Archive for May, 2006
May 24th, 2006 at 02:35 pm
Well yesterday for some reason I had extra .80 cents in my account that I transferred to the challenge and could not figure out why, it was because I entered a transaction in as a withdrawl instead of a deposit. So today I show my account with $2.40 extra after making the correction but I am not upset becuase I just added this amount to the challenge
brining my total to $486.83
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May 23rd, 2006 at 11:11 pm
Well I spent no money to day so I will add $1.00 to my challenge money on top of .80 for some reason I have .80 cents extra in my checking account so in keeoing with the stride of things I will deposit the 'loose change" I like to call it to the challenge, bringing my total to
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May 23rd, 2006 at 10:56 pm
Ok it's bad enough I ate out yesterday, but the company charged me twice. Now once again I will be trying to get funds refunded to me, in less than a month. Last time it was the bank's error and boy was it a pain trying to get that money back. Anyway I am out $17.80 until the person that handles the charges comes in tomorrow to credit my account, but in the mean time I will contact my bank. Boy this is like a nightmare, when it comes to electronic funds and trying to get the money owed to you back. I guess that is what debt collectors go through in order to get the money owed to them
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May 23rd, 2006 at 05:19 am
I have not bought the Sunday paper in a while. I use to buy it all the time when I lived on my own in order to cut out the coupons (to save, I don't know why I ever stopped). Any way I decided since I am working this part -time job why not, well I went through every piece of that paper and jotted down all the items that I purchase on a regular basis and I did some comparing...lol. I have to laugh becuse friends say I am cheep but by doing do so or being cheap as they call it I saved $.41each on propane gas, getting ready for hurricane season, and $.83 each on a 12 pack of coke so you tell me. It is the small change that matters look at my challenge money, mostly funded by small change
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May 23rd, 2006 at 05:06 am
I don't know how some of you feel about used items, but my brother who works for a waste management company found/pick up
at dumps in "rich areas" anyway he gave me some of the items he found really nice..I washed them then sent them to the cleaners. I was able to get really nice summer shorts and tops and some old winter jackets/blazers. It's like shopping with out the spending. But what amazes me is that so many people out there need these clothes and people with money just dump them in the trash when it's out of style or they simply don't want. Sad
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May 22nd, 2006 at 11:51 pm
The money I set aside for the challenge I was actually using/saving towards a new home, but I think once I get to the $500.00+ mark and my brother pays me back I am just going to take the entire amount and pay off my high interest cc (30%) 
Since I have the part time job now, I will be able to fund it very quickly and I am still depositing $25.00 a week. That way I figure I would be saving a lot more. Right now I owe about $1200.00 on the cc and my brother owes me $465.00 so I figure with in the next couple of weeks it should be paid. Hopefully he will pay me with in the next couple of weeks, this is the first time that he has not paid me right away so I figure he must be strapped. I am not complaining because in the mean time I will continue to add to the challenge but atleast I know this CC will be paid in full no later than June 15th that is my goal. Even if he deosn't pay me back I'll have two checks by then from my part-time job of about $425.00
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May 22nd, 2006 at 11:03 pm
Well purchased a sanwich today and also treated some of the guys here at work (the ones I like) so my wasteful spending for the day was $11.20 so I had to add this same amount to my challenge money brining my new total to $482.63
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May 22nd, 2006 at 10:35 pm
Well that was short, my boss is back speaking to me ...lol all I can do is laugh she is in her 50s and acts like she's 3 too bad for me she speaking to me again. Darn
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May 22nd, 2006 at 01:19 pm
My boss is an idiot she is one of those people who is never wrong...once she told me the Vatican was not a country lol and when I prevailed she did not speak to me for days. Any way I notice for about a week she has not spoken to me and why I really don't know nor do I care...lol The only reason why I even decided to blog this is because she is much older and act as though she is 3, it's funny beacuse no one in this office likes her lol and she thinks by not talking to me I am upset well she has done me a huge favor. She' going to be more PO'd when I tell her I can't work her little night shift next week lol and I am going back to my days lol
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May 22nd, 2006 at 04:55 am
Well today was a spend day for sure. I had to get my meds and lunch for the weekend job,as well as for the week.But once again by rounging up I added $.82
to my challenge money bringing my total to $471.73. $29.00+ more dollars and I would have not only met my $100.00 goal but $200.00 for saving this month I wonder if I will do it by May 31st?
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May 22nd, 2006 at 04:50 am
Today was my first full 8 hours an on the part-time job and it went well...thank God I did not get any 911 calls but I am sure it is coming working with seniors, but all was well
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May 21st, 2006 at 12:38 am
Yes I found the missing 10 cents, I entered a transaction wrong. I am not going to only transfer 10 cents to my challenge money to keep my account at whole dollars only and no change. So since today was not a spend day I will add $1.00 as well
New total $470.71
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May 21st, 2006 at 12:27 am
I am trying to balance my check book and I'm off by 10 cents The sad part is I can't find it....I am going crazy
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May 21st, 2006 at 12:19 am
I met Flip Schulke a famous photographer, the one who developed a lens for under water shooting. Any way he knew Martin L. King and his family and took a number of phots including the one with him and his son looking out the window. To make a long story short he gave me a book and autographed it as well
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May 20th, 2006 at 08:29 pm
Went to orientation today and worked a few hours (5 hours to be exact)it went pretty well I am very comfortable with the position. I am making $8.50 an hour not bad for part-time I guess and my first paycheck will be June 2nd, the only problem with that is I'll be getting paid the same week as my full-time job
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May 20th, 2006 at 02:41 am
After reading someone's blog last week I went on a ton of website looking for free stuff and coupons (thanks). Well I got my free tampons (sorry guys) today and $3.00 off any Herbal Essences product yeah!!!! I'll use the $3.00 for hair color that I desperately need. Now I am waiting on a ton of other coupons and free products as well, can't wait
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May 20th, 2006 at 02:28 am
Well I go into tomorrow for orientation for my part time job. You would think I was applying for the CIA with all the stuff they take you through. But don't get me wrong I am glad to have a part-time job because marketing part-time is not cutting it. But any way I had to do a drug test, back ground check, TB test, training now orientation...I do get paid for it (training and orientation) but my God is it really necessary to train some one for two days 8 hours to answer the phone. I mean I have oever 10+ years in customer service and mamangement but it's their policy.
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May 20th, 2006 at 02:21 am
Once again you guys gave me a new idea, I think now I am going to save all soda cans and turn them in. I drink a lot of oda and figured I'd better get some of my money back. I 'll have to research as to where I can turn them in and how much per pound ( Iwonder if it will be worth it) but I will add what ever I get to my challenge money
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
May 20th, 2006 at 02:01 am
Boy am I upset...I am able most of the time to obatin my MSN money file online at any computer. Well I entered in some transaction today and now that I am home I am trying to access my account and update my home file with my online file, well low and behold I can't, there is something going on with the program. I have shut down and restarted a 100 times and now I give up. Hopefully it will be up and running tomorrow so that I can have the correct balances on all my accounts
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May 20th, 2006 at 01:19 am
Treated myself to dinner out spent $5.95
so I am adding $5.00 to the challenge as wasteful funds and $.05 (rounding upt the change )now brining my total to $469.46.
Because I feel as though I am back on track, eating out did not bother me at all
Posted in
May 19th, 2006 at 06:50 pm
Well there will be no dollar added to the challenge today, I spent $8.50 at Target, needed some personal things but I was able to add $.50 to the challenge (rounding up the change) new total $464.46
I am just moving right a long My goal is to have $1500.00 by the end of the year and $15,000 atleast in 3years
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May 19th, 2006 at 02:40 pm
For the longest I have been try to challenge myself to a no spend day, and yesterday was the first time I did not spend andy money so I will add a buck to my $20.00 challenge...I hope I can keep it up
Challenge money $463.96
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May 19th, 2006 at 01:34 pm
Well my family and I has this thing we call the "Parnder" each week one will set a side a certain amount of money, let's just say $25.00 and at some point you get your draw (the amount you put into it) Well now it is coming to an end and since hurricane season is rolling around I will be unable to do it..in way I am glad because atleast I can earn interest on the money that I would have been putting in, the only sad part is I won't get the draw or a big lump sum right away. Don't get me wrong becuase I was never one to save and this helped me to save for my car insurance. But to make a long stroy short I decided to transfer those funds weekly to my ING account..hopefully I will keep up with it. Starting from next week to December 31st I should have $650.00 + interest
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May 18th, 2006 at 11:29 pm
Well I finally got my first referral since I have been marketing now for about 2 months hopefully everything will go well. The patient is going to our other office and those guys and be a bit cheeky
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May 18th, 2006 at 02:04 pm
Well I made a huge mistake I owe $125.00 on a CC that is not due unitl 6/15 but I wanted to pay something on it and then in two weeks pay off the remaining balance...well need less to say I paid the wrong CC company and of course I can not get that money back..boy oh boy and yes I am adding this amount to my challenge money because it was a silly mistake , becuase you have the option of viewing your payments and of course I did not do that. So litterly I have wasted $50.00 
New challenge balance: $462.96
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May 17th, 2006 at 11:22 pm
Being lazy I did not return my library books which ended up costing me $4.70 
Can you believe it, all because I was too lazy. I could have bought a paper back book, or lunch or something; but no I had to pay the public library. Now because of a "lazy mistake" or a "stupid transaction" in which I like to call them I have to add this amount to my challenge money as well as the .70 cents for rounding up, a total of $5.00 OH BOY
I better take those movies back before I am charged a late fee as well
New challenge amount $437.96
I am entering blogs like crazy today I guess I have a lot to talk about..lol
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May 17th, 2006 at 10:50 pm
Well my brother stuck me again he just called to borrow money, not that he deosn't pay back...he deos but the point is he is always borrowing. I had to pay his CC bill $238.66 so now I add .34 cents to my challenge but now he owes me a grand total of $464.00 which I can't really have outstanding. I like to see my money in the bank earning interest. But at least I know I will see it because if it was my sister or a certain friend I may never see it
Challenge/New home now at $432.96
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May 17th, 2006 at 10:31 pm
Well since I have started this challenge my previous goal was to round to the nearsest dollar when ever I entered a transaction into my register and to add this amount to my challenge money. Since then my goal now is to add $100.00 a month and I must say today is the 17th and thus far I have added an additional $32.62 to the challange I am sooo happy because it seems as though I am back on track.
Now with that said I have added $1.50 to the challenge and now I am at $432.62
Yeah!!!!!!!! I am on my way to home ownership
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May 17th, 2006 at 07:10 pm
You know I normally keep plastic utensils at the office in case I forget mine...well low and behold I am out no one ever buys them just me well because of this I was upset and ended up leaving and buying lunch, cost me $8.99 now of course I have to add this same amount to my challenge money, because it's money wasted. But then I went to buy ice cream an d the machine took my $1.00 but the clerk gave me a refund so it only cost me .25 therefore I added to buck to my challenge money. So the grand total for my challenge money is $431.12
that puts a smile on my face
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May 17th, 2006 at 01:02 pm
If you have an ING account, there is a contest (unsure of the name) that is giving away $15000 for the best essay based on how ING helped you save money and why you think you should receive the reward, also several runner ups will receive $1500
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