Viewing the 'health' Category
April 7th, 2009 at 02:55 am
I was offered a job today and had to turn it down, had she called me last week I would have accepted. But I have since registered for school, found an internship and committed to it. Some times I second guess my decisions but this one I had no problem with and I do believe that it is God's will and I have made the right decision. I also got my unemployment check today to I transferred next month's car payment to my EF
Oh and my biopsy came back with very mild dysplasia nothing to worry about so I follow up with the doc in 6months
All in all I feel really good and excited about school
Posted in
March 6th, 2009 at 01:40 am
Well I got most of my to do list done:
Grocery shopping----
Traffic ticket---done
Buy lotto for work----
Only reason why I didn't go to the library to study, the gym and the grocery store is because on Thursdays I give my sister a ride home and on my way back the gym , library and the grocery store are on the same route so I figured I'll save gas and make the trip when I picked her up. Well of course at 5:30 the time that I should pick her up, she called to say there was no need for me to. I was so ticked off because my dentist and doctor are in the same area and my plans were to go after I left the doctor's but because I was cutting it close (as usual the doctor had me waiting) I decided to go home (across town) so that I can pick her up on time and missed my opportunity to do the things that I needed to do
And spending, wow I spent a lot. I anticipated that my crown for the implant would be about $400 close to the last one...nope try $1300. So I used the cc to pay half and won't be going back for the crown until I have the money for the other half. It's my own fault because I should have asked and not make any assumptions.
$25 for gas
$35 MD this went up $5
$650 Dentist
Posted in
December 20th, 2008 at 04:44 pm
When ever I go to the dentist it always cost me an arm and a leg, today was $150 but I am too upset to go into details. Any how I went to Penney's and got 1 Christmas gift for $2.28 I love those Penney's coupons. Next hit the gym so $2 applied to the cc
Posted in
August 24th, 2008 at 04:02 pm
I have had two no spends days (Saturday and Sunday) I have stayed in all weekend not even moving my car 
Today I did laundry so $3 will be added to my EF (goal is now to get to $2000) because I line dried 3 loads. In addition, my co-worker on Friday gave me a gift card for Sweet Tomatoes ($10) so I added this to my EF as well.
New total $1554.05
On a different note, I finally got my bridge in on Thursday which cost me another $450. I wasn't expecting this I thought when I paid the dentist $800 the last time that, that was it but I guess not. So $450 was deducted from my EF
So far this year I have spent $3270 on dental work and I have not even started the implant as of yet
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
August 11th, 2008 at 01:53 am
I had planned on hitting the beach early but my plans got all screwed up. The dentist called stated she would see me at 11:15am but when I called back to confirm no answer. So I stuck around for awhile and still no response, her husband called and stated he would meet me if she did not respond. So on my way to Blockbuster's(after no response) to return a movie for my uncle she calls but guess what she did not have a key to the office...hmmm
Anyhow to make a long story short I have to lose an hour from work tomorrow to go to the dentist. I can't understand why this temporary keeps coming off, I don't even eat on that side.
Anyhow I finally made it to the beach only to be there for 30 minutes and have the skies to open up. Then I could not close my beach chair, can you stand it? So now I am carrying all this stuff in this thunder storm along with an open chair that I had trouble getting into my car
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
August 9th, 2008 at 04:30 pm
I am very nervous, I am having all this dental work done and my bridge is costing me about $2500. It has fallen out three times all on a weekend. Now I know this is a temporary but I have had work done in the past and the temps never fall out. A call was placed to the dentist and if I dont hear from them by noon, I'll call the emergency number. No way am I going all weekend with missing teeth
Posted in
June 21st, 2008 at 06:20 pm
Went to the dentist and he recemented the temporary bridge with some packing as well. Then I went to my sister's to help them move some stuff and now I am home relaxing.
I am tired, I wanted to go to the beach but changed my mind
Nothing else to report
Posted in
June 21st, 2008 at 08:19 am
Ok I am laying down watching TV and I hear click/pop. Remember the $1250 (total when completed will be $2500) that I spent on my bridge? Well the bridge fell out arrrrrrrrrgh. Thank God it is not broken and I am going to the dentist in the morning and I better not be charged because I told him on Thursday that it felt like a suction when I ate and he was to put in some type of a packing on Saturday which he should have done anyway. I am sure the pulling I was experiencing contributed to it coming out
On a different note, I am sure I have complained about my mom and money before. If you have a nickel she wants half and it drives me crazy. I received $43.91 yesterday from the phone company and my mom and her friend was here when I opened the mail and what does she say to me "you better give me that check" I was so PO'd I simply responded this is gas for my car. I hate when she does things like that it drives me crazy and a another bad habit that she has is constantly eating my lunch or dinner; not because she is hungry which wouldn’t bother me but just because. I can have a half of a sandwich left from lunch that I am having for dinner and starving and she’ll just finish her dinner and still want half of that. It drives me nuts, I finally said something like I would like to eat in peace some times and now she sits and stares at me while I am at the table. I hate the begging of it, especially since she doesn’t need to. I know it may seem selfish but it drives me crazy and she is getting worst or maybe I am because now at times (a lot lately) I would simply stay in my car and eat or go by my dad’s
Speaking of dad I filled out his stimulus paper work with the wrong SSN (first 3 digits) I hope it doesn’t screw up his chances for a refund
In regards to my sister my nephew said he thought she went to the hair salon yesterday. WHAT! You are in the process of losing your house and you are at the hairdressers? Unbelievable. My nephew wasn’t sure but I am almost positive she was. I gave her a $100 yesterday because I had some things in her garage that she took to the storage and I am sure she used this for her trip to the salon, unbelievable
But in the end I added the $43.91 t my challenge
Posted in
June 11th, 2008 at 01:17 am
Ok I went to the dentist today and it cost me $150 for the extraction which I thought was including when I paid half the money for the bridge ($1250) any how I have the temporay bidge in and it will be in for a while. I can't afford this. I have paid so much money thus far on my teeth it is crazy. I have depleted my savings and now I am taking money from my house fund to pay off the CC in which I charged my dental work and my new laptop. Thank God I get paid Thursday from my part time job, which I may not have because now the boss wants me to call her which never is a good thing. I have no idea what is going on but I will soon find out
Posted in
June 1st, 2008 at 10:24 pm
Added my weekly deposit of $25 to the challenge, so my new total is $5876.51. I also went to Macy's today to pay a $20.21 CC bill. Thank goodness I caught it because I would have ben hit with a late fee after today. I never use this card (I guess I did) I usually use the BoA CC because I get points. Maybe I pulled this one out by mistake.
Oh I forgot to post the other day I went to the dentist and the tooth that was extraced is healing nicely, but the tooth that I needed a bridge on fell out. All I could do was laugh, at least I was at the dentist. So I use the CC and paid half for the bridge which is more than the implant ($1250 charged on the CC)
This was a short pay period week but the next time around I'll pay half on the CC since I added the new laptop as well
Posted in
May 31st, 2008 at 05:08 pm
First my co-worker comes up to me and ask if I would like to order lunch and I assume he is paying since he owes me $10. Anyhow we order and guess what? I paid $10 for my lunch. I actually paid about $2 more than I should have because he did not have enough arrrrrrrrrrrgh. I was so upset, because I had packed my lunch and now I was short $10 for my monthly budget for dining out, plus it wasn't that great.
Next my computer finally gave out so I bought a new one for $900 returned it for a cheaper one which I really don't care for but it saved me about $300 and it gets the job done. But now my file for MS Money which I backed up on my new hard drive won't open so I will have to re-add all the data on this computer. At least my school stuff was saved and uploaded
Next I go to the dentist and the extraction is healing very well (getting an implant) But when I went to get the impression for my bridge on the other tooth (which I was having problems with, that is why I switch dentist) the tooth fell out. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh. It's been one thing after another.
On a different note, I saw on freecycle that a perfectly good washer and dryer was being given away so I responded, hope I am the first. I am starting to look for things that I will need for my new house.
I haven’t bought breakfast for the last two days so $2 went to my challenge and $2 went to the EF
New total for the challenge: $5837.22
Posted in
Dining Out,
May 23rd, 2008 at 02:59 pm
Finally this tooth that has been giving me trouble was extracted today and I did not feel a thing. But now I have a canker sore on my tongue...it's never ending. After researching it says that they can be triggered from Motrin (which I was taking for the pain) and stress, of course I have been with this tooth
But all in all it says to allow a few days for it to heal itself
Posted in
May 20th, 2008 at 06:05 pm
Well I went to the oral surgeon and he will extract and place some packing in for the implant on Friday, today was a no charge thank goodness. I must say since I have been icing this tooth and started a different antibiotic I am feeling much better; so I am going to try and go in tomorrow, hopefully I will as good as I am feeling now. It is going to cost me $410 so I went ahead and paid it that way Friday I am in and out
Thank goodness for my EF because Murphy has been bugging me lately
Posted in
May 19th, 2008 at 11:50 pm
Went to the periodonist today who said I have a fracture and the tooth must be removed, so off to the oral surgeon. I experience the worst pain today and have been icing it all day, now I see how people get addicted to pain meds, I had to stop myself today. What a terrible feeling. I tried to work a little today and the pain,OMG. I found myself being rude to patients
Now I am starving
Posted in
May 18th, 2008 at 04:16 am
I finally built up the courage to apply for the $50k grant for first time home owners, well printing out the paper work and filling it out. It is just a matter of turning it in on Tuesday, since I work all day Monday. Even if I do not get the full amount I would be happy with anything.
On a different note I am little annoyed I ordered one of my books on half.com that stated soft cover and it came today but was the international version. When I emailed the seller she said soft cover meant international which is not true, I have ordered and bought soft cover textbooks both on line and at the college bookstore that were not international and now I think she does not want to give me a refund, but I am waiting for her response and if she doesn’t she will definitely get a negative feedback. She should have noted that the book was an international version like every other seller
Furthermore, the swelling from my tooth has not gone down and I have been on antibiotics since Thursday, now I can say I am still experiencing pain but not as much as before. I don't know if this is from the pain meds or not but what I can say is I AM SICK OF THS &*%%& TOOTH ACHE!!!!!!!!!
Posted in
May 17th, 2008 at 10:59 pm
I still have a tooth ache so I won't be going to the baby shower, nor will I be going to help set up for the Cystic Fibrosis walk. I have been in the bed pretty much all day, but I need to head out to Publix for bread and o.j. I was able to complete my assignments for my marketing class but need to start reading the next two chapters and I just don't feel like it. But I'll see how I am feeling later
Posted in
May 17th, 2008 at 12:11 am

No luck at the dentist the only thing he says he sees now is a little swelling, which I think is from the deep cleaning he did when he was trying to give me some relief. He did change my bite that way when I bite down on the other side I feel no pain. Anyhow he wants me to see the periodontist (cha ching) but I have no choice if I want some relief
Posted in
May 16th, 2008 at 02:34 pm
I woke up yesterday with the worst tooth ache, I was dying over here. Anyhow I had cancelled my appointment because I was feeling better earlier in the day, luckily I was able to reach the dentist who called me in an antibiotic. When I asked if he would and gave him the number to Walgreens he says to me why don't you go to Publix it's free. Because I did not have the number he looked it up for me and called it in, when I went to pick it up it was free, saving me a $15 co-pay How nice. I woke up this morning and I am a little sore, but I am feeling better. I did not go into work today because if this flares up again I want to be able to go straight to the dentist, it's hard to leave once you are at work. Seems as though the antibiotic is working, wish I had known before I spent $185 the other day
On a different note, today was payday so I checked my balance and found a nice little bonus which I immediately added to my EF 
I paid bills today, paid my cc in which I charged my tuition but I still owe about $100 on it. I use it to accumulate points and since I have been under the weather I have not entered all my transactions, must do that today in order to stay cc debt free. I paid the cable and phone bill added $50 to my challenge and paid the extra $50 that I am no longer adding to my IRA but to the auto loan principal in an effort to have that car atleast half way paid off by the end of the year.
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
May 14th, 2008 at 03:15 am
Today I spent a ton of money. First I bought breakfast, then I went to the dentist (thank goodness I had an EF). I have had a tooth ache since Friday and the dentist could not see what was going on, I had a small cavity which he filled and some debris from the last dentist that he was supposed to had cleaned out the last time I was there and I guess he didn't but any note it cost me $185 and because I have not eaten a real meal in about 4 days (soup only ) I treated my mom out to dinner again and that was $25. But my tooth is aching me again then we went to Bealls Outlet I I spent $19 on myself $10 for my mom and $5 for my sister. Hit the gas station and $57 later I am annoyed
I can see why people OD on pain meds my tooth is killing me and I have been taking motrin all day, back to the dentist
Posted in
Dining Out,
March 19th, 2008 at 02:05 am
Today was payday and I had a nice little surprise... a 75 cent raise. I wasn't even expecting that, so I have to call the bank in order to up IRA contributions(mental note).
I also paid off one CC, all my bills that are due by the 4th of next month and added $20 to the challenge.
Got my window fixed as well, when the glass was replaced they forgot to reset the motor but on a different note $85 was spent at the dentist. Now he wants to see me in two weekes because after his probing things do not look good so I am trying this mouth rinse, maybe it will hlp
Posted in
February 17th, 2008 at 07:29 am
I have been so busy with this accounting class that I forgot about everything else.
As you all know this is my third time taking this class but it looks like I just may pass it this time. I got a 100 on both quizzes and 80% on the test in addition to 8 extra credit points. But as far as my planning in health care class goes, I bombed that test I had no idea what was on it; I guess I have been too focused on the accounting.
Anyhow I have not been adding to my challenge, I guess because I have not been blogging like I usually do and that means additional wasteful spending. I don't know what it is but if I am not blogging and making myself accountable I am spending
And this weekend I was hit with the flu. Friday two of my co-workers called out sick and one went home early and by lunch time my throat was so sore and red, by time I got home I was sick as a dog. I had some expired Theraflu and took my chances (I do not recommend this to anyone) but by Saturday morning I was feeling a little better. But low and behold it struck again this time by my chest was included and I was all congested so I got up want to CVS with my windows up and no a/c on, thinking if I sweat enough it may help . This was not a bright idea because by time I got home I felt like I had a hang over. Anyhow I bought everything you can think of for the flu including more Theraflu which is a God's sent because after I made it home, and slept for hours I felt better to go to work. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be back to normal
Posted in
November 21st, 2007 at 03:12 am
I never used them but I did today and saved $1.50 so that was added to my challenge.
I have also been doing very well with the dining out this monyh only $15 was spent 
but I went to the dentist and that set me back $425 plus I'll have to pay another $425 for my crown This really sucks
Posted in
September 24th, 2007 at 11:42 pm
Went to th dentist today for a second opinion and of course I was right my dentist screwed up my tooth. Firts the crown was not fully on and the cement that was used was getting into my tooth. $200 later and I am PO'd. Now it is going to cost me another $850 with the new dentist to repair he did suggest that I go back to her and her to correct it but I have been there twice and the problem as not been fixed so I'd rather pay the money that I really don't have and get it taken care of. I did however charge today's service but I am taking the money from my EF to pay it off tomorrow 
On a good note, I finished my class project, I have no idea if it was done right or not at this point I don't care but we will see. I also added $25 to my challenge brining my new total to $4238.35
In regards to my car I got a ton of calls so hopefully it will sell by tomorrow
Posted in
September 19th, 2007 at 03:53 am
What I have learned is that if I am not blogging or reading other blogs about finanaces, I fall back into my old ways and that is wasting money. I have been busy with school (3 classes this semester) and have not had time to catch up on my blogging or finances. I have done a ton of shopping so I guess I have fallen off the wagon. It is time to get back on track and make some serious changes.
I paid bills today and made some deposits to my challenge and IRA but my cc debt has risen to about $900 (I will update the total later) but atleast $700 of that is for school
Anyhow, I just wanted to give every one heads up and let you know I am still alive
Added $53 to the challenge
$205 on cc
$143 towards car (saving a little extra towards extra payments)
$30 EF
$10 misc account
$50 for IRA
$44 on water bill
$64 for Cable
$15 for meds
$20 tithes
$35 dentist (had some swelling)
I am still waiting on a check/deposit from Amazon for a book sold which will go towards my cc/school transactions
and I got an extra $5 to for a survey so I am adding this to the challenge as well
Posted in
August 28th, 2007 at 08:51 pm
That’s it; it is time for a new doctor. As every one knows I go in to see the MD every three months because of my abnormal paps. Any how I had a biopsy the other day and the results were in , well the nurse who is very rude called to tell me I needed to make an appoint so I said to her if I am simply making an appointment to come in to be old to make another appointment in three months I can not afford that (that is what happened last time and I was charged $30) Well that was last week, well the doctor called to tell me it is their policy to have the patient to come in , as I was about to say ok let me schedule she then said and besides your insurance doesn’t pay that much anyway. Well I was PO’d, it wasn’t my idea that she sign up an accept BCBS fee schedule. So I am immediately terminating my relationship with that office
Posted in
August 26th, 2007 at 04:54 am
Went to the dentist on Thursday because my crown (that was $900) cracked after chewing gum. Any how when I saw the dentist the week before I was told that they have this new machine and they could replace my crown in the office with in an hour and a half. Well I got my crown alright, but with some serious pain for the last 3 days plus a 3 hour stay at the dentist with my mouth wide open.
First of all, I thought they were going to remove the old one, take a mold of my tooth, give me a temp and reschedule me for the permanent one. No they did surgery on my gums and I still don’t know why and placed the new one on (3 hours later) I am positive that I was a ginny pig for this new machine they have…it seems like he was just learning how to use it and now I am so sore because he did some laser surgery on my gums. I had to call them up today to have pain pills and antibiotics called in
You know I wish they had been honest from the start but after they started on my tooth what was I going do
I knew after I paid $20 I was an experiment and replacing my tooth was not out of the kindness of their hearts
Posted in
June 5th, 2007 at 08:38 pm
Well I checked my pressure (BP) and it was 111/67 which is great. I have been watching my pressure because at one point it was really high. Now the doctor's office just called and told me that all my blood work came back negative
Posted in
May 31st, 2007 at 09:11 pm
$635 at the dentist today. If it is one thing that I have learned and that is to take care of your teeth. My god, this is so expensive. I did put this on the credit card and plan on paying off (I will pay off) before the next billing cycle. I just did not want to clean out my saving and take funds away from my house fund and besides I will not acrue any interest before then. I still have a ew more things to take care of, inregards to my teeth but I am holding off right now
Posted in
May 20th, 2007 at 04:56 am
My BP was down 110/60 which I think is low but according to the new numbers for BP this is great. Anyhow, I got on the bike for five minutes yesterday...lol I am so out of shape
Oh yeah I forgot, Cingular called to verify CC because of course they were running into problems processing my $83.
Just lovely
Posted in
Miscellaneous ,
May 18th, 2007 at 03:43 am
Saw the doc today and it is official I have high blood pressure and was given BP pills. He wants me to have a series of test for the hot flashes that I am having, and as far the pressure goes he wants me to excercise a little more (being that I don't ) so I will hit the bike at work every day for 10 minutes and will definatley start watching my sodium intake
Thanks to everyone who suggested I see the MD right away you guys were right.
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