November 12th, 2009 at 09:44 pm
ok i had the third interview, i think it went well. I am still temping for the conmpany so I hope that gives me a little bit of an edge. I think I will be temping next week. Please keep the prayers coming it seems to working
Posted in
November 6th, 2009 at 11:02 pm
ok i was asked to temp again next week plus i have a third interview with the hiring manager and CEO. Lord I am praying for this job and I will be practicing my interview questions all weekend
Posted in
November 4th, 2009 at 04:33 pm
well i am still temping which is good, i also had an interwiew yesterday Lord I pray i get it
Posted in
October 27th, 2009 at 02:21 pm
wow when it comes to work, i have been out of the loop. Today is the second day for the temp job and i am so exhusted, i really didnt do much. my brother callled to tell nme after being layed off for over a year and the job he found in june he was just layed off again...business is slow
Posted in
October 26th, 2009 at 03:55 am
Well tomorrow I start a temporary job for the week. It is a place in which I volunteered for before and just recently applied for a job. Hopefully it will up being permanent. The pay for the week is about $4 less than my previous salary but a lot more than unemployment
Thanks every one for your well wishes and prayers i really appreciate it
Posted in
October 15th, 2009 at 06:19 pm
had the second interview that lasted about 5 mins...really. The nurse only told me what the job entailed and that was it. Its between myself and another canidate and I should hear something by the end of the day. I am so nervous that I keep checking the phone for missed calls...thanks every one for the well wishes and prayers
Posted in
October 14th, 2009 at 06:17 pm
hi all...i need all your prayers, i am going in for a second interview tomorrow for an office assistant position at a nursing facility. please keep me in your prayers, the hours are perfect as well as the benefits
Posted in
October 6th, 2009 at 11:05 pm
Well i had the interview yesterday at the hospital...i think it went ok. I also took a test for an officer manager's position and am just waiting for the hiring manager to call, apparently I did very well on it plus the unemployment office asked me to fax over an application. Lord I need a job like yesterday
Posted in
October 2nd, 2009 at 07:24 pm
Well I received my laptop back and it cost me $250, I guess its better than buying a new one. At least I have a ton of new programs.
I received a call yesterday for a job, I passed the first interview and then took the computer test. I am just waiting to hear how I did on that, for some reason I think I did really well.
I also received a call from the hospital for an insurance verification position. At this point it is not what I am looking for but the goal is to get my foot in the door learn what I can and move up the chain.
$10 was added to the challenge, I cooked dinner today...yes on a Friday
So keep your fingers crossed and the prayers coming I really appreciate it
Posted in
September 28th, 2009 at 08:05 pm
well i got a call that my laptop is ready not sure what its going to cost me but i am just glad its ready
Posted in
September 27th, 2009 at 12:14 pm
well woke up with a new look on life but now i have a terrible headache as well as an upset stomach...wow!hope i feel better soon I have so much to do today, such as: wash clothes, head to church, finish cleaning my room and sorting through papers, heading to a kiddie party and then dinner. Tomorrow I plan on heading to workforce alliance for assistance with my resume maybe its not eye catching who knows but I am praying for a job by the end of October
Posted in
September 25th, 2009 at 09:51 pm
Ok good news I am trying to stay focus as well as positive. Why I stopped blogging? I have no idea but I am definetly starting back and am glad to be back.
Well as you all know I lost my job, finally graduated, wrecked my car. Then the a/c gave out in my car, my power window also stopped working in my car, my laptop crashed and last night my tv stopped working. Oh and I pretty much cleaned out my savings. Thats what has happened to me over the last few months not to mention that i apply for at least 6 jobs a day
On a different note I am trying to stay positive, even though I do not have a regular income I have started the $20 challenge again with a weekly deposit of $10. I cranked up my old laptop and hooked up my desk top's monitor so I am officially back in business until I can get the other repaired (make sue you guys always back up files). My a/c was fixed by a family friend for $160 thank God because had I taken it to a shop I would have easily been looking at a few hundred dollars.
I went a retrieve a TV that I gave my brother a while ago but then a friend called and said he had one. My mom's friend gave me $50 today and I added that to my challenge and then the good news...I got a letter from the unemployment office that my benefits has been extended. THANK YOU LORD!
Posted in
September 23rd, 2009 at 12:05 pm
wow its been a long time and so much has happened...i was let go back in march and still have not found a job, i have managed to go through my savings, run up my credit cards and have graduated finally from college. i just want to thank everyone for checking in on me but i have just been down and out. oh my computer crashed so i am using a cell phone i will check back in in a few days. take care and i miss you guys
Posted in
May 13th, 2009 at 05:27 am
I have managed to spend over $200 on clothes and I know a lot has to do with the fact of not keeping track of my finances and now it is time to get back on track ASAP.
On a different note today was a good day at school I manage to start my paper and get my abstract done (1 page) and won't be able to start the rest until next week and I have gathered additional info from my practicum site . The goal is to have it done by the weekend.
I am surprised when my mom gave me $40 towards helping with the water bill, she is one who likes to hold onto her money and yours and yes I am thankful. My uncle also gave me $40, the water bill came to 60 (they have increased the rate by 22%) any how I have an extra $20 yippie
Posted in
May 12th, 2009 at 05:37 am
Ok I get up to head to my intern. First my alarm sounds and I decided to lay down an extra 10 minutes. Next thing I know I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off, but I am able to leave right on time in order to get to the hospital bright and early. Next I am waiting for my appointed time. When I finally go in ,the woman I spoke to tell me I am not suppose to start until next week and that she informed me of this. WHAT!!! I say to her in a polite manner, (as much as possible without trying to sound to annoyed) "I sent you an email to confirm this week" she says "you are to start after your first class and an email was sent" or something like that. So I smile and say I'll see you next week, but I am ticked off. So I am thinking maybe I misunderstood, but nope here is a copy of the email I sent her, dated Thursday May 7th:
Good morning C,
I just wanted to confirm that I will be starting next Monday and Wednesdays from 8am-12:30 for the summer internship
Her response:
Yes Amber. I will see you next week.Thanks
Now did I misunderstand?
I was so upset I forgot to stop at the college to give blood. later I head to class and it was great but then when I got home to down load the assignment windows media player there is no sound arrrrrgh, so I can't even start my assignment and apparently this is common with Vista, so I down load real player and the same thing OMG!. I emailed my professor and now have to wait for a response
So it really wasn't a good day
Posted in
May 11th, 2009 at 03:38 am
Ok classes start tomorrow, I am both excited and somber. Excited because starting class tomorrow which makes it's official that this will be my last semester and after working so hard would be finally a college graduate. hmmmm I love how that sounds, lol Somber because I start my internship tomorrow and am hoping that it leads to a job in the end. For some reason I am not nervous which is a good thing, normally I am very nervous when ever I start a job but this seems like I belong there...no butterflies what so ever. Strange
On a different note, I did some shopping this weekend and spent a ton, tomorrow or Tuesday I will calculate just how much; however, there is one shirt for $8 that I will be returning
Also my uncle really went out today for all the moms, we had so much food and music, I saw my nieces and nephews whom I have not seen in months, it felt really good.
Well off to bed, want to well rested for my first day
Good night every one and if you missed my previous post Happy Mother's Day
Posted in
May 10th, 2009 at 07:28 pm
Just wanted to wish all you mom's a Happy's Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted in
May 7th, 2009 at 01:39 am
Today was suppose to be a NSD but I just remembered I should make a payment to the dentist so I left C a message on their voice mail to charge my cc $25, actually this will be charged tomorrow so literally this is still a NSD
Posted in
May 6th, 2009 at 11:06 pm
Today was officially a no spend day, I am trying to get back in the swing of things. Unfortunately though I can not add to my challenge
Posted in
May 6th, 2009 at 07:13 pm
OK I go and get my free meal from KFC which only allow one coupon per person, so I decide I am having this for dinner. My mom comes home and I give her a coupon and tell her she should go. She then ask me where my meal is I say in the fridge her response "well you better give it to me because I'm hungry" my response "no that is for my dinner tonight eat the left over ham" Now what am I suppose to do? give her my dinner and go back to KFC because she doesn't feel like going...this is a peeve of mine with her, I don't mind sharing but do I have to share every Christ thing I am eating? Even if it is a small piece of cake and I do mean small, she wants it. It drives me crazy because she doesn't even have to be hungry she only wants it because it's there. It has gotten to the point that if I buy a kids meal and we all know how small of a portion that is (I don't eat much) that I go to the park to eat so that I can eat in peace. I hate this, I really do
Posted in
May 6th, 2009 at 06:40 pm
Just went and got my free meal from KFC which was great, I tasted a small piece and am saving the rest for dinner tonight.
Posted in
Dining Out
May 6th, 2009 at 05:14 pm
Ok this post is not about finances but about people in my life.
First my sister, even though she has not asked to borrow money she may as well had. For months my mom and I have been taking her to and from the train station and she has yet to offer any gas money. It's really not even the point about the gas it's the point that she doesn't even offer or maybe ask her sons once a week to pick her up. I'm simply tired and so is my mom, it not like she lives close. I know if she gave me $5 she would be short on her rent or lights or something, the point is just offer let me say no and ask your kids some times
Next a friend of mine, boy it is true when you see some one and think they are doing great you simply really don't know. Ok C is behind on her mortgage which is going into foreclosure, her lights were turned off and her car which was paid off she took out a loan and is now behind. Her husband was living with her and now he is gone (she was behind prior to him leaving). After being informed that her lights were off I felt really bad and sent her $20 I figured she could at least buy dinner or something I know it's not much. Anyhow she called her dad up who asked her to get all her finances in order (totals) basically he wired her $15k to pay her bills. What does she do? Buy a new laptop, fix her desk top computer, a new Iphone, buy mother day's card and gift cards her her mom, aunts and cousin---gift card? come on. Now I am pissed because I sent you $20 that I myself don't have and you basically waste the money your dad gave you. I said to her pay off your truck which was about $7k and I know her dad included this amount in the money he sent her, she tells me she can't live in a truck. Umph I say call the bank and try and get this resolve the longer you wait the more fees they are tacking on(regarding her mortgage). She says she knows. I am thinking to myself you have got to be kidding me. The longer you hold onto this money the more you're going to nickle and dime through it. I even said to her go down to the bank, in person and try and get this thing resolve, did she budge? Of course not. If I came into $15k I would pay my car off and the 1 cc that I owe. Plus she is not working. Then on Sunday she went to some festival she has dined out every day for the last few weeks and then she gets upset because her dad is calling questioning what she has done with her money...unbelievable
Posted in
May 6th, 2009 at 04:30 pm
I don't have much to report, I wanted to go to the movies today but it's either the movies today or networking tomorrow and I am not spending money both days, so let me think about it
Posted in
May 6th, 2009 at 07:39 am
Has anyone used this website? It is the best when it comes to music, absolutely no commercials and you can customize your stations...great, just great. Check it out
Text is pandora.com and Link is pandora.com
Posted in
May 6th, 2009 at 12:18 am
Hi all,
I'm just checking in, know it's been awhile but facebook has consumed me. I am still unemployed, but am really not looking (I have put in some applications). I got a B in my finance class and a C in my management class
hmmmm what else, my savings is still fairly high but for the last few weeks I have been dining out so that has got to come to an end, meaning I have got to keep up with my blogs here.
Umph I start classes next week and as well as my internship and after that I will be graduating...yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So that's it for now and thank you Ralph for reminding me that I have a family here
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
April 12th, 2009 at 03:41 am
Ok I receieved a check (partial) from the stipend that I am doing with a local organization in the amount of $500 It was a nice surprise because I thought I would not receive this money until the end of the project. The rest is due to come at the end of the stipend.
Of course my mom checked the mail and the first thing she said was here is the check you've been watining on and me not thinkng opened the enevlope and said oh this is from P then her response was how much did you get. I ABOSLUTLEY HATE IT WHEN SHE ASK ME ABOUT MY ^&((&^$ FINANCES. So because I am caught off guard I say $500, her response oh you can take me to lunch tomorrow. When in Hell was the last time she has taken me out to lunch even on my birthday I paid for us to have dinner. She knows I am not working and every penny that I get I put in my EF to pay my bills. It just really ticks me off that she always has her hand out. I pray that I can finish school land a job and buy me a house to get out of here.
However, the check that I am expecting from another company still have not come Sorry to vent but I was so upset
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
April 10th, 2009 at 09:13 pm
I printed out some business cards for my brother who sent me $20 and my mom gave me $30 about three weeks ago. I have been holding on to these $30 until the water bill came which was less this month ($48.01) so with the money that my mom gave me as well as the money from my brother I wrote the check today for the water bill this was really nice since I am watching every dime.
On a different note I did a temp gig last week and was to receive a check of $90 this week and I still have not received it I am annoyed, even though I really don't need it at this very moment but I would like to have it earning the small amount in interest. In about two weeks I should be receiving a check from the internship that I am doing with an organization in the amount of $1000 I plan on paying down my BoA cc with those funds
Posted in
April 7th, 2009 at 01:55 am
I was offered a job today and had to turn it down, had she called me last week I would have accepted. But I have since registered for school, found an internship and committed to it. Some times I second guess my decisions but this one I had no problem with and I do believe that it is God's will and I have made the right decision. I also got my unemployment check today to I transferred next month's car payment to my EF
Oh and my biopsy came back with very mild dysplasia nothing to worry about so I follow up with the doc in 6months
All in all I feel really good and excited about school
Posted in
April 5th, 2009 at 03:53 am
Sorry I haven't been around too much but I finally joined facebook and now I'm addicted, lol but so much has gone on.
I went and did a one day gig at the Area Agency on Aging and the woman really wants me to intern. I also got a call back from a job that I applied and interviewed with about a month ago. But now that I have decided to finish school I think that is the best thing to do and hold off on unemployment atleast until graduation in August
I found 4 pennies on Thursday and picked them up with out even thinking about it then found at two yesterday and was only able to retrieve one because as soon as I was going to pick up the other a woman walked over and stepped right on it 
hmmm let's see I had another interview at the hospital for a part time position and the guy was so nice he have me a bunch of numbers for leads on possible internships for the summer. Well guess what one worked out and I will be interning at the hospital for the summer I am so excited because this is where I would like to work in the long run. Well that is it for now
Posted in
March 28th, 2009 at 12:19 am
Well I received my tax return and of course my mom had her hand out. I usually give her $200 but since I am not working I gave her $150. I thought she would have said don't worry about it since I wasn't working but she took it anyway.... I should have known
So I wrote the check for my car, paid a $100 on the light bill, paid my internet bill, and cell phone bill all were paid early for the month of April. I'd rather have a credit than to be scrounging around next month trying to come up with the money. I also scheduled my May payment on CC number 2. Even though some of these funds won't be deducted until next month I went ahead and deducted them from my registrar.
I was also able to sock away $900 in to my savings account (this will cover two months car payments).
I should be getting my first unemployment check of about $600 so I'll pay May's car payment and put the remainder into my savings account
I forgot I got a gig next Tuesday answering the phone for $10 an hour for eight hours. This is the place in which I may intern. I went before to do some volunteer work and the HR woman really liked me but the woman she set me up with was so rude I never went back and she sense that. So when I contacted her for an internship she was really excited and then she ask me what hours I was looking for I told her I was wasn't working so any time before 5 since classes start in the summer at 4:45 anyhow she offered me this temporary gig. hmmm you never know I may get a job out of this and this place is a government agency
Posted in
Emergency Fund,