October 23rd, 2013 at 02:06 pm
Well so much has happened.
I've officially launched/opened Kelly's HR Services. I had my first client and I made $200 but I had to put everything back into the business. Which by the way is fine.
I also had to fire my trainer due to her lack of professionalism with my first client and now I believe I have lost referrals due to it.
Running a business is not easy and it takes a lot of determination. I find myself at times somewhat overwhelmed but I just need to slow down. The official website is www.KellyHRServices.com, I actually designed it myself. Didn't have any funds to pay someone. Check it out and let me know what you all think.
In financial news, I just paid off CC # 5 and have three left to go. I'm super excited because I believe by the time February rolls around I would have them all paid off.
Things are trucking along slowly.
Posted in
September 15th, 2013 at 02:50 pm
Great news, did a little marketing and a gentleman I met with stated he has two small businesses he could refer me to.
Furthermore, I've decided to start my diet again. For every soda I drink, whether it is diet or not, I'm paying $5 on the CC. For every workout on the elliptical $3 is deposited to the $20 challenge and for every day missed $5 to the CC debt.
Also, I received an email that my diploma should be arriving shortly, I'm excited about that.
Well that's it in a nutshell.
Posted in
September 7th, 2013 at 03:11 pm
Great day, opened my small business
checking account.
Things seem to be picking up very quickly. I met with another small business company with about 15,000 clients and the owner will be adding my logo and number to all his mailings which is about 500 a week.
Also brought on my trainer who will feature the business in her monthly newsletter. Next month I'll be a judge for the Miss Florida Teen USA and my company will be featured there as well.
I'm super excited.
Please like us on Facebook KHRServices
Posted in
September 4th, 2013 at 11:39 am
Paid off CC #5 today, super excited. I can't believe I went from debt to debt free back to debt and now working on becoming debt free again.
On a side note, went by my mom and my sister was there with her grandson, my great nephew. She moved back home. Anyhow I gave my nephew a dollar and my sister says to me, "don't give him any bills only coins because I use the bills given to him." I thought are you kidding me? The kid has a piggy bank, and you're taking the paper money out. I was so disgusted. Reminded me of the time she opened a bank account for us as kids and cleaned it out.
So I hid the piggy bank in my mom's room and told my nephew not to tell his grandma. Poor kid is only three so he might
Posted in
August 25th, 2013 at 11:24 pm
Hi all!
I am officially back, if I'm not mistaken my last post was the start of my summer classes in May , which by the way was super tough.
In the midst of all that I manage to add a little funds to CC, I had previously paid off but it's under control and should be paid off again in September 
A lot has happened, first I graduated! Yay I'm so excited. I now have a masters degree, the first and only in my family. Was it tough? Absolutely. Am I glad I stuck it out? Yes
The day of graduation I received a $15,000 raise, sweet. Unfortunately the money now must be paid on student loans.
Also some more great news, I've started a Human Resource firm. Basically the company is geared toward small businesses. I'd like to the point of contact for these businesses as their human resource department but out sourced. I have my first company, a construction business started by the owner of the company I am currently employed. I'll be drafting up the contract Wednesday for her to sign. It's great for me because construction is a tad bit different with all the OSHA requirements so this will help with me gaining more experience and knowledge
Please like my page on Facebook if you can, and share a few of my posts. The goal is to hit 100 likes by the end of the month and get a little traffic on the page. Name of the company is KHRServices
Now that school is out of the way and I've started the new business I can start focusing on paying down the rest of my debt.
I have been keeping up with my 52 week challenge. One thing though I have about $7000 in my savings which is about 6 months worth of expenses. I wonder if I should stop socking away the $25 a week and start paying that on the CC? Any thoughts on this?
Glad to be officially back and don't forget to like my new business ( and share) on Facebook
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
May 12th, 2013 at 08:19 pm
As you all know so much is happening in August:
- Graduatiom
-$20k pay increase
-Moving out
I am so excited because its a few months away but I do not know how much longer I can deal with the BF.
Every month he is short, I'm sick of walking on egg shells because every Christ thing reminds him of his dad. I'm sorry he lost his dad, but it doesn't mean that I should be tip toeing around feelings every day.
For example today is Mother's Day; I too have a mom (not the best relationship) but I'd like to run by her house and not spend hours at his mom's. Also, ripping the house apart at 11pm at night looking for a pair of shoes that you already have another pair exactly like but refuse to wear because you wore them to your dad's funeral and getting upset because I asked the question why not just wear those is absolutely ridiculous just like burying the $100.
I'm just simply trying to make sure that the CC debt I have is paid off as much as possible and my raise kicks in before I move
Posted in
May 9th, 2013 at 10:07 pm
For those of you who wear glasses, I wasn't aware until today but Wal*Mart provides free refills on their brand of lens cleaning.
Posted in
May 8th, 2013 at 12:56 pm
Okie dokie, I paid off CC4, CC5 and CC6 today. Yay just a little over $2000.
Unfortunately CC3 that I had paid off in January and the BF used for a rental car (and never gave me the money)I had to pay off again ($228.00) so I did not count this one. I am not going to complain about this because it was a birthday trip I wanted and we agreed I would pay for the hotel and he would pay for the car. However, I ended up paying for everything, oh well you live a learn.
But I am super excited, I have paid off a total of 6 CCs since January and it feels good, not mention I have freed up about an extra $180 a month in minimum payments. The plan is to sock $100 away week to the EF and to pay about $40.00 a week to CC 7 and CC8 hopefully cutting these balances on these cards to half by the end of the year.
Once my raise kicks in, in August I can probably double the amounts saved a week and paid to the CC
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom,
May 6th, 2013 at 12:32 am
Hi all!
I know I am not blogging as much but just know I haven't charged anything on the CCs.
Even though, I am not blogging I am somewhat hanging in there with my finances.
I am on week 23, of the 52 week challenge, trying to stay ahead. I also made a $5.00 contribution to my IRA. I usually contribute anywhere between $20-35 a week but last week was the first of the month and so many bills are due; however, I wanted to make sure I deposited something vs. nothing.
I am hoping with the extra money, from my most recent raise that I can pay off CC4. My student loan disbursement should be received and if it is what I am thinking of I will pay off CC4, 5 and 6 socking away the remainder to my EF. Starting next month even though I am not schedule to start repayment of my loan until September, after graduation, I will make $25 a week payments to my student loan. I figured that would be about $250 paid on the principal. My employer mention paying off my student loan or a portion of that, so keep your fingers crossed.
Other good news I have managed to sock away $6000 to my EF, I'm hoping to have this up by $2000 in June
In addition, I love my new job. There is just one-person who drives me crazy, but I think he means well, I just have to figure out how to deal with him.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
April 23rd, 2013 at 03:35 am
I think by the end of the month I should have CC 5,6,and 7 paid off only leaving 8,9 and 10. Yes I know, I have way too many credit cards. I was once debt free about 4 years ago but then I was laid off and depressed and spent spent spent.
Because I've done it before I know I can do it again. It feels good to have paid off 4 CCs and its only April and now I will be paying off a few more.
The goal is to be debt free (less the student loans) by time I'm ready to move. That's another reason why I'm working so hard. My boss had also mentioned paying off my student loans. I'll bring it up again when it's close to graduation. Honestly instead of bumping me to $60k+ a year I'd rather he pay my loans and I work for him a year.
I've also manage to sock away $6000 in the EF account too 
So even though I'm not blogging I'm still on track and that's actually a challenge for me.
Posted in
April 20th, 2013 at 03:02 am
From $932.95 on 04/01/2013 to $486.95 as of today on CC 4. I'm very excited.
I know I haven't been blogging but I've been upto date on my finances, usually when I do not blog I fall short. So I'm very proud.
Also, I love my new job. I'm learning so much I can just scream because I never really had a job that I loved.
I asked my boss for a raise and he gave it to me after 3 weeks, a $2000 a year increase. He said I really hit the ground running. So I'm excited. By time I graduate I'll get another $10-15k year raise as well so long as I keep trucking forward.
Not sure how spiritual you all are but I know that God has opened these doors for me.
Grad school, more money, paying down debt, and a job I love. I'm feeling very thankful.
And if anyone has family or is in the Boston area know that my heart goes out to you and your family and friends. Glad it's over.
Posted in
April 13th, 2013 at 04:10 pm
Hi all!
I know I haven't been blogging lately but I have been keeping up with my finances.
First, I'm still battling with the numbness of my tongue and a slight ear pain from my wisdom tooth extraction. I see the oral surgeon next month and if things aren't better I'm seeking legal counsel. I do not want any money for pain and suffering all I want is my attorney fees paid and the medical expenses that will incur when I see the neurologist and any other expenses, God forbid if I have to gave surgery.
Next, long story short I never received any money from the BF for our trip in January so I ended up paying for the entire trip. Cost $600 ( car rental and hotel). This cost doesn't include gas. Oh well lesson learned, we're in April and I'm done reminding him that the CC bill is due. The good thing is the CC I used only for the car ($288) because he was to pay for the car. Plus the CC zero interest.
Lastly, I've been keeping up with my challenges. As far as the 52 week challenge goes I'm on week 20, ahead of the game 
For the $20 challenge I'm still adding $6 for the days I do not eat out and I just paid $300 on CC4 knocking the balance down to $550
So things are still trucking along, I can't wait until I'm debt free
Posted in
March 28th, 2013 at 01:03 am
Saw the oral surgeon today and was told I had a dry socket, that's what was causing the pain. So he packed it with something and I'm suppose to go back tomorrow. Feeling a little better.
He also told me he may have hit a nerve, that's where the numbness and the feeling of swelling is coming from in my tongue. The good thing is I have some tingling and haven't lost my taste buds so in a few months I should be fine.
Prior to my visit I had already researched the tongue situation and this is very common, the only problem is healing can take anywhere from 6 months to two years.
I've been in so much pain I haven't been keeping up with anything, hope I feel better by the weekend.
Posted in
March 28th, 2013 at 01:03 am
Saw the oral surgeon today and was told I had a dry socket, that's what was causing the pain. So he packed it with something and I'm suppose to go back tomorrow. Feeling a little better.
He also told me he may have hit a nerve, that's where the numbness and the feeling of swelling is coming from in my tongue. The good thing is I have some tingling and haven't lost my taste buds so in a few months I should be fine.
Prior to my visit I had already researched the tongue situation and this is very common, the only problem is healing can take anywhere from 6 months to two years.
I've been in so much pain I haven't been keeping up with anything, hope I feel better by the weekend.
Posted in
March 24th, 2013 at 09:26 pm
Okay before I start my new job tomorrow I took a week off to have my car repaired and my wisdom tooth extracted.
Now I'm thinking I should have left the tooth alone. It wasn't really bothering but when ever the temperature dropped I felt a slight discomfort. Long story short I'm still in pain and swollen. The pain has decreased someone, no need for a pain pill, but the swelling is driving me crazy. Tomorrow would make one week and I'm scheduled to start work. Ugh! How long should this last?
Calling the oral surgeon tomorrow
Posted in
March 18th, 2013 at 02:46 pm
Just had my wisdom tooth extracted for $275, thank goodness for Aflac.
I'm not feeling too good but I heard the procedure itself could be very painful, I consider myself lucky.
I start the new job next week, so I am trying to get get things done while I'm off. I'll be dropping my car off to the body shop to be repaired and then the the mechanic to take care of the motor mount issue and then she's all done.
Posted in
March 16th, 2013 at 01:33 am
Yay! today was my last day. I start my new position as HR director on the 25th, I am truly excited 
Monday, I will have a wisdom tooth extracted and then I will place my car in the shop to be repaired/painted.
2013 has really started off to a great start. Four CC paid off plus a new job and next graduation with my Masters degree.
Posted in
March 11th, 2013 at 11:32 am
I just paid off CC4, in the amount of $685 
Wish I had the money to pay off two others but I have to purchase a new computer and get my wisdom tooth extracted.
I'm also upset with the BF again, I can't wait to move over the summer. We took a trip and I ended up paying for the entire trip. He was to pay for the rental car ($287) and still since January haven't given me the funds so I have been paying on this additional CC that I had already paid off. I charged the rental on the zero balance card to keep things separate but I guess that didn't work.
In may he wants to go to D.C. but if he wants to go he must purchase my tickets I refuse to get stuck again
Well just a few more months until graduation once that happens I'll be moving
Posted in
March 10th, 2013 at 08:02 pm
Well tomorrow my tax return is expected to deposited but I'm annoyed because I now need to buy a new computer plus I'm having my wisdom tooth extracted.
I was really hoping to pay off three CCs with that money but now it only looks like one.
I'm glad I have the money to pay cash but I really wanted those CCs paid off
Posted in
March 2nd, 2013 at 08:22 pm
I finally completed my taxes, cost me $75, I should have used Turbo tax. Oh well
My tax return came out to a little over $3100 because I claimed head of the household other wards I would be owing.
So I'll be paying off my CC with the money.
Posted in
March 2nd, 2013 at 11:22 am
I gave my resignation letter to the CEO yesterday, and he wasted no time accepting it. It was almost like he was saying thank you.
There is a history behind our relationship, lets just say I hired an attorney, questioned his decision and he has been bitter for three years. Unfortunately for him all project managers liked me, not mention I did my job and did it the most efficiently when compared to other coordinators. The funny thing is, is he often asked project managers that I worked with, if I took instructions from them well, all replied yes and he would say to them he just couldn't believe it.
The funny thing is, even as new directors came on board who I had no relationship often asked me what the deal was because he would constantly ask them how I was doing, even though they replied great, but he would never ask about other coordinators. Of course I'd explain the incident, then they would have their " Ah ha moment" and often backed me up on almost 99% of things that arose. Further more, when I would be called to his office fir things that was just out right ridiculous, my project directors would advise me in advance, coach me on my response (teaching me what words to choose).
I laugh to myself because he has allowed his ego to take over his decision making and has lost one of his best coordinators. Facts, I've recruited 75% more volunteers than my colleagues combined, my audits 100%, built a great relationship with community partners and the list goes on.
As my current director has told me, I hate to see you go but it is time for you to move on. That made me feel really good.
Posted in
February 27th, 2013 at 01:52 am
Went in for an interview for an HR assistant position and ended up with the director position 
I was very nervous (scared of change) but everyone I spoke to thought this was a great opportunity for me to learn.
Yes I'm in grad school seeking a masters in human resource but I have no experience in HR what so ever but I do believe my education will help.
I also have a great HR mentor.
I'm looking at it as a paid internship, make some mistakes, learn as I go, and apply what I've learned in grad school.
I must admit I'm excited but scared as well. The facility is new, about a year old.
That's it in a nutshell
Posted in
February 24th, 2013 at 03:22 am
Saw my older brother today and he gave me $40. I was debating if I should pay this on CC 3 and then I thought, why not?
If he hadn't given me the money, I would not have had it to pay but since he gave it to me and I wasn't hurting for the money, I paid the extra cash on the CC.
It feels really good to see the CC get knocked down by so much, I can't wait until its paid off.
Called the accountant today to try and set up an appointment on Tuesday.
On a different note I am itching to tell someone but I have an interview on Tuesday for a HR assistant. As you know I'm in grad school and is set to graduate with a masters in HR management, this will be a great opportunity to get my foot wet. Keep your fingers crossed.
Posted in
February 23rd, 2013 at 06:19 pm
Went to Walmart and forgot my bank card so the BF ended up paying for my personal items saving me $6, so I paid $6 on CC 3
I am really proud of myself I have knocked that credit card down by almost $500 within one month. I am really hoping to have it paid off by the end of the next month
Hopefully I'll have completed my taxes and can submit any thing extra to two CC, we will see
Posted in
February 22nd, 2013 at 11:45 pm
Okay my BF who is always short on his portion of the bills ( and I have advised I'm moving) says to me the other day that his mom offered to pay his cell phone bill, since he is helping her with his dad's business. Well he told her he didn't need the help. I sort of understand because she is still grieving and he doesn't want to take advantage of her but he is running the business and need the money. I think once he gets situated he could stop taking the funds.
Now fast forward his mom cuts the payroll for the week and added an extra $100 with a note that said thank you. He said he attempted to speak to her and she started to cry so he didn't continue the conversation and kept the money.
Now here is the kicker, he owes as of the first over $1000, $475 of that is the balance forward from last month. But he decides that he is going to bury the $100 on his dad's grave. WTH! Are you serious? I'd rather he give the money back to his mom. I couldn't believe it. It took everything in me to keep my mouth shut. This is ridiculous especially when you're always short. I in so many words reminded him that he had a ton of bills due. This crazy
Posted in
February 19th, 2013 at 07:56 pm
I have been paying extra on tbe credit card all month, and to be honest I really dont know how much extra. The total I would estimate is about $400 thus far 
I am hoping to have this card paid off by the second week in March
Sorry but my side bar totals are all wrong; I have to go back and run the reports to update the balance.
Thats it for now just glad I'm making progress.
Posted in
February 17th, 2013 at 12:42 pm
Friday was pay day and all my bills were paid and for some reason I found myself with an extra (about)$700. I could not figure out why. But I soon realized, duh you no longer have a car payment, that saves you about $400.
I was so tempted to go shopping, it was like fighting off an addiction. Instead, we went to the museum. I was a little annoyed because I could not find my free entry pass but the clerk gave us both student discounts saving us $14. I'll pay this amount on the CC challenge. I must say the exhibit was really nice.
Also I had a $25 gift card to Brewzzi's so we went there for dinner. Needless to say we won't be going back. Dinner came to $68. We had a side salad, burger, fries, and cocktail. I thought that was way too much. Looking at the menu the food wasn't expensive but they killed us on the drinks, something I didn't catch. All in all it cost me about 47.00 with a tip. I look at it this way we had a nice time out for about $60 something we hardly do and I didn't blow the $400+ on shopping.
Next I went to my dad's who gave me $50, for no reason. He does that from time to time. So I guess you can say I made out like a bandit.
Posted in
Dining Out
February 13th, 2013 at 11:59 am
I just received the word that my friend lost her job yesterday. Apparently after three months she has not been grasping things. She admits that it was way too much and that the Agency took a chance hiring her with no experience. She said that they asked her if she wanted to finish out the month or the end of the week, I thought that was nice. She will finish out the week.
It saddens me when anyone loses their job, no matter what the reason. It really hurts.
Posted in
February 11th, 2013 at 09:02 pm
I bought a weighted jump rope because I am determined to get fit, eat healthy and lose the weight without heading to a gym.
I must say, I could barely jump for 30 secs. I thought I was going to pass out. So I jumped for one minute, took a break and jumped for another minute. Total minutes 2
Apparently while jumping rope you burn approximately 11 calories per minute. I'm hoping I can get to five minutes by the end of next week. Lol
Bit for now it's only 2
Posted in
February 11th, 2013 at 12:18 pm
Well after I posted my last post, I said to hell with it and paid the $300 on CC4 that is my $20 Challenge/debt.
I have approximately 15 days to get another CC paid off, the goal is to pay off 1 CC a month. I actually paid three off last month. So rather than watching the funds in my saving account earn very little interest while the CC racks up a lot more, I decided to knock that card down from $1385 to $1085.
It's scary because you're always thinking of the what ifs, but I have a little more than $5000 in my EF, I am slated to receive another $3000 in taxes that i plan on paying off another $1500 CC and putting the remainder in the EF account. So I should have at least 7 months of expenses if anything happens. The goal is to have at least one year though.
I will say this, it's easy to get into debt but it is hard and scary at the same time getting out.
Posted in