141 to pay my light bill. I don’t know why that bill is always so high.
Other news I sold a dress on Poshmark, made $7.55 . This was added to the EF because I had already had the account set up. But I’m changing the deposit to the checking account so that any items sold I can add to the CC debt.
I started Rachel Cruze’s “Love your life not theirs” book, looks like I’ll be done by the weekend it’s a pretty quick read.
Hope everyone had a great holiday
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December 23rd, 2018 at 02:18 am
Made the first mortgage payment the other day, I only added an extra $25 to the principal. When it comes to this debt thing I have to do what makes me happy. The process maybe slower but t works for me.
2019 goal is to pay off CC9 by end of March. I’ll be adding extra to the CC next Friday. I realized that I can’t get this card down because it’s the only one I have not taken out of my purse, so out it goes.
Other news Christmas is my least favorite holiday, it’s the gift giving that gets me in a tizzy. I was able to set a little aside this year, for the first time, and it worked out. I told my SO not to buy me a thing. I’m not buying him anything. Only my nephews.I spent $80 on two of them and wasn’t really happy about that. My oldest nephew, he’ll get $50 bucks. My mom a $20 gift card for her nails.
Speaking of my mom, the woman drives me crazy. She’s complaining that she has four kids and she should get at least $400 from us for Christmas. I haven’t had a Christmas gift let a lone a card from this woman since my freshman year in high school and I’ve been out of school for 25+ years. I simply told her no.
Today was a no spend day, washed my hair at home so I added $45 to CC9.
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December 14th, 2018 at 10:43 pm
I hate the tough love that you all give me but hey, you’re more financially stable than me so what do I know.
Right now I have about $8,000 in my savings. It’s not on the sidebar. I’m truly OCD about having money saved just in case. It’s money I just don’t touch or look st. I actually had the funds in a bank account at least a hour away. Today I closed the account and deposited the money into my account that is close by.
Why? Well to pay off CC9. But I’m nervous as hell. I don’t know if I can do it. I know I should but I’m absolutely freaking out. I just ay this CC off my left with about $2k to my name.
I’ve been let go twice and both times I was able to manage with my savings. I am absolutely afraid. Especially now that I have a mortgage
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December 13th, 2018 at 03:58 am
As suspected the mortgage was sold. I’m so glad I did not send off my first payment. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to hold off.
Now that things seem to be settled, I’ll be sending off the payment on Friday with an extra $100 on the principal.
I still haven’t received anything from the HOA so I’ll reach out to them on the 20th.
I received a letter from the insurance company that the ORI B wasn’t signed, not sure what that was, calling them as well.
And I still haven’t received the homestead information as of yet. 🤦🏽♀️🙄
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December 2nd, 2018 at 10:25 am
I have the funds to pay the first mortgage and I’m anxious to do that. My only concern is that 9x out of 10 the mortgage is going to be sold. Should I wait until the 15th of December (due January 1st) to pay it or just send it off now? I believe in paying the bills as soon as they come in and when you have the money. I can actually pay both January and February with a extra principal payment as well.
My mortgage processor informed not to setup auto payments because it would be sold. My sister used the same company and they sold her mortgage to Wells Fargo
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September 28th, 2018 at 01:11 pm
So I’ve been socking cash away for some time to pay my car insurance for six months and to save for car repairs. I’m tired of paying monthly.
Well last week I decided to pay the insurance for three months. I’d struggled with this ( three months vs six) but I said hey just to do it. Something told me to pay only three months, it was like a nagging bug 🐛 .
Fast forward, the car broke down last night. I needed a new battery and a motor mount. I’m so glad I kept half the money saved in my sinking fund. It also felt good not to touch my EF. Though the sinking fund has decreased I’m overwhelmed with joy that cash was paid and no CC was used.
Different note, the judge awarded my brother the opportunity to purchase the house, we are scheduled to close Friday but I think it’s going to be pushed back. My attorney, smh. I don’t even want to talk about it. At least I know we can close and be done this mess. I can’t wait to get this over.
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July 4th, 2018 at 11:29 am
I’m a conservative, republic on paper. I believe in little to no government interference, I’m pro choice, pro gun and at one point, pro immigration, meaning send folks back. Border wall was and still is not an option for me. I also believe that church and state should be separate.
With that being said, honestly I am so afraid of what I’m seeing/witnessing in this country. The Republican Party that I once knew seems to be no longer. Our national debt has hit 26 trillion dollars for the first time. I’ve been trying to save, because I’m so afraid of what might happen.
The topic of immigration has been on every single newspaper cover and every station for months now, daily. Though my family traveled to this country over 50 years ago, “legally,” I felt as though everyone else should or send them back. I was born here.
Some where down the line over the last few months my heart has definitely softened. What if my dad hadn’t decided to come to the US, what would my life be like? He wanted a better life for his family, what’s wrong with that? Who wouldn’t risk their life for their children? I have no kids, and yet, I’d give up my life for my 5 year old nephew. It breaks my heart, to see people treated so badly, simply because they’re immigrants or thought to be. The comments on the news blogs are just outright disgusting
Being African American I’ve been turned down for promotions, paid less than my colleagues with less education and experience, followed while shopping, harassed by law enforcement because I look suspicious, asked deeming questions about being black, and you know what it hurts. It hurts really bad.
I read posts and people say, “get over it slavery ended years ago.” Well honestly it didn’t. Everything I listed I’ve been through and more is a part of the slavery mentality, away to oppress a group of people. I just can’t imagine what the Hispanic population must be feeling and experiencing right now.
I know that these blogs are about money but for some reason, I’m extremely sad today.
Independence Day is a day for us to celebrate our freedom and yet so many of us are still in bondage.
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May 28th, 2018 at 01:57 am
Today the SO and I went out, I'd budgeted $20 for some things for my new office. I'm in need of a rug, a broom and a swiffer.
I went to the dollar store and bought a mini duster and a broom. I wish the office had carpet. But I'll get the swiffer from Walmart.
I normally don't do much to my office or space at work because I'm always afraid of a layoff (3x already) but for some reason I really feel good about this place. I bought a few picture frames, because I want to add a few quotes to remind me how blessed I truly am. Gratitude is my 2018 word of the year so I'll definitely be adding this one.
Anyhow we were out and about looking for a rug. We went to an outlet store and I was feeling a little dizzy so I sat down. Next thing I know the store alarm is going off. I think, oh the cashier forgot to remove the tag. Well that was not the case. There was a smash and grab, smh.
I couldn't believe that I had actually saw someone running out of the store, jumping into a car with an armful of stuff. I only got partial number of the tag of the waiting car, and I'm not even sure that was right. I shared it with the cashier, sat there for a minute because I just couldn't believe what I'd just witnessed. All I could say was what is wrong with people? This was really disheartening.
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May 26th, 2018 at 01:55 pm
OMG these sweet 16 birthday parties are outrageous, right along with prom. I don't know if it's because I'm broke, or that I'm conscious about my money but what I see these parents spending on their kids is absolutely ridiculous.
Rolls Royce, Maybachs, horse and carriages, a Mercedes for a 2 year old, I can't even imagine. Everything is a theme now. It's not for me to say how someone spends their money but I just can't help but wonder, how much debt these folks are in.
Today, I'm going to review my budget, my April spending, and balance my checking and savings account, then finish up my May book. That's my fun Memorial Day weekend.
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May 22nd, 2018 at 02:47 pm
I realized that I'm super obsessed with my finances and where I think I should be. It's to the point where it has taken a toll on me.
Yes I've made some mistakes but so long as these mistakes are acknowledged and I'm taking the proper actions to correct, I'm not sure why I am obsessing over it.
I wake up, check my bank statements, read the DR blogs, over and over. This cannot be healthy.
As another blogger posted here, I need to focus on one thing and that is paying off CC5. Goal is to have it paid off by the end of July.
Other news, tonight I'll be having tacos for dinner. Pretty cheap and easy to make.
Tomorrow I start the new job, I was a little nervous but I'm super excited now. I think that I'm finally in the right place. I have my degree in Human Resources but my focus has been benefits, this position is a HR manager's role. It's for a not for profit about $3k more than my old employer, same distance. We will see but I'm definitely going in with a positive attitude.
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May 20th, 2018 at 08:35 pm
I'd budgeted $90 for my hair this budget period. Yesterday, I washed and styled it myself, saving me $45. So $25 of this will go towards a graduation gift for a friend's kid and $20 back in the bank. If all goes well next week, I'll do the same, saving me a total $40.
Any one watch the Royal Wedding yesterday? I thought it was nice, not what I expected. Though I'm sure there was a nice penny spent, everything looked so simple. Goes to show, not everything has to be over the top.
My May book is "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki, I saw a poster in one of the DR groups posts about it so I decided to read it. It's okay, an easy and quick read. I agree with some things and some I don't, that's pretty much with any book read, you'll always have some pros and cons. Like all the other books read this month, I can always take something away from it.
Later I'll be adding receipts, and balancing the check book. I'm just in chill mode right now.
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January 6th, 2018 at 03:03 pm
Well the buyer for the item I posted on OfferUp wanted me to reduce my price to $5 I said no so she canceled, said she wasn't feeling well.
I hate this selling and buying stuff.
I posted another item yesterday, a Polaroid zip mini printer, so we will see. I figured the items posted in the first quarter that does not sell I'll donate, with the exception electronics.
Feeling a little discouraged but I know that these things takes time
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January 4th, 2018 at 02:04 am
Went to Sprint to try and return these earbuds I received for Christmas and it was an utter nightmare. Every time I go, they tell me that they do not have cash. This annoys the crap out of me because you only have 14 days to return. And if I was to miss this, then oh well.
The teller tells me she can issue a check but it has to be to someone who has a Sprint account and that person can give me back the money. What! You didn't ask for an account holder when the items were purchased.
I leave the store and call corporate and they're just as bad. The rep calls the store who tells her that I have to be back tomorrow at 3pm to get a refund. Excuse me I work. Long story short, I go to another store who issued a refund check that I should receive within 10 days. The only good thing about this, is that I was not charged the restock fee of $45. I told the SO to never purchase anything from Sprint for me again. Ugh. The refund is $213 and I'll be adding this amount to CC3.
Work news, I asked my boss today for a raise and told him I'd like to know by Friday. So I'm just waiting.
Came home and the SO gave me $100. When I asked what it is for he tells me that I should use it for what ever, so I'm adding this to CC3. I'm sure this is short lived but I'll take it.
His SO debit card was hit for $100, scam. Smh, this is the third person in the last few weeks that I know who have been hit by a thief.
Today was a friend's birthday. She wanted me to go bowling 🎳 and I'm like nope, goal is paying down my debt. This same friend is wanting every one to join her on a party 🎉 bus 🚌 for her birthday this weekend, cost $30. Nope, not doing this either. She'll be getting a regift of wine from me for her birthday costing me zip. This same friend complains that she needs to get a part time or another job paying her more money because she's broke. I told her what I was doing but hey it's up to her what she wants to do.
Lastly, I'm reading "Why You Need a Budget." It's pretty good. I know why I need a budget, but my goal is to read one financial book a month and quite frankly you can always learn something new about things you already know.
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January 2nd, 2018 at 04:10 am
Well this is off topic, but I'm praying Alabama wins, this Florida girl loves the Tide.
Fingers crossed.
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January 1st, 2018 at 04:41 am
Happy New Year everyone! 🎆
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