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can't believe it

February 8th, 2007 at 03:35 am

I went into Macy's today and did not buy a thing, yep I sure did. Believe me there were soooo many items that were great buys but I thought either this blouse or my house and I went with the house. My goal is to have a down payment saved by the end of this year/early '08 and buying clothes at the drop of a dime is not going to help. That was how I accumalated my cc debt now I can say I have no CC debt and I want it to stay that way. Now I need to work on my eating out, this is an expensive habit

FYI: Recall

February 8th, 2007 at 02:57 am

For Christmas I bought two easy bake ovens, one for my grand neice and my little cousin. Now Hasbro is recalling the easy-bake ovens, it's the pink and purple one. To receive a repair kit, call 800-601-8418

Game time

February 5th, 2007 at 12:19 am

I am in the football pool at work, wish me luck. I can use the extra cash

Talk about gross

February 2nd, 2007 at 03:59 am

You will not believe what happened to me today, I almost forgot to post. Any how I am on my way to school and get to the ed light, well this girl get out f the car walk around to the driver side and pulls her pants down to urine. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I was shocked , I mean who in their right mind would do something like that? i wish I had taken the tag and called the cops

Darn!!! out of checks

February 1st, 2007 at 04:16 am

I hardly ever write a check, other than paying my tithes...well I went to write a check for my tithes and no check. The last time I ordered checks was over 3 years ago. I am soooo upset, now I have to wait for Sunday's paper in order to get the introductory offer for checks

Waiting for $48.09

January 29th, 2007 at 05:08 am

Ok I sold some books on these sites, you're required to ship the item with in 3 days but it takes forever to receive your payment. Amazon states you'll receive your payment in 7 days ( at least that is what I thought) now I get an email today stating my funds will be deposited with 5 business days almost two weeks after my item was sold. only pays twice a month, this sucks...but patience is every thing

Trying new things

January 26th, 2007 at 01:13 am

I do don't know I always seem to make the same things for dinner, never going out side of the box. So I decided to make wraps and boy they were delicious; I never knew wraps could be so good. I was just driving along to class and thought wraps for dinner will be quick and easy I'll try it and I am glad I

Finally, received my payment

January 25th, 2007 at 01:13 am

From, almost 3 weeks later. But I am not complaining, now I am just waiting on the $49 from Amazon at least I should be receiving payment with in 7 days, we'll see


January 23rd, 2007 at 02:41 am

Today while I was in Target, this lady dropped a couple of pennies. Anyway she looks down at them and proceded to check out; as she completed her transaction she looked down at the pennies and left them there. Being the frugal person I am I picked them up Big Grin At one point I would never pick u pennies now I can not pass them by

Pretty good day

January 22nd, 2007 at 03:19 am

I had a pretty good day today. I was able to get my shopping done( sticking to the list), wash my hair, dry my clothes (line dry) and get a cat nap in before work Big Grin Now that I am at work I was able to get some needed studying in Smile that was a plus, since yeserday I did not do a thing. And to top everything off all the seniors were pleasant today...yippie. I just hope tomorrow is the same way


January 20th, 2007 at 03:24 pm

I usually line dry my clothes trying to save money. Well the lawn guy just showed up;30 minutes after I hung every thing out. I wish he would make up his mind on which day he will be coming and stick to

Poor lady

January 18th, 2007 at 04:18 am

I am here watching the news and there was a contest in which a woman drank so much water she had water poison. The point of the contest was to drink as much water as possible with out going to the bathroom well her lungs filled up with water and she basically died from water poison. How sad

Anything to get you to spend

January 17th, 2007 at 09:21 pm

As you all know I have no cc debt, I was checking my email and there was one from Macy's wishing me a happy birthday. I thoght that was nice but when I opened the email it said happy birthday alright and free shipping with my next purchase. Now the old me would have jumped all over that, but the new and improved Amber said no way jose

Library Fine

January 17th, 2007 at 03:26 pm

I finally got around to paying my library fee for the lost DVD, it was only $12.99, I got lucky I thought it would be a lot more. The rep went on Amazon to check the price, so I made out like a bandit and if I find the dvd I can return it for a full refund

Happy Birthday to me :)

January 17th, 2007 at 06:15 am

I am up late tonight working on my project for Thursday's class, I must say it looks nice, any how I did not realize it but it is after 12am and it is my birthday. Mom's taking me out to lunch/dinner what ever I prefer...this is a first in a long time that she has ever done something like this so I am excited, haven't sat at a restaurant for dinner in a while and I love to eat out

Tomorrow's payday

January 17th, 2007 at 03:39 am

Ok tomorrow is payday and I need to decide what I am doing, actually this is more of a mental note to myself

$300 EF
$25 IRA
$10 Misc Account
$75 Challenge/home account
$20 Car account
$20 Tuition account
$50 personal account
$500 total savings
$136 FPL
$38 Home phone
$65 cable
$20 student loan
$20 Tithes
$779 total spent
Approximately $260 will be left if that is the case it will be going into the EF

Only $1.97 in interest

January 16th, 2007 at 04:42 am

I know something is better than nothing, but I only earned a $1.97 in interest. I deposit at least $50 a month to my IRA and at my age I am aware it should be more, but I am just a little dissappointed seems like I am not making any progress. My job offers nothing towards retirement so it's just me and now I am trying to save for a house and EF as well...I'm stressed

Having trouble

January 15th, 2007 at 11:47 pm

Logging into my account, I pretty much check my checking account on a daily basis and for the last few days I can not log in. I am really annoyed

Happy MLK Day

January 15th, 2007 at 02:35 pm

Hope every one is enjoying there day off, it is a little gloomy here in sunny south FL but at least I am off. I have to go and check on my dad today, other than that I have really nothing else to do...maybe study a little bit; I don't know we'll see


January 15th, 2007 at 12:46 am

I am happy sold an item that was relisted on Ebay for $10 so I am just waiting for the funds to be transferred and then I will add this money to my challenge. I am so happy, I have a couple of other items to list hopefully those will sell as well

2 hours left

January 14th, 2007 at 04:11 pm

I have two hours left until the auction ends for the items that I am selling on Ebay. This listing and selling stuff is not as easy as I thought. I did offer free shipping, I have two people watching but no bids we'll see. I will just keep listing and see how it all plays out

trying out Amazon

January 14th, 2007 at 04:07 pm

I just listed another textbook on Amazon, I hope I can sell this item. This is my first time listing with them so we will see

How cute

January 14th, 2007 at 03:41 pm

I signed onto my ING account, and what did I see a Happy Birthday post with a cake...that was cute. My birthday isn't until Wednesday but I thought it was cute anyway

Had to relist

January 10th, 2007 at 01:52 am

I had to relist my items on Ebay but this time I offered free shipping, I hope I am able to sell both of these items. I will list some other things later this week and offer free shipping as well. We'll see, I am just trying to make some extra cash some how

Just a little concerned

January 8th, 2007 at 04:55 am

I met this guy, who is 20 years older than I am but he is a nice guy. He's funny and appears to be caring but it is the age that I am worried about; I have known him for awhile butFriday was our first time spending some one on one time together. I have not dated any one seriuosly for almost 4 years now and would like to settle down but to actually date some one who's kids are the same age as me is a little bit scary

ING New checking account

January 5th, 2007 at 02:28 am

ING has a new checking account offering:

5.30% APY on every dollar for balances of $100,000 or more
5.05% APY on balances between $50,000 and $100,000
3.00% APY for balances up to $50,000
A MasterCardฎ Debit Card for purchases
Free ATM access at more than 32,000 locations nationwide
Free Bill Pay
Send money securely to anyone for Free with Electric Checks

I sold my first item

January 3rd, 2007 at 02:27 am

Wow I am so happy I sold both my text books today on this is the first time I ever done anything like this. One book was $36.89 and the other $37.56 at total of $74.45 the only problem is makes two payments a month so I have to wait until the 15th but once I receive the payment it's going into my education/tuition account


January 1st, 2007 at 08:50 pm

I found a couple of things that I can part with on Ebay, so I will take the pics and post them on Thursday. I still need to go through some things but I am ready to start selling things. I did list my books on but no luck if they do not sell by next week I may post elsewhere like Amazon but we will see

Goals for the challenge

January 1st, 2007 at 05:34 pm

Thanks to rduell I decided to do the following for the challenge at some point last year I stopped but here is the plan
- 39 cents added every time I save postage
- any gift of money that I get throughout the year
- use more coupons and transfer the money I save
- $1 for every no-spend day
- $2 for every "A" I get
- $1 for every "B"
- .50 for every "C"

Library Fee

January 1st, 2007 at 05:09 pm

Ok I picked up a movie for my nephwe "Cat in the Hat" and now I can not find it Frown I have cleaned my room from top to bottom and no signs of it. Now I am going to have to pay for it which I am sure is over priced compaired to some where else. I ask my nephew if he had it and he said he left in FL in the tv (he's 3) I do believe him because we fell asleep watching it and I turned off the TV. And where the DVD is he can not reach i just do not remeber taking it out, I wonder if it is some how stuck in the player nah it would not work oh well

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